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Benign Cyst that hasnt gone away in 6 months?

MomOf3InNJ Member Posts: 2
edited November 2017 in Not Diagnosed But Worried


 I had posted a few months back about a lump in my breast.   Had an US which said it was a benign cyst.  I went for a routine ob/gyn appointment today and the doc wants to send me for a mammo/ultrasound because the cyst is still there.

Has anyone else had a cyst that did not go away after 6 months?  Should I be more concerned that it's still there?  I have an appointment next week for screening mammo/us to have it checked.



  • kelsgotacamera
    kelsgotacamera Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2008

    Hi.  I, too, found a lump several months ago.  I went to the ob/gyn for my yearly physical and was told to wait 6 months and have it checked again.  The lump did not change, but I took it upon myself to see a breast surgeon because of the amount of bc in my family.  After another u/s he chose to do a biopsy.  It turned out to be an intraductal papilloma, which is benign.  If you have uneasy feelings about it, seek another opinion. 

    Merry Christmas,

  • Member Posts: 1,435
    edited December 2008

    MomOf3, there is no reason to be more concerned.  Sometimes cysts go away on their own but often they don't.  So the fact that it's still there isn't a sign that there is a problem. 

    Ultrasounds can be excellent at 'seeing' cysts because ultrasounds can distinguish between something that is solid and something that contains fluid, and cysts are fluid-filled.  So unlike most other lumps, often cysts can be very clearly identified on an ultrasound.   This means that if the report was clear last time that your lump was a benign cyst, then that's probably all that it is. Having said that, I have a recommendation that I think would be a whole lot better than having another ultrasound.  Why don't you ask your doctor to aspirate the cyst?  I've had more cysts than I can remember and before sending me for an ultrasound, my doctor would always attempt to aspirate the cyst.  It's a simple, painless, 2 minute procedure that can be done in the doctor's office - he just inserts a needle and syringe, and pulls out the fluid from the cyst.  Just like that, the lump is gone.  And as long as the fluid isn't bloody, it doesn't need to be checked.   I know that some doctors aren't comfortable aspirating cysts (although frankly I don't know why).  If that's the case, maybe the doctor can request that the radiologist aspirate the cyst - radiologists do needle biopsies so I would think it would be an easy thing to aspirate a cyst.  Getting the cyst aspirated seems to make much more sense to me than having another ultrasound. 

  • lightacandle
    lightacandle Member Posts: 3
    edited December 2008

    HI, i too had a small cyst (pea size for 8 yrs) it turned out to be ok. Then i got another cyst in the same breast last Nov/07. I got that checked out in March-mamo+US , then a core biopsie. Told by my fam doc + surgeon that is was fine.

    My gut feeling told me to get it out( in May it was removed). It was checked in 2 labs(my town + city) 3 1/2 weeks later, it came back cancer. I had a mestomey in JUne/08.

    My advice is go with what you think is right with you. Again , i had the other cyst for 8 never bothered me. But when i got the other one ...i knew it wasnt "right" . This second one was stuck and didnt move around like the pea size one.

    Good Luck!!

  • Member Posts: 1,435
    edited December 2008

    lightacandle, it's really a good thing that you went with your gut and got the 2nd lump checked out further.  One question for you:  Did the 2nd lump turn out to be a cyst or was it a solid lump?  Cysts are fluid-filled, they tend to be more mobile (although you can't always tell from how they feel) and they are almost always benign.  Unless a cyst also includes a lot of solid stuff floating around inside it, it usually can be removed simply by aspiration and a core biopsy and excision isn't necessary.  So from your description, it sounds as though your second lump may not have been a cyst after all.  Over the years I've had lots of cysts but I've had several solid lumps too - for those, I've needed to have a biopsy.

    Momof3, what's most important is to confirm that your cyst is really a cyst - filled only with fluid.  If it is, then it's nothing to worry about.

  • lightacandle
    lightacandle Member Posts: 3
    edited December 2008

    hi Beesie,  yes the pea size one was a cyst with fluid-filled. I did have it drained 7 yrs ago. The second lump wasnt a cyst but, after a biopsy and -told -it was ok i had to have it removed. It just didnt "feel right" , When you think about it ,if i left it for another yr i would have been in BIG TROUBLE! i'm on Tamoxifen.  The surgeon wanted me to have just partical done. Remove the tissue and have rad. I wanted a mastectomy . So, i had that done and i still didnt come to terms with it. Its 6 months and i still cant believe this happen to me!!!!

  • MomOf3InNJ
    MomOf3InNJ Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2009

    Thank you all for your replies.  I had the mammo and ultrasound yesterday. My tiny breasts are so dense the mammogram was useless.  Had U/S on both breasts, since this was my first ever mammo.

     So the cyst was just that, a cyst.  They did however, take FOUR other needle biopsies.  Has this happened to anyone else?  I'm a bit panicked, because I know that 80% turn out to be benign, but I'm kind of getting close with 4 biopsies.  1 was a complex cyst, and the other 3 were solid.

    Trying to remain calm until tomorrow.  Has anyone else ever had so many biopsies?

  • ilhyun
    ilhyun Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2017

    Hi! I had a breast lump last February this year and I consulted it after one month. My doctor told me that it has nothing to worry about and it may go away after menstrual period. But it did not. He recommend me to get an ultrasound and it shows that there is one in my right breast, i remembered it as fibroadenoma. It was removed through surgery last May. During surgery, they found 2 instead of one. Weeks after, I felt another from both breast and it's really painful. I'm just 18 years old and i am really really scared. i am keeping it from my prents until now and I am literally crying when it pains because i'm really scared. Researches shows that it may go away after menstruation but months had passed it still here and I dont know how many are there. I know it's childish but I really don't want to see a doctor, that was also my first time sleeping in a hospital bed when I got the surgery. I was ashamed of myself when i cried when they inserted a needle in my hand. I'm still a teenager and I really don't know why i have to have this, ugh. I am relieved and thankful to know that breast cancers doesn't hurt so it means mine is not a cancer because I have a history from my father's side, my aunt is a breast cancer survivor. I also prefer home remedies than a surgery.

  • MTwoman
    MTwoman Member Posts: 228
    edited November 2017

    ilhyun, I am sorry that you're here worried about your breast health. First off, I would recommend that you stop hiding health related concerns from your parents. Having any new and concerning symptoms checked out by your doctor is a good practice. It is understandable that it makes you anxious, given that you've had a surgery before, but because of your history it is even more important that you get a good relationship with your doctor. Although pain is not commonly associated with bc, your statement "breast cancers doesn't hurt" just isn't true. Please ask your parents to take you, or take yourself to see your doctor. The chances of you having breast cancer is extraordinarily low, but you should be seen as you are in pain.

    Image result for incidence of breast cancer in women

    Please note that you are in the first group, "under 20" and the incidence of breast cancer in your age group is so low that it is statistically 0.0%. So don't worry about the worst case scenario, but please do go see your doctor. Good luck!

  • ilhyun
    ilhyun Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2017

    MTwoman, Yeah thank you, I talked to my mom and I think she doesn't want to talk about it :( I don't know, maybe she doesn't want me to take it big deal.

  • MTwoman
    MTwoman Member Posts: 228
    edited November 2017

    Well that is disappointing, isn't it? So you are going to have to take charge of your own health care needs and schedule an appointment with your doctor to discuss this. Do you have a gynecologist? If so, schedule an appointment for a breast exam and a consultation so that your doc can talk to you about what is "normal" for your breasts and what to look for doing self exams. Sometimes, we have to advocate for our own health; it's never too soon to start practicing. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do to support you.