The power of prayer...
Dear Lord,
You're so worthy to be praised. You are our gentle Shepherd, and You are so patient, forgiving, and loving with us.
Help us not stare into the rear view mirror, instead of ahead. We may crash. Keep us road ready, and well maintained so that we are well equipped for our journey ahead.
We thank you for every good thing. Teach us a simpler way. Our lives are inundated with complexities that are unnecessary. You taught this to Mary and Martha. Let us learn from your living word, gaining wisdom.
Please be with those suffering physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Dissolve our bitterness, anger,and unforgiveness so the Holy Spirit can dwell in us with peace, love, and joy.
In Jesus' name,
Jesus Visits Martha and Mary
Luke 10:38-42
38 As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. 39 She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he said. 40 But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, "Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!" 41 "Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, 42 but few things are needed-or indeed only one.[1]Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."
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Dear Lord,
There are some of us who are eternity bound. Let our trajectory be of perfect aim, straight into Your loving arms. When we are there in Heaven, we will see how our earthly sufferings perfected us, and prepared us for the full spiritual maturity You wanted for us in Your heavenly kingdom. You promise to finish the work You started in us.
In Jesus' name,
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Dear Heavenly Father,
Strengthen the ladies who are feeling stressed, overwhelmed, confused, despair over their treatment process. Give them clarity of mind to make the best decisions for themselves. May any fears experienced be overpowered by your peace that passes understanding.
Lord, we give up any expectations we have for our outcome. Yes, some of us are desperate for healing, to get on and move forward with our lives. Cancer is such an inconvenience, a major upheaval that causes such a great upset. We may even question you as to why this is even happening to us. Nonetheless, we put our hope in you for you are a good God. We walk in faith and accept that the outcome is in your hands. You alone are enough for us.
Thank you Lord for the words from Oswald Chambers in today's devotion from My Utmost for His Highest - "No matter how well we know God, the great lesson to learn is that He may break in at any minute. We tend to overlook this element of surprise, yet God never works in any other way." Amen!!
2 Corinthians 12:9 - My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.
In your powerful name, Amen
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Dear Heavenly Father,
May our cancer be a testimony to others who have not chosen you as Lord and Savior. May we remain faithful to you no matter how much we maybe suffering right now. We are eternally thankful for what your Son did on the cross for us so that we might now grow weary and lose heart (Hebrews 12:3), We put our rest in you as you have said "do not worry about your life (Matthew 6:25)." "For our light and momentary troubles (afflictions) are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all" (2 Corinthians 4:17). "Our bodies are buried in brokenness, but they will be raised in glory. They are buried in weakness but they will be raised in strength, They are buried as natural human bodies but they will be raised as spiritual bodies" (I Corinthians 15:43-44). Cancer will not overcome us as we continue running the race looking forward to the day we see your Son Jesus face-to-face. We also look forward to our transformation of ourselves into your likeness. Hallelujah!!
In your powerful name, Amen
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please bless miss Bianca and therapy girl. Ease their pain and ease their sorrow.
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Dear Heavenly Father,
Guide these ladies during their appointments, treatments this week. May it not be so overwhelming and stressful for them. May you give the medical professionals an extra measure of compassion and empathy as they see these ladies not just as patients but as people. Be especially with those ladies who are dying that they may experience you joy, comfort, and peace. Be with the caretakers and give them patience and understanding as they deal with their loved ones.
Thank you for Paul who gave his life to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and encouraged and strengthened the early church. As his suffering was not in vain, so, too, our suffering is not in vain. He rejoiced in his trials and sufferings to bring glory to your powerful name.
Philippians 4:11-13 - I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances...…..I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well-fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all things through him who gives me strength.
In your precious name, Amen
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Dear Lord,
I am but a lamb; You are my Shepherd. I am not to be slaughtered. You paid my price as the unblemished sacrifice for the entire world, an eternal atonement for all of our sins. You want to pour out Your blessing on us all. It breaks Your heart that not all receive it. It is the most beautiful, heartbreaking sacrifice the world has ever known, yet so many refuse to receive Your free gift of salvation.
I praise Your Holy name: Lord of Lords, King of Kings, Yeshua, Good Shepherd, Bread of Life, Lamb of God, Emmanuel (God is with us), Light of the World, Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Messiah, Savior, Son of Man, Prince of Peace, the Alpha and Omega, the Great I Am, Jesus Christ, the Way, the Truth, the Life.
No one comes to the Father but through Me. John 14:16.
May you turn our hearts of stone into hearts of flesh, receiving Your eternal gift. Our suffering is temporal. We are myopic if we only focus on this earthy life. Please tear down the veil so we may glimpse heavenly eternity.
Carry us in our suffering, let us steal away to You, Lord Jesus, for you are our refuge, joy, and strength.
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Dear Lord,
Lead us to greener pastures, to cool streams, away from barrenness, and wasteland. Lift us up, and carry us, while we sleep in Your arms, wake us up to new vistas and possibilities. Allow us to touch Your gleaming white cloak, for by faith we are healed. Matthew 9:20.
Show us Your beauty, beams of light radiating from your scars, kept in Your glorified form, a perfect sacrifice, scars kept in remembrance of Your willingness to take our place in eternal judgment. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for loving us that much. We are all undeserving, for we have all fallen short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23
Comfort us in our suffering, Lord. Make our long hours shortened, reveling in Your beauty and grace. Send us a lark, a butterfly, a smile, a song, a prayer, a hug, a whisper of love.
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Topic: Poetry thread anyone?
Forum: Managing Side Effects of Breast Cancer and Its Treatment —This is a place to discuss concerns, tips and strategies for all types of side effects from all types of medications and treatments, (chemo/rads/hormonal/targeted/pain meds/etc.
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Posted on: May 23, 2009 08:07PMReport this Post
Greenville, SCJoined: Feb 2009Posts: 510Latest activity: Feb 9, 2012
nancypat wrote:
Hi Ladies,
The good times don't last forever so neither will the bad. Lumpectomy with SNB. Right mastectomy with no recon. Open decortication for Parapneumonic Effusion due to pneumonia, from 2nd round of chemo.Dx 3/2/2009, IDC, 2cm, Stage II, Grade 2, 1/9 nodes, mets, ER+/PR-, HER2+FirstPrevious1…1011121314NextI read apple's poem and it certainly says it all! Thank you, It was a joy to read. PT63 suggested a poetry thread and I thought, why not? I didn't write poetry until a series of strokes left me having to learn to speak and read comprehensively again. So I began and this is a little of what came out. Please join with me. Whether it's funny or sad or just thought provoking. We all have so much to say and some of us need simply need a vehicle to express ourselves. I dedicate these to all of you brave ladies.
Moonlight shinning on my windowsill
You keep me moving, I can not be still
I pace silently all through the night
I meet no strangers in your shards of light
Oh, how I wander when I want to sleep
Memories stirring now from echoes deep
Within my soul a yearning to escape this shell
Peeling off the layers that I hide so well
I can pull the shades down tightly
Blocking out the light
But darkness can't fool morning
When it is no longer night
Is this emerging alter ego whom I really am?
Who slips so deftly in and out again
Is it because I'm Pisces that you tug at me so well?
As with tides which have no eyesight but still know when to swell
Take one of me with you
But leave this one behind
So that in the daylight
There is someone left to find
Nancy S.Page 14 of 14 (408 results)
Posts 391 - 408 (408 total)
MissBiancaFLJoined: Dec 2010Posts: 2,163Latest activity: Mar 9, 2019
Feb 25, 2011 07:36PM MissBianca wrote:
Hi everyone. This poem I wrote this evening was inspired by last night's fierce winter storm here in Tennessee. It is also about surviving adversity. Love to you all.
The Living Tree
Fierce winds blow
Blustering howls into the night
My destructive foe
Tries to uproot me from my great height
The forces come upon me
The cyclone twists and comes near
My branches may break
But I am not broken with fear
For my roots have grown deep
So deep, far, and wide
That I am not root-bound
Though I have nowhere to hide
Standing strong and still must endure
I am sustained with faith and abide
For living water my roots have procured
For the earth was soaked by the river I cried
My roots are now deep
So deep, far, and wide
That I'll survive winter
And in spring bloom with pride
Hope is the dream of a soul awake.appleShawnee, KSJoined: Dec 2008Posts: 7,767Latest activity: Jan 12, 2013
Apr 6, 2011 08:35AM - edited Apr 6, 2011 08:37AM by apple
brain power
suggests a flower
after a shower
(in reference to Bianca's post of February 18th.. the flower in the dew)
peace and love, apple - ..... Mary MagdalenDx 4/10/2008, IDC, 5cm, Stage IV, Grade 3, 4/9 nodes, mets, ER+, HER2+farila_1966…Byndoor, Ka, IndiaJoined: Sep 2008Posts: 221Latest activity: Jan 6, 2012
Jul 4, 2011 12:01AM farila_1966 wrote:
Cure for my FearI am a warrior too, fighting without a gun or knife
As I fight not for political reason, but for my own life
My enemy resides within me
Lethally and slowly penetrating me
Silently, making no sound, causing no pain
Ruthlessly going about destroying me again and again
I hope and pray that I am not late
In finding this enemy who with all my heart I hate
When I win the battle and try to live on
I cannot as the fear in me grows strong
Cancer was not killed; it was only given a rest
So that in slumber it can recover to be its best
As I go about my life mending and darning
It will someday attack me again without a warning
With more vehemence being more fierce
Bones, Lungs, and Liver everywhere it appears
Find a cure please, I have promises to keepFind a cure so that without nightmares I can sleep
Find a cure so the survivors can be rest assured
That we are free now- WE ARE CURED.
Farida Rizwan ( A lucky survivor living with remorse of losing loved ones to cancer) 4/2/1996, IDC, Stage IIIA, Grade 3, 8/10 nodesalamikFort Wayne, inJoined: Dec 2010Posts: 113Latest activity: Sep 24, 2012
Jul 4, 2011 04:31AM alamik wrote:
I have been writing poetry since the age of three. This is one that I wrote not long after my cancer diagnosis.
by Kimala Clark 12-14-2010
Dx Stage IV 8-12-12, but geez folks!, stop treating me like "cancer girl"!Dx 12/2/2010, IDC, 6cm+, Stage IIIC, Grade 3, 2/15 nodes, ER-/PR-, HER2-
You lay so silently. Silent but not still.
Spreading your blackness, invading my will.
Engulfing me in darkness, devouring me whole.
Raping my body, scarring my soul.
My flesh, your trophy, your pride on my death.
What value can it hold for you upon my last breath?
My life, my future, in your grasp to hold.
You've taken the power and stolen control.
Baring your teeth, your hunger not met.
Greedily feasting. But still silent yet.
What do you win? How do you gain?
What is your benefit from all of my pain?
When I look in the mirror, it's not even me.
Your ugly reflection. It's all I can see.
I feel your presence, your breath on my skin.
I would shut you out, but you're already in.
So what's next? Damn you! Why was this to be?
When your lightening struck, why did you choose me?
Through a knife, I will cut you. Through my veins, I'll resist.
But your silence so deadly. So lethal your kiss.
Violently you conquer but don't make a sound.
Methodically you redeem your flesh by the pound.
Slowly you fill me. A victim, no choice.
But your silence will never quiet my voice!
I'm still strong you bastard! Do you hear me?
I'm screaming! I'm screaming!
Why aren't you listening?appleShawnee, KSJoined: Dec 2008Posts: 7,767Latest activity: Jan 12, 2013
Jan 1, 2012 09:21AM apple wrote:
happy new year to you
you belong in a zoo
to bad we have cancer
let's hope we get thru
peace and love, apple - ..... Mary MagdalenDx 4/10/2008, IDC, 5cm, Stage IV, Grade 3, 4/9 nodes, mets, ER+, HER2+MissBiancaFLJoined: Dec 2010Posts: 2,163Latest activity: Mar 9, 2019
May 6, 2018 12:32PM MissBianca wrote:
The Trees
The darkness fears the light
Dastardly deeds are done at night
Or even in the brightest sun
Covering up devilish fun
Dressed in the whitest cloth
Yet no light to attract a moth
How to tell if the teeth glean white
From the jaws of a wolf gnawing
Or the good of a wholesome bite
A fruiting tree escapes the sawing
Look to the goods in the basket
Gathered from a good tree
Or are they poisoned apples
Dropped under the tempting tree
By Miss B
Hope is the dream of a soul awake.MissBiancaFLJoined: Dec 2010Posts: 2,163Latest activity: Mar 9, 2019
May 15, 2018 07:16PM MissBianca wrote:
When I Called Out
When I called out and heard echoes in the canyon
When I thought You had left my side
When I listened for Your voice in the wind
Some, but not all, hope in me, died.
Hope, as perennial as the grass, is hard to kill
Not like the annuals on my windowsill
Fickle they are, they want all or none
Too much or too little of water and sun
Death determined from mistakes I've done
I failed, goodbye, so to the nursery I run
Try again to place in the warmth of the sun
Try again to nurture the roots of lives I haven't won
Hope, faith, and love will last forever
For the Source of all is eternal
And eternal love, the greatest, is stolen never
Greater than the capacity of human love fraternal
When I called out, I felt a hot tear
Fall from the face of my Beloved
When I cried out in trepidation and fear,
My spirit leapt to where the White Dove led
When it was a comforting whisper I longed to hear,
Of promises of life and defeating the foe
I felt Your unspeakable Peace
Like a fawn hidden in grasses by its mother doe
When I longed for You to envelope me in Your eternal love
When I sang Your praises with the faintest of voices
You carried me to a Fortress built upon a Rock
I was finally carried home, in spite of my wrong choices
Your strength is made perfect in my weakness
And my soul rejoices, a Light Eternal in the bleakness
A ship tossed at sea in the moonless night
Guided by a lighthouse until the morning light
By Miss B
Several verses inspired by the poem Footprints, Psalm 18:2, 2 Corinthians 12:9
Hope is the dream of a soul awake.MissBiancaFLJoined: Dec 2010Posts: 2,163Latest activity: Mar 9, 2019
May 25, 2018 11:44AM MissBianca wrote:
The Brokenhearted
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds
He soothes with His presence and peace in His care
Caught in silken webs, I lost strength to struggle
I cried at His feet, it was too much to bear
He gives hope to the hopeless and restores their souls
He leads us to quiet places lovely in sight
Caught in the beauty of sunbeam by day,
Caught in the wonder of moonbeam by night
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds
He died and rose and by His stripes we are healed
Caught lovingly from a stray roundabout
Worthy He says I am and to His glory I yield
- by Miss B
Psalm 147:3 He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds
Isaiah 53:5
But He was wounded for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities
The chastisement for our peace was upon Him
And by His stripes we are healed
Hope is the dream of a soul awake.MissBiancaFLJoined: Dec 2010Posts: 2,163Latest activity: Mar 9, 2019
Jun 6, 2018 11:00PM MissBianca wrote:
The Storm
The waves are crashing, the boat in peril
A moonless night, where is my light?
When is the hour the rage will quell
When will a moonbeam restore my sight?
And this too shall pass
The morn will come
The horizon welcomes the rising sun
And this too shall pass
Fleeting moments of calm
For uneasy dread
Comes before a storm front ahead
Who calms the waters
Who shines in the darkness
Who takes away the dread of the world
Whose abundance overcomes the starkness
You! Only You! My Beloved, My Lord
Please take my fear and sink it
Please take my love and spread it
Please take my wound and bind it
Please take my heart and keep it
Safe from terror
Secure in treasure untold
Provision the living bread
Protection with armor gold
By Miss B
Hope is the dream of a soul awake.bluepearlPowell River, B.C.Joined: Aug 2011Posts: 936Latest activity: Mar 4, 2019
Jun 7, 2018 10:14AM bluepearl wrote:
In the spiral of dark and light
Comes birth.
Mingling of hot breath, searing light, dust, fire
Entanglements of filaments.
Again. Never ceasing.
Each new, each old like an ancient eye beholding a new face,
A spark, a holocaust, a ripple
A torrential rain of terror then the soft mist of sleep,
A long sleep.
Like a string of pearls cast on an undulating darkness,
Moving, living, dying, then living,
Deep blue, violet, blinding white,
Red of the death throes
A bright blue flame.
Somewhere, it knows itself
Within a beating heart, a silken leaf,
The tendrils of ocean flotsam on beaches under orange skies,
It knows and waits
For the air and the eye,
The scale and the skin,
It waits a hundred million years here,
A billion years there,
A soft mist of yet-to-be in a torrential rain of what was.
Like a string of pearls beaded into cosmic lace,
The pattern emerges,
And changes.
And merges,
Entangling of filaments into phantom cathedrals,
Life and death,
New and old twins in the lightness and darkness
Reaching towards understanding itself by creating itself.
The blue flame burns brightly,
Eventually, everywhere,
Then plummeting down the spiral of dark and light,
Dx 1/6/2011, IDC, 1cm, Stage I, Grade 1, 0/7 nodes, ER+/PR+, HER2-Surgery 2/12/2011 Lymph node removal: Left, Underarm/Axillary; Mastectomy: LeftDx 2/2013, IDC, <1cm, Stage I, Grade 3, 0/3 nodes, ER+/PR+, HER2-Surgery 3/10/2013 Lymph node removal: Right, Sentinel; Mastectomy: RightHormonal Therapy 3/18/2013bluepearlPowell River, B.C.Joined: Aug 2011Posts: 936Latest activity: Mar 4, 2019
Jun 7, 2018 10:17AM bluepearl wrote:
I LOVE all your poems...such depth of feeling and beauty in everyone of them! Bravo!!!!!!
Dx 1/6/2011, IDC, 1cm, Stage I, Grade 1, 0/7 nodes, ER+/PR+, HER2-Surgery 2/12/2011 Lymph node removal: Left, Underarm/Axillary; Mastectomy: LeftDx 2/2013, IDC, <1cm, Stage I, Grade 3, 0/3 nodes, ER+/PR+, HER2-Surgery 3/10/2013 Lymph node removal: Right, Sentinel; Mastectomy: RightHormonal Therapy 3/18/2013MissBiancaFLJoined: Dec 2010Posts: 2,163Latest activity: Mar 9, 2019
Jun 8, 2018 09:02AM MissBianca wrote:
Thank you so much Bluepearl! I don't know what will come out before I start, but I'll see a mental image, and that is my starting point. You have outstanding poetic language! I've read your poem several times, and it makes me think of the creation of the universe, of star nurseries that the Hubble telescope has captured images of, and of God's breath of life. So mysterious and exceptional!! Thank you for sharing that! I love it.
Hope is the dream of a soul awake.bluepearlPowell River, B.C.Joined: Aug 2011Posts: 936Latest activity: Mar 4, 2019
Jun 8, 2018 10:07AM bluepearl wrote:
Thank you MissBianca! You nailed it!
Dx 1/6/2011, IDC, 1cm, Stage I, Grade 1, 0/7 nodes, ER+/PR+, HER2-Surgery 2/12/2011 Lymph node removal: Left, Underarm/Axillary; Mastectomy: LeftDx 2/2013, IDC, <1cm, Stage I, Grade 3, 0/3 nodes, ER+/PR+, HER2-Surgery 3/10/2013 Lymph node removal: Right, Sentinel; Mastectomy: RightHormonal Therapy 3/18/2013MissBiancaFLJoined: Dec 2010Posts: 2,163Latest activity: Mar 9, 2019
Jun 23, 2018 10:05AM MissBianca wrote:
The Gate
Tumultuous clouds shift our perceptions
Hues of black pearl, swirled with opalescent hope
A single ray shines down like a radiant beam
Then the stormfront approaches from the south
The blackened skies unleash the fury
And what looked like a narrow escape
Is flooded with unanticipated abandon and darkness
Such are the opposing forces of hope and despair
The trees torn from the roots, dwellings laid bare
Ravages from the pounding, destructive forces
Leave us looking only heaven bound
There is a time for everything under the sun
The sky clears and the robin's song announces rebirth
I see clearly a narrow road near the sheep's gate
For wide is the path to destruction
Narrow is the path to follow the Shepherd's voice
To green pastures and still waters He leads
To hope radiant from the raised Son
From the Sheep's Gate to the Gate of Pearl
My soul rises to enveloping love and joy not yet known
Uplifted. Redeemed. Welcomed. Received.
Hope is the dream of a soul awake.MissBiancaFLJoined: Dec 2010Posts: 2,163Latest activity: Mar 9, 2019
Jun 29, 2018 11:02AM MissBianca wrote:
The Morning Son
I greet You as I first stir
You said not to worry about tomorrow
For each day has enough trouble of its own
Tomorrow has come, and it is now today
Somewhere on this earth is peace
In the high mountains of China
A mother panda watches her roly poly cub
Roll down the hillside for fun
No enemies, hidden by seclusion and reverence
Somewhere, everywhere, is a bright new day
For beloved duckies, well loved, kissed and sent off
To school
In nurseries babies laugh with joy innate to their nature
In playgrounds hopscotch double dutch and tag
Are played by the kids who also play duck, duck,
A couple gets engaged, others walk down the isle
And today is somebody's birthday
For most it is another Very Merry Unbirthday day
Patients are visited, the homeless fed
The kneeling say prayers to their Maker
All not deemed newsworthy
That is, unless you are a prince or a queen
We read of those that fall down the rabbit hole
Of peculiar series of unfortunate happenstance
Of wars, of whispers of conspiracy and threat
Of violence, torment and death
Of impeding catastrophe dictated by tyrants
As well as fluff 'n stuff
The kind selfie books are made of
All deemed newsworthy
Our perceptions get skewed
And the world seems darker and more loveless
Than it actually is
Beware the magnifying glass
The one focused on ourselves
It is a master of distortion
The molehills look like mountains
The tangled knots too tight to loose
We see the dead end sign as we round the bend
Our glass upon ourselves burns us
With searing focus
Look beyond ourselves for the Way
How can we see if we are looking down at our feet
Drop the master glass of distortion
How can we perceive with seeing eyes
If the filter of delusion obscures the Truth
Seek the One who says He is the Life
How can we live if we cut ourselves off
From its Giver
Hope is the dream of a soul awake.MissBiancaFLJoined: Dec 2010Posts: 2,163Latest activity: Mar 9, 2019
Jul 17, 2018 11:27PM MissBianca wrote:
No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets
William Borden wrote these words in his Holy Book
No reserves. (Pops, I will follow my God given path)
No retreats. (In bible study at Yale in leadership I took)
No regrets. (As I die in Cairo, a fulfilled vow I hath)
Twenty-five years young, a mining tycoon's son
Ivy League field of dreams, his life had just begun
Father wants best, a moratorium for world travel
But young William sees another path
His father's plan unravels
He visits Japan, India, Syria, and Turkey,
No Light of the World in this stricken poverty
On a ship bound to Asia, to the province
Of China's Gansu
He planned to talk about the Prince of Peace
And serve, live, and love as Christ's example, too
A stopoff in Egypt, to study Islam and Arabic
Not but a month there, he became deathly sick
Why, Lord, take away a voice of devotion
As our country was swept away in mournful emotion
A light in this world, both alive and in legend
Young men and women followed his God given errand
Not the wide and easy path
But the long, narrow road hard driven
They walked away
From comfortable lives they were given
To give their light high up on a hill
To follow where William meant to serve and stay
To shine on those still in darkness
In poverty of spirit, with no voices to pray
For God so loved the whole world
That He gave His only begotten son
That whosoever believes in Him
Will be welcomed with joyful shouts
On that gloriously Heavenly day
By Miss B
Inspired by the life of William Whiting Borden
Hope is the dream of a soul awake.MissBiancaFLJoined: Dec 2010Posts: 2,163Latest activity: Mar 9, 2019
Aug 20, 2018 12:55PM MissBianca wrote:
The Marathon Runner
I await the news from the messenger
He has run a marathon to proclaim the outcome
Is it victory or defeat
I rear up for battle, for the words "beautiful pictures"
Loom ominously in my mind
If I should be speared in my side
The blood of the Lamb and Living Waters
Would gush out
For He lives in me forever
The poor messenger
Should he drop dead from his grueling run of 26 miles
To deliver the news
Just to proclaim what I already know
Victory, an eternal triumph, even if his words are defeat
Won at the Cross through grace
Free to those who believe and follow
Praise in all circumstances
The adversary will not have my damnation
Of failing my tests of faith
Do you still love me even if I say no?
Yes! A resounding yes!
For I know that You know of the plans
You have for me
Will You forget Me when you get what You want?
No! A resounding no!
How can I forget all the times You said yes?
Will you follow My plan and abandon your own?
Yes, for how can I forget the times You said no?
Afflicted, tested and refined
Deepened in love for Your purposes
Can I run and not be weary
Can I walk and not grow faint
Can I soar effortlessly as I glide
As if with Eagle's wings
To be Your messenger
With the message
Always "Victory in Christ"
By Miss B ❤️
Philippians 29:11
Isaiah 40:31
Hope is the dream of a soul awake.MissBiancaFLJoined: Dec 2010Posts: 2,163Latest activity: Mar 9, 2019
6 minutes ago MissBianca wrote:
Tonight it was pressed upon my heart to share part of a letter and poem I wrote my pastor last September 2018. His sermon had been on a series called "Fully Alive"; he spoke of desire. I want to live a purpose driven life, and realize I have more to share than I have been doing so. I want to share my truth, my faith, and my hope, to uplift the hearts and souls of all my beautiful BCO sisters. ❤️
A poem: Fully Alive
- Dear Pastor,
I had been pondering the difference between physical need, spiritual longing, and carnal desire. They all seem to be in the category of want, yet the differences are crucial. Satan preys upon our longings, needs, and desires, and if we do not wait patiently for the Lord to fulfill the promises He writes on our hearts, Satan offers us a fast, counterfeit fulfillment, using this door for temptation and sin.Even Abraham and Sarah took it upon themselves not to wait for God's promise, so Sarah led Abraham into sin by offering her slave to him, bearing him Ishmael. God took so long to fulfill this promise that Sarah laughed in her old age, asking, "Now, when I am old and worn out?" Isaac's name means laughter. God does really take His time fulfilling promises, because there is a test of faith in patient waiting!
Also, as much as Jesus did talk about spiritual fulfillment, he did come to a geographical place and point in time when people had dire physical needs. He fulfilled them both, and often used the literal and the metaphorical simultaneously, such as the water at the Samaritan's well.
I went to the Saturday night service, and the next day, I took my son to the Orlando Science Center. Your words were on my mind, and as my son played in the exploratory rooms in between the movie show times, and I followed him around and sat on benches, the Holy Spirit was at work, and I wrote on my phone what turned into this poem. The Holy Spirit stirred these scriptures in my heart, and brought them to remembrance. Other scriptures I had not heard, but found out after they were written as I referenced the Bible. I looked them up after for easy reference for you. It came to me in first person, so this is how I wrote it down.There is more, and I'll use what I was given in another poem, but it seemed to reach a completion point for now.
Fully Alive
A Shepherd for My fold
Blessed be your life ( Hebrews 13:7)
Searching for treasures untold (Isaiah 45:3)
Along the long and tested road (Isaiah 40:3)
And now I have opened your eyes ( Ephesians 1:18, Psalm 34:8, Psalm18)
Living Waters seeped so deep (Isaiah 44:3)
Do you see the Tree of Life (Proverbs 11:30)
Have I awakened you from sleep ( Ephesians 5:14)
From storms you could not assuage
A Living Tree with roots so deep (Ephesians 3:17)
A storm could not blow down
On the narrow road your life I'll keep ( Matthew 7:14)
For Living Waters the roots have found
Seeped in the soil of My love (Ephesians 3:17-18)
Living Water in a desolate land (Isaiah 51:3)
Come take shade from the scorching sun (Isaiah 58:11)
Rest, and eat its bountiful fruit (Proverbs 11:30)
Offered up from My right hand (Psalm 16:11)
Only a good tree can offer its fruit ( Matthew 7:17)
Of love, forgiveness, service, and truth
Only a bad tree bears bad fruit (Matthew 7:18)
Fated to gallows, the preacher's lament
Love has not tapped its root (Mark 4:17)
With baskets tossed empty and strewn
Or none at all to show its worth
The barren tree bearing no fruit ( Matthew 21:19)
From the axe at its root will not have rebirth (Matthew 3:10)
From here I will make a way
In this forsaken desolate land
Follow the narrow path
by the stream I have made (Isaiah 43:19)
In the land of the scorching sand
Do you not perceive it?
I have begun a new thing!
It springs up, making a way (Isaiah 43:19)
Giving you reason to rejoice and sing (Psalm 9:2)
To a land where flocks
Shall eat in green pastures
And trees will bear fruit
Because of the hive (Ezekiel 20:6)
The dance of the bees
Is the Beekeeper's Delight
Milk and honey will drip from your lips (Song of Solomon 4:11)
Me in you makes you fully alive (Colossians 2:10-11, John 1:4)
Trust me, ye who doubt
That I shall show you the Way (Psalm 32:8)
To the Promised Land, not of old
But to the Heavenly Open Gate
For I know your needs, I know your thirst
Out of rocks, Holy Waters gush forth (Exodus 7:6, Numbers 20:11)
But only if you live your lives
Fully Alive by placing me first (Matthew 6:33, Proverbs 3:6)
Narrow is the path (Matthew 7:14)
That leads to Heavenly streams (Revelation 22:1)
From your rest in the Tree of Life
From thirst, desolation, and heat
You must faithfully follow me (John 12:26)
Walk along the narrow road (Psalm 16:11)
It leads to your inheritance
Not the alluring, worldly path
Denying Me, and denying wrath (Revelation 21:6-8)
For the road that is wide (Matthew 7:13)
Is for the wise in their own eyes
False gold and silver idols of the created
They worship inciting the Creator's hatred (Deuteronomy 7:25)
In the shadows of the valley (Psalm 23)
Away from the Shepherd, but grasses for herds
The mountains that are treacherous
House and hide cadaver birds
They do not know (Psalms 107:10-11)
We have been warned from days of old
The valley of the shadow of death
Is where the unsaved tremble when fear takes hold
They do not know
They will take their eternal breath
In the stench of the hot, dry pit (Revelation 14:10 -
brimstone is highly odiferous)
With the wicked fallen angels
They will live in darkness unlit (Matthew 35:41)
I came to fulfill the Old Law (Matthew 5:17)
And give you a New Commandment: ( John 13:34)
Love one another
As I have loved you (John 13:34)
Love one another
With vibrancy honest and true
If you have loved me,
You will take my free saving gift
But as your Lord, if you do not follow (Luke 6:46)
You will be set adrift
Lord, Lord, I will hear you cry
I do not know you, I will answer
As my final goodbye ( Matthew 7: 21-23)
For the faithful and rebellious
In separation I sift (Matthew 3:12)
For the lukewarm Christian
From my mouth I will spit (Revelation 3:16)
For it has been said
From those who die
And come back again (Ezekiel 37-10)
Though their bodies
In deathly stillness lie
My witnesses will testify
Dead, dead to the doctor
Dead, dead to the beloved
Dead to the scientist, dead to the nurse
In the Age of Resuscitation
I have urgent messages to send:
The same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13-8)
I raise the rightous dead
Or unrepentent sinners I will no longer tend (Matthew 7:23)
Alive, alive, yes truly alive!
They see the Loving Light
And listen and are witness
To an eternal Holy City
A sunless Heaven ( Revelation 7:16-17)
With Godly light so bright!
They behold the Risen King
With keys to all the kingdoms (Matthew 28:18)
Even to the dark realms
Beyond the dragon's gate (Revelation 1:18, Job 17:16)
And also to the Kingdom of Heaven
His redeemed children
Have mansions prepared (John 14:2)
But to the chained souls
Chamber cells and lava await (Proverbs 7:27)
For they lived their lives with vitriolic hate
Some are given a tour of both realms
And sent back as witnesses upon the Earth
Or lifted up by My Grace
Out of the devil's lair (Daniel 3:17, Job 33:28, Jonah 2:2)
For a second chance upon the Earth
To witness to the Good Shepherd's care
They are told to go and give their testimony
For the Lord Christ Jesus weeps
For millions of humans He created (Romans 9:8)
But only His children He keeps (Galatians 3:26)
They stand before the Loving Light
Many are asked the same three questions
And then they give account (Romans 14:12)
To the inquiries He mentions
Have you loved? He asks(1 Corinthians 13:2-3)
Have you forgiven?
Or have you kept a ledger? (1Corinthians 13:15)
If you have one, how can I forgive and forget (Matthew 6:15)
If you offer your works as a hedger?
I forgive as far as
The East is from the West (Psalm 103:12)
An infinite line of eternity
Is any grudge worth this very test?
Have you produced good fruit (Luke 6:43)
And served your fellow man
If you fed the hungry (Matthew 25:35-40)
Gave drink to the thirsty
If you gave shelter and clothing
And cared for the sick
Or visited the prisoner
Then you for eternity will I pick
The King will reply,
Truly I tell you,
Whatever you have done
For the least of these
Brothers and Sisters
You have done for me (Matthew 25:36)
Lord, if whom I have served (Matthew 12:48-60)
Is the King's brother
Or the King's sister
And I have done unto them
As I have done unto Thee
I am in service of the King's Royalty
Standing in My encompassing love
They are shown an account of their lives (Romans 14:12)
Have you loved and forgiven?
Or have you lived selfishly driven?
Lord, please tell me what is love?
I gave you a Book and wrote on your heart (Proverbs 3:3)
It does not swell in passion
Then ebb and tear families apart
Love is patient, kind, not covetous or proud (1 Corinthians 13:4-7)
Love is respectful, loving, with no records of wrongs
Love does not delight in evil
Or follow the lascivious throngs
But rejoices with the Truth
For that, too, I Am ( John 8:58)
And also the Way and the Life (John 14:6)
To lead you into the full measure of joy (John 17:13)
With My peace, provision,
And protection from strife (John 17:12)
Love protects, trusts, and always hopes
As Paul had lived, it perseveres
Have I not told you while I was on Earth?
I have opened your ears so that you may hear (Job 33:16)
Whatever is true, noble, and right (Philippians 4:8)
Pure, lovely, admirable with light
Excellent, praiseworthy, think about such things
The fullness of life will this love bring (Psalms 36: 8-9)
Have I not commanded you
To meditate on attributes of love (1 John 4:7-12)
I am preparing you
For the ways of Heaven above
Do you not know? Life is lessons in love
In love are lessons of life! (Proverbs 21:21)
My Messengers have been told it
It is the simple answer that confounds the masses
What is the meaning of life?
It is grasped for a moment
Then the thought passes
These are heavenly answers
I have given my servants
Write them on your hearts (Proverbs 3:3)
Tell all the masses
I give Life in full, ransomed for eternity (1 Timothy 2:6)
In love, you will find life in abundancy ( John 10:10)
For in My Joy, you will have strength ( Nehemiah 8:10)
For anything is possible with Hope's infinite length (Romans 15:13)
When you acknowledge me
You will have my strength (Exodus 15:2)
In all of your ways
I will set your path straight (Proverbs 3:6)
Fully engage in love and in service
For my purpose and plans
I have for you are great (Jeremiah 29:11)
I will vibrantly live in you (Colossians 2:10-11, John 1:4)
You will share in the abundance
Of My overflowing cup and plate (Psalm 23:5)
I will not revive your former self (2 Corinthians 5:17)
From my cup of Living Waters
Your soul's longing will be quenched ( John 4:13-14)
Reborn you will be in eternal promise
Then you will be fully alive
It is the will of my Father's (Ephesians 2:4-5)
This poem is the work of the Holy Spirit, which I take no credit. It rushed at me, and I had to type as fast as I could on my phone. The work was setting it to rhyme, and His Spirit was upon me as well. Also, I was led to scripture so amazing in depth after footnoting where these scriptures were.
I humbly ask you to consider sponsoring a program I am passionate about at your church. It is Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas! A shoebox is given with their logo, and church members fill a box with a toy, school supplies, toiletries, etc. It is run by Rev. Billy Graham's son, Franklin Graham. These shoeboxes are collected and sent to the most impoverished corners of the world. I pray that you will be able to approve participation of this wonderful ministry.
God bless you!
I will see you soon.
Hope is the dream of a soul awake.
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Tonight it was pressed upon my heart to share part of a letter and a poem I wrote my pastor last September 2018. His sermon had been on a series called "Fully Alive"; this particular sermon was on desire. I want to live a purpose driven life, and I have more to share than what I have been doing so. I want to share my truth, my faith, and my hope, and to uplift the hearts and souls of my beautiful BCO sisters. ❤️
Dear Pastor,
The scriptures were inspiring, you articulated them well, and they breathed the Living Life into your sermon. You were beaming with joy with a smile I hadn't seen, and it was a pleasure to see you with your son. Your son gave you an answer filled with the abundancy of life Jesus gives us: grace, hope, and joy.
I had been pondering the difference between physical need, spiritual longing, and carnal desire. They all seem to be in the category of want, yet the differences are crucial. Satan preys upon our longings, needs, and desires, and if we do not wait patiently for the Lord to fulfill the promises He writes on our hearts, Satan offers us a fast, counterfeit fulfillment, using this door for temptation and sin.
Even Abraham and Sarah took it upon themselves not to wait for God's promise, so Sarah led Abraham into sin by offering her slave to him, bearing him Ishmael. God took so long to fulfill this promise that Sarah laughed in her old age, asking, "Now, when I am old and worn out?" Isaac's name means laughter. God does really take His time fulfilling promises, because there is a test of faith in patient waiting!
Also, as much as Jesus did talk about spiritual fulfillment, he did come to a geographical place and point in time when people had dire physical needs. He fulfilled them both, and often used the literal and the metaphorical simultaneously, such as the water at the Samaritan's well.
I went to the Saturday night service, and the next day, I took my son to the Orlando Science Center. Your words were on my mind, and as my son played in the exploratory rooms in between the movie show times, and I followed him around and sat on benches. The Holy Spirit was at work, and I wrote on my phone what turned into this poem. The Holy Spirit stirred these scriptures in my heart, and brought them to remembrance. Other scriptures I had not heard, but found out after they were written as I referenced the Bible. I looked them up after for easy reference for you. It came to me in first person, so this is how I wrote it down.
There is more, and I'll use what I was given in another poem, but it seemed to reach a completion point for now.
Fully Alive
A Shepherd for My fold
Blessed be your life ( Hebrews 13:7)
Searching for treasures untold (Isaiah 45:3)
Along the long and tested road (Isaiah 40:3)
And now I have opened your eyes ( Ephesians 1:18, Psalm 34:8,
Living Waters seeped so deep (Isaiah 44:3)
Do you see the Tree of Life (Proverbs 11:30)
Have I awakened you from sleep ( Ephesians 5:14)
From storms you could not assuage
A Living Tree with roots so deep (Ephesians 3:17)
A storm could not blow down
On the narrow road your life I'll keep ( Matthew 7:14)
For Living Waters the roots have found
Seeped in the soil of My love (Ephesians 3:17-18)
Living Water in a desolate land (Isaiah 51:3)
Come take shade from the scorching sun (Isaiah 58:11)
Rest, and eat its bountiful fruit (Proverbs 11:30)
Offered up from My right hand (Psalm 16:11)
Only a good tree can offer its fruit ( Matthew 7:17)
Of love, forgiveness, service, and truth
Only a bad tree bears bad fruit (Matthew 7:18)
Fated to gallows, the preacher's lament
Love has not tapped its root (Mark 4:17)
With baskets tossed empty and strewn
Or none at all to show its worth
The barren tree bearing no fruit ( Matthew 21:19)
From the axe at its root will not have rebirth (Matthew 3:10)
From here I will make a way
In this forsaken desolate land
Follow the narrow path
by the stream I have made (Isaiah 43:19)
In the land of the scorching sand
Do you not perceive it?
I have begun a new thing!
It springs up, making a way (Isaiah 43:19)
Giving you reason to rejoice and sing (Psalm 9:2)
To a land where flocks
Shall eat in green pastures
And trees will bear fruit
Because of the hive (Ezekiel 20:6)
The dance of the bees
Is the Beekeeper's Delight
Milk and honey will drip from your lips (Song of Solomon 4:11)
Me in you makes you fully alive (Colossians 2:10-11, John 1:4)
Trust me, ye who doubt
That I shall show you the Way (Psalm 32:8)
To the Promised Land, not of old
But to the Heavenly Open Gate
For I know your needs, I know your thirst
Out of rocks, Holy Waters gush forth (Exodus 7:6, Numbers 20:11)
But only if you live your lives
Fully Alive by placing me first (Matthew 6:33, Proverbs 3:6)
Narrow is the path (Matthew 7:14)
That leads to Heavenly streams (Revelation 22:1)
From your rest in the Tree of Life
From thirst, desolation, and heat
You must faithfully follow me (John 12:26)
Walk along the narrow road (Psalm 16:11)
It leads to your inheritance
Not the alluring, worldly path
Denying Me, and denying wrath (Revelation 21:6-8)
For the road that is wide (Matthew 7:13)
Is for the wise in their own eyes
False gold and silver idols of the created
They worship inciting the Creator's hatred (Deuteronomy 7:25)
In the shadows of the valley (Psalm 23)
Away from the Shepherd, but grasses for herds
The mountains that are treacherous
House and hide cadaver birds
They do not know (Psalms 107:10-11)
We have been warned from days of old
The valley of the shadow of death
Is where the unsaved tremble when fear takes hold
They do not know
They will take their eternal breath
In the stench of the hot, dry pit (Revelation 14:10 -
brimstone is highly odiferous)
With the wicked fallen angels
They will live in darkness unlit (Matthew 35:41)
I came to fulfill the Old Law (Matthew 5:17)
And give you a New Commandment: ( John 13:34)
Love one another
As I have loved you (John 13:34)
Love one another
With vibrancy honest and true
If you have loved me,
You will take my free saving gift
But as your Lord, if you do not follow (Luke 6:46)
You will be set adrift
Lord, Lord, I will hear you cry
I do not know you, I will answer
As my final goodbye ( Matthew 7: 21-23)
For the faithful and rebellious
In separation I sift (Matthew 3:12)
For the lukewarm Christian
From my mouth I will spit (Revelation 3:16)
For it has been said
From those who die
And come back again (Ezekiel 37-10)
Though their bodies
In deathly stillness lie
My witnesses will testify
Dead, dead to the doctor
Dead, dead to the beloved
Dead to the scientist, dead to the nurse
In the Age of Resuscitation
I have urgent messages to send:
The same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13-8)
I raise the rightous dead
Or unrepentent sinners I will no longer tend (Matthew 7:23)
Alive, alive, yes truly alive!
They see the Loving Light
And listen and are witness
To an eternal Holy City
A sunless Heaven ( Revelation 7:16-17)
With Godly light so bright!
They behold the Risen King
With keys to all the kingdoms (Matthew 28:18)
Even to the dark realms
Beyond the dragon's gate (Revelation 1:18, Job 17:16)
And also to the Kingdom of Heaven
His redeemed children
Have mansions prepared (John 14:2)
But to the chained souls
Chamber cells and lava await (Proverbs 7:27)
For they lived their lives with vitriolic hate
Some are given a tour of both realms
And sent back as witnesses upon the Earth
Or lifted up by My Grace
Out of the devil's lair (Daniel 3:17, Job 33:28, Jonah 2:2)
For a second chance upon the Earth
To witness to the Good Shepherd's care
They are told to go and give their testimony
For the Lord Christ Jesus weeps
For millions of humans He created (Romans 9:8)
But only His children He keeps (Galatians 3:26)
They stand before the Loving Light
Many are asked the same three questions
And then they give account (Romans 14:12)
To the inquiries He mentions
Have you loved? He asks(1 Corinthians 13:2-3)
Have you forgiven?
Or have you kept a ledger? (1Corinthians 13:15)
If you have one, how can I forgive and forget (Matthew 6:15)
If you offer your works as a hedger?
I forgive as far as
The East is from the West (Psalm 103:12)
An infinite line of eternity
Is any grudge worth this very test?
Have you produced good fruit (Luke 6:43)
And served your fellow man
If you fed the hungry (Matthew 25:35-40)
Gave drink to the thirsty
If you gave shelter and clothing
And cared for the sick
Or visited the prisoner
Then you for eternity will I pick
The King will reply,
Truly I tell you,
Whatever you have done
For the least of these
Brothers and Sisters
You have done for me (Matthew 25:36)
Lord, if whom I have served (Matthew 12:48-60)
Is the King's brother
Or the King's sister
And I have done unto them
As I have done unto Thee
I am in service of the King's Royalty
Standing in My encompassing love
They are shown an account of their lives (Romans 14:12)
Have you loved and forgiven?
Or have you lived selfishly driven?
Lord, please tell me what is love?
I gave you a Book and wrote on your heart (Proverbs 3:3)
It does not swell in passion
Then ebb and tear families apart
Love is patient, kind, not covetous or proud (1 Corinthians 13:4-7)
Love is respectful, loving, with no records of wrongs
Love does not delight in evil
Or follow the lascivious throngs
But rejoices with the Truth
For that, too, I Am ( John 8:58)
And also the Way and the Life (John 14:6)
To lead you into the full measure of joy (John 17:13)
With My peace, provision,
And protection from strife (John 17:12)
Love protects, trusts, and always hopes
As Paul had lived, it perseveres
Have I not told you while I was on Earth?
I have opened your ears so that you may hear (Job 33:16)
Whatever is true, noble, and right (Philippians 4:8)
Pure, lovely, admirable with light
Excellent, praiseworthy, think about such things
The fullness of life will this love bring (Psalms 36: 8-9)
Have I not commanded you
To meditate on attributes of love (1 John 4:7-12)
I am preparing you
For the ways of Heaven above
Do you not know? Life is lessons in love
In love are lessons of life! (Proverbs 21:21)
My Messengers have been told it
It is the simple answer that confounds the masses
What is the meaning of life?
It is grasped for a moment
Then the thought passes
These are heavenly answers
I have given my servants
Write them on your hearts (Proverbs 3:3)
Tell all the masses
I give Life in full, ransomed for eternity (1 Timothy 2:6)
In love, you will find life in abundancy ( John 10:10)
For in My Joy, you will have strength ( Nehemiah 8:10)
For anything is possible with Hope's infinite length (Romans 15:13)
When you acknowledge me
You will have my strength (Exodus 15:2)
In all of your ways
I will set your path straight (Proverbs 3:6)
Fully engage in love and in service
For my purpose and plans
I have for you are great (Jeremiah 29:11)
I will vibrantly live in you (Colossians 2:10-11, John 1:4)
You will share in the abundance
Of My overflowing cup and plate (Psalm 23:5)
I will not revive your former self (2 Corinthians 5:17)
From my cup of Living Waters
Your soul's longing will be quenched ( John 4:13-14)
Reborn you will be in eternal promise
Then you will be fully alive
It is the will of my Father's (Ephesians 2:4-5)
This poem is the work of the Holy Spirit, which I take no credit. It rushed at me, and I had to type as fast as I could on my phone. The work was setting it to rhyme, and His Spirit was upon me as well. Also, I was led to scripture so amazing in depth after footnoting where these scriptures were.
I humbly ask you to consider sponsoring a program I am passionate about at your church. It is Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas! A shoebox is given with their logo, and church members fill a box with a toy, school supplies, toiletries, etc. It is run by Rev. Billy Graham's son, Franklin Graham. These shoeboxes are collected and sent to the most impoverished corners of the world. I pray that you will be able to approve participation of this wonderful ministry.
God bless you!
I will see you soon.
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Bless you Miss Bianca!
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Thank you so much sweet lady! ❤️🙏
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God bless You all