The power of prayer...
Thank you for your prayers, dear Footie... and everyone. I just passed the three years out mark. I have been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease from chemo, CT scans, etc. Adapting to the diet has been difficult; no protein, dairy, potatoes, tomatoes, oranges, bananas, etc. This is in addition to the no soy. I've been losing a couple of pounds per week because I'm unsure of what to eat. Que Sera, Sera...
Bless all of you. I'm so thankful for each one and the way we work together and pray for and encourage one another. Dear Father God, please hold each one here close to your heart. Amen
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Dear Lord, Thank You for being with and comforting
sue_blue threw all her challenges. Please bless her
and help her with all she is going threw to learn to live
with kidney disease. Help her find peace and comfort
knowing someday we will hurt no more. Lord, You
know her other needs and pain. May she feel Your
everlasting love all around her. In Jesus wonderful name
we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord,
Please be with Sue who recently was diagnosed and all those I don't know who are newly diganosed. Please be with doctors and medical personnel. Help them and guide them to heal them all. Please comfort them and give them your peace. Amen.
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Dear Lord, Thank You for all You are doing to give
peace and courage to Genia. Please help her with
all she is going threw. We haven't seen her here and
are praying that all is well. May she feel Your loving
comfort all around her. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord,
Please bless foots in all her needs.
Please help her to find a guide dog.
Please comfort her and give her your peace.
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Dear Lord, Please bless and comfort Deborye and her
cousin. We know that You see each tear and feel their
loss. Please fill them with comfort and know someday
we will all meet him and see how wonderful he is. Thank
You Lord for all You are doing to help them. Please let
them feel all the prayer and comfort we are sending them.
In Jesus wonderful name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Thank You for being with and giving comfort
to bcincolorado. Please bless her for all the help and
kindness she shares with us. May she find joy knowing
that someday we will all be together with You and know
more pain. Lord help her with her needs and pain. May
she rest in Your arms. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Please bless Jo and help her with all
that she is facing right now. May she feel Your
loving arms around her to keep her strong and
may she fined comfort and rest in You. We
leave her with You and know You know her
other challenges. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Thank You for all that You are doing to
help Jane. Please feel her with wisdom and peace,
So she may have comfort in You. Bless her and
help her with her trials and pain. That she may
be resting in You. In Jesus wonderful name we pray. Amen
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Good Night♥
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Dear Lord, Thank You for being with and helping
Patoo. Please be with her and help her with her
trials and pain, And others we do not know. May
she feel all the Joy and love, That she shares with
us all here. Bless her and let her feel our prayers
and thoughts going up for her. In Jesus wonderful
name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Please bless Faith and help her
threw any trials she is going threw. May she
feel Your loving peace around her to give her
comfort and rest. Thank You for all her love and
joy she shares with us. We are very grateful for
her. In Jesus wonderful name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Thank You for all Your love and caring
heart, and Your Shelia that shares it with us. Please
bless her and help her with all her pain and trials she is
going threw. May she feel Your gentle Spirit comforting
her and helping her to find refuge in time of pain or trial.
In Jesus wonderful namewe pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Thank You for being with squidwitch and
helping her to stay strong in You. Please help her
with all she is going threw, May her trials be lightened
and her pain be less. Thank You for all the caring words
she shares to her other threw their hard time. May she
know we all care about her. In Jesus wonderful name
we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord,
Please assist Foots in her quest. Please send your most wonderful to assist her, and may the occasion be joyous when it comes to fruition.
In your name,
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Dear Lord, Thank You for all You are doing to
help and give peace to 3jaysmom. Please help
her with any trials or pain she is going threw.
May she feel Your gentle Spirit all around her
to give her comfort and rest. In Jesus wonderful
name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Thank You for being with Dovehome and
helping her threw her moving. Please be with her
and help her rest and take care of herself, threw
all she is going threw. May everything work out for
Your good and keep Dovehome happy and well.
In Jesus wonderful name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Thank You for being with fionn, We pray
she is doing well. We haven't seen her here in awhile.
and pray all is well. Please bless her and help her
with all her trials and pain. In Jesus wonderful name
we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Thank You for being with kindone and
helping her threw all her challenges she is facing.
Please bless her with peace and comfort to help
her with any pain or worry. May she feel Your loving
arms around her. In Jesus wonderful name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Please be with and help Rose47, to get
threw all her trials and pain she is facing. Bless her
and help her feel a peace and comfort all around her.
May she rest in Your loving arms of kindness. Thank You
Lord for all You have done. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Thank You for all You are doing to help
gin2ca. Lord, You know all that she is going threw.
Please be with her and give her peace and courage
to stay strong in You, That she may know You are
her armor to win. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Please be with and help Rocky with
all her challenges and pain. May she have rest in
Your loving arms of peace. Thank You for helping
her to find peace and comfort, To be able to stay
strong in her fight to win. Bless her and may she
know we all are praying for her. In Jesus wonderful
name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Please be with Makraz and help her to see
all the wonderful love she shares with us. Please help
her with any challenges and pain she is going threw.
May she be filled with peace and comfort, to help her
rest in You. Thank You for all You have done for her.
In Jesus wonderful name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Please be with Becky and help her
to stay strong in her battle. Bless her with joy
and peace that her fight may be easier. Help her
with her challenges and pain. May she find peace
in You. In Jesus wonderful name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Please be with and comfort Gg08-Bonnie and
give her courage and peace to face all her challenges and
pain knowing You are there beside her. Please help her
to know many she is loved and cared about here. Lord,
You know her unknown challenges, Please help her. In
Jesus name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Please be with and help Carol with all
she is going threw. Bless her with peace and comfort,
knowing You will be there to help her. May she rest in
Your everlasting arms of love. Thank you for all You
have done for her. In Jesus wonderful name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Please be with Leah58 and help her
with her challenges and pain. May she feel Your
verylasting love all around her. Give her courage
to stay strong but rest in You. In Jesus wonderful
name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Please be with all the wonderful people here
on our prayer line. Bless them with peace and comfort
them with Your blanket of love. May they fill each day
with faith in You to help them threw. In Jesus wonderful
name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord,
Our Sister Linda needs your intervention now. Please send your Healing Angels to be by her side and relieve this pressure that is intefering with her breathing. May her medical team be guided by You in her treatment, that she may have a resolution of her symptoms. God, we are all praying for Linda, please show her a sign of your presence and healing touch. Please comfort her and carry her to wellness.
In your name,
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Father God, we look to You because we know You alone hold the keys to everything there is. Please be with the sisters here that are struggling and give them Your peace. Pour out Your mercy and grace upon them, and provide the help each one needs in their particular situation. Please especially be with Linda and Footie as they are struggling now. Provide their physicians with wisdom and bless their care givers with an extra measure of love and compassion. We look to You for all of the answers and provisions. Increase our faith as we trust in You. In Jesus name. Amen