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  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245

    I had a pre-treatment Dexa scan and am due for another one now - which will be 2 years. My MO says 2 years is the norm unless there is a problem.

  • MsPharoah
    MsPharoah Member Posts: 224

    thanks ladies, I thought that every 2 years was normal!


  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455

    Isn't it amazing how some of us can find a drug that works and others find a different one  amazed.that we are all that different..?  I applaud those of you who can tolerate this one.  I know on the Arimidex board, we determined that the TEVA generic of Arimidex was easier to tolerate.  I also heard some of the ladies say when they did the brand name program thru Astra genica for 30.00 a month, they had fewer side effects.  Someone suggested its the fillers and not the actual drug.  One lady was horribly lactose intolerant and discovered lactose was a common filler......  

  • hopeful82014
    hopeful82014 Member Posts: 887


    I think the motto of those on AIs should be "if at first you don't succeed...." ;)

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393

    I have pretty good bone density, had one check before diagnosis and at the 2 year time after being on Letrozole. It still was good..


  • windingshores
    windingshores Member Posts: 160

    I just called and talked to a nurse about the lactose problem and she said "we've never heard of this before." I actually am potentially sensitive to other fillers and was trying to get brand name Femara (and yes, the alternative would be Teva). Arimidex and anastrazole both have lactose listed first in inactive ingredients. Brand name Femara has it listed #4 but not many fillers, and the lactose might be purer, who knows; and Teva also has it listed #4 as I remember. Sun Pharmaceuticals has it listed #1. Hope this helps someone else!

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455

    Sun Pharmacueticals is who made the first anastrazole I was on.  I felt better afte the switch.

  • windingshores
    windingshores Member Posts: 160

    While I wait to see if the brand name can get approved by insurance, I am taking 1/4 of the Sun brand each day. I get woozy for a couple of hours, even at this dose, but can function the rest of the day. Some trouble sleeping.

    I wonder if anyone with bad side effects has tried taking 1/4 of a pill, every 6 hours-?

    I suppose that most of the side effects people describe happen once a steady state is achieved and it might not matter how the drug is taken, but for now, I cannot take a whole pill in order to reach a steady state.

    This is making me rethink everything: I was not doing radiation but have called a radiation oncologist to consult, and am having some questionable tests redone. I also have osteoporosis and react to those drugs too, another strike against AI's for me.

    Not to discourage anyone- a friend of mine is doing absolutely fine on AI's and I react to everything, food and meds, and have been diagnosed with an overactive immune system w/autoimmune disorder as well.

    So, main question: has anyone tried or been told it is okay to split an AI over the course of a day?

  • schoolcounselor
    schoolcounselor Member Posts: 229

    Oh boy, you guys are scaring me. I'm taking a two week holiday from Aromasin and I'm starting Femara on Tuesday. I still have really bad joint pain. It's so hard for me to stand from sitting down, so I'm hoping for no side effects. I'm still trying to figure out the best time of day to take it.....

  • Nash54
    Nash54 Member Posts: 699

    SchoolCounselor...I have not had any problems so far with Femara. I take it first thing in the morning and I try to exercise daily. I either do yoga or walk 30 min on a treadmill. For me I think exercise is keeping the stiff joints at bay. I guess SE's can kick in at anytime but so far I'm doing good. Best of luck.

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485

    Schoolcounselor, Femara so is great for me. I have taken them all. My joints still have some stiffness and I had trouble standing after sitting as well! I felt like I was 90 years old! I take it first thing as well and so far so good. 5 weeks but I felt the SE almost immediately with arimidex and aromisom. My hands are a bit swollen and stiff upon wakening, but loosen up pretty quickly. I exercise daily as well. Give it a try because for me this is the last one!

  • Nomatterwhat
    Nomatterwhat Member Posts: 210

    I take my Femara in the morning with my other pills when I get to work and have eaten breakfast.  I tried Arimidex and it made me feel like I was 90 years old after three days.  I have had no problems with Femara other than getting out of a chair after a long period of time and that is due to bad knees.  Give it a try and if it doesn't work try something else.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790

    Hi everyone....I have not posted for ages as my three years on Letrozole have been pretty doable so far. I do get bouts of nausea from time to time and have had substantial hair thinning. This winter however, I have had one sinus infection after another and was wondering if anybody else has had this problem.

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455

    If you are struggling that severely  with dizziness  on 1/4 of a pill, call your MO!  It could be messing with your blood pressure or something!  Surely he or she did not approve that?

  • Tammy_M43
    Tammy_M43 Member Posts: 565

    Scottiee, I have had a persistent sinus problem with post nasal drip. I will check with my MO on my next visit because I've been wondering if there is a connection.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790

    Thank you Tammy.......Would you mind posting your MO's answer?

  • windingshores
    windingshores Member Posts: 160

    Redheaded, it's not my bp, and yes I have been in touch with my MO a few times while trying to get on one of the AI's. My experience is not relevant for anyone else. I have some special problems with meds- almost all meds.

    I am describing reactions not side effects. If that helps.

    Today the 1/4 pill went better. I am doing a program of desensitization and so will try 1/2 tomorrow. My body needs to be introduced to things slowly so it can get to know the med and not reject it as an alien invader. Once there is familiarity, contact can increase, meaning upping the dose.

    I have a pharmacist working with me. He is also researching whether I can take 1/4 dose every 6 hours instead of the whole 2.5mg at once. It may be that I can reach a steady state either way.

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455

    windingshores--I sure hope you get some solution!  I have a lot of drug sensitivities too, but you scared me when you said you were that dizzy with 1/4 tablet.....I spent a night in the hospital in Jan after becming severely dizzy, and they never did figure it out, but I had been on my AI since June, so they didn't think there was a connection. MO said it wouldn't hit me that severely all at once.  Good LUCK! 

  • Tammy_M43
    Tammy_M43 Member Posts: 565

    Scottiee, happy to add any insight! I'm not due to see MO for a few months. I will post when I get an answer

  • windingshores
    windingshores Member Posts: 160

    I just found this: "In postmenopausal patients with advanced breast cancer, daily doses of 0.1 to 5mg Femara (letrozole) suppress plasma concentrations of estradiol, estrone, and estrone sulfate by 75% to 95% from baseline.....suppression is dose-related with doses of 0.5mg and higher giving many values of estrone and estrone sulfate that were below the limit of detection in the assays. Estrogen suppression was maintained throughout treatment in all patients treated at 0.5mg or higher."

    I am tolerating 1/4 of 2.5mg but today tried 1/2 and it is horrible. After reading the above, it appears that 1/5 of the 2.5mg tablet is effective, so perhaps the 1/4 dose will be enough. I am checking with pharmacist and MO.

    I wonder why we are all prescribed five times the lowest effective dose, with attendant side effects and effects on bones. I am skeptical but this is info from the drug company itself.

    Something is better than nothing though. 75% is better than 0%. And this would seem to indicate better than that with a partial pill/day.

  • Jubby
    Jubby Member Posts: 7

    I am 3 weeks and 3 days off Femara and still as stiff as a board. I am hoping that this drug doesn't do a permanent number on us :( Off to see a new physio tmrw and hoping for a miracle!!

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275

    Hi Everyone,

    I recognize some of you from other topics! I started Letrozole about 6 weeks ago. It's hard for me to determine if my fatigue and stiffness is from the letrozole or lingering effects of the chemo rads rollercoaster. My hair is growing in (yea, chemo curls) and now I read that letrozole can cause shedding??? And weight gain??? It sure would be nice to catch a break! Why can't the side effects be improved memory, glossy hair and flat stomaches?

    Do the hot flashes ever stop? I'm freaking miserable!


  • Nash54
    Nash54 Member Posts: 699 up on magnesium for hot flashes. I was taking it before BC and Femara and I've not had any hot flashes.

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    I havent had femara since valentines day, and I am still stiff as a board, Jubby. And my feet are just awful.

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275

    I will read about magnesium now!

  • Nomatterwhat
    Nomatterwhat Member Posts: 210

    Poppy, let me know what you find out.  I would help, but I am to busy fanning myself.  Whew, these flashes are miserable!!!!! 

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275

    Taking 400-800 mg of magnesium oxide reduced the frequency and intensity of hot flashes in 50% of the women who tried it in a 2011 study. I figure I'll give it a try. I already take Effexor and Vitamin E to try to reduce them... now if I could only reduce my stress, which I'm sure would help.

  • Jubby
    Jubby Member Posts: 7

    So glad it's not just me Tomboy! I hear you re the feet. I walk around like a 100 year old with the sorest arches. My physio appointment today was encouraging. We have a game plan. Lots of targeted muscle therpay. I am hoping that once I start to move this rickety chasis, things will start to limber up rather than fall off! LOL.

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    hi All

    I tried reading back but this is a very long thread. I Just switched to femara from a 2 wk stint on Aromasin. The switch to an AI came after about 3 yrs on tamox ( due to SOFT results) i cant believe how horrible i feel on this new class of drugs. Joint pain, swelling, fatigue etc.

    did you all find the symptoms to get better????? Is this just my body adapting?!??

    Also HAIR LOSS does it level out bc right now im losing quite a bit

    Im really debating whether or not i should just go back to tam

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    I am 8 months after 5 years of Femara. During the 5 years, the symptoms varied tremendously - something that hurt one day didn't the next, but something else might. It took a few months to feel the difference afterwards and now I feel reasonably good (as much as I might otherwise at 67). None of the side effects were debilitating and all were much better than a recurrence. My life continued apace during Femara as it does now. All good.