The power of prayer...
Heavenly Father, Please be with mnmom and bless
her with peace and as You carry her through all she
is facing. That she will feel Your loving peace and
healing rest. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please bless and give peace to Shelia
in all her challenges. May she find peace and Your caring
love, to help her with any pain. May she feel Your loving
arms around her, to give her comfort. In Jesus wonderful
name we pray. Amen
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My Presence will go with you,
and I will give you rest. Exodus 33:14
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Heavenly Father, Please be with ToriGirl and give her
peace and guidance. May she feel comfort as she find
out about her tests and know You are with her and
smiling. Please bless her husband and all the challenges,
as You keep him safe in Your loving arms as he serves
overseas. I lift this to You, In Jesus name. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with Rocket and give her
peace and Your comforting love. Help her with any
challenges or pain she is facing, knowing You will help
and carry her through. In Jesus wonderful name I pray, Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please bless and give Makratz Your
comforting love, As You give her help with all her pain
and challenges she is facing. Knowing You will help and
carry her through. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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The treasure we find in the darkness is God.
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Heavenly Father, Please bless and be with Msbelle,
I pray to You that she had a good day and that
all is well on her report. I leave this with You knowing
You will help her through. In Jesus wonderful name I
pray. Amen
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Dear Heavenly Father...
Bless our Foots...give her comfort as you wrap Your loving arms around her...
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Heavenly Father, Please bless and give Your comforting
love to MsTori, and help her with all her challenges and
pain she is facing. May she feel Your caring arms of love
carrying her through. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with FilterLady and give her
You comforting love. Help her with all the family members
that are having hard times, May they rest in Your peaceful
arms of healing rest. I lift them all to You, For You know
their needs. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please bless and give Maureen Your
comfort and caring love. Help her with any pain or
challenges she is facing. knowing You will carry her
through. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with all the other caring
people here, help them through all that they are
facing. May they feel Your comforting arms carrying
them and giving them healing rest. Please be with
all those that are going through chemo, radiation,
or other treatments, that they find peace and know
You will be with them through it all. Please bless any
new or going through more challenges again. Help
them feel peace and Your comforting love. Be with any
people here that are sick or in the hospital. May they
have good nurses and doctors to help them through.
In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Dear Lord,
Please bless all who are newly diagnosed and struggling for answers and making decisions.
Please be with their doctors and medical teams to help them be compassionate and help them make the best decision possible.
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Heavenly Father, Please bless and give Your caring
love to K_Lo and help her with any pain or trials she
is facing. That she will feel Your peaceful and loving
Spirit around her. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please bless and give Your comfort
and peace to Marie. Help her with all that she is facing.
Knowing You are with her and will never leave her alone.
In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please bless and give Your peace
and comfort to PixieNel. As You carry her through
all the trials and pain she is facing. May she feel
Your peacefulness. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Those of us who immerse ourselves in
God's Word, who press in deeper and
deeper, know its power. We love His
Word like a love letter we read over and
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Heavenly Father, Please bless and give peacefulness
to Jaytee. Help her with all she is facing, knowing You
will help and carry her through. Bless her dad and may
he find comfort and Your healing love. In Jesus wonderful
name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with GailAnn and bless
her with peace and Your comforting arms of love,
To help and carry her through any challenges she
is facing. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with Cheryl and give her
You peace and caring love. Help her with any pain or
challenges she is facing. Knowing You will carry her
through. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Be strong and courageous; do not be
frightened or dismayed, for the Lord
you God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9 NRSV
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Heavenly Father, Please be with Sheila and bless
her with peace and Your comforting love. Help her
with any challenges she is facing, as You always
carry her through. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please bless and give peace to
Makratz. Help her to feel Your loving arms around
her to help and give her healing rest. Bless her with
Your caring and comforting love. In Jesus wonderful
name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with Rocket and help her
with anything she is facing, knowing You will be with
her and carry her through in Your arms of healing
love. In Jesus wonderful name I pray, Amen
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My mouth is filled with Your praise,
declaring Your splendor all day long.
Psalm 71:8 NIV
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Heavenly Father, Please be with ToriGirl and help
her to feel Your loving arms around her, to give
her peace and healing love. Give her comfort in
all her tests she is having knowing You will carry
her through. Bless her DH that is overseas and
keep him safe in Your arms of love. In Jesus
wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with Msbelle and bless
her with Your peace and comforting love. Help her
as I wait for her report. I pray that all is well and I
leave it with You. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please bless and comfort MsTori,
help her with any challenges or pain she is facing.
That she will feel Your loving arms carrying her
through them. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen