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  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    tammy, i never drank much milk as an adult, but i do like it on cereal. so i tried all different kinds and for me, almond milk is just so delish, that now i drink glasses of it! and i have switched to fruit and yogurt with my granola! it's like having desert for breakfast! actually, i am just now trying to learn how to eat breakfast. most of my life i never did, but my endocrinologist tells me its a good thing to do. she's trying to get more protein in me, i am mostly a vegetarian, because my man is, and i am the cook, so i don't cook it at home, but at a restaurant? steak or hamburgers, here i come! 10 times a year, maybe.

    i do hope all is well with everyone, and femara, our wonderful friend, is being kind and gentle to all.

  • tessy
    tessy Member Posts: 38

    Tammy M43, 

    Thanks for the information. I hope I do well on it also. And as the others said, stay away from soy. Also check any supplements you take because I was surprised and found soy in the Vitamin E and D I was taking for almost a freakin year!!!!I am sure it is a small amount but none the less, I should have read the bottle a little more closely. Same with foods, it is in some packaged foods. 

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    soy is in a LOT of stuff.  I treat myself with tofu once (or at most twice) a year.  Flax is another thing that is a huge phytoestrogen.  There're more, but my brain is busy doing nothing right now....

    In response to the question about which generic has the least SE's - I'm pretty sure that would vary be person.  I had fewest on Mylan (but I also took it the shortest period of time) - the worst on the one I'm on now - APO on the label, and the least on the one I took the longest - it said CARA on the label.  But some people have no SE's, so as the saying goes - don't borrow trouble...  :)

  • Tammy_M43
    Tammy_M43 Member Posts: 565

    Thanks everyone for the soy advice....I did find an almond and coconut milk that I'm going to try...sounds nice.....I hope that almonds aren't an issue.....I LOVE them!

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    nuts are soooo good for you, if you have bc! i know i have read it, just can't remember where! brazil nuts, you can only have a couple a day, or they can be toxic.

  • peacestrength
    peacestrength Member Posts: 236

    I just had my followup blood work done and my WBC's have dropped to 2.9.  Can Femara be causing this?  Anyone else having this issue while taking Femara?  I will be a year out from chemo on August 15 and my WBC's have bounced around from 4.4 now 2.9.  I'm concerned.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Peacestrength, to answer your question?  Yes, it can indeed be a cause but is highest % is usually in the first month or two.  About 25% can have it show up about a year or so after initial doseage but I would have a chat with your onc and get his/her take on what's happening.

    Love n hugs.   Chrissy

  • peacestrength
    peacestrength Member Posts: 236

    Thanks, Chrissy.  I started Femara in January 2014 and every blood draw proceeding this, my WBC's have dropped.  I have an appt with my MO next week and will discuss this.

  • MsPharoah
    MsPharoah Member Posts: 224

    Peace,  I haven't had my WBC as low as 2.9, however since I started Femara, my WBC have been hovering right around the just below normal level  and have dropped several times... my onc is not concerned.  My PCP is concerned, however so that is what keeps me on edge. Bawling Last check up, my WBC were up enough to put me in the low, low, normal category.  My onc told me not to worry unless I had other symptoms which I don't....fatigue, unexplained weight loss, etc.   Hugs to you,


  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239

    So far my WBCs have not dropped but I have only been on Letrozole since March.  Tessy to answer your question, my generic that I have been taking since April is called Teva and is manufactured in Jerusalem, Israel!  There have been mild side effects but all tolerable other than I have gained weight and am working on it like a fiend to stop any more gain.  I think it is not only "the medicine" but it might make me tired more thus less active, and also increase my appetite?  

    It is worth taking in my book, hope you find a product you tolerate well.  

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Peace, I don't know about the femara, but I know that both my mom and I have had depressed blood counts ever since chemo. Mine (red and white) are usually hovering on the low end of normal or just below. After a bit of nudging, my onc admitted that this does happen to some people. Neither mom or I seem to have any ill effects from the situation, however. The only thing that helps, in my experience, is to keep my protein intake steady.

  • peacestrength
    peacestrength Member Posts: 236

    Thanks, Ladies for your feedback.  I'm on edge this week and concerned.  I contacted my MO and she will recheck next week to see if it's lower or a lab fluke.  Mine have been lower but not this low.

  • MsPharoah
    MsPharoah Member Posts: 224

    Peace, I know the feeling.  Glad you are having a recheck!   I think Momine is right...that it is the chemo that causes the counts to go down and that for some of us, we never get the robust counts we had before.    But the reality is...I felt awesome before I had breast cancer treatment!!!!


  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    I felt just fantastic before diagnosis too, very strong, good wind, flexible no pain, nothing, never even caught colds or flu. after cancer? Yikes! aches pains blues i will not go on about it! not this minute anyway! Hope everyone is doing all right..

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    I feel much better after cancer treatment. I have a bad back, and I decided during cancer TX that I could not afford to end up needing spinal surgery on top of everything else. So I have gotten much better at taking care of myself, with the result that I have much less pain. 

    I also had about 5 years before DX where I was feeling generally bad - mostly fatigue and mild depression, like a perpetual light fog. In hindsight, I think it must have been the cancer, because most of that vague, but very bothersome, feeling has gone away.

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    Hi, momine! I was attributing my tiredness to doing too much, and my malaise to being unemployed, maybe you do have something there...

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    Before my diagnosis I was ALWAYS getting sick.  Any little thing that came by I caught.  Since, I haven't had a cold or anything.  I think since the cancer has been removed, my immune system has been able to keep everything in check.  Well, everything except for the letrozole/femara caused pains......

  • Brwneyedgirl
    Brwneyedgirl Member Posts: 70

    Started letrozole tonight.  Fingers crossed for few SEs.  😀. MO wants me to try this one first. 

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Kathec, it can also be from the chemo. Try taking a magnesium supplement for a bit, make sure to get enough vitamin D, some fresh air and some exercise and see if that helps.

    The first 6 months post-treatment, I was extremely weak and did feel fatigued a lot. I basically walked it off. I walked and walked, even if it was really slowly at times. 

  • peaches12
    peaches12 Member Posts: 28

    Ddgm-  I started Letrozole 4 months ago and so far so good.  No SE's.  I'm a little stiff when I first get up in the morning, but it dawned on me that I was stiff in the morning before breast cancer and Letrozole, too.  I'm 74 and realized that I'm never going to feel like I'm 34 again, Letrozole or no Letrozole!  I'm keeping a very positive attitude and not blaming every little ache and pain as being a SE.  (I'm not saying other posters are doing that, don't get me wrong!).   

    I'm also taking a small dosage of Lexapro daily which was recommended by several doctors, including my doctor son, my onco, and my primary care, without me even asking for something to take the edge off.  Once chemo and radiation were over I was beginning to worry too much about reoccurrence and what was going to happen to me next. This is a very common problem post-treatment, I understand.  Lexapro takes about 6 weeks to kick in, doesn't make you feel sluggish or drugged at all, but I suddenly realized a few weeks ago that I no longer was living my life thinking or worrying about BC.  It definetely is helping me remain positive and live life like a normal person!  Just don't worry about SEs with Letrozole.  You might get some, but you also might not!

  • Brwneyedgirl
    Brwneyedgirl Member Posts: 70

    peaches - thank you for the pep talk!  I will keep the lexapro in my back pocket. 

  • SailingWind
    SailingWind Member Posts: 59

    Femara and weight.......anyone out there having trouble with weight gains on this?

  • intothewoods
    intothewoods Member Posts: 179

    I started letrozole 4 months ago and have put on a few pounds but I'm really hoping it's from having been on vacation. If I don't shed them when I go back to work, I guess it's trying to get more exercise and back to counting Weight Watchers points for me. 

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    i have gained 10 lbs n it in 5-6 months on it. the only other time in my adult life i have gained weight was on chemo. i have never been a dieter, always been skinny my whole life. one of the women on another thread has a notion that it is because since it is blocking our estrogen so well, our body is taking all the fuel we eat, and turning it directly into belly fat, because belly fat produces estrogen, because our body needs it and craves it. i believe it. its making it hard for me to do up my shoelaces.

  • KiwiCatMom
    KiwiCatMom Member Posts: 2,337

    I've gone up a dress size since starting Femara.  And am eating less.  Annoying.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    I've given up trying to calculate how much weight I've put on or what size I am now........I eat well and healthy and when I buy clothes I know what shape hides the worst of the belly and just go for the biggest on the 

     Kath you are exaclty right as to the why and where.

    Love n hugs girls!   Chrissy

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    yes to the weight gain.

  • wintersocks
    wintersocks Member Posts: 434

    me too, and especially around the tummy. I hope my Diep will take care of it. 

  • KLJ
    KLJ Member Posts: 79

    Glad to see I am not alone in the weight gain/belly fat department. I wonder if there is an Estrogen blocking drug out there that doesn't have that side effect? My only other issue with it has been the pain in both hands. Particularly in both thumbs. Can't even use scissors at this point :(

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    After five years, one more day - I have one more day of taking Femara (unless/until there is a next time). 

    What I hope for and what actually happens afterward may not be the same - time will tell.