The power of prayer...

When I was at the surgeon's office yesterday....there was a lady sitting across from me. She glanced at me and asked if I was ok.....I was in pain and it must have showed. I told her that I was ok.....just sore.....and hurting even with pain meds.
She proceeded to tell me her story....about how she had survived colon cancer....and had just had her gall bladder removed the week before. Here I was wallowing in self pity, because my mediport was really hurting and I thought it might be infected. She was showing me all the places she had one.....they had to move it so many times because she would get a blood clot....or it would become infected. Suddenly....I didn't feel so bad! Here this lady sat......with the biggest smile on her face.......and such a POSITIVE attitude.....while I sat there and fought off my pain.
When I was leaving.....she was leaving at the same time. I stopped her in the hallway and told her to take care and thanked her for being there and helping me deal with all of this.
She hugged me......and as she was hugging me.....she said a prayer for me for God's healing. She told me that she felt in her heart I would beat this......with God's helping hand guiding my Dr.'s every step of the way.
I can't even explain to you how I felt when she let go of was like all her warmth and attitude had been passed over to me. I knew in my heart at that moment.......I was gonna be just fine.
I truly believe God sends angels to watch over us........and he places them where they need to be on a particular day and time!!!
I'm so thankful he placed her there yesterday........
Something I found, and I know:
Mark 11:24
Jesus said:
"Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them."
Gods Love,
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Very true Laura......thanks for the reminder!
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Thanks for sharing that story. It encourages me to remember that a positive attitude and faith are contagious. It also reminds me that there is always someone struggling with worse things than I am bearing. It reminds me to be thankful for the many blessings that God has already and continues to provide. It reminds me of the importance of love, sympathy, understanding, and hope -- of loving others, and being loved.
Thank you Genia for sharing.....
God's richest blessings to you! (Eph. 3:20)
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Thank you Sue.....God is GOOD!!!! He has given me so much and taken care of me through all of this..........I love him beyond anything I can tell you.
Whatever his will for me is.......that's all I can ask him for!
God Bless you........hugssssssss
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Hes my joy,
Hes my light.
Hes my strength
and my sight.
Hes my friend
when I am low.
Hes my Savior,
I love him so! By Debbie
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Beautiful poem.........thank you!!!!!
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God love you and so do I!
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I know that my friend.........thank you!
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May His love enfold you,
May His peace surround you,
May His light touch you.
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How beautiful my friend........thank you!
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Genia, What an uplifting story. It reminds me that I need to be open to God's leading to pray for people. I was in the waiting room for a mamogram a few months ago to take a picture of what I already knew was cancer when I noticed a woman that seemed very nervous. I've been through this before, I've been stage IV for over 3 years so I know the ropes. She asked the room in general what would happen if she had a lump. I told her what to expect. The thing was that I really think God was telling me to go pray with her. I didn't and I'm still kicking myself, it's such a small thing. I will remember your story the next time I am in that situation - and hopefully I won't wimp out.
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Genia, What an uplifting story. It reminds me that I need to be open to God's leading to pray for people. I was in the waiting room for a mamogram a few months ago to take a picture of what I already knew was cancer when I noticed a woman that seemed very nervous. I've been through this before, I've been stage IV for over 3 years so I know the ropes. She asked the room in general what would happen if she had a lump. I told her what to expect. The thing was that I really think God was telling me to go pray with her. I didn't and I'm still kicking myself, it's such a small thing. I will remember your story the next time I am in that situation - and hopefully I won't wimp out.
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Thank you pink........I hope to see her again at some point! And I'm sure if it's God's will......I will see her!
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Genia, Thanks for the caing note, It looks like we are rowing the same boat, I am in Washington By Seattle, I am really gald you are here, I put up the grateful line and try to write in every day. Take care, Debbie
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Genia, I am coming to wish you His peace threw this night. Please remember how much he loves us. My lymphedema is very painful tonight. So I wont be able to put the poem I want to on.
May His love comfort you threw this night, Debbie
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Thank you Debbie........
It's 2:20 am and here I sit. My stomach is so bloated I can't sleep........oh the joys of chemo!
Big hugs to you.....hope you feel better soon!
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Love is good when you share it with a friend. God shares his love with you. So this week share His love with others. PS I will never leave you or forsake you. Your Father In Heaven
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Genia and Pink, How are you doing? You are in my prays and know that it always gets easier someday. My Prays are with all of you. Take care, Debbie
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I'm ok are you sweetie???
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Genia, I'm still being tested my dentures spilt today and I took them in and get them tomorrow. Satan get thou behind me I have been saying alot. I know that God helps me threw everyday. I am going to be so happy when things start going the other way. Take Care, Debbie
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I'm doing ok, getting pretty worn out from working full time. I'm going to have to cut back my hours so I have some energy to be in and with my family. I guess it makes me feel like cancer is winning when I have to alter my life. I also kick myself at not taking time off earlier and letting myself get so tired I can't really cope. I'm having an I hate cancer day/ pity party day, I guess we all get our turns when the journey seems so endless. It's a relief to come here and know you all know exactly how I feel. I'm touched by the mercy of God to lead me here this place.
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I know the feeling.......both of you!!! It seems sometimes the more you try.........the harder you fall. But for the sake of those that love me.......I can't give up. Most days I wanna
hugssss to you both......
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Where is My Faith?
Where is my faith when I need it,
To help me threw the day.
Why is there so much trials,
Each and every way.
I reached up to my Lord,
And gave them to him. He said, "My child we can make it threw, Just walk with me more."
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That is sooo very pretty hun!!! Did you write that?
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Yes, I see God give me peace and lets me know he is there, Even though tonight I feel a overload of burdens. I am fighting too many battle for help with my medical needs and even my church has been too busy. I am too the point were I dont want to bother anyone.(teary) I know God is there and I can be strong, Well I better go I dont want to get my computer wet and am in pain, God bless you, Debbie
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A Seed of Faith
In your worst moments, a seemingly far-fetched or ridiculous-sounding positive thought, word, or action can act as a seed of faith that will spark the healing process for you. As you meditate on God's Word and pray, daring to quote His promises for your healing, your faith will grow, and you will receive your miracle.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.- Hebrews 11:1Be Blessed! Elizabeth
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Thank you Debbie......and thank you Elisabeth!
May God bless you both....
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God be in my head and in my understanding;
God be in my eyes and my looking;
God be in my mouth and my speaking;
God by in my heart and thinking;
God be in my end and my departing;
By Sarum Primer 1538.
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I love that one too.......that is so pretty!!!!
hugs and thank you for sending it to me.........
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God is good! I think all of this reminds me of the man who complained that he had no shoes until he saw the man who had no feet.
I think it is in Deuteronomy that says "I am not afraid for the Lord, thy God shall not fail me or forsake me."
I try to give people at least a smile and a few words of encouragement. Remember, for so many people "we" are as close to God as they will ever be.
It is so normal to have our "down" moments... I am as guilty as the next one there in the pity party gig.
Thank You all for reminding me of the Lord's blessings. Life is but the pathway to heaven where we will be walking streets of gold!
Hugs and prayers to all.