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Exchange City



  • beatrice00
    beatrice00 Member Posts: 10
    edited February 2014

    I had my exchange yesterday and I took a look at my breasts today and they look terrible. I liked the TEs much more. I know I have to wait months for them to settle but I am very sad. My dog ear was fixed under one arm and now my scar extends to almost my back. The other breast has a sunken hole on the upper part under the arm with wrinkled skin. This is so depressing. Otherwise, the size is good. Can all this be fixed when I will get my areolas grafts? I am very sad right now. 

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited February 2014

    beatrice00 - Aw, honey, it's way too soon to be disappointed. Almost everybody looks terrible the day after exchange (and quite honestly for a few weeks to come).  (This is all assuming you have some sort or silicone implants....because you didn't say in your post.)  Let me guess - you probably have at least one that looks like a big hamburger bun all high and flat and the other probably is lower and looks smallish in comparison.  Am I close?  You have to understand that you need to give those implants a chance to 'drop and fluff' which they will eventually, but it doesn't happen overnight.  (Oh, how we all wish that was true...)   The girls will migrate down your chest until they drop into position, but first the pec muscle needs to relax and the swelling needs to subside (which can take a couple of months). I've seem posts where it took three or four months for the drop and fluff too happen.  I'm at nine weeks post exchange and mine are still changing and rounding themselves out.  Talk about anxiety, I was a basketcase the first time I saw myself after my exchange.  I too was so disappointed....  But just like everything else around here you have to give it some time. 

    Now on the other hand, if your implants are anatomicals or 'gummies', then that's a different story.  sandra4611 could help you out there. 

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669
    edited March 2014

    AZ - great job encouraging the recent exchangees to be patient and wait for everything to settle!  You rock!

    mnmbeck - Every one of us gets slightly to wildly different instructions for exchange recovery but I think 4 days is way too little.  You have to remember that your pectoral muscles have once again been cut through and those internal sutures need to heal, for goodness sake, as well as the external incisions!  My PS required 2 weeks off work with no driving. I had no restrictions on range of motion at all so I could reach, stretch, wear pullovers, etc with no problems.  I had absolutely no pain or discomfort after my exchange so like Blessings (or was it Dulci?) said on the previous page, it's hard sometimes to take it easy. 

    A mantra that gets mentioned every now and then here is 'Just because you can doesn't mean you should!'.  I had weight restrictions for six weeks but no specific poundage.  He just said 'if you lift something too heavy you'll know it, so just don't do it again'.  Also no working out except walking for 6 weeks, but I could walk for miles and miles if I wanted to.  The 'no working out' was tough because I'm a 4-6 day a week girl at the gym. 

    My PS gave me a very good education/description of how scar tissue matures and the time it takes to heal properly.  It takes 6-8 weeks to fully mature.  Many folks don't like to believe that because they think they're 'fast healers'.  There's really no such think according to my PS.  Just because an incision might look great, has knitted together well and appears to be all healed up, there is still a biological process going on there.  And for internal sutures we don't even have the benefit of a visual check on it!  An interruption of that maturation process by over-doing things can lead to complications like cording, capsular contraction or even just pain that needn't occur.

    I'm basically a rule follower by nature so I had no real problem following the restrictions (well, all except the driving part Winking).  It was all part of doing my part to make sure my results were the best possible and I have to say I'm very, very pleased.

    Your level of discomfort and/or pain will depend on your particular situation.  How much pocket work is done, what your particular pain tolerance is, etc.

    Sorry all!  Guess I was on a roll there - egads!

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited March 2014

    sweetandspecial - Why thank you but I had to learn that lesson the hard way!  Shocked  And might I add that you are sweet and special!  You know as well as I do that it's a very lonely and scary path we're all on and I like to think it helps a little when someone comes along and grabs you by the hand to keep you from falling off the edge.  You do it all the time!  Look at your own post to mnmbeck!  Winking

  • mnmbeck
    mnmbeck Member Posts: 156
    edited March 2014

    Thank you all so much for your responses.  It helps a lot to give me a more realistic idea of what is to come.  I have to say, I think I had a harder time than some after the BMX, and I didn't expect that.  I wondered what in the world was wrong with me?!  Now, I am worried that if the PS says "a long weekend"....and I don't feel good in a few days, back to my old self....well, I don't want to look like a big baby!  My whole family, and everyone standing by to help is expecting "a long weekend."  I hope he is more clear as time gets closer....or that I do really bounce back that fast. I am 99% sure he said I could drive after a few day, which didn't make sense to me, even when he said it, considering all the sutures.   I really don't EVER want a revision.....NO MORE SURGERY!!!

    On a side note...I have to respond to the posts about the Scopolamine patch for nausea.  I was told I would be very nauseated after surgery.  Anesthesiologists came in and talked to me about that a LOT before my surgery, and told me they would do everything they could to help.  They gave me something IV and also the patch, and I did not experience a single minute of nausea.  They said that a side effect of the patch is "visual distrubances" as in....I would have a hard time focusing on a book if I wanted to read after surgery.  HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!  I didn't have any desire to read!!!  And, if I did...I could have taken the patch off. 

    My exchange surgery won't be at the same place as my BMX.  I am hoping to have the same fantastic anesthesia at the new place.  I'll be asking for the patch!!!

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited March 2014

    Sweet, excellent advice! I was always one of those fast healers you mentioned and have the pain tolerance of an elephant. In the past, I went back to work three or four days after I got out of the hospital after several major operations with lots of incisions. I figured I was going to feel sore and have pain at home AND at work, I might as well go to work and get something done to distract me. Luckily, as an accountant, I could sit to do my work.

    Fast forward ten years to the BMX six months ago. Getting diagnosed with breast cancer not only shocked me to my core but it apparently knocked some sense into me. All of the sudden it wasn't about treating recovery as an annoyance to be ignored. This was serious stuff and I was determined to do everything within my power to allow my body to fight and heal. No work, no breaking rules or ignoring doctors advice. No pushing myself beyond my limits. No ignoring what my body was trying to tell me. Guess I finally grew up.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited March 2014

    Re: nausea

    I get the patch plus a capsule by mouth called Emed before surgery. Afterwards, I get Zofran. It helps so much.

  • Veronica37
    Veronica37 Member Posts: 14
    edited March 2014

    Hello ladies,

    I am new to this board. I will have my TE exchange in 3 weeks. I hope they look better when I'm done. I have a doge ear on the inside of my cleavage on one and a defect/ divot on inside of other:(. Did any of you have to stop your hormonal therapy(mine is tamoxifan) prior to your surgery? I am concerned about blood clots but my MO and PS said I should not stop taking it. Just concerned!

  • Mimi68
    Mimi68 Member Posts: 69
    edited March 2014


    Ditto on minustwo's suggestion of the Scopalamine patch! Saved my life-I had NO NAUSEA.

    I'm sorry about your hair :(

    I will be thinking of you..


  • LoriWNY
    LoriWNY Member Posts: 178
    edited March 2014

    Veronica--welcome but sorry to meet you here.  The laides on this thread are great and I have learned so much from them here.

    I was on Tamoxifen at the time of my exchange and my hysterectomy (two different dates for the surgeries in 2013).  None of my docs advised me to stop Tamoxifen prior to surgery and I had no complications as a result of taking Tamoxifen prior to surgery

  • beatrice00
    beatrice00 Member Posts: 10
    edited March 2014

    AZ85- thank you for your response. I have 550 Natrelle 20 silicone. My breasts are symetrical but I have extra wrinkly skin on the sides and the dog ear fix is super long to almost my back. I also have a skin gathering in one side into a hole pretty much. I liked the round smoothness of the TEs. My boobs now are not round and smooth anymore. I hope this will get better. I am gettying ready for thyroid cancer surgery so I can't dwell on this too much, but I can't help being sad. 

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669
    edited March 2014

    Oh Beatrice - another cancer surgery.....I'm so sorry!  I pray that surgery is totally successful in eradicating the thyroid cancer.  Try to do your best to get through that one before spending too much emotion on the implants.  You're only 2 days post-exchange and those new girls have a lot of settling in to do and there is likely some swelling that needs to subside as well.  Things will change a lot in the coming weeks.  Hang in there and God bless you sweetie!

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited March 2014


    Sweet said it all. So sorry you have another cancer to worry about. Not fair! Please know that we care about you. Keep in touch.

  • mmtagirl
    mmtagirl Member Posts: 325
    edited March 2014

    Beatrice, I had a thyroidectomy in July.  It will be a piece of cake compared to what you have just gone through.  I found I had a hoarse voice, especially when I tried to sing or talk loudly for about 6 months after.  I have questions myself on synthroid interactions with hormone therapy or chemo for my MO at my next appointment.

    Good luck to you.  I can't offer you any words of wisdom on the implants, not quite there yet, but, if you have any questions on the thyroid surgery or after feel free to pm me.

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669
    edited March 2014

    mmtagirl - you epitomize what these boards are all about.  What a beautiful and thoughtful gesture of support for Beatrice - way to go!

  • TrinityMorning
    TrinityMorning Member Posts: 14
    edited March 2014

    I got my exchange surgery date:  April 3rd.  I am realizing that I'm pretty emotional approaching it because, I guess, then I will have what I have.  I know I could do revisions afterward, but really, really hope to just like what I've got and be done.  There is some fear to moving on from this temporary stage.  Also, I love/hate the TEs - love that I'm big right now and smooth but hate the pain and difficulty sleeping and hardness.......and it seems from posts on here like my implants won't be as big and possibly not as smooth and won't have as much projection and really I just want the best of all worlds.  Really, what I want is to feel/look normal or claim a new beautiful for myself.  I liked my body before and I really want to move on from here liking myself.  I think I am able to paint "liking my body" in a pretty broad perspective, but still scared that I won't.  I'm 41 and single and would like to feel comfortable with dating at some point.  So grateful to have been (mostly) lurking here and know that lots of you have found this point to be intimidating/emotional as well, but is tough none the less to be here now and see what you meant.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited March 2014

    Here is a link to an excellent video on rehab after breast surgery.

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited March 2014

    sandra4611 - That's an awesome video... THANKS!  ThumbsUpThumbsUp

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864
    edited March 2014

    Hey girls!!

    I'm trying to remember if this is the correct thread...we have a sweet sister who is really struggling and needs some gentle advice. Her recon is failing due to radiated skin issues. She is very discouraged and depressed so please give her helpful advice in as positive a manner as possible. She doesn't need scary personal experiences, just facts and what to do at this point. Thanks!!!!!! Hopefully this link takes you to her thread!! She needs a whole lot of us to jump in her pocket and give her some love and hope!

  • 2ns_Jenn
    2ns_Jenn Member Posts: 95
    edited March 2014

    Good luck tomorrow Amy!  Hopefully third times a charm!!  Winking

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited March 2014

    myers421 - This pocket of yours is already getting terribly crowded really fastShocked  (And I got here early to get a good spot!)  Every one of us will be right there with you tomorrow!  Sending you hope, strength, positive thoughts, and plenty of gentle (((HUGS))).  Praying for a successful, complication free procedure for you on Monday.  PLEASE let us know how it goes.... just wanted you to know that we're all thinking of you, Amy! 

  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Member Posts: 836
    edited March 2014

    add me to the list of finger crossers

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited March 2014

    add me to that pocket list too Amy. 

    I don't understand why this thread keeps dropping off my favorite list! I was 8 pages behind!  I have read them but I am too confused about who got what, when they got it etc. I am sorry not to respond to you all personally. So here are some thoughts and I hope they help someone.

    Yes the mantra is correct. Just because you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD.  Don't overdo. My P'S said 3 weeks  restriction no more than 10 lbs. I started the Livestrong program right at 3 weeks after. So far I am doing great. Are my foobs perfect. No. But except for nipple tattoos I'm done. Still have to get my knees done but the surgeon doesn't want to touch me . I am hoping I can convince him now that I am holding an implant. I had mine about a week after Sandra. Unlike her my recovery was unremarable. I've never been able to say that before! LOL.  I have had Sx where I puked my guts out. I've had Sx where I not only did that but had D too! Yuck!  And I have had 2 that were no problems whatsoever. For those I had a patch, a pill and they did NOT use gas. They tried to keep me under with iv only. So much better. And the anesthesiologists was wonderful. After 7 ops ( and there's at least 2 people I've read here that have had almost as many) I am pretty much done. 

    Here's my advice:

    1. Take your time. I know it's hard to wait but I did better when I was fully recovered from chemo and the other ops. And waiting for reconstruction is doable. My journey was just over 2 years with one TE half filled and 3 tries on the other. 

    2. Try to get all the info you can. It helps to know what to expect. 

    3. Don't think everything you hear that went wrong will happen to you. I can guarantee that no one person will have everything go wrong! Yes, there can be "Scenic detours"  on this journey, but most people avoid them and manage to get the express train. 

    4. Remember that these forums are for those who already have problems too and that's why it seems like so many have issues. Those that don't have detours seldom come here because they are too busy living their lives.

    5. If something goes wrong don't waste time. Call your PS. Go to ER, but don't wait.  Many things can be avoided if you are vigilant.  

    6. Remember if you are on a scenic detour that someone here is very likely to have faced that problem before you. There are people who packed open wounds, had wound vacs, had infections and kept implants or TEs. There are people who had infections who lost those and sometimes sustained damage. 

    7. Sometimes things DO work out ok. Rejoice and don't feel guilty. It couldn't happen to a better person. 

    8. Conversely if something bad does go wring, IT WASN'T YOUR FAULT . Sometimes sh*t does just happen.

    9. If something should go wrong take the time to heal. I think I tried too close to my chemo (with the scenic detours of Renal failure and low hemo) and got an infection.  

    10. You have your reasons for going through this pain and confusion and worry and sx. They are YOUR reasons and no one else gets to decide for you that your reasons are not good enough or even if they are the right ones. You would not choose to try sx if you didn't think it needed to be done. And it's only your definition of NEEDED that counts!

    I think that's enough preachifyin! LOL Good luck to those facing sx soon. I am praying that things go better for those of you with problems (those Damn scenic detours!) and wish for fast recovery and healing to all. 

    Much love. 

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited March 2014

    And that, ladies (and gentlemen), is why everyone loves Moonflwr912!!!  ThumbsUp

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited March 2014

    Choir member here, sayin' AMEN to what Preacher Moon just said.

    I have had threads fall off my favorites list several times. My latest theory is that there are only so many threads that can fit on the favorites list and if you put on one too many, something has to go. Don't know if that's true, but I've trimmed down my list and we'll see if it still happens.

  • mnmbeck
    mnmbeck Member Posts: 156
    edited March 2014

    God Bless you, are a blessing!

  • Headeast
    Headeast Member Posts: 393
    edited March 2014

    Beautiful, Moonflower!

    Stopped to say hello!

    Mmbeck, I has my exchange on January 31st and I went to work six days after, but if it would have been my choice, I would have stayed another ten days resting. No doors, no trunks, no carrying weight, no raising arms over your shoulders. I stilk have to be careful and no lifting or carryong weight and raising my arms. I see my PS on the 11 and he might tell me at that time i can raise my arms. There was a lot of suture work done and my PS wants me to not to move my arms to heal properly. 

    Implants are still moving or growing, I guess. Now they don't hurt.

  • myers421
    myers421 Member Posts: 145
    edited March 2014

    You are the best Moon! 

    I will start out by saying PS are a VERY different breed, my ps came in just b4 surgery to mark me up and took a look and said wow it looks so good we don't have to proceed with the surgery if you don't want to.  LOL.. well of course I didn't so praying it will stay sutured and seal SHUT!

  • andrea623
    andrea623 Member Posts: 572
    edited March 2014

    Amy, that's great that you didn't need more surgery!  I hope it doesn't open again too. Good luck!

  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Member Posts: 836
    edited March 2014

    Thats great! He thought thered be no problem staying same size?  You must be so happy not to have more surgery.