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Stop Smoking Support Thread



  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited October 2011

    Husband doesn't smoke in our condo. That means having to get into the elevator to have one. It also means freezing one's (_!_) off in the winter. It's windy here in Chicago. Makes it more difficult to lite them too.

    ----------- off topic -------------------------

    Yeah I've been job hunting so I had to stop posting so much. Say hi to the dinner gals for me.

    Had nipple, lefty revision and fat transfer surgery 1.5 weeks ago so I'm not as active. (Really need to vacuum but I'm not allowed yet). That's why I'm posting a bit more. I still look like I've been beaten out of a gang this time. Thighs still sore as this was the donor site this time. 

    --------- end of off topic -----------------

    Anyway don't give up on quitting. It feels so good to breathe. Google :stop smoking timetable. You get info like this:

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited October 2011

    khegidio - I was so ready to quit last year just before my dx and did not due to the stress the comes with this damn disease.  After all my appts this summer, I finally decided to give it another shot and did make it this time.  MY DH is still smoking and in the house.  It drives me crazy sometimes and at times, so want to go back to smoking.  I put a bug in DHs ear and had him look into the electronic cigarette.  He found a store locally that sold them so off we went.  We bought one for both of us - his with nicotiine - mine without.  He is still smoking real cigs and I use the e-cig.  It is amazing and really does help to take the edge off and satisfy that occassional craving.  I have viewed several videos from a couple of pulmonologists and they have said if you just can;t kick the nicotine craving then use the e-cig since it does not have all the carcinogens that will kill you.  The guy that sold us the e-cig has been using his for 8 months now.

    Seaside - Thanks for checking on me.  I do come here and read everyday.  At times, I am hesitant to post.  I don't want to be put down by a certain person on this thread.  It doesn't make me feel good when she does that. 

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited October 2011

    Welcome khegidio!

    Being diagnosed with breast cancer did NOT mke me want to quit either.... In fact, with all the stress, I smoked even MORE.... Those horrid looks from the doctors and others when they found out I was still smoking didn't do it either..... It wasn't until I was READY to quit for ME that it worked....

    It was a very subtle change in the way I thought of quitting that was the tipping point.... A shift from all I would be giving up by quitting TO what I would be gaining by quitting..... Money in my pocket.... the ability to go and do whatever I wanted without having to worry about when/where I could smoke, etc... That shift in thinking made a huge difference!

    That being said..... ALL of that took place after I was done with treatment.... There have been ladies here who have quit while doing active treatment so, it is possible! Do go easy on yourself right now.... You are in a very stressful spot right now....

    Post when you need to!! Lots of support here!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited October 2011

    Seaside, I am more stressed the farther out , 2yrs., same as you, I get.  I don't know why either.  Sending prayers your way for a short wait for the results.  khegidio, Like Jo I quit using the e-cig, it really takes the edge off the cravings.  Don't know if I could have done it without them, they do get bad press but they work and that is the important thing.  You can do it and I do know smokers who are still smoking, knowing what we know about the dangers and already having breast cancer - I suspect those people do not understand it either.  I think it is especially due to being a stress smoker and what could be more stressful than what we go through.  Jo, glad to "see" you and to hear you are still going like a house afire with your new status as a non-smoker.  You did it girl. hugs to you, Karen

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited October 2011

    Wow even better Lago!!! 6 years ROCK!!!!

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited October 2011


    Best of luck on the job hunting!! Hoping that your healing is swift and that your results are fabulous!

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited October 2011

    I haven't smoked for 2 years, 5 months, 1 week and 4 days but there are days I think I might have to take up the e-cig! 

    I go for my annual female exam on Tuesday...same doctor I went to when I found my lump (dx'd with BC), a year later I saw her for a follow up to my Thermography scan (dx'd with Thyroid cancer) and now one year later my annual PAP...hummm can we say anxiety!!!! 

    I just keep telling myself to stay strong...I have no worrisome issues (but then I really didn't have any issues the last two times either)...I hate keep waiting for the other shoe to drop and I am not normally a Debbie downer...GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited October 2011

    As maybe a bit of inpiration....

    This was my last e-mail from quitnet on Sept 18, almost a month ago!! Check out the money saved as well as lifetime saved! Amazing!

    Your  Quit Date is: Monday, January 18, 2010 at 11:01:00 AM

    Time Smoke-Free: 607 days, 18 hours, 47 minutes and 48 seconds

    Cigarettes NOT smoked: 12156

    Lifetime Saved: 3 months, 2 days, 20 hours

    Money Saved: $5836.80

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited October 2011


    You are NOT a Debbie downer... Although I did enjoy that SNL skit!

    I have found that it is so hard to walk into those places where I have received bad results in the past... almost like a post-traumatic stress disorder reaction.... I think it is very typical and I am hoping that, as time goes by and we get good news at these appointments, that fear will fade.... Here's hoping anyway!

    I know when I do the gyno thing ths spring, after last years thickening of the uterine lining scare, I

    will be freaking out but then, at this point, I think all of my Drs would be more surprised if I wasn't... lol

    Will be thinking of you on Tuesday and holding your cyber hand! Sending you soothing and calming thoughts!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited October 2011

    BTW when I quit I was working for the biggest (_!_)hole. Talk about stress but I didn't start up again. Granted I do blame that (_!_)hole for my breast cancer since they say it started growing about 1 year after I started working there.

    There are healthier ways to deal with stress. Maybe instead of that 2-5 minutes smoke break you can just to a quick 5 minute fast pace walk instead. 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2011

    You go, Lago. I am at close to 17 months. That is the longest I have ever quit. 

    Waving at Bama! Glad you are hanging in ther! 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited October 2011

    Lago - SIX YEARS!  YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!  That is fantastic.  Must have missed that yesterday when I got to reading.  I was so far behind on everything, I was skimming the pages.

    Michelle - This is the place to vent and let those feelings out.  We are here for you and I am sure most of us will jump in your pocket when you go for that appt. 

    Seaside - My e-cig has NO nicotine in it.  I just use it so I don't reach for DHs cigs.  My busy season is getting ready to start and who knows?? I may use it all winter.  At least I won't have to get up and go outside. The residents I have to deal with can really try my patience some days.

    I went for my annual gyn this past June and let me tell, it was scary as hell.  Not only did I have a 1.5 fibroid tumor but also my uterus was very thick.  I had to have a hysteroscopy and a D&C.  I had insisted on him doing a transvaginal ultrasound - sure glad I did.  I am going have him to one next June and if  am still having the same problem, I will talk to him about having a hysterectomy - at 56 I went through menopause 4 years ago and sure don't need the plumbing.  LOL! 

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited October 2011

    Thanks Seaside & Jo!  I'll make sure to wear something with pockets :)

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited October 2011

    Dear o2b, put me in your pocket too. hugs, Karen

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited October 2011


    You GYN experience last year was almost identical to mine! I too had the transvaginal U/S, followed by the hysteroscopy, followed by a D&C.... Never saw that coming....Quite a scarey time and, I think what has re-triggered a lot of my fear at my DR appts!

    My MO pretty much said he didn't think that all of that was necessary because, in his experience, abnormal vaginal bleeding is a better indicator of a non-benign problem.....

    Tamoxifen causes so many false alarms that I have heard of It being described as 'part of the Ob/Gyn full-employment'

    I am still in my 40's but, also told my GYN that, if this is a party I'm going to be invited to EVERY year, it can all go! I don't plan on having any more children do have no real use for it all!

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited October 2011


    Good luck tomorrow!!! You'll have us all with you!!! :)

    Although, you may need to put me in a knapsack.... STILL haven't shed the pounds that I have wanted to lose GRRRR.... :(

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited October 2011

    Seaside - Did you have your hysteroscopy and D&C done at the same time?  I did and by the time I got home, it felt like I wasted a day at the hospital I felt so good.  I had no pains, no bleeding, nothing.  Had it done on Saturday and was back to work by Monday.  Since I have a very long history of the fibroids and the thick uterus - I just don't want to have to worry about it -I have enough on my plate - thank you very much.  Like you, I do not want that party invitation very year either.

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited October 2011


    No.... Not at the same time. They were three separate appoinments all in the span of about 3 weeks. The transvaginal and hysteroscopy were done in the office. The D&C was considered an outpatient surgery and was done in the hospital under twilight sedation.

    Aside from some slight crampiness after the hysteroscopy and the grogginess from tge sedation after the D&C, the procedures really weren't bad at all.

    The stress of waiting and worrying was the toughest part!

    I have ILC which has a higher tendancy, if it's going to travel anywhere, to affect the peritoneum including the reproductive organs... That thought added tremendously to my fear level!

    Oh well.... One foot in front of the other!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited October 2011

    Seaside,  My GYN wanted to do them at the same time and from what he told me afterwards, I am sure glad he did.  I was completely out and had no clue what was going on.  He said he had a hard time getting my cervix to dilate but did get it done.  I was in recovery for a couple of hours before I could go home.  The nurses were great - one went to the cafeteria and got me something to eat.  Paid for it out of her pocket and stayed with me until I was ready to get dressed and go home.  I did have to pee before I left - that was interesting to say the least.  It was hard to go with 2 nurses in the bathroom with me.  Had to have one of them turn the water on - LOL!

    Let you said - One foot in front of the other! 

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited October 2011

    Very quiet around here, I assume because we are all doing well in our non-smoking status.  No urge to smoke but the smell of one in the early morning hours is soo good.  That is when I smoked the most.  My daughter is doing well in cutting way back, she is down to 2-3 a day.  As most of you know I live upstairs from my DD and DGS and DGD, so that is what I smell in the morning.  Jo, got to give you credit for keep on keeping on with hubby still smoking, does he still use the e cig at times and is he smoking outside?  You have some kind of resolve lady!!  Hi to all, seaside haven't seen you around the WNY thread, luncheon is tomorrow, always good to see that group.  We have a drink of choice now, chocolate martinis, and will be induldging in just one to celebrate good news for two of us.  Karen

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited October 2011

    Karen - My DH is still smoking and in the house.  No, he is not using the e-cig at all.  There were some problems with it and I got them fixed.  So that I am not tempted to go back to smoking, I use the e-cig with no nicotine.  It is either that or I eat and gain lots of weight or so back to the old habit which I do not want to do.  Sometimes, I feel like I am stuck between a rock and a hard spot - if you know what I mean.

    This thread is way to quiet.  I was the last one to post before Karen.  WHERE IS EVERYONE????

    Have a great weekend!!!

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited October 2011

    Karen and Jo,

    I'm still around!! This week has been busy...

    Had my MRI done on Monday for which I get to take a Xanax for due to being claustrophobic... Makes the test itself a piece of cake but, kills the rest of the day because I was sooooo sleepy! I did take the best nap ever, tho and my Mom brought dinner over so that was nice!

    Been fretting about those results all week! Finally got the call today...... ALL CLEAR.... See you in March!! I swear I never get used these tests and, if anything, I think I am more freaked out as time goes by but....hearing all is good, never gets old!!!

    Also have been making good on my promise to start trying to get some of this weight off... I have done the treadmill for 45 minutes everyday this week except Monday when I was drugged and probably would have flown off the back if I had I am so sore but, it's a good sore!


    Wish I could join you all.... Have a martini for me!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited October 2011

    Seaside, more good news, happy dancing time for you too, starbeauty also and Maureen, such a great week, I do the MRI with a klonopin, same type drug as Xanax, it does make for a nice nap afterwards.  It is great news that you're doing the treadmill for 45 min., that's a long time!!  Would have been funny to see you try it on the Xanax.  I've been doing the recumbent bike each day for a half hour and heavy cleaning for a half too.  It sure is hard to take off the weight when you are on the AI's or is that just my excuse?  I deep cleaned ,sorted and bagged all the old clothes that I haven't a prayer of fitting into anymore, did keep 1 size down, had 5 bags of clothes, bedding and knicknacks, ( Aunt Theresa used to call them dust bunnies ) to take to the Salvation Army.  I ended up with 1 and a 1/2 empty drawer space.  Winter coats to the dry cleaners and back already, won't be long now.  Hope we have a long fall before we are in the thick of it though. We will toast you tomorrow on your good news.  hugs, Karen

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2011

    Sorry, Jo, busy. Haven't been keeping up with other threads either.

    For all who are trying, You CAN do it!! I am living proof. I LOVED smoking. Only breast cancer was enough to get me serious. Yes, I had quits before, the longest was a year. BUT I always went back...because I loved it. I still love it and I know that if I ever succumb to the 'just one puff' thing, I am doomed. So I don't and won't. Maybe when I am 80, OK. But not now.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited October 2011

    Seaside -Doing the happy dance with you - congrats on the all clear.  Never had am MRI for anything so I can't imagine what it is like.


    Karen - We have a recumbent bike in our rec hall in my park.  I try and go several times a week for about 30 minutes each.  The one I use has a book rack and I can take my Nook and read - it makes the time fly by.  I am on my feet all day and  probably walk several miles.  I am trying hard to take off these 10 pounds I gain when I quit.  I am on Tamoxifen and I am now going to put part of the blame on it and the rest on the cigs or lack thereof.  Had to go out and buy some new jeans in a larger size - that is so depressing - just bought new ones last winter.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend. 

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited October 2011
    karen333 you will eventually get to the point where the smell of live smoke makes you gag. It might take a year+ but I can't stand being around smokers now. I make my DH smoke across the street.
  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited October 2011

    Jo, wonder if my grandson can put some type of platform on my bike so I can read, I love to read and it would certainly make the time by by faster, great idea.  There is a book out called The Help which is really excellent, it was made into a movie but the book is better.  I am blaming the weight gain on both too, I know the feeling of going up a size, you are right it is depressing.  It is coming off slowly, about a 1/2 lb. a week, sure is easy to put on though.  There is a thread called the E Lab that is all people trying to lose weight, that is helping too, might want to look it over.  Karen

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,421
    edited October 2011

    Just found this thread.  I quit 7/11/07 with the help of Chantix so I'm over 4 years out.  I started walking 3 miles a day & joined Curves, and after 2 years graduated to Bally.  And I gave myself permission to spend the cigarette money on shoes & plays & concerts.  Unfortunately the BMX & reconstrustion has temporarily stopped my exercise regime this year.  The BC diagnosis came 3-1/2 yrs after I quit.  I will always be "a smoker" - just not one who smokes anymore.

    Lago - I can't agree about the smell of smoke.  I join the smokers outside after lunch.  I turn my head to catch a whiff on the streets.  The only related smell I didn't care for was smelling the inside of old bars where people had smoked for 30 years or more.  I've heard it goes both ways with the smell, but I expect being turned off might prevent recidivism.

    I don't post much, but follow a number of threads & am happy to see familiar names here.  For those of you still trying to quit - keep up the fight. 

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited October 2011


    I have heard really good things about The Help.... My daughter wanted to watch the movie together but, I want to read the book first! Have a book that I am trying to finish and then it's next on the queue!

    I have to go ahead and follow your lead in clearing out clothing that I just know I will never fit into again (or, at the very least, if I can fit into that size, I deserve new My closet looks like aclothing store in that I have at least 3 different sizes, 2 of which I have not a prayer of ever being again!


    Congrats on 4 years!!! Because one of my big motivators was saving the money that I would have spent on cigarrettes and using it as my reward, we bought a very nice family room set of furniture shortly after I quit.... I have finally, after over 1 1/2 years, saved the same amount... basically paying it off!!

    Can't wait to plot my next

    I recognise you from What's For Dinner..... Great group there as well as here! Glad to hear from you!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited October 2011

    Karen, Our bikes and treadmills have places for books.  I use a Nook so it is easy to turn the pages, just touch the screen.  When I ride the bike, I don't notice the change in resistance and don't keep track of the distance or anything until I am done.  It is easier for me to ride than to walk.  I can adjust the treadmill but for some reason tend to stay on the bike longer.  I don't think it hurts my knees as much.

    MinusTwo - Congrats on 4 years. The smell does not bother me much.  DH is still smoking so I am around it all the time.  What does get to me sometimes is when I have to ride in his truck.  The stale smell can get overwhelming.

    Seaside - I now have clothes in different sizes in my closet and I refuse to buy any more clothes in the larger size.  I do know about the E-LAB thread hosted by Elimar.  I am kinda okay with the few extra pounds - still frustrating but am going to give it a some time on my own and if that does not work will find the thread and check it out.