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Stop Smoking Support Thread



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited October 2011

    Hi Jo, just finishing up my day of rest washing clothes, really can't complain though, can't do it tomorrow since I am going with a friend to her son's jazz recital.  It isn't till 6 but it is a drive and we are going to bring him a picnic lunch and see his first college apartment, wonder if boy's clean before their moms come to visit?  If my DGS's room is any example of that - I am going to dread seeing his first apartment, no need for a rug, can''t see it anyways.  My DGD is the exact opposite, always neat, organized and clean.  I find that Sunday is the day of the week that I still get cravings, I chew Dentyne cinnamon gum all day like a cow chewing it's cud. Karen

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited October 2011

    Hi Karen,  Played golf with DH today and it was great to be outside.  The weather was perfect.  Came home and took a shower instead of a nap.  The weekends do tend to still be hard for me.  I have my Crystal Light candies and use my e-cig.  The e-cig kinda sits on the kitchen counter when I am at work but when I am home - that is a different story.  With DH still smoking - that is the only sure way I know of to not go back to smoking real cigs.  It is good to know that  I am not alone with the cravings still.  I feel better about posting here - otherwise I feel like I need to stay quiet.

    Hope you are having a great Sunday. 

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    edited October 2011

    Seaside: Congrats on good test results!!!!

     I haven't been on here much lately, I've actually been busy lately, which is good ... life goes on and all that.

    Karen: My Auburn Tigers stunk it up yesterday, I hope your team is doing better!

    Hang in there everybody. Smoke-free is good!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited October 2011

    Dear Bama, I watched most of the Auburn game and felt you must be growling and stamping your feet, I've seen the Bills play like that and it is torture to watch.  We did really well, had a bye week, lol, I think my blood pressure stayed normal all day.  Didn't want to post you on Sat., it just seemed too depressing.  I bet hubby is looking forward to the Alabama vs. LSU game, that is going to be quite the battle.

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited October 2011

    Oooooohhhhh Karen!

    If your friend's son's room in any way resembles the condition of my daughter's dorm room (and every one of the rooms I had to walk past to get to hers... all with doors open as though they were proud of the mess), I wish you and your friend all of the strength you can muster to look the other way and not clean up while you're there....

    That was a big mistake I made... I would clean up when I came to pick her up for every break and now that she's back home, her room is horrid and it's a real battle to keep all the messi-ness from creeping out into the rest of the house.... Although, after her being home since May, she finally cleaned her room this weekend.... so maybe there is a light at the end of the tunnel!


  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited October 2011

    Thanks Bama!

    That sigh of relief on the 'all clear' feels soooooo good! Busy is very good and life, in all its grandness, DOES go on! So good, as well!! I think of you often....


    Glad you were able to get out and enjoy the nice weather! My husband is a golfer and Fall is one of his favorite times to play!!

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited October 2011

    robo47.... Welcome!!!

    36 hours most DEFINITELY counts!!! In fact, since the first 5 days is really the hardest, in my opinion, I think it counts DOUBLE!!

    Welcome aboard and post when you need to!

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited October 2011

    Robo47 Welcome! 

    Jo - I was at church on Wednesday and one of the ladies was talking about her DH trying to quit chew...OMG I had such a huge craving listening to her, I could literally taste the need and I have been a non-smoker for 2 yrs 5 months plus...someone said that no would could pay them enough to start smoking again and I blurted out 'oh they wouldn't have to pay me, all I need is one cig and I am back to a pack a day in no time'.  It does not happen often and for the most part I could care less but I still have moments of weakness.   Don't feel alone...

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited October 2011

    Dear robo, it certainly does count, #1 you came back, #2 36 tough hours, #3 as seaside said it is so hard it counts double.  Welcome back, I used the e cig too, it was soo helpful during the first month.  See you soon.  Karen

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited October 2011
    Robo good to see you here. You will heal so much better if you are not smoking. This is why most PS won't go touch you if you smoke. Yes 2 days count. I know you can do it.
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2011

    Welcome Robo. You can do it! Jo is such an inspiration. And everyone is so helpful here. Hugs, pal.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited October 2011

    Welcome Robo - Of course 36 hours counts.  As Seaside said, the first 5 days is the hardest.  It does get easier after that.  It has been 3 1/2 months for me.  My DH still smokes and it is hard on the weekends - the cravings are the worst.  I do use an e-cig with no nicotine.  That is about the only thing that keeps me from going back to smoking.  I do feel so much better and it is much easier to breathe.  If I have to stick with the e-cig until he decides to quit - so be it.  It is better than the alternative.  These ladies have been so supportive.  You can do it!!!!

    BarbaraA - Thanks for those kind words. 

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    edited October 2011

    Karen: I'm ready for a bye week. Yes, DH is looking forward to the LSU/Bama game, along with everyone else in the state. I've been hearing for weeks "Nothing counts until November 5." You'd think Nov. 5 was going to be the end of the world!

    Welcome Robo: Hang in there! The first few days are rough for sure, but if you can get through them, you'll have so much more strength to keep on going. Hang in there!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited October 2011
    Robo - You go girl!  You are doing fantastic.
  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited October 2011

    Allright robo, 72 tough hours!!!!   We are pulling for you, keep on keeping on.  This is the toughest part, and you are doing it.   Karen

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,421
    edited October 2011

    RoBo - keep it up.  We'll be your cheerleaders.

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited October 2011

    Way to go Robo!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited October 2011

    robo, each hour you stay strong is another notch on your belt, don't forget to mark your calender with your quit date, soon you'll be saying 1 week, you are officially a non-smoker!!!!  Karen

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited October 2011

    Pretty quiet week here!

    Dealing with some teenager trouble here and if there were ever a time to cave into returning to smoking, this week would have been right up there but, after over 1 1/2 years it wasn't even a consideration...

    How is everyone else doing?


    You still hanging in there?

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited October 2011

    Seaside - 16 weeks today smoke free.  Keep using the e-cig but it is better than going back to regular cigs or eating - can't afford to put on the pounds.  All is well with me.

    Hope everyone else is doing good. 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited October 2011

    robo - Thanks!  Hope you are doing well.

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited October 2011

    YAY Jo! 16 weeks is just awesome!!! Have you started any 'quit meter' type thing that will track your statistics.... I use quitnet.... They really didn't require much information at all and they will

    send you an e-mail once per month with how long you've not smoked, how much you've saved, etc.... I don't think you'll believe how fast it adds up!!


    Do NOT underestimate those 7 days!!! Those first days are the absolute hardest!!! And you have passed that point.... Take a moment to give yourself a huge pat on the back.... you deserve it!

    This won't get any harder and, as the next few days pass, will get easier as you go!!

    Staying busy does definitely help!! Thinking of you and sending encouraging thoughts!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited October 2011

    Glad to hear all are hanging in there, teenage troubles would definitely trigger a couple cravings, I'm with you robo, when I had just started if I had idle time is when I would think of my little friends, you have time invested now and you are right - you just can't imagine losing the time you've already invested.  Jo, 16 weeks, the time flew, it seems like a week ago you started your quit, you are one strong willed lady.  Seaside - you are our fearless leader, you always know what to say when each of us hits a speed bump, you also lead by example, hope the teenage angst is short lived.  Karen

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited October 2011

    Thanks Karen!

    I do so hope that this latest issue will be just a bump in the road!

    Just wish these kids could get the lesson they were supposed to learn the first time around and that it didn't take the 'repeat' or 'repeats' to have the lesson sink in and finally 'stick'....

    Praying for strength!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,421
    edited October 2011

    RoBo: If you want something to do with your hands, get some sunflower seeds in the shell.  Lots of arm/hand/mouth activity back & forth cracking those shells & removing from your month before eating each tiny seed.  Stay strong this weekend.

    Seaside:  Thinking of you.  Such a challenging age.

  • djfrro
    djfrro Member Posts: 55
    edited October 2011

    I smoked thru chemo, smoked thru radiation, smoked thru herceptin.  I saw my oncologist last wed for a follow up and he asked if I was still smoking I told him the truth, and he in turn told me the truth, he said, "I can cure most breast cancer's today with all of the treatment options that are available to me, but I have yet to cure a lung cancer"  I have not had a ciggarette since I left his office, its been really hard and I am afraid to go anywhere alone for fear that I will stop and buy a pace.

  • djfrro
    djfrro Member Posts: 55
    edited October 2011

    I smoked thru chemo, smoked thru radiation, smoked thru herceptin. hell, I smoked thru training and running six full marathons over the years, I saw my oncologist last wed for a follow up and he asked if I was still smoking I told him the truth, and he in turn told me the truth, he said, "I can cure most breast cancer's today, with all of the treatment options that are available to me, but I have yet to cure a lung cancer" I have not had a ciggarette since I left his office, its been really hard and I am afraid to go anywhere alone for fear that I will stop and buy a pack.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited October 2011

    djfrro, that is exactly what my BS said to me - it is tough at first, and then each day as you get 1, then2, then3 days out you realize you can do it.  The women on this thread will offer so much encouragement, support and great advice to help you on this difficult journey.  Each of us have been where you are now and as you reread posts, you'll pick out great tips to help you.  I smoked for 30+ years and never could have quit without this support group, I am now at 8 mos. not smoking, it's hard for me to wrap my mind around that.  Everyone will be by to welcome you, you now have 1 day smoke free and the best support group around.  Karen

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited October 2011

    Dear robo and djfrro, you can both do it, how great to have 2 women on the boards that are quitting at the same timeframe.  You can support each other, who knows better than you two the everyday cravings and how to waylay them. You go Girls - stay strong.  A dear, dear member of this board gave me those 2 words to strengthen me when I was going through a particulary difficult time in addition to my BC issues.  Whenever I get a craving out of the blue, I remember those words, almost using them as a mantra.  Now I pass it on to you.  hugs, Karen  Jo, where are you, haven't heard from you in a few days.

  • djfrro
    djfrro Member Posts: 55
    edited October 2011

    thanks guys, it is just so hard, I have quit for up to five years before then started again. I got to do it this time for good.  Love the support. I have done the same to, gotten down to just a few a day then slowly crept back up.  I am going to do it this time though, I am in the mind set. I am a non-smoker!