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abdominal bulge after tram flap



  • michlady
    michlady Member Posts: 12

    jmeissnert1127:   I just private messaged you the names and phone number of who you can call to get you started.   

  • Sunnygirl2
    Sunnygirl2 Member Posts: 1

    I have the same problem after DIEP in April of this year. I know about the doctors in NY that you and Ms. Tori saw--I need a referenced for the Washington D.C. area. Do you have any recommendations?  Many thanks!

  • michlady
    michlady Member Posts: 12

    Sunnygirl2 - No, I don't know of anyone in the D.C. area...

  • njst
    njst Member Posts: 2

    I am post TRAM flap 7.5 yr. and have had constant PT for lymphadema and pain of abdomen but still painful, bloated and hard from breast to pelvis. Can you send me the contact information for NY Dr.s? I am permanently disabled by the damage done and am being forced to go on Medicare in April 2015 in spite of being 60 y.o. Do they take Medicare? Most places I have reached out to for help do NOT. Thank you for your posts. I had pretty well given up all hope of returning to a quality recovery, but you have given me some hope.

  • LiLi-RI
    LiLi-RI Member Posts: 160

    Hi Ladies: I had my DIEP last June. My belly was so swollen that I thought the PS pulled me too tight. In August, I had skin graft surgery due to necrosis on radiated breast. Then, I had terrible gallbladder attacks in September, and I had it removed the 1st week of October. Throughout these procedures, I continued to alert my PS that "something is not right"....why is my abdomen so distended and painful. PS said he had no idea what was wrong. He did not believe that it was a complication of DIEP surgery. At my last appointment in December, PS had no answers and no suggestions for scans etc. I was (and still am) depressed. My belly grows larger as I move or afternoon, I look 7 months pregnant. I research all the time. Tomorrow I am scheduled for my first endoscopy. I have already been through ultrasound, x-ray, and CAT scanned. My internist is working with a surgeon to figure out what to could be mesh rejection or mesh-related, ventral hernia, or something which is pushing on my nerves. Blood work indicates high inflammation markers. They have found a fast growing node on my adrenal gland, which must be removed, but not likely the reason for the constant pain and distended belly. My endoscopy is to rule out other possibilities. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated! Thank you. lis

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    hi ladies!

    I'm sorry I have not been on the boards for awhile. I see many new women, one of whom I spoke with last night to, and got her started to regaining her life again. The surgeons are in NY on Long Island. They have developed a proven technique to repair hernias....and from reading these posts, that's what it sounds like. Not bloating, not time will heal...blah blah blah. Take charge of your health. I'm in Florida and made the trip to NY to go to these surgeons to be repaired because everyone here either said nothing was wrong with me or they could not help me. And after reading Dr. Georger Denoto and Dr. Ron Isreali's scientific article on repairing TRAM and even some DIEPS's, I thought it made sense and even spoke to a prior patient I saw them in March 2013, and that's when they diagnosed me with hernias. Up till that point, I was told I was fine, everything was healing and the swelling would go down. I had a CT and it was normal. But when I consulted with my NY surgeons, they actually exxmIned me and told me a CT lying down would not show. Hernia, or in my case hernias. If you would like, please PM me and I will get back to you. It's much easier to go through social media than the boards for me. I can get you started. So far, 6 women from the boards have been repaired by the surgeons. I can also answer any questions.

    Hugs, Tori

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    you can google the surgeons. Again, they are Dr. Ron Isreali and Dr. George Denoto. The first is a plastic surgeon....highly recommend for all surgeries, the second is a gastroenterologist. They work together to do the repairs. And if you think it's from bloating, think again. If it doesn't go away after a few months, it's most likely a hernia. The sooner you get in to see them the better. There has been only one lady I've referred to them, that they could not help, due to time, and curcumdtances and it broke both our hearts. This is my goal I'm finding out. To help everyone who has been through this and having issues. Michlady and I have both been repaired. And are here to help. There IS HOPE! Contact me via PM so I will see that I have a message on the boards. I don't come on here to often. But if you PM me, I will get an email saying someone contacted me.

    Hugs, Tori

  • zcb
    zcb Member Posts: 1

    After reading all these posts, I'm not sure I'm having the exact same issues but some seem the same. I have a small bulge in my UPPER abdomen and it is on the left side. Tram muscle was removed in reinforced with mesh on the RIGHT side. When I point out the small bulge and mention the pain to my PS, he said "but we didn't do anything on that side". I don't care if that is not where the muscle was removed, it hurts! I do not have the "frog belly" I don't think, no bulge in my lower abdomen, this is my upper abdomen, directly under my rib cage with pain all the way to my man-made belly button. After reading this, I feel kind of fortunate but I am afraid the bulge will get bigger and more painful if I ignore it. And I will definitely be watching for lower abdominal bulging! The bulge is obvious to me looking down but CT (laying down) was clear. Anyone have this "opposite side" pain or issue?

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,739

    Dear zcb,

    Welcome to the BCO community. We are sorry about the pain that you are having but so glad that you reached out here. While you are waiting for others to chime in you might want to check out this information on our site about the Tram Flap procedure. Please stay connected and keep posting.

    The Mods

  • Galsal
    Galsal Member Posts: 754

    Please know that I too have been to the NYC Surgeons referenced by MsTori. They are so very excellent! As she did, I took the same CT Scan done here locally where it was deemed all is fine. Both surgeons looked at and said I see exactly where the hernia is, even showed me on the images. My repair surgery is scheduled for Oct 30th in NYC. Initially I was to have a DIep Flap. However, during surgery it was converted to a Free Form Flap which lower abdominal muscle being removed. I've learned that even with a Diep Flap the risk is there for a hernia.

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Hi again,

    When looking at the TRAM section of this site, keep in mind the following. All TRAMS carry a 40% risk of hernia formation. I didn't find this out until much much later. Some women will do fine, and my hats off to them, and I wish them well, and I'm truly happy it worked for them. But, this removes muscle, and it turns out, that yes, you really do need that muscle or muscles. This is an outdated surgery and one that I hope that will be obolsete one day. Yes, I may get some lash out from this. But I can't stand ideally by as women's lives are put on hold, and complications arise, and they lose hope. When I sit on the phone with women who have contacted me and the despair or crying I hear breaks my heart. Sounds tough, but it's reality. So many women have contacted me regarding issues after having the TRAM, Free TRAM, and even two DIEPS, as it disrupts the fascia to get to the muscle to dissect the artery and vein out (with DIEPS Flaps). Granted there is a much lower risk with the DIEP, and I'm not advocating against the DIEP surgery. I think it's the proper way to go if you don't want implants, or another type of Flap, but not the TRAM. I've posted many times regarding repairs and my surgeons. They have actually just wrote a chapter on their repair technique in Vol. 2 in The Atlas of Abdominal Reconstruction, as invited by the Director of The Cleveland Clinic, for their expertise in hernia repair after said surgeries. I remain available if anyone has questions or needs help. Just PM me, and know their is a proven and successful repair. And most importantly, hope. ((Hugs))

  • bdavis2
    bdavis2 Member Posts: 7

    what is plication?

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    plication is where they bring the fascia or abdominal muscles together. Cannot be done if there's no muscle though. In the case of TRAM flap patients. It's bringing together two objects to close the size or hollow area. There is some plication with repair. With hernia repair for TRAM, it's moving the lateral obliques forward some and suturing the mesh to them. The surgery involves more , but that's a general definition.

    Another definition would be say for a mother after having children, to have a tummy tuck, they would bring the abdominal muscle together, in essence tighten them, as they've been stretched by pregnancy.

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    hi again,

    If anyone desires help after TRAM, FREE TRAM OR DIEP, please PM me. I will be notified I have a message through my regular email. The surgeons and their names have been posted numerous times. You can also google them and call them. They are on LI, NY. Contacting Dr. Ron Isreali, you would want to speak with Eva. Hope this helps. I'm over 2 years out from repair and doing great. Hope this helps and don't lose hope.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,739

    Hi all-

    We have some information about the risks associated with the TRAM flap procedure on our main site, which you can find here: As with any part of your treatment, and especially with surgical procedures, it is important to research your options and find the one that is best for you.

    The Mods

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    I'm thinking of starting a new thread on the Tram Flap. As many women, will more easily be able to locate it if they type it in. In there, I will discuss the complications, and other options for surgery to reconstruct or not to. I don't believe that enough women are being reached before they have this surgery. This way, when a new women comes to the site and types in Tram Flap, it will pop up immediately. Any thoughts or suggestions on the new thread name appreciated. Also, I need to find out how to go about " how to start a thread." May not happen right away, but it's my goal. Hugs and hope


  • hhayes91
    hhayes91 Member Posts: 2

    Hi Tori,

    I reached out via PM to you. I'm hoping to speak to others who have seen the NYC doctors. I've reached out to them.

    I had a dmx. I had the DIEP  & SGAP done (no muscle removed) in Jan, large right lower abdominal bulge by end of March, attempted repair by my PS at NOLA in June. That repair failed in July. My bulge gets larger and more painful every month  I've been searching for doctors to repair me ever since. I recently found the doctors in NYC. My friend Michele (also had a diep with no muscle removed) is having her abdominal bulge & 3 hernia's repaired by them next month. I'd really appreciate talking to some of the six women who have been repaired by Dr. Israeli and Dr. Denoto.



  • CarolynAnne
    CarolynAnne Member Posts: 17

    zcb- I know your post was back in July. I have the same opposite side bulge above my abdominal scar. Have you gotten any answers from your PS or other docs?

    I had my uni-mx and muscle-sparring TRAM Flap in August. It was supposed to be DIEP Flap but found out after surgery that they had used mesh but didn't explain exactly why. When I read my surgical report, that is when I saw they actually did the TRAM.

    My PS said the bulge is most likely abdominal fat not a hernia and he didn't seem to care and didn't offer any suggestions or help.

    The bulge can be painful and it is unsightly. I know we all feel that we shouldn't complain but I want answers and relief!

    Did losing weight help anyone? I am 20 lbs overweight ( gained during chemo prior to surgery and kept on partially because of being thrown into menopause)

    I am trying to lose it!

    Best wishes to everyone!

  • Ramonica60
    Ramonica60 Member Posts: 9

    Hi Davis..I am having much of the same issues as you had. Just had diep on one side and free tram on the other at a major hospital in Phila. Is that where you went? Wonder if we had the same PS? I am 7 wks out from surgery and this abd. bulge is driving me crazy. Had I known about this I would have done implants!

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Please PM me or see the above posts. Ladies, a Tram, free tram and DIEP can result in hernias. A CT lying down will not show them. I had this done and told I was okay. But I had pain and looked 4 months pregnant. Many have been repaired by my NY PS and NY gastroenterologist who's names are in the above post. I will PM you with more info. These two surgeons developed a technique to repair women such as us, as these surgeries come with a risk of hernia formation. No amount of weight loss will fix a hernia. Granted the DIEP has a lower incidence, but when ever muscle is removed, fascia is disrupted, you have a risk of hernias.


  • MichHutch
    MichHutch Member Posts: 1

    I've been sitting here reading and crying for over an hour. I feel relieved that it's not just me, but frustrated with the whole situation. Miss Tori, It's been a few years. Has anyone other than the two NY doctors started doing this procedure? I am 5 months out from a bilateral mastectomy (had to have one, opted for both - high risk family history) and tram belly reconstruction. Reconstruction failed on one side, the other side had 2 months of complications, I opted to have it removed. I now have very flat lower belly, FROG belly in middle that looks like I did when pregnant, and no breasts. I feel like I'm wearing an innertube and am very self conscious and uncomfortable! I'm in MA. It's now 2016, is there anything/anyone here that can help?

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,739

    Hi MichHutch, we 're sorry we can't really help you with this... but wanted to send you a warm welcome you to our community here at BCO. Hope you get some answers soon and you find the advice and support you're looking for.

    Best wishes,

    The Mods

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    hi ladies, thanks for messaging me, I have sent you a message back. Please feel free to contact me. sometimes when you message me, im alerted via my email address, but I get a lot of junk mail, and it may take me awhile to get back to you. Today, I just messaged two ladies with my info. I wish I could post my email and contact info here....moderators, is this allowed? I've created a FB page for exactly this reason, to reach as many people as possible. It's called TRAM/DIEP- Complications and Hope. Hope this allowed to be posted. No one should have to live with these complications and without hope for a repair. The typing on here is slow for me, and difficult. Unsure why. But, I remain here for you and to help you.

  • Jo2tate
    Jo2tate Member Posts: 1

    hello, I had my surgery April 10, 2015 and. My Ps doesn't know what happen I have a bulge under my right breast that is larger then my breast, the more active I am the worse it is.. My ps told me I had to learn to live with it, I have went to several other surgeons and to no hope.. I was wondering if you can help me.. I'm so depress and lost

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    hi Jo2tate,

    I'm unsure about bulges under the breast. I do know that when a tram flap is done, they take the rectus muscle and move it towards the breast area. This can create a bulge under the breast, as the rectus muscle is folded over if you will. But, this shouldn't be causing you pain this far out from surgery. The muscle eventually will atrophy. If it's more towards the abdomen or midsection, then I would suspect hernias. You can always PM me or I've listed the FB group here as well.



  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    I know this question has been asked- is there anyone else that can do this surgery in the States. I'm sorry to report that these are the only 2 surgeons that work in unison and a very good repair history, that do this hernia repair. I'm currently working with the financial aspect of this with a Foundation and I'm hopeful that they will help. But I don't want t make promises. Ut no, as of now, these two LI, NY surgeons are the only two performing this repair.

  • KarenAus
    KarenAus Member Posts: 66


    I had tram and diep due to not having enough blood vessels for full diep in Jan 2017 and was doing well except for a bulge where the muscle was taken out. I mentioned it to PS last time I saw him and he said give it time. Last week I was doing rehab and felt like I had pulled a muscle when I got up from one of the exercises and now have swelling right down to my groin and still hurts 4 days later. My PS rang from Japan where he was holidaying so I can't fault him on care but again rest and give it time. It is 9 months since op and this happens. I am a bit over it to tell the truth.

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Please see earlier posts by myself and many friends on my FB group. You have sisterhood of women that understand. The FB group name is listed. You can also PM me at Tori Gaskins. I get a lot of junk email and don’t always see replies to my messages here. I hope to connect with you and be of help.

  • cocolala
    cocolala Member Posts: 20

    Hi all,

    I'm almost 9 months post Tram flap, and I noticed a bulge on my lower right abdomen (where the muscle was taken) about 1-2 months ago. When I gently pat it I can hear a hollow sound, that it is bloating. But I don't feel the usual bloating discomfort (I tend to bloat a lot my whole life but usually the bloating discomfort is on my left tummy). And now I suddenly remember during my AC chemo I was constipated, and there's once I had this bloating pain on the lower right - the exact place where I'm having the bulge now.

    My breast surgeon did not mention Hernia, but saying it's tissue torn at the inside, probably because I do stretching and simple yoga. Now I'm not allowed to do stretching, yoga and other activities that will strain the abdominal muscle. I'm only allowed to do walking as exercise. Before I see my breast surgeon, I don't really feel anything at the bulging area. After he confirmed the bulging I started feeling something pulling inside, and occasionally "knife-cutting pain" on top area of the bulge and incision line.

    Breast surgeon only advised to wear girdle and corset. He said if I don't take care I might need surgery to fix it. During chemo I coughed for a month, and after chemo my sinus came back and I sneezed a lot in the morning. Doc said these could possibly caused the tissue torn too. Now when I sneeze and blow my nose I use one hand to press the bulge afraid the tissue would torn further.

    Is the bloating bulge = hernia? I saw one poster mentioned that the bloating is due to lymphatic drainage issue.

  • lisalovespink
    lisalovespink Member Posts: 1

    Hi, I’ve noticed that these posts are from 2013. Is this site still active? I’m in need of some guidance and support.

    Double Mastectomy with immediate reconstruction (Tram flap) 2012

    Very depressed and unhappy due to abdominal bulge/hernia. I look pregnant at 54. Been living in everything elastic.

    I can’t live this way anymore. It hurts to eat, it hurts to bend, it hurts to tie laces and paint my toes. Never had any of these

    problems before. Thinking of surgery.