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  • Artista928
    Artista928 Member Posts: 1,458

    Arimidex and Femara seems to have the most complaints. Anyone know why generic Aromasin is so expensive??? It's not like it's any different than the other 2. They are all AIs..

  • ndgrrl
    ndgrrl Member Posts: 645

    I was wondering the same why that is so expensive. I now know why my Dr never recommended it

  • hopeful82014
    hopeful82014 Member Posts: 887

    FWIW, and of course every woman has a different experience, but the side effects, for me, were MUCH worse on Aromasin than on Femara, particularly the joint/muscle/bone pain, which was extreme.

  • Bliss58
    Bliss58 Member Posts: 938

    Everyone is just so different. I started on Anastrozole and after 5 mos. could hardly walk, so MO switched me to Letrozole which I've been on now almost 8 months and I'm doing so much better. Nancy, maybe you'll be the opposite of me and do much better on the Anastrozole. I hope so. A trick I use to get me to sleep is concentrating on deep breathing. It sounds so simple, but a friend recommended it, and for me, it works! Just seems to clear my mind and relax me, and before I know it, I'm out. Edited: I also rub essential oils on my feet that seem to help with relaxation as well.

  • Bliss58
    Bliss58 Member Posts: 938

    Can't remember and I can't find now who mentioned taking Gabapentin for neuropathy, but I'm wondering if it worked for you? I have mild neuropathy in my feet, especially left foot. I'm taking acupuncture treatments that have pretty much resolved my right foot, but left is still pretty pronounced and I think no longer responding. Thanks, Barbara

  • marijen
    marijen Member Posts: 2,181

    I took gabapentin, the lowest dose, for back pain. It caused about 8 side effects that were bad, and didn't help the pain. Say no to gaapentin,look up the sides

  • marijen
    marijen Member Posts: 2,181

    I took gabapentin, the lowest dose, for back pain. It caused about 8 side effects that were bad, and didn't help the pain. Say no to gaapentin,look up the sides.

  • Artista928
    Artista928 Member Posts: 1,458

    Gabapentin is a med that is given for anxiety as well. I have the pills that I got when the heat flushes were bad but I haven't had many flushes in a while so I haven't popped one yet. This is one that you'd need to slowly wean off of is you go off of it.

    It's 1 of the 11 mentioned multitasking meds:

  • ml143333
    ml143333 Member Posts: 190

    Has anyone experienced depression or apathy while taking Femara? I have been taking it now for about 2 years and I have noticed myself sliding. My family has noticed that I've become increasingly moody and snappy. I have noticed within myself that I have to talk myself out of anxiety each morning in order to get out of bed. Most days, I fake it on the outside but on the inside I either feel neutral or an on the verge of tears.

    After I had my daughter 15 years ago, I definitely had some PPD issues, but I knew that it was hormonally driven and once my hormones evened out, I would be okay. It was horrible though for about 2 months. I cried constantly and just wanted to feel like me again. This time, I know that my hormones are out of whack because I am in chemopause and taking Femara - so - almost no estrogen floating around in my system. I feel like there is little hope that I will kick this on my own, but I don't want to take more meds.

    Are there any natural supplements that may help me or do I need anti-depressants? I am just tired of not feeling like me.

    I see my MO tomorrow so I want to talk with him about this.

    Thank you.

  • Bliss58
    Bliss58 Member Posts: 938

    Thanks ladies for the input about gabapentin. I think I'll stick with the acupuncture a while longer!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    I too had PPD, but after having my son. I was fine for the first 6 weeks, and then it was like a curtain descending (not far off from Sylvia Plath’s description of it as a “bell jar” in her book of the same name). It happens more often after birthing sons—hormones cross the placenta both ways, and when carrying a boy, you have more circulating testosterone. About 6 wks later, it’s out of your system—and if you have a genetic predisposition to depression, you can descend into PPD. I had it for nearly two years, though the first year was the worst, including some “brain fog.” I still take an antidepressant (back then, Desyrel; now, Wellbutrin) for maintenance and to keep me from buying everything in the bakery aisle and ice cream freezer—and worse, eating it. Tamoxifen is out of the question for me—it occupies the same enzymatic pathway as Wellbutrin, I had adenomyosis before menopause (fibroids growing inwards), and there is cardiovascular disease in my family, so the risks of clots are too high.

    All aromatase inhibitors do the same thing: they prevent the liver-secreted enzyme aromatase from being the catalyst in the process by which androgens produced by fat cells and adrenal glands are converted to estrogens. Two accomplish that pretty much the same way: anastrozole (Arimidex) and letrozole (Femara). They do so in a nonsteroidal fashion (a biochemical process that is way above my pay grade to try to explain). However, exemestane (Aromasin) is a steroidal AI, is less commonly manufactured and therefore, since there’s less competition among its various generic mfrs,, those manufacturers charge what the traffic will bear. Far more companies make generic anastrozole & letrozole, so there’s more competition and therefore lower prices.

  • Nancy618
    Nancy618 Member Posts: 318

    Bjsmiller: Yes, when I wake early and can't go back to sleep, I do deep breathing AND squeeze muscles and release in succession from head to toe, which also helps. This morning I awoke with the old feelings of anxiety and like something crawling on my arms which I had with Letrozole. I hope it was a fluke!!! What essential oils do you use on your feet? I'm heavy into EOs and have used roman chamomile in almond oil on my feet in the past which has had limited success. I'm currently using Eden's Garden Sound Asleep on my wrists and temples with no observed difference so far.

    ml143333: I was on Femara for only 3 weeks and I DEFINITELY was cranky and snapped at my husband all the time. Although I wasn't sure if it was the medication or the fact that I was getting only 4-5 hours of sleep a night. I had PPD after my daughter was born, but only for a few days which I thought was due to lack of sleep as well. Hard to tell. But I can see if they are wiping any trace of estrogen out that we'd have menopausal symptoms.

    Arista928: Aromasin isn't quite like the other two. I found this article interesting, though it is a few years old.

    LAST radiation treatment today!!! YAY! Although, I had a great experience where I went for treatment and all the people wonderful. I brought them a tray of homemade cookies today and they were so appreciaitve. It was kind of like saying goodbye to friends and I left with a tear in my eye.

  • ml143333
    ml143333 Member Posts: 190

    Thank you Sandy and Nancy. I saw my MO today and was very sympathetic to what I am feeling. He said we could try three things: counseling, taking a month break from Femara and then possibly going on Aromasin, or antidepressants. I don't want to jump right into an antidepressant so we went with the month break and then I see him again. If at that point, I notice a change, we sill try Aromasin. He also ran a thyroid panel on me because he said hypothyroidism is linked to depression, fatigue, and weight gain. We'll see what comes of that.

    I will keep you posted.

    I just want to get back to me. :)

  • Nancy618
    Nancy618 Member Posts: 318

    ML I certainly will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I totally understand about wanting to get the old you back. I am having one of those days where I hurt and am emotional and crying. I've laid in bed doing virtually nothing for the last 4 hours. I don't think I can do this for 5 years. Hugs to you

  • 6cats
    6cats Member Posts: 199

    I've been on letrosole since mid-April. I had hair loss initially, but that has lessened. I also had an increase in migraines for about two weeks. I have had fibromyalgia for years and maybe have a slight increase in pain. I read initially that it could cause drowsiness, so take it at bedtime. Overall I would say that I have had minimal side effects. Just dry skin, nails & hair.

    For those that are concerned about taking it due to the side effects that they read about on these boards, remember that many people don't post if they are doing fine. I almost didn't.

  • Artista928
    Artista928 Member Posts: 1,458

    And it seems if it is horrid se's that as soon as your stop it's pretty immediate relief, at least it was for me. I went from practically bed bound with aches/pains from head to toe to feeling better the first day skipping it. It has a half life of 2-3 days.

  • Nancy618
    Nancy618 Member Posts: 318

    Artista: I found the same thing. Stopped taking the Femara and almost immediately my hip pain stopped, and within a day or two, I was sleeping again, which may have been because my hip pain wasn't waking me up multiple times a night too.

  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 948

    Femara caused incredible back pain for me. Walked bent over could not stand up straight. Did not have that on Arimidex. I stopped all ALS. No quality of life. The list of side effects is long but the big ones were lack of sleep (2 hours a night then off to work did not mix), decreased vision that could not be corrected with glasses, loss of hearing, began to feel like my insides were shaking. Just didn't want to live anymore. Told by the my surgeon Thursday who is the head of the cancer institute that about 35-40% of the patients at this institute make stop before the 5 years due to side effects. He said my risk reduction is only about 4% with the drug and it wasn't a 100% guarantee. We spent time talking about nutrition and exercise as an alternative.

  • SusanRachel
    SusanRachel Member Posts: 45

    Four months into femara, I still feel great. My only SE is a trigger finger in one finger - got an injection for that on Thursday and waiting to see if it will help. Other than that, I feel totally fine.

  • grandma3X
    grandma3X Member Posts: 297
    SusanRachel - I also have been lucky so far with Femara. I started in March, 2016, so just over a year ago. I experienced a bit of brain fog early on, but feel better now - or maybe I just don't remember how sharp I was before, LOL :)
    I think the effects may build up in some people over time, so it may hit me down the road, but the longer I can take this drug and still feel good, the better my chances will be of preventing a recurrence.
  • Optimist52
    Optimist52 Member Posts: 144

    I am now taking medication for hypertension, having been on letrozole nearly two years. My MO seemed quite defensive about this not being a SE of letrozole. Really? I find that hard to believe. Have various other side effects too, hair loss being quite distressing if it gets worse.

  • frogie
    frogie Member Posts: 7

    Interesting...I consult with two different MO's. One local and one at Mayo. I have been on Letrozole 2 months and my blood pressure rose dramatically. The local MO said HBP was NOT a side effect of Letrozole and should consult with a cardiologist to see if I have a heart condition. YIKES! After consulting with MO at Mayo he definitely agreed HBP most likely a SE of Letrozole. He is "creating" a new plan for me. This all just happened so not sure at this time what new plan will be. Needless to say I am a big proponent of second opinions!

  • Bliss58
    Bliss58 Member Posts: 938

    My MO had my thyroid tested too because I was complaining of extreme fatigue, but alas, it's normal albeit on the low side. I feel better now and I guess because I'm sleeping better and longer.

    Nancy, I use the Doterra brand essential oils because my friend sells them, but some can be pricey. I've used lavender, frankincense and rosemary on my feet, but the frankincense seems to work the best. Like everything else I've tried for sleep though, it eventually stops working, so I alternate them. I do swear by the rosemary though for minor joint aches and pains because it has really helped my knees and seems to calm the neuropathy in my feet.

  • dtad
    dtad Member Posts: 771

    Hi all...just unbelievable that these MOs still deny the SEs of anti hormone therapy! Makes me really mad! We deserve better! Maybe the compliance rate would be better than 50 percent completing the 5 years if they would listen and work with us! We need better treatment options! Sorry for the rant.

  • AnnieMF
    AnnieMF Member Posts: 10

    As I posted several months MO told me that my hand pain was not a symptom of Femara and that I should go see an orthopedic surgeon. So, I went to see a different MO instead. My new MO agreed, took me off Femara for a month (to see if the hand pain goes away) and yesterday I started on Aromasin. Unfortunately, my hand pain was so severe that a month off did not get rid of the pain. My new MO explained to me that although Aromasin has the same side effects, about 50% of the women who switch from one drug to the other do not have the same SEs. So, fingers crossed that my hands will start to improve soon. I've been living in pain since November. Shame on me for letting it go so long....but you feel that they should know what they are talking about. OH....last, but certainly not least, I had my first mammogram since my diagnosis last year and it came back clean!!! Super excited about that as I was dreading this mammogram like you wouldn't believe.

  • marijen
    marijen Member Posts: 2,181

    Nice link KB870. So after 62 months survival rate is only 2% better than a placebo? Doesn't seem worth it?

  • stephilosphy00
    stephilosphy00 Member Posts: 161

    Hi all, can femara cause acne? I have bad acne now when I am on Tamoxifen and lupron. I will switch to femara next month.

  • marijen
    marijen Member Posts: 2,181

    I have decided to take a week long break or more, from Letrozole and see how I feel. Will five pounds drop off? I also read a ways back that it loses it potency. And a break should be taken after 6-8 months. Will keep you posted.

  • grandma3X
    grandma3X Member Posts: 297
    Marijen - did you get the 2% survival benefit over placebo from the extended therapy study (that is, for women who continue to take it after 5years)? I may be wrong, but I don't think they ever did a Letrozole vs. placebo study for the first 5 years of therapy - all of those studies were Letrozole vs. tamoxifen.
  • marijen
    marijen Member Posts: 2,181

    This is where I got it. 5 year DFS Rate Letrozole vs Placebo
