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Exchange City



  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited March 2014

    Thanks for sharing the pics Sandra. 

    Hjp go to the reproduction forum and look for pictures forum thread. Be sure to read the very first post. That has all the info you need. The people who run it are volunteers and it is NOT a part of BCO. They have to vette people in order to make sure they are who they say they are for everyone's safety. Just follow the instructions. 

    Much love. 

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited March 2014

    Moon - You have to stop posting from that phone of yours!  Loopy  LOL!

    Hjpz - Moon means you'll find the thread in the Breast Reconstruction forum NOT the reproduction forum.  Shocked

    Here's the link:  And as it says in the title, please read the first post.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited March 2014

    LOL! !! Darn auto correct!!! LOL 

    I actually got on my computer today. I deleted 1000! Emails..... it was a while.... LOL

  • myers421
    myers421 Member Posts: 145
    edited March 2014

    Back to work today, I found an "enhancement" at wallymart and I am hoping it helps at least a little bit to make me look not so lopsided.  This by far is the hardest part of my journey.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited March 2014


    The picture I posted wasn't great quality so some of the scars can't be seen. I have the ones under the IMF and on the right breast (on the left in the photo) there is a vertical scar about 2/3rd of the way across. There used to be the same scar in the same place on the other breast, but now it's way over on the side and is bizarrely wavy. I lost all the skin from the outside of that side in my infection. After the TE stretched the remaining skin, the PS pulled it over to the side to cover the new implant, so the scar is closer to my arm now and no longer straight. The vertical scars are from 7 months ago so they are fading nicely too.

  • grammakathy
    grammakathy Member Posts: 126
    edited March 2014

    Lakegirl1 - You are obviously very caring and tuned into your children and how they ask questions.  It is a difficult topic even for grown children and friends that I didn't see everyday.  Your children are young and their parents are the center of their lives.  Hugs to you and your entire family.  You will pull each other through this trip.  Take care.

  • grammakathy
    grammakathy Member Posts: 126
    edited March 2014

    mnmbeck - your explanation of the exchange surgery is the best that I have read.  Like you, my original mastectomy laid me low for several weeks and I have placed the blame on the anesthesia (whether or not that is the reason I'm not sure).  My second mastectomy and tissue expander placement was easy and I awoke clearheaded and healed quickly.  I haven't had my first fill yet and have wondered about the exchange surgery down the road.  Thank you for leading me along your path!

  • hjpz
    hjpz Member Posts: 215
    edited March 2014

    Thanks so much Moonflower and AZ!!  Found it.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited March 2014

    Pretty sure you didn't find it on the reproduction forum I sent you too! LOL darn auto correct! LOL Thanks for steering her in the right direction AZ! LOL! 

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited March 2014

    Moon - Anytime, girl, anytime.  The reproduction forum... I swear I spit my iced tea halfway across the room when I read that!  LOL! 

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited March 2014


    LKSHER Member Posts: 25
    edited April 2014

    Hi, ladies.  I know this has been asked and answered before, but I think I am going to ask again....

    I had my exchange surgery Friday morning and had gummies (595 CC) placed.  I had radiation on my left side over 6 mths ago.  I have strong muscles that pushed my TE to my armpits.

    I would say the implants are closer together than my TE were, but I wouldn't say I have cleavage....They are kind of far apart for my liking and don't drop enough....

    Please tell me again that the way they look is going to change and look a little more natural or even more like nice implants (even if you can tell they're implants).  It's not horrible, but not what I was hoping for.  

    I've also had a mild fever since Saturday (It's diminishing).  I am doing all I am supposed to do to take care of that, but interested to know if anyone else had that issue?

    Thanks, everyone and I hope you're all doing really well!

  • mnmbeck
    mnmbeck Member Posts: 156
    edited March 2014

    grammakathy.....Here's another update.  After my last update, I took a gingerly walk :-) with my hubby and dog.  We were having the first nice day in MONTHS.  In have to take those when you can get them this time of the year!!  we have had below zero temps for so long....just had to feel a warm breeze on my face!  I walked about a mile....and that was enough.  I stll get a little light-headed.  Maybe from the anesthesia?  And, the movement from walking is a little aggrevating to the lipo area.  And, the implants are starting to feel a little 'heavy'.  But, overall, I was thrilled to be out.  Nothing like 3 days post op the last time!  I had SO much pain after the BMX...didn't even feel like I could move or breathe for weeks!!!

    Today, I felt like I woke up and the 'roar' of the pain seems to have dulled.  I took Tylenol once for pain today.  I don't know that I needed it, but I decided to ride along to my daughter's gymnastics class (just to get out of the house), and thought I should take something "just in case."    I walked 1 1/2 miles with my son and the dog when I got home.  It felt dizziness until I got home. Another decent day in MN....tomorrow they are talking snow again.   I will be tired tonight.  But, if I continue to improve like this, I will have a hard time remembering not to lift, and not to raise my arms above my head as instructed!!!

    I don't mean to bog down this board with updates like this, but I remember just dying to know how I would feel after surgery, and the answers were just so they should be, I suppose....everyone's experience is SO different!!! 
    Feel free to PM me anytime!!!

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited March 2014

    LKSHER - A fever is not a good sign - have you called your PS and told him? 

  • mnmbeck
    mnmbeck Member Posts: 156
    edited March 2014

    Lksher....Agree with above.  You shouldn't have a fever.  Any redness?  Drainage? You say  it is diminishing.  But, by that do you mean it is not as high?  What are you taking for pain?  If it is Vicodin or Percocet, they both have Acetaminophen in them....which can mask your fever.  I assume you are on antibiotics, but they might not be enough.  If you are having any kind of infection, you want to catch it IMMEDIATELY.   Call you MD to report right away.  And, let us know how you are doing after!

    LKSHER Member Posts: 25
    edited March 2014

    Yes, my PS knows and we are treating the low grade fever that seems to be almost gone now.

    Thanks for caring everybody.

    Any answers about the appearance?

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited March 2014


    Scroll back to page 1086. I posted a picture of me 3/29 at 7 days post-exchange on one side. The other side is nearly 4 months post-exchange. The implants are exactly the same but look quite different. Yes, they will change shape - many times - before they settle down.

  • LoriWNY
    LoriWNY Member Posts: 178
    edited April 2014

    Ok, lovely, wonderfully, informative ladies, I don't post much but I read this thread daily and am so appreciative of everything you have taught me.  I have a question. I had my exchange 7/5/13 and saw my PS today for a checkup at which time, I was going to talk about revising to smaller implants due to the pectoral tightness I am still experiencing.  However, about 10 days ago, I noticed a bump on one of my BMX scars about the size of a pea on the side of my right foob about one and one-half inches from the cleavage area. I have no feeling there so it is no surprise that it does not hurt.  It is hard when I squeeze it.  I showed the bump to my PS today and he was concerned.  He said he wants to remove it under a local and biopsy it.  He said it may be nothing and may even be a leftover stitch trying to come out.  However, he did say that recurrence is commonly seen in the scar so I am worried.  I am scheduled for the procedure next week.

    Anybody else have anything like this?

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited April 2014

    Lori o know a lot of women on this thread had some scar tissue problems after exchange or even BMX. It's what kept me sane when a huge lump appeared that my MO found. I never thought to feel myself up after BMX! Mine was a fat infiltrated mide. As big as an egg! It's a node that quit working as a node and filled with fat tissue. Obviously it is quite clear that's what it is via ultrasound and the radiologist was certain what it was. But during Exchange the P'S took it out and sent it to pathology and that was what it was. Hoping something simple for you too..

    LKSHER Member Posts: 25
    edited April 2014

    Thank you so much for sharing that picture, Sandra.

    I guess what I'd really like to know is if they look good in a bra or shirts and dresses and if it looks like one has cleavage?

    Thanks again.

  • MCbeach
    MCbeach Member Posts: 43
    edited April 2014

    lksher- they will change, the gummies less then the gels. 

    Today I am 2weeks post exchange w gummies and I noticed they bounce!  Was so happy I spent 5 mins jumping up and down in front if the mirror this morning. 

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited April 2014

    MCB, I'd pay for pics! LOL Loopy

    LKSHER Member Posts: 25
    edited April 2014

    Thank you, MCbeach!  Would you be able to make them look nice in a bra?  Push them together?  Make cleavage?

    I want to bounce, too!!  I am definitely not there yet!  Lol!

    I feel like my kids are looking at me like....Where's the boobs you said you were getting, Mom?

    There are definitely mounds there, but I still look flat in my button up pajama tops.

    I'm worried that they will just stay these weird alien lumps???  

  • MCbeach
    MCbeach Member Posts: 43
    edited April 2014

    yes, I can now push them together and position in a bra, even a push up one. I feared from past stories that they would be stuck lumps but not so, they move!   My pics are in the other forum btw. 

    Moon- too bad we can do video on the other forum. :) I'm sure I looked pretty funny. 

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited April 2014

    LK, there was a member on one of these threads that called herself "two fried eggs" because of the way her TES looked right after her BMX..... LOL

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited April 2014

    MCBeach - Pictures? - I want the video of that!  Shocked

  • friendships
    friendships Member Posts: 37
    edited April 2014

    LK, I have the same size gummies, definitely have cleavage and am happy with them now. Right after the exchange, I was very disappointed. Mine looked like two small flat plates or pancakes stuck on my chest. Then they morphed into something resembling a male body builder's chest. And eventually became rounder, softer, fuller and movable breasts. (I've since had a revision for asymmetry and to correct a divot, but was pleased with the implants.)

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited April 2014

    Lsker, I look FAB in clothes! I don't have a bunch of cleavage because they are squishy but firm, don't move much, and are small (close to a C). I can push them together and create more cleavage, but it doesn't feel good. The bras I have keep them nicely separated. I'm going to have one more surgery to put in fat grafts above the foobs so maybe they will look more voluptuous then. Right now I have swelling on the "new" side and it does look like there would be nice cleavage if I had swelling on the other side too. Hope the fat grafting looks like this.

  • mnmbeck
    mnmbeck Member Posts: 156
    edited April 2014

    Those of you who have had an exchange surgery....what kind of restrictions did you have?  I am supposed to wear an underwire bra 24/7 for 4 weeks, no arms above my head for at least 2 weeks (when I see him again), and no lifting anything heavier than a half gallon of milk.  He also thought I might want want to sleep in the recliner for awhile, as I may be more comfortable.  I have no idea if I'd be comfortable in bed or not, yet (I'm on day 5), but I plan to be in the recliner awhile.  I think he also said that he asks his patients to do these things to discourage the implants from 'moving down and out'  (maybe he said 'up and out'....not sure) whie healing is taking place.  I know some have dealt with this, so I'm planning on sleeping on the recliner for a full 2 weeks....until I see him again.  I do still feel tightness across my chest, but can't be sure it isn't the bra.

    McBeach.....I can't imagine jumping up and down to see bouncing!  I am not there, yet....still kind of moving gingerly as I get used to this 'new me.'  But, I can honestly say that I am feeling better every day....was back to a lot of the usual activities today...including a 1 1/2 mile walk.  Not bad since surgery was on Thursday!  If this trend continues, I'm going to be 100% in a week!!!  SUCH a contrast to the BMX!!!

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited April 2014

    mnmbeck - No restrictions other than not to lift anything over 10 pounds for a couple of weeks and no submerging the new girls until the IMF scars were healed - so no swimming and no bathing but showers were OK almost immediately.  Other than that, nothing.  No bra required, sleep however I want, (I was able to sleep on my side even with the TEs, if I tucked pillows all around me), and massage ten times a day as soon as the scars had healed.  Do whatever your PS says.  He's the only one who knows how much work he had to do inside.  Glad you're feeling good - now remember to take it easy - that's the really hard part!  ThumbsUp