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PORT PLACEMENT - Detailed description of process



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited July 2015

    Blue, catheter size is 6-8 Fr. Lower the number the larger the catheter. Your question how the hole in the vein heals. Mechanism is the same throughout the body. Anything that disrupts tissue the body has marvelous response team that is activated to fix it.

    If you read those studies, you may find you are quite happy that you had the ibuprofen. It's not provable yet, but your recurrence potential may be less b/c of errors. Love it when errors work in our favor.

    I hesitated to say about keeping your port. I'm glad Cowgirl, brought it up. You should consider b/c of your TNBC. On the other hand, PAIN is a signal. The signal may be it's putting to much pressure on something. If it's To much pressure on a tissue can lead to cell death. Hesitating again. ---that can lead to a bleed. UGH, hated saying that cuz you are uptight about bleeding. Obviously, you haven't bled.The other thing is it could be putting pressure on a nerve, that could be causing the pain without and tissue problem.

    Are you the one that said the catheter flipped? They would have to surgically remove that. There's no way to flip it back.

    Look, I have to lay off for today, brains getting muddled

  • littleblueflowers
    littleblueflowers Member Posts: 391
    edited July 2015

    Wow! Thanks! That's really exciting information. I sure did take a lot of NSAIDS in the first 7 days. I kept telling myself that the silver lining to the bleed was that it changed out 3 units of my blood- blood that could have had cancer cells in it. So- added protection. And now---your info that NSAIDS are associated with reduced re-occurance! I got my port out yesterday, and with your kind advice, was not so scared. I can't thank you enough!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited July 2015

    you have to promise me to read all the studies. This is not a for sure thing. The best data has to do with toradol. Retsky referenced other studies. It has to do with interfering with inflammation response, cytokines, VEGF, and a slew of other things

    Gotta go

  • Tresjoli2
    Tresjoli2 Member Posts: 579
    edited July 2015

    anyone experiencing prolonged bruising around their port? I had my port in on June 18th and I am still bruised...

  • ksusan
    ksusan Member Posts: 461
    edited July 2015

    I was bruised from April through July. It never cleared up.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited July 2015

    Hmmm no clue, but two of you from separate places, they're must be something we don't know about.

  • april25
    april25 Member Posts: 367
    edited July 2015

    I got my port placed in a hospital... but I was awake the whole time. In fact, I was chatting so much I think I distracted the doctor. At one point a bunch of blood gushed and got all in my hair! I shut up after that! (This was at kp, which I left during this year's Open Enrollment. They weren't into putting you out completely, which was odd. I was more out for my colonoscopy!). The doc also didn't glue my incision together well enough. It started bleeding when they were going to discharge me and he had to run over and squirt a gob of glue on it until it stopped.

    But I used it a day later for my first infusion and it's still going, 7 or 8 months later.

    ... I do feel a bit of twinge/pull in my neck when i lift my head up sometimes, though! But otherwise, it's been no trouble.

    Hopefully, whomever takes it out will be a little bit better about not letting blood gush everywhere and in sealing up the incision. That was all a bit unsettling. --But not painful at all, at least!

  • Tresjoli2
    Tresjoli2 Member Posts: 579
    edited July 2015

    I was awake too April25 but in an special procedure room in the hospital. My heart rate was low so I could only have half the twilight sleep stuff. I was pretty darn awake and covered in this blue tarp. Was not fun but my surgeon did an excellent job.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited July 2015

    if the docs don't put the men to sleep for the same procedure. Then I have no problem. Glad it's working good for you.


  • april25
    april25 Member Posts: 367
    edited July 2015

    Tresjoli2 -- yeah... I was covered in all kinds of paper and whatever. They were super-concerned about it. Which was bad because I was awake and had an itch on my nose!!! I was shifting about because of it. If I were more sedated, that wouldn't have been a problem!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited July 2015

    Hey, I did a new thread, based on the Toradol research.

  • mommacat4
    mommacat4 Member Posts: 60
    edited July 2015

    sas-schatzi, you have a gold mine of information here. We are so very blessed you are here. Thank you so much.

    I have had my port in since December 2014 and I haven't had any bruising. Occasionally I will feel a small pain around it but inside not on the skin.

    I couldn't imagine being awake while they put the port in or take it out. I don't want to feel that or see it. I don't know when my port will be coming out.

    take care ladies

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited July 2015

    Thanks mommacat, Nice words are always appreciated.

  • april25
    april25 Member Posts: 367
    edited July 2015

    Awake was definitely weird! I tend to be chatty when I'm a little nervous, so I was talking non-stop... until the gush of blood, anyway! At that point I REALLY wished I'd been out! Otherwise it wasn't bad. I wasn't feeling any pain... But I think the really should have given me a little more anesthetics. I mean, seriously, I was out more during my colonoscopy! And that didn't involve any incisions or stitching or whatever... Oh, well. I have a feeling my current team of doctors will be a bit better about the whole thing, so I'm not as worried about getting my port out!

    Sas-- thanks for the link about... toradol . I have no idea what they gave me for my lx. I don't think I got any records of that, but I should go have a look. So it doesn't matter what type of BC you have?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2015


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2015


  • mommacat4
    mommacat4 Member Posts: 60
    edited August 2015

    sas-schatzi, how long can a person have their port? I have had mine since December and I don't know when I will get it out.

    I finished Chemo in May and Rads on July 31st only to find out on August 4th that I have endometrial cancer. I have a consultation appointment on Wed with a GYN ONC. From everything I have heard and read I will need a total hysterectomy. I do not know at this point if I will need any chemo or rads after the surgery.

  • kicks
    kicks Member Posts: 319
    edited August 2015

    My port has been in since Aug 25, 2009. It is going to stay there 'forever' just in case I need it again. (I'm IBC so -- ). A lot easier to have it flushed monthly rather than have to have another one implanted 'somewhere' less convient IF one is needed in the future.

    As I visualize it - I have a 'little Soldier standing guard with rifle at ready to keep the Monster at bay/away. BUT if the Monster attacks again - the Soldier is there, ready to help me fight again.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2015

    Momma, sorry, two hits at once. I had that too. Sucks. I don't know the longest on record for a port. I know my twin has her current port since 2007. Keeping a port is a very personal choice, but if it's working, comfortable, no pain, many hold onto them for years. They take off the stress on arm veins. Even more so, if you are limited to one arm from lymph node removal.

    They're was a discussion with in the last five pages about port removal. Members offered varying points of view. Hope this helped. Good luck with all the up coming activity.

    Please, try and read the information re: Toradol. I'll link it sassy

  • kicks
    kicks Member Posts: 319
    edited August 2015

    My port, tthis many years post TX, does not take 'stress' off of my 'one arm' vein. All my blood draws are done from my vein - not port as it is so much quicker and easier - I do have great veins, thankfuly, so protected them with a port for infusions.

    There is no 'One Size Fits All' so we have to educate ourselves and go with our decisions - not what 'worked'/ is 'right' for someone else.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited September 2015


  • mommacat4
    mommacat4 Member Posts: 60
    edited September 2015

    Thank you sas-schatzi.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited September 2015

    Momma, What are your thoughts about keeping your Port?

    I didn't interject my own experience at the time b/c it wasn't appropriate to the question. When I was first dx'd and agreed to 4 chemo's. I asked for a port. I knew what my twins experience was and our arms were 'identical'. Little veins. My MO refused. He said they're was no need only 4 chemo's. I was still in early shock and in unfamiliar territory. He was my guide (later fired). My DH was dx'd with Lymphoma 3 months behind me. He was immediately told he was getting a port for 5 chemo's. I forget what his chemo was, but that wasn't the issue. I knew my veins were trouble. Plus, I knew I wouldn't be able to use the other arm b/c of the snbx and I had an aggressive cancer. I was looking at the long haul.

    My only chemo was a disaster from the first alcohol wipe till I was discharged from the hospital about 10 days later.

    Chemo day---------three chemo nurses ------5 attempts-------5th attempt successful in the hand. But it was lower than the last attempt which was in the side of the forearm. Chemo leaked. The area was light black for > a year. Almost 4years later, I could see the shade difference and the area felt different. Now 6 years out, color is good, but they're is a knot. I have never allowed another attempt in that area.

    I have a genetic thingy difference with the Cytochrome450 metabolism. I've known for decades I reacted strongly to standard dose medications. Learned to always ask for half the lowest dose. Finally learned why when the genetic testing was done.

    The positive is based on my genetics, I got dose dense in that only chemo. Plus, since the Hospitalist put me into acute renal failure that dose was circulated longer than it should have been. So, error, on error, possibly saved my life. Possibly. Can't prove it. But dose dense is being done. Haven't heard that intentionally putting patients into acute renal failure is part of the process. He put me into renal failure b/c he used the wrong IV fluids.

    I'll link to a thread I worked on. It was started by Jelson. Read my post from Feb 23rd 2014

  • mommacat4
    mommacat4 Member Posts: 60
    edited October 2015

    sas-schatzi, I am so sorry it took so long to respond. I had to have a total hysterectomy because I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer. They did get all of it removed within the surgery. This means I will not need any further chemo or radiation (thank God).

    As far as my port is concerned, I think my breast surgeon will remove it when he does the exchange but that won't happen until maybe March 2016. I have had my port since December last year because I started chemo in January.

    It sounds like you had a horrible experience with your chemo. They should have done a pic line for you or something else so you wouldn't have had to go through all that.

    Thank you for all your help and support, love you.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited October 2015

    Momma, thanks the positive is I can share how bad it can be. GRRRRrrr. They caught me off guard once. Won't happen again. Glad you did well.

  • Artista928
    Artista928 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited October 2015

    I just got my port placed on 10/8. Sometimes it feels 'ok' but then it gets achy and even hurts at times. Anything to take for this? Ice over a cloth help any? Is it still settling in even though there are times I felt all is well?

    I'm in for 4 rounds A/C every 3 wks followed by 4 rounds Taxotere every 3 wks, so it's 6 months for me just for chemo. I too am thinking about keeping the port "forever." My scores are enough for me to think recurrence is likely even though I'm not Her2+ or trip neg. Can someone link the page where the pros and cons of keeping the port "forever" are listed? I'm 51, if this helps with feedback. TIA! xo

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,356
    edited October 2015


    What does your mo say about not removing the port? I have had my port for over 4 years. Never had chemo (long story), but used it for Aredia for 2 years and now use it for blood draws and PET scans. My mo has suggested that I have it removed as she is somewhat concerned about the risk of infection since it is a foreign body. Since I am stage IV, I know that chemo is likely in my future so that's my argument for keeping it in. I also feel like taking it out would be tempting fate. Yes, a totally baseless, unscientific belief, but I do have my quirks 😉. At any rate, my mo laughed when I told her that, so the port stays. I am very conscientious about having it flushed, andall is well so far. I will add that mine causes me no discomfort whatsoever. I might feel differently if it did.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited October 2015

    Artista Pg 31 and 32 :)

  • Artista928
    Artista928 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited October 2015

    Bookmarked, thank you! ^^ ^^

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited October 2015

    Many here have donated . Thank you !........Wandering around and cheerleading again :)

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