The power of prayer...
Heavenly Father, thank you for my friends on the boards here a Please be with these dear sisters and bless them as they continue on their walk with You. Help the ones that are struggling with pain and other difficulties in their lives at this time. Please in your loving kindness touch each on with your mercy and grace. In the precious name of Jesus. Amen
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Dear Lord. Thank You for all the love and caring
kittycat shares with us. Please be with her and
help her to stay strong in Your arms of peace.
Thank You Lord for helping her with all her pain
and trials. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
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Dear Heavenly Father,
We praise your Holy Name and ask that You will keep all of the dear bc sisters in your tender care. We all have needs with our health, family, and wanting to be a light to others who do not know You. Please give strength to sisters that are hurting with physical pain or mental anguish. Comfort those who have lost loved ones or are afraid for their loved ones choices or lifestyles. We especially keep Sue and her family in our prayers as she has sorrow over the recent loss of her dear sister and grandbaby.
We praise you for each breath we take and the joy we have because we know and love You. We hold on to the promise that You will never leave us or forsake us.
Thank you for our friend, footprintangel, who faithfully prays for us all.
You are a mighty God and we thank you for your amazing gift of salvation. We thank you for every blessing.
In Your Son's Holy and Precious Name. Amen.
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Dear Lord, Thank You for Jane and all the wonderful
and loving ways she helps us to remember You.
Please be with her and help her feel all Your love
and peace, Help her also to trust in You for all
challenges and pain. In Jesus name. Amen
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Dear Lord,
Please bless all the ladies on these boards. Keep them comfortable and cancer free, Bless all those in treatment and recovering.
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Dear Lord,
Please be with Sue_Blue and her family in all their struggles and heartaches.
Please give them your peace that passes all understanding. Amen.
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Dear Lord, Be with Genia and help her to see
all the wonderful love and blessing she is to us
all. Please be with her and help her with all she
is going threw at this time. May she be filled with
comfort and peace. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, May we be very grateful for Patoo and
all the ways she shares her love with us. Please
be with her and help her to feel Your caring spirit
all around her. Please help her with any needs or
trials she is going threw. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Thank You for Jo and all she does to
help us see Your light. Please be with her and
carry her threw all her challenges she is facing.
May she have peace and comfort and rest in
Your loving arms. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Thank You for Jane and her love
she shares with us all. Please be with her
in all she is going threw, May she rest in
Your everlasting arms of love. In Jesus name. Amen
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Dear Lord, Please be with and help ease all
that sue_blue is going threw. Please give her
comfort and help her rest in Your peaceful loving,
arms. Thank You for all You have done for her.
In Jesus name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Thank You for all the love and courage You
have given Saints wonderful family. Please bless them
and help them to feel all the love and friendship we have
for them. May they feel all Your everlasting love for them.
In Jesus name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Please be with Donna and all her doctor
and nurses, that they may help her to feel better.
May she have peace and comfort with You by her
side. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Thank You for all You are doing to
help Sharon. Please be with her and help her
be filled with Your comfort and peace. May she
know that You will never leave her alone. In Jesus
name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Please be with and comfort kittycat. Help
her feel all the peace and joy You fill her with to help
her threw these times. Bless her with all she is in need
of. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Please be with and help fionn with all
her needs and fears. May she feel Your everlasting
love all around her. Please help with any painful
trial she is having. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Thank You for Faith and her wonderful
and caring love. Please be with her and help her
with all that she is going threw. May she rest in
the arms of Your love. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Thank You for Shelia and all the love
and kindness she shares with others, Please help
her with all she is going threw. May she be filled
with Your love and courage. In Jesus name we
pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Thank You for Makraz and all the peace
and comfort she shares with us. May she be filled
With Your Holy Spirit, To help her know that You will
never leave her alone. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Thank You for all the love and caring
bcincolorado shares with us. Please be with her
and help her feel all the people that love her and
are praying for her. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Thank You for Deborye and all the
love and kindness she shares with us all. Please
be with her and help her with all her needs and
pain. May she be filled with Your everlasting
love. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
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Dear Love, Please be with and help 3jaysmom, May she feel
all the love and kindness You share each day with us all.
Help her with all her challenges she is facing. May You
help her with all her pain and trials. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Please be with Rose47 and help her
to feel You peace and comfort around her. May she
rest in Your everlasting arms of peace. In Your name
we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Thank You for all You are doing to
help and comfort Leah58. Please be with her
and help her to know all the love You have
shared and given her. be with her and keep
her stong. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Please be with Deb and help her
to be filled by Your love and peace. Help her
know how much You love and care for her.
In Jesus name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord,
Please be with all who are in need this morning.
You know all of our wants and needs and desires.
Please grant us the things we need and show us your endless mercy
and give us strength for the day. Amen.
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Dear Lord-
Thankyou first and foremost for saving me. Your precious gift of salvation is what gives me strength in the hard times. I pray for each and everyone of my bc sisters on this board. Lord You know their prayers and circumstances so i leave it in your hands to bless them. I pray for those who are in pain or mental anguish. Lord please comfort and guide them past the pain and the worries. Put Your comforting healing arms around them healing them and giving them positive thoughts. I pray for foots Lord, amidst her pain she prays for all of us and i pray that you heal and protect her. I pray for the unsaved Lord, that they might know the wonder of You.
All these things i ask in Your Precious Name
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Foots you are truly amazing.
Blessings to all my prayer warrior sisters here.
Lord, I lift them all up for your incredible grace to rain down upon each and every one. That your name will be above all others in everything they say and do and that you will continue to lead and guide us down that narrow path. It would be so easy Lord to venture to the right or left but we know that following you will bring us face-to-face with the Father. There is no greater motivator. Thank you for your forgiveness as we know without your love we would truly be lost. Because of you we have a great peace and we pray that others will come to know You and develop that intimate relationship.
In the precious name of our Lord, Jesus, Amen.
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