Exchange City
Happy Spring.....I still cannot sleep on stomach or sides....
When I had a procedure to fix a pinched nerve in my spine and some arthritis....a x ray guided cortisone-epidural injections 2 weeks ago, I had to lay on my implants/stomach and even after a YEAR with implants, it did not feel good. One of the nurses was a survivor and she handed me a pillow to ease my discomfort, before my doctor entered the procedure room (I was awake for the procedure)
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Secondtime...thanks for that info. My PS said he would remove at the time of the exchange, but obviously he didn't. So I guess I am looking at a second revision. I can live with that. Thanks!
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Thanks MinusTwo - will check it out.
Di2012 - Thank you for that post. I do have the Scar Away so I will be using that. I can't believe after a year you still cannot sleep on your stomach. Were you always a back sleeper? I'm counting down the days till the ps says "okay, you can flip over now". LOL. The coconut oil I do have as I saw it on Dr.Oz and it is great. Its cool that it is in solid form but it melts almost instantly in your hands. I like using it on my face at night.
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shorfi - I think we all have something out there that we think will wipe away all the cancer cards we have been dealt. For me, it is probably finishing with TEs and having my implants placed. I'm sure it will be a letdown because it won't be perfect. I'm going to need others to remind me how far I have come. I'll never be perfect or totally without worry, but heck, I wasn't that way before cancer was found either. We can handle this if we help each other. Hugs to you!
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Shorfi - Even though my exchange was easy-peasy I did retain a bit of that 'feels like I'm wearing an underwire bra under my skin' feeling for several weeks. You've got to give it time. Plus you had lipo and from everything I've read here that takes a long time to heal and for swelling to go down. You'll get there but you've got to make up your mind not to let the continuing journey get the best of you. (((hugs)))
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Shorfi, Well my mudflaps hurt where he cut for longer than my implants.
And it looks like he didn't take as much from my right side. I still have mudflaps. Sigh. I was waiting for the swelling to go away. I may have to go back. But that side is the one with the heavy ridge along the incision that was there after the sx. It still is there a bit. Not as stiff though.
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Shorfi....I absolutely feel like I am wearing an underwire bra, and I also just feel 'tightly bound'....I don't know how else to explain it. I am 3 weeks out tomorrow. I AM wearing an underwire 24/7, so I just assume that this is what I am feeling. However, it is a huge disappointment when I take it off to shower and feel the same....maybe a little worse, since it seems that the binding feeling gets worse when I get in the shower.
Also, I can only imagine waking up on my side!! I am STILL IN THE RECLINER!!! My PS thought it would be a good idea post surgery....just likes the position of it vs. the temptation of rolling around in bed. He is pretty strict for the first 4 weeks (he says)...which I am hoping will mean I will get all kinds of freedom in the next week or two!!! Unfortunately, I don't have another follow up with him until 5 weeks. Not sure if I should keep wearing the bra and sleeping on the recliner until then. I will probably keep doing it until he says not to. He hasn't steered me wrong so far!
I have been using bio-oil. I also have emu oil that I haven't used, yet but, I think it's just 'touching' myself that freaks me out a little right now. I also get itchy, and have learned not to try to scratch, since I can't feel where I itch.
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mnm - I get phantom istches occasionally too. My cancer side nipple use to itch alot, i think it's a brain nerve connection thing. Like when ampuities have phantom itches....
I never thought of using coccnut oil!?! Doesn't leave you grease tho HappySpring??
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Hi MereMere....I only use it on my face at night. No one cares that I look like a freak. My family is used to me doing strange things. As for my body, I do put it on after a shower, not all the time though and find it is rather a shine. And especially during this dry winter, I needed something. And since it's natural and healthy...all the more to enjoy!
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Hi Moon, it really stinks that when you go in for something to get done, you think it will be corrected only to find you need to go in again. I read somewhere a few posts back about you waiting till 6 months to go for divot / mud flap correction after swelling goes down. Saw my ps today and I am booked for nipples and fg on June 18....implant sx was 4/9 and I kept thinking maybe I should hold off. Then I begin to think, well okay lets do this and I can always go back for more fg down the line if need be or if I need a revision. I guess you get to the point where sx doesn't scare you anymore....since the hardest part is over.
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Hi ladies.
Tomorrow will be two weeks since my surgery. Things seem to be going pretty smoothly. In reading some of your posts, it looks like there's a lot of variety in the post-op instructions given by PSs.... mine said no bra for 30 days, some of you have to wear an underwire, etc. I'm totally happy wth the no bra rule- implants are only 455cc (I was a B before and didn't want to be much bigger). He did say that I could wear a camisole. I tried that one day this week and was sooo uncofortable... tender, itchy +++. I'm wearing a t-shirt at work today because everything else is too irritating. Have any of you experienced that itchiness?? If so, how long did it last?
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one more road bump - but I guess I'm glad it happened one week out from my exchange. My TE on my rads side is deflating!
I thought it looked funny when I was getting in the shower today - and as soon as I touched it and felt the squish I knew something was wrong. We're out of town for spring break, so I can't see my PS until Monday - she didn't seem too concerned, but wanted to try to refill it.
Anyone else have this happen?!
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McK, yes there were 2 others not too long ago that had leakers. One had to be replaced the other waited till exchange and the P'S kept her filled up for I think a month. I'm sure if they're on they'll fill you in.
Ok. Just got to tell everyone: I am having sx on June 18th and it's NOT cancer related. I AM GETTING A KNEE REPLACEMENT. Well only one but the one that hurts the most! YAY!
Now I know I sound nuts being happy about another sx, but it's been almost 3 years postponed because of BC and SEs! The person doing my X rays after she saw the first one, said " NO WONDER YOU ARE IN PAIN! LOL yep it's quite obvious huh! LOL its scary but he finally agreed I am "stable" and that he's a bit nuts...... LOL. Guess I am a challenging type of patient. With a pacemaker, diabetes, overweight and allergic to abx he is really taking a chance.and I am HAPPY. OK thanks for listening to me LOL
Much love
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YAY, Moon! I'm so happy that you're finally getting that knee replaced! WOO HOO! I know how long you've waited and how much it's bothered you. Please try not to take any of your usual 'detours' with this one, OK?
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Yay, Moon! That is great news! I will say a little prayer for a quick, easy recovery....You DO deserve that!!!
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Oh my! So many posts. You miss a few days and you can't catch up. About the "balloons" my PS said he is still not sure about my actual implant size so he will take out my TE's and put some inflatable thing in my chest (he called them balloons but who knows what they are -just glad I will be passed out!) and based on the inflation size he would choose my implant size. I know the current size of my TE's - one is smaller than the other due to radiation on one side. He said the implants would likely be similar to the sizes I have now but could be different. I have not heard anyone else talk about this procedure. My PS is young and likes to tell me a lot of little details so who knows! He told me all about the pocket work I would need on my radiated side (boo!) and also said he is rarely using drains anymore so I likely won't have them (yay!) Like I said, he is pretty young (35!) so maybe he is doing something new with me.
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I think that is fairly common. My PS uses sizers as well.
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Oh ok good! I was getting worried. Thanks Dulcigirl!
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good news Moon! With the fairly brief time I've been having trouble with plantar fasciitis I have a whole new appreciation for folks who deal with chronic lower limb pain, where just standing up and walking is at the least uncomfortable and at the worst excruciating. Not that any of us would leap for joy at yet ANOTHER surgery, right? But this is one to be excited about! You'll soon be doing the couch to 5K program !
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moon - so glad to hear that you're getting a new knee! we'll pray for a detour-free path!
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Thank you all! It's a weird feeling. I don't know if I feel like 3 years did not exist or if it was eons ago! But forward progress so will just continue to forge ahead and certainly try to board the EXPRESS train! LOL
Hjpz, my P'S took sizers in as well. He though I'd get 850's. But the 750 fit better so he filled them to 850. I take it there is a LOT OF leeway in the capacity. And the 750 must be a bit less wide. So they don't know until they get in exactly what they'll have to pop in.
Much love to all!
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Awesome news for you Moon! Although you've been through so many surgeries, this one will hopefully take away the hurt and you can go run those marathons! At least this one is below the waist for a change. YAYYYYY!!!!
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"And the 750 must be a bit less wide." I think someone was looking out for the structural integrity of the door jambs in your house when they made that decision!
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hi everyone,
I had my exchange to implant surgery
I'm dealing with the pain okay. it still feels like I have an underwire bra on. My only concern is they look a little flat, I am a little concerned about that
I know it's early, has anyone experienced?
will they come out of the flat look?
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Juneyb - WELCOME to the squishie side! Yes, the 'underwire' pain is normal, (that's more than likely where your IMF incisions are). Did they use silicone or saline or anatomicals during exchange? Silicone almost always look flat at first. We all went through the 'pancake phase'. The 'new girls' will 'drop' as your pectoral muscles relax and 'fluff' when they've finally dropped into position. This is not a quick process, so be prepared to wait a couple of months or more before they make their 'debut'! I'm four months post exchange and mine are still changing! Just rest, drink plenty of fluids, and step away from the mirror!
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wait, wait. I know the answer to this one.
I haven't had my exchange yet - but most of the lovely ladies on here will tell you to step away from the mirror at first. It takes time for the swelling to go down and your muscles to relax. I'm sure they'll come along shortly with better words of wisdom. In the meantime, hang in there and don't spend time in front of the mirror!
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Juneyb, What they said! LOL
But i will add a bit the mantra: just because you can, doesn't mean you should.....
That means you will probably feel pretty good in a short period of time. And you will start doing many things around the house and druving. DONT! You need time to heal inside to and even if the incision looks great, there is internal healing going on so don't rush into lifting, reaching or anything.
Az! Yes that's what he was thinking when he chose those! LOL
Much love.
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Moon....happy dance for your new knee-to-be!!!
Lisa Jayne....I know the horrible pain of plantar fasciitis....I know mine was from walking on uneven surfaces 3-5 miles everyday of the week for 2 years without missing a day, after cortisone both feet....which really didn't help and hurt like Heck.....I had surgery on each foot at different times....recovery was a long long process!
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Di - I'm really, really hoping that with the regular stretching therapy prescribed by my PCP it will get better with time and I won't have to go the surgical route. Since I can't just stop walking completely to let it heal I have to be more conscious than I used to be. Even with all the activity today, though, the pain/ache is nowhere near as acute as it was a few weeks back prior to the start of stretching it several times a day. Thanks for the information on your own experience!
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McKatherine - Please step to the head of the class!