The power of prayer...
Heavenly Father, Bless and be with Patoo, Give her
peace and Your comforting love. Help her with any
challenges or pain she is facing, Knowing You will
carry her through. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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A man's heart plans his way,
But the Lord directs his steps.
Proverbs 16:9
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Heavenly Father, Please bless and give Your comforting
love to kslansky, as You help and carry her through all
her challenges and pain. May she feel Your peace and
caring love around her. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with Sheila and give her
Your help in all her challenges and pain she is facing.
As You walk with her and give her peace. Lord, You
know her needs and please help her, In Jesus wonderful
name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please bless Msbelle and give her
Your peacefulness and love. Help her with any pain
or challenges she is facing, as You know every one
of them. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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The Lord is my light and my salvation;
Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength
of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
Psalm 27:1
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Heavenly Father, Please bless Rocket and give Your
healing love. Help her with any trials or pain she is
facing, as You carry her in Your loving arms of peace.
In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with Victoria and guide
her through all she is going through. May she feel
Your loving arms around her, to help and carry her
through. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with Maureen and help
her through all she is facing. May she feel Your love
and caring arms, helping her through her loss and
give her peace. In Jesus wonderful name I pray, Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please bless and give ssla01 Your
comforting love. May she find peace and rest in
Your arms of kindness and healing love. Help her
with any pain or trials, In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with Donna and give her
Your caring love. May she find comfort for all her
challenges and pain in Your arms of healing love. In
Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with mnmom and give
her Your comforting love. May she feel Your caring
Spirit around her, to guide and help her with any
challenges or pain. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with FilterLady and give
her Your guiding hand, to help her with all her trials
and pain she is facing. Knowing You will carry her
through. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with ToriGirl and give her
Your caring love. Help her with all her challenges and
pain, knowing someday there will be no more. Please
help keep her husband safe and help her as she waits
for him. In Jesus wonderful name I pray, Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please guide and give peace to
Makratz, Help her with anything she is facing, as
You help and carry her through. In Jesus wonderful
name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with all the other wonderful
people here, in need of Your comforting love. Guide and
help them through all they are going through, knowing
You will never leave them alone. Thank You for Maries
message that made my day. Lord You know all the needs
and pain here. Thank You for helping them through.
In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Foots.....Thank You for all your prayers
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Thank You for stopping a note and beautiful
picture. Happy Good Friday to you and others here too.
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Dear Lord,
On this holy day, please let us to stop and think of the sacrifice made on our behalf. No matter what pains we may have, help us to remember it is nothing compared to the pain suffered for us. Please help that to comfort us and to remember You are with us in our pain and sorrows.
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Heavenly Father, Please give Your love and peace
to Marie and all she is facing. May she find rest in
Your caring arms of love. And be touched by the
love of Easter time. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please bless and give peacefulness
to bcincolorado this Easter season. May she feel the
love and caring, that Jesus gave us. Thank You for
her caring love. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please bless kslansky and give
Your love and the caring You gave us and rose
again. Thank You for kslansky and help her with any
challenges, as You love her so much. In Jesus wonderful
name I pray. Amen
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For God so loved the world that He gave
His only begotten Son, that who so ever
believeth in Him shall not perish, but have
everlasting life. John 3:16
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Heavenly Father, Please bless and give Jaytee alittle
bit of Easter love, to comfort and carry her through
all she is facing. May she feel Your loving arms around
her. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please bless and give Shelia Your
caring love this Easter season, May she find peaceful
love and know Your loving care is with her always. May
she feel Your healing love around her. In Jesus wonderful
name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with PixieNel and give her
peacefulness and love. May she feel the Easter love
around her, to guide and give her healing rest. In
Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Great is the Lord and greatly
to be praised in the city of our God. RSV Psalm 48:1
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Heavenly Father, Please bless Patoo this Easter
season, As You arose and were reborn. knowing
someday she will see You again. until then please
bless and carry her in Your arms of love. In Jesus
name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please bless and give GailAnn Your
caring love. Help her feel peace and Your arms carrying
her through all her challenges and pain. May she feel
the Easter Spirit when You rose and were reborn.
In Jesus wonderful name I pray, Amen