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Exchange City



    LKSHER Posts: 25
    edited April 2014

    Wow.  Thanks, everybody.  Very helpful and kind of you to share.  I did tell my husband that I felt like a male bodybuilder who overdid it at the gym.  I will let you know how they change.

  • mnmbeck
    mnmbeck Posts: 156
    edited April 2014

    AZ85048......I BELIEVE IT!!!!  I FINALLY BELIEVE IT!  I had such a hard time with BMX and TE's, then Lymphadema.....I was just sure that I wouldn't have that quick turn around with the exchange surgery that so many report.  But....I really think I will have a hard time keeping to the "take it easy" part of recovery!!!  Wooohoooo!!!!    Surgery was, I went to gymmastics with my daughter (just to observe), folded a few loads of laundry, walked 1 1/2 miles (beautiful day), picked up a few groceries, made dinner.....some really average, normal stuff!!!  I didn't do the dishes, pack or haul the groceries, etc....but, it feels good to do SOME normal stuff!  If I continue to feel better each day, it will be VERY  hard to not be doing it all in a few days!!   

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,480
    edited April 2014

    mnm - Congrats on the speedy recovery.  But remember - Just because you can doesn't mean your should. 

  • mnmbeck
    mnmbeck Posts: 156
    edited April 2014

    Mcbeach and filled were your TE's compared to the size of your implants?  My TE's were overfilled to 550 and now I have 650cc implants.  Hoping they end up 'just right'...and not too big!  (or small)

  • az85048
    az85048 Posts: 1,467
    edited April 2014

    mnmbeck - I told you so...  (Sorry, couldn't help myself!  LOL!)   Loopy  Remember (besides the BCO mantra above) that the healing on the inside is as important if not more important than the healing on the outside, so FORCE yourself to take it easy at least for the first two weeks.  I know it's hard, but slow is the way to go.  The results of what you do now (or don't do) during this recovery period are crucial to your outcome.  (OK, lecture over.)  YAY for you!.

  • mnmbeck
    mnmbeck Posts: 156
    edited April 2014

    You are right....and the last thing I want to do is mess things up now!  Thanks for the reminder...I will try to remember to keep my arms happily by my sides as much as I can.  I am just so thrilled to feel like things ARE possible again someday!!!!  My life with TE's made me much more depressed than I realized.

  • az85048
    az85048 Posts: 1,467
    edited April 2014

    You're preaching to the choir about that one - I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone on here that liked their TEs - some tolerated them better than others but that's about it.  LOL!  It's just such a relief when that part is over...  Loopy

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Posts: 14,084
    edited April 2014

    mnmbeck, I agree with all the comments above. A couple things that have helped me too: when I could finally sleep in bed, I used a bunch of pillows to prop my body up a bit, then there were times it just felt better to elevate one or both arms with a pillow. Instead of using my arms to push me out of bed, I put a wooden with its back against the mattress and pulled myself up to a sitting position (like the bars on a hospital bed). This seemed to help with all 3 of my surgeries. 

    It's been almost a year since exchange on one side and 9 months since the revision on the other. I find there are times my pecs and arms feel tight (like when the weather is cold or damp) so I keep a light weight one-step stool handy to help get things put away or down for those higher shelves. Too many times I overdid it and paid the price later, so I'm a little conservative now (maybe even a bit over-conservative).  

  • Previvor101
    Previvor101 Posts: 126
    edited April 2014

    hi all, 

    Glad everything is going well mnmbeck. My exchange us scheduled for 9th May and I am over the TE.

    I feel very self conscious because of the asymmetry (righty has expanded up and lefty expanded down!) and it is quite noticeable even with chicken fillets and padded bra. Can't wait to get where you guys are and (hopefully) have symmetrical and less uncomfortable things.

    My doctor has given me a week off work and then at 2 weeks after the operation I am meant to be travelling interstate for work on my own. Do you think that is achievable? Don't want to overdo it and have things go to west/south or anywhere they are no meant to go!


    LKSHER Posts: 25
    edited April 2014

    Mine were overfilled in the high 600's.

    My biggest concern is that they are close enough together not to look strange.

  • julieped
    julieped Posts: 42
    edited April 2014

    LKSHER -

    I had my exchange on 2/10 and my implants are further apart than I would like them.  As the swelling has gone done, they are even farther apart. Since my exchange they have changed quite a bit and I like them. I see my PS next week as I will be having fat grating in May.  I hope that this will help with the distance.

    How are you feeling?


  • MCbeach
    MCbeach Posts: 43
    edited April 2014

    mnmbeck- I had 600 TEs filled to 600 TEs. Mine softened a lot w yoga so I barely knew they were there. My new implants are much wider than my TEs and this closed the gap at my sternum so I have cleavage unless I am braless. 

    I only have the "don't lift anything" restriction. Ps recommends a bra "most" of the time. He said I can sleep on my stomach now if I want to but I'm going to hold off. I could go back to yoga next week but I might delay depending on how I feel. 

    I am still sore, achy like, but tolerable (comes on late in the day). My legs from fg are still sore too but just in an annoying way.  I have been getting the zingers again, which I think is good that things are healing. Not anything like the BMx so happy to be where I am in the journey. 

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Posts: 1,669
    edited April 2014

    mnmbeck - I just wanna pop in and say that while my PS required two weeks off work, no driving for two weeks, as well as the quite light weight restrictions for two weeks, I also was not allowed to work out for an additional four weeks.  Nothing but walking for 6 weeks total.  Long story short: scar tissue requires 6-8 weeks to mature properly (regardless of whether you think you're a 'fast healer' or not).  If you mess with that process by stressing those scars with too much physical activity you can end up with unwanted complications (cording, keloid tissue, capsular contraction, etc).   Not always, but it was something I didn't want to risk so I followed my restrictions pretty closely (well, except the driving - but I didn't drive much).

    That being said, I'm so glad that you're feeling so fine!

    LKSHER Posts: 25
    edited April 2014

    Hi, Julie.  I feel okay.  Very frustrated that I don't have control over my household and very upset that anyone has to go through all this.  

    My radiated side is angry, but I have confidence it will heal and be okay.

    It looks like I will probably have to consider fat grafting, as well.


  • julieped
    julieped Posts: 42
    edited April 2014


    Yes, it is a very long journey which I becme frustrated and wonder why me (why anyone)?  Hang in there. PM me if you want.


  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Posts: 1,750
    edited April 2014

    Lkshr, not very long ago I was saying I had man-boobs, wide and flat. They are still wide - apparently all implants are - but the flat hamburger buns are more rounded now.

  • mnmbeck
    mnmbeck Posts: 156
    edited April 2014

    sweetandspecial....thanks for the reminder.  I am SO grateful that things are going as well as they are, and I am not even at  1 week post op, yet.  The last thing I want to do is cause a long-term problem.  I will tone it down a bit....although I will need to drive some today.  I REALLY want this to be the end!

  • shorfi
    shorfi Posts: 437
    edited April 2014

    So happy that you are feeling well...mnmbeck Happy

    I hope I will be doing as well on the 9th of April. I am soooo over these TEs.

  • shorfi
    shorfi Posts: 437
    edited April 2014

    This might be off topic...but do you think it's OK to wear my wig when I have my exchange surgery? The day prior to surgery I have to shower and within one hour I have to use special clothes to ward off bacteria, and the day of surgery I am NOT to wash any of my body, but it is ok to brush my teeth? Have any of you have this experience?

    But I really want to know if I have to take off my wig. I am as bald as an onion and just don't want to be seen that way.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,480
    edited April 2014

    shorfi - I'd be surprised if they'd let you anywhere near an OR with a wig.  How about telling them you need a scrub cap because your head is freezing?  I went in with a 'sleep cap' and they gave me a sterile scrub cap.  I changed in pre-op.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Posts: 5,938
    edited April 2014

    shorfi. They won't let you in OR with a wig. Or fake teeth.  Or any prosthesis that can be removed. So do as minus. They'll get you a scrub cap. Even if you had hair the put it in at least a  cap when you get to OR. 

    My procedure was i had to take a shower the night before with hibiclens. Put on freshly washed clothes and sleep in a freshly made bed. Then in the morning  take another shower with Hibiclens, put on more freshly cleaned clothes and head off to sx. I could brush my teeth but  NOT SWALLOW any water. It can make you get sick from the anesthetic.  I usually have a container of water by my bed. I had to put it away that night so i didn't wake up and accessories accidentally drink! LOL.  Good luck 

    Mnm, yes the mantra: just because you can doesn't mean you should. It's important that you don't over do it. Heal well. 

    Much love. 

  • lizlori
    lizlori Posts: 146
    edited April 2014

    I am now four days post op, and had to go in today to see the Dr.  My left breast was red and everyday seem to be getting smaller. The Dr. perscribed antibiotic and I have to go back in thursday.  The Dr I saw today did not do the surgery but works closely with my ps.  He is not sure why my left breast is smaller, and said with an infection it would be bigger, instead the left breast is a good size smaller than the right..... Basically he is scratching his head, and needless to say I feel dissapointed.  However I know its early, and the implants need to settle in and all. It seems that I read that its possible to lose an implant? I was wondering if anyone knows anything about this?   In the meantime I am just going to do more research....Aside from this I feel pretting good, definantly more discomfort on the left side.  Sleeping at night is getting better with each night.  I went to the opening Brewer game, and did fine with that....

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Posts: 1,750
    edited April 2014

    Lori, yes, many of us have lost implants and tissue expanders, sometimes more than once. Glad you saw a doctor about the redness. Do you have a fever?

  • lizlori
    lizlori Posts: 146
    edited April 2014

    No I don't have a fever....

    Did some reading, and learned about silent ruptures which can be caused from too much pressure.  Well when I went in today, the nurse and Dr. said my bra was too small, and said the purpose of the bra is to support the fold and not to compress the breasts. They promptly put a large size on me (I had a small on)....I had no idea the first bra was too snug, I thought it was suppose to feel that way, AGAIN no one told me what the purpose of the bra was, and no I didn't ask either.  Oh and did I mention I had on a wide tight ace wrap around me for two days, with no mention of when to take it off until I called the on call Doc.....I am frustrated and dissapointed, and feel like I REALLY should of done my homework prior to this, because something tells me my left breast isn't going to magically expand to the same size as the right breast.

    Time to be direct with the ps on thursday...

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Posts: 1,750
    edited April 2014

    Lori, how could you have known? Ace bandages are not common so it's unlikely you would have found much into about it anyway. Your doctor's office dropped the ball. They should have given you specific discharge instructions.

  • lizlori
    lizlori Posts: 146
    edited April 2014

    Does anyone have any info on how an implant becomes lost?  I can't find any info on it other than the silent rupture. Does it have something to do with the mucle?   Sorry I know I read about this on here, just can't recall details about this....

  • shorfi
    shorfi Posts: 437
    edited April 2014

    Moon...I am not even allowed to wash or shower the next morning!!!! Ok, I'm fine with not having to wear my wig. Gotta stop being so vain, except that is the only thing that makes me feel "normal".

    I'm like you, I always keep a bottle of water on my nightstand. Have to remember not to do it that night.

    Thanks Minus...great idea!!! seem to be doing well these days. I hope you are healing well and feeling better :)


  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Posts: 5,938
    edited April 2014

    Lori I lost my TE to infection 2x. . A few sprung leaks and they just kept filling them until exchange. Some implants are lost when damaged skin from radiation or infection or too many surges weakens so much the implant basically breaks through the skin. All not happy outcomes. But Not EVERY ONE has those problems. Most go through to implants without problems. After exchange it is important to know to take the time to heal. Inside and out. In other words, JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN DOESN'T MEAN YOU SHOULD! That's the mantra of TE trouble and Exchange board. Because we feel so much better than we did after the mastectomies we tend to do too much instead of taking the time to heal. 

    Hope that helped. Much love. 

  • mnmbeck
    mnmbeck Posts: 156
    edited April 2014

    Just to clarify.....when people say they 'lost' their implant or TE, it means they needed to have it removed due to complications.  Not that it diminished or disappeared.  I'm not sure if this is what anybody is wondering, but  maybe?  Just want to clarify

  • az85048
    az85048 Posts: 1,467
    edited April 2014

    mnmbeck - Still feeling good?  I sure hope so!  Winking