The power of prayer...
Heavenly Father, Please be with everyone here, and bless them
with peace and Your comforting love. Be with all those that are going
through tests and dealing with the unknown. May they feel Your guidance
and love with them. Be with all those that are having surgery and need
You to guide the hands that are doing it. For You are the hands the are
the best. Bless and comfort all those that are sick or hurting. May they
find rest in Your arms of love. Please be with all those that need Your
peacefulness and guidance, for they are so scared. I Lift them to You.
Bless all the wonderful stage 4 ladies that need Your help and comforting
love, for when we are weak You help make strong and deal with life
better. I lift all those in need here to You. In Jesus name. Amen
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Amen. Bless and comfort all these wonderful people. Please protect and comfort the hurt people today and let them see the way of the Lord
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Amen. Thank You Maureen
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Heavenly Father, Please bless and be with all those that are
facing fires ,flooding, earthquakes and shootings, Help the families
that have lost someone or need Your love and guiding hands to
help them through. Be with all those that are afraid and bless them
with Your Shield of Armor around them. May we see the good in each day.
and know in Heaven there will be no more. In Jesus name. Amen
Do not let your heart be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. John 14:1
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Heavenly Father, Be with all the new and those that need Your
comfort and guidance. Help them to feel You walking with them
and even doing treatments with them. He will never leave you
nor forsake you. Please bless and comfort all those that are hurting
and need Your arms around them. Help them to stay strong and know
You love them so. Bless all those that are having surgery and need You
to have God guide their hands and keep all the people doing it strong.
Bless all the wonderful stage 4 ladies that need Your comforting arms
around them. Fill them with peace and help the challenge they are
facing. In Jesus name. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with all those that are scared and
need You to comfort them through all they are facing. Fill them
with Your guidance and everlasting peace. Be with those that
are going through surgery or other treatments, Give them help
with any pain, that all will go well. Please be with anyone here
that is needing Your help and healing love. bless and guide them
through their challenge. Please be with all the stage 4 ladies in
need of Your help and comforting love. For I know You will carry
them through. You know all those here that are afraid and only
You know their needs. I lift them to You. In Jesus name. Amen
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Amen, thank you all for your loving prayers.
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Heavenly Father, Bless and give guidance and comfort to all
those that are scared or new. Fill them with faith and hope, as
You help carry them through. Bless those that are going through
a lot of challenges and pain, Fill them with peacefulness as You
comfort all their pain. Be with all those that are facing treatment,
as You guide the hands that are doing it. May they feel You
beside them, to comfort and give them rest. Bless all those that
are needing help, and are looking around, may someone be able
to answer their call, for I know that is what You would want.
Bless all those stage 4 ladies that need Your help and are facing
challenges, Fill them with hope and Your loving care. As You
know and will carry them through. In Jesus name. Amen
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Peace I give to unto you.
Not as the world giveth ,
give I unto you. Let not
Your heart be troubled
neither let it be afraid. John 14:27
May Your kindness, O Lord be
upon us who have put our hope
in You. Psalm 33:22
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Heavenly Father, Please be with all those that are weary and
need Your kindness and love around them. Bless them with
peace and hope for joy comes in the morning. Be with all the
new and those that need Your hand to guide them through all
the tests. Give comforting peace to all the new people and
help them to stay strong, with You beside them. Bless and fill
the hearts of those that need courage and strength, as they
start treatment with Your guiding hands helping them. Be
with all those that are hurting and need Your kind and caring
arms around them. So they may have rest in Your love.
Bless and be with all the wonderful stage 4 ladies that are needing
Your help and comforting peacefulness around them. bless
them with Your kindness and love around them. I lift them
to You, In Jesus wonderful name. Amen
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Amen. Beautiful prayers and verses
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May He grant you what is
in Your heart and fulfill
Your every plan. Psalm 20:5
I can do all things through
Christ who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13
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Heavenly Father, Please be with all the new and those going
through tests, May they feel Your love and comforting peace
around them. Help them to know You will always carry them
through. Be with all those that are facing challenges or pain,
May they find that You are there beside them. to help them
find peace and rest in Your love. Please be with all those going
through treatments or surgery, as You are the main Dr in all
they are going through. Be with all the wonderful stage 4 ladies
that are facing challenges and need Your loving arms to
help and guide them through. Bless anyone here that is facing a lot
of pain and need Your help. In Jesus name. Amen
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Heavenly Father
Please comfort foots and protect her during this heat wave. Help her with any challenges she is struggling through with her breathing. Help all the men and women on these boards and provide them with hope and love. Amen
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Amen. God bless us all.
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Amen...thanks footprint
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Heavenly Father, Please be with all those here that are in need
of Your help and comforting love. Fill them with peace and Your
everlasting love. Help them to rest in Your arms of haling love.
Please be with all the new and those waiting for tests. Give them
faith and Your comforting love around them. Be with all the families
that are scared and need Your kind and caring hands to comfort them.
Bless all those that are having a lot of pain or just need You to help
them through some challenge they are facing. Thank You for all You
are doing to help and comfort all the stage 4 ladies that need Your help
and comforting love. Bless them with Your arms of everlasting love
around them. In Jesus name. Smen
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Amen and God bless.
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The Lord will accomplish what concerns
me; Your loving kindness, O Lord, is
everlasting. Psalm 138:8
Be still and know that I am God
Psalm 46:10
Wait on the Lord;
Be of good courage,
And He will strengthen your heart;
Wait, I say, on the Lord.
Psalm 27:14
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Heavenly Father, Please be with all those facing fires, flooding
and heat waves, for I know there are many things in this world
in need of Your help and guiding love. Bless all those in need of
You because of loss or just tired of any challenges, lift them to You.
In Jesus name. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please wrap Your arms of love around all
those that are scared or just need Your comforting love around
them. Fill them peacefulness and Your everlasting love, to guide
and give them hope and rest in Your arms of love be with all those
that are facing fear and need You near. O Lord, be with all that are
hurting and need You to help them rest in Your love. Bless all those
going through surgery or other treatments, That they will feel You
beside them. Bless and comfort al the wonderful stage 4 ladies and
fill them with peacefulness and love In Jesus name I pray. Amrn
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Blessed be His glorious name forever;
may all the earth be filled with the Lord's
glory. Amen and amen Psalm 72:19
You are my God, I will give You thanks;
my God, I offer You praise. Psalm 118:28
Fear not, I am with you; be not dismayed;
I am Your God. I will strengthen you and
help you, and uphold you with My right
hand of justice. Isaiah 41:10
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Heavenly Father, Please be with all those facing wildfires or
flooding. Bless them with strength and courage, to lean on You.
Help those that lost their house and others that have lost
everything. May they find hope and courage, as we pray people
will come and help them build their life again. In Jesus name. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with all the new people that need Your
guidance and love. Help them as You find them comfort and the
right help they need. Bless and fill them with courage and hope.
Be with all those that are going threw Chemo or other treatment,
that You will guide and help everything to turn out right. Guide the
hands that are doing the treatments. Be with anyone here that is
hurting and needs You loving arms to help and carry them through.
Be with all the wonderful stage 4 ladies that need Your help and love,
as You carry them through their hard time. I lift them to You. In Jesus
name. Amen
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Thank you. Amen.
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Heavenly Father, Please be with all those that are facing challenges
and need Your arms of peacefulness and comfort around them. Be
with all the new and those facing tests that don't know anything. Fill
their hearts with Your comforting love. Bless and help those that are
in pain and need Your hands of caring love around them. Be with all
those that are running tests, doing treatment, or just helping them
through surgery. Bless them with Your guidance and love. Bless
all the wonderful stage 4 ladies that need Your help, comfort and
fill them with Your love and peacefulness. That they will get through
whatever they are facing. I lift them to You. In Jesus wonderful name
I pray. Amen