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Exchange City



  • Previvor101
    Previvor101 Member Posts: 126
    edited May 2014


    I had my exchange about a week and a half ago. I had a lot of pocket work on the right because my TE had migrated north and hadn't stretched out the inferior pocket. I also had a trip back to surgery for swelling/? Hematoma. I stayed in hospital for 2 nights but was biting at the bit to leave by that stage. I had 1 drain the right which was removed at day 2 (prior to leaving hospital) and it drained quite a bit. 

    Regarding recovery it was a breeze compared to the bilateral mastectomy and TE placement. Was a bit groggy and lethargic the first week, possibly due to the double GA. Now feeling almost normal but still doing lots of resting. Also not lifting anything or overdoing it as don't want rightie migrating north a again. Am taking heed to the wise words on here "just because you can do it, doesn't mean you should".

    I ended up having 2 weeks off work . Whilst I predominantly work at a desk, it is in a very busy hospital and can be busy and stressful. Started walking (but can't carry handbag because it bumps against chest and hurts. 

    Hope that helps a bit

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited May 2014

    While most people do fine after their exchange, it was the most difficult one for me to recover from. It was my 3rd breast surgery and I bounced back much quicker for the earlier ones. I did not feel good physically until the 4th week (can't blame it on drains...didn't have any) and a hard time emotionally the week prior as well. From reading on this forum I knew that emotions around the exchange are normally up and down. Here's a quote from Breast Implant Sizing 101. "Many of us and I mean MANY of us go through a period of sadness and depression after the exchange. It is an emotional journey we have been on since diagnosis and we suddenly seem to start experiencing all of the emotions we have placed on hold throughout the mastectomy and TE expansion process."  I think those normal feelings made the unexpected physical recovery harder to deal with. Also it was my third surgery in three and a half months and I believe my body had just maxed out with what it could tolerate. I've had a fourth surgery since then (3.5 month rest in between) and did just fine. At 2 weeks I was doing the Komen Race for the Cure.

    So you can expect everything will go smoothly and you will recover enough within two weeks to go back to work if you are having a simple exchange with no pocket work. However, some of us (I'm not the only one) have a bumpier road after exchange. If you do too, don't despair. It might take you another week or two, but you'll be fine.


  • Miss_Mama_Bear
    Miss_Mama_Bear Member Posts: 20
    edited May 2014

    Thank you Char! 

    Sandra: thank you for the info. Yes, that would be very disappointing if I ended up smaller than I am now. I think that is why he said he was going with the 45 style: it offers the most projection. I don't think that there is another implant that offers more? I talked to whippetmom and sent her pics and she actually recommended exactly what my PS is going with. She said she thought I should end up with about the same appearance that I have now. I am hoping for that because I don't think I can get a bigger implant without having different TE. More surgeries really aren't an option for me because I have to fly my help down to help me, so I have to really hope for a good outcome on the first go-round.  

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669
    edited May 2014

    I had some very minor pocket work on both sides but did not need any pain meds after returning home the same day as surgery and was still wide awake at midnight after an early morning.  The areas of pocket work felt a bit like a bruise, only inside.  Just needed a bit more muscle released from the chest wall underneath lefty to allow it to sit a little lower to match righty, as well as a little muscle release at the top to let the implants provide a little fullness there instead of a pretty noticeable step-off Loopy.  Recovery is typically much easier than the mastectomy surgery, although there are exceptions.  For those of us who didn't have any problems or lasting pain/misery with the exchange it's good to have Sandra provide the reality check when this question gets asked ThumbsUp.

  • hjpz
    hjpz Member Posts: 215
    edited May 2014

    Miss Mama - I have Allergen 45's and like them.  I had radiation on my left side so that side is larger.  My TE's were 400 cc left and 325 cc on my right and my actual implants are larger 600 cc left and 500 cc right.  They seems about the same size as my TE's were to me.   My implants are harder than I expected - I heard squishy and I thought squishy - but they are for sure softer than the TE's.    p.s. You are freaking out - I didn't even know what I was getting until I woke up!  hahaha

  • ClaireFraser
    ClaireFraser Member Posts: 47
    edited May 2014

    mommyathome, I'm having my exchange surgery on June 17.  My doctor mentioned recovery time would be about a week, maybe two.  A friend at work thought the exchange surgery was worse than the MX.  I sure hope not.  I am so ready to have this tissue expander removed, because it's huge and has widened to where it's close to my armpit.  Ugh.


  • hjpz
    hjpz Member Posts: 215
    edited May 2014

    Best if luck Mommieathome!   I had my exchange 4 weeks ago.  I went home the same day and was physically kind of out of it for about 24 hours.  I took a little less than 2 weeks off work and that seemed perfect for me.   I had no drains and no wrappings so was able to see my implants right away.   I only took my pain meds for about 2 days and then switched to Ibuprofen. I still have to take some Ibuprofen sometimes after I walk - I think that is because of the pocket work I had done on my radiated side because it is mostly my left side (radiated side) that hurts.  

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    edited May 2014

    Claire and hjpz,

    Thanks for your feedback. I just have to remember one day at a time. This whole process can get overwhelming and scary waiting for the next step!!! I'm nervous about the exchange because I'm hoping it'll be perfect and not need revisions. I really don't have the time for any extra surgeries.... One day at a time. :)

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited May 2014

    Mommy, I'm hoping you will read lots of stories from women in the first weeks/months after their exchange so you will have realistic expectations. Perfect is probably not what you will say. In fact, the majority of us are disappointed at the beginning. (Because we thought we would look at least a little like someone who had breast augmentation?) It takes several months before things settle down and assume a (hopefully) pleasing shape.

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669
    edited May 2014

    Mommy - I responded earlier but didn't mention that my PS required 2 weeks off work for me and I have a desk-job.  There's a lot of internal healing going on.  They have to go through the pec muscles again to remove the TEs and put the implants in.  You want those muscles to heal properly to avoid complications down the road.  I do remember also that the implants felt kind of 'weighty' for several weeks so for me I it was good to have the support of either a regular or sports bra again (I had gotten in the habit of no bra around home or on the weekends).   You'll do fine.

  • janett2014
    janett2014 Member Posts: 2,950
    edited May 2014

    Everyone who replied: thanks for the info about recovery time after exchange surgery.

  • hjpz
    hjpz Member Posts: 215
    edited May 2014

    I am hoping to get to the no bra stage!  I have not been comfortable braless yet.  I wore them all through my TE's and nearly 24 hours still 4 weeks out from my exchange.  Hopefully I will soon join the braless!

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    edited May 2014


    I know that they won't be perfect right after the exchange and may need revisions etc. I just need to force myself to take a breath and wait and see what's in store. I spent the day today, literally the whole day on the Internet looking up exchanges, hysterectomies and blood test results. I need to relax!!!!!! Tomorrow I'm putting my phone away and not touching it. I don't care what else I do but I not going to be on the phone/Internet panicking about what could happen. I'm going to rearrange my bedroom so it's neat and organized for my recovery and try to get some fresh air outside. Thanks for being there when I slip into the anxiety of cancer world. 

  • hjpz
    hjpz Member Posts: 215
    edited May 2014

    Mommyathome I had to "step away from the internet" before both of my surgeries and just start trusting that things would work out (which they did both times).  The internet is awesome but it can also be a bad thing too!  Best of luck to you. 

  • Bink182
    Bink182 Member Posts: 11
    edited May 2014

    I had my exchange on the 23rd of April.  I still have a senoma on my back. I had my BMX August 23rd of last year and have had the swelling in by back since.  I am getting very discouraged with all of this.  I have asked my PS about doing something with the mud flaps under my arms and he says there is nothing he can do about them.  He keeps draining my back with a needle but the fluid comes back by the next morning. My new implants are too big.  He has asked me to wait for 6 months and see if I still am unhappy with them.  If I don't like them after 6 months, he will replace them with smaller implants.  I am getting tired of all these surgeries.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited May 2014

    You have legitimate complaints and he refuses to help. Do you work for him or does he work for you? Still having fluid issues after 9 months!! This doctor is ridiculous and you should get a second opinion. Obviously something is going on that needs fixing with your back. Is your back the only place you've had swelling problems? You can develop lymphedema in places other than your arms. Also you can have a lymph node that was damaged in a prior surgery and keeps putting out fluid. (Moonflwr had that.) Since you are not quite a month post-exchange, I agree that you will see some major changes in the next couple of months with your implants. It does take a long time for internal stiches to heal so six months between exchange and revision isn't out of bounds...but WAITING six months to even discuss it seems too long. Did you get info from Whippetmom on the Breast Implant Sizing 101 thread about the size of implants best for you? If not, send her your height, weight, measurement around your chest under the implants, the manufacturer and kind of tissue expanders you had and the kind of implants you have. Your doctor's office should have given you a small card with that info. If they didn't, call the office and it will be in your chart. (For instance, my tissue expanders were Allergan Style 133MX, 700 cc's according to the little card, and my implants are Allergan Natrelle 410 Highly Cohesive Anatomically Shaped Silicone-Filled Breast Implants, Style FF, 740 cc's.)  Whippetmom will be able to tell you if the implants are the right size for you and whether the TE's were the right size for the implants you got. It is not unusual to get revisions on your implants. I've read that about 40% of us have.


  • Bink182
    Bink182 Member Posts: 11
    edited May 2014

    Thank you for your input.  This entire process is so time consuming.  I am just ready to get my life back.  I hoped that once the exchange was done, thing would be back to normal.  I have been complaining about the "mud flaps" under my arms for several months now and I keep hearing that nothing can be done about it. ARRRGGGG!!!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited May 2014

    bink. My mudflaps were removed one at a time. Left when they implanted my TE the 2nd time. Then during my exchange he did my other mudflap. It's part if a cancer revision sx .so insurance picks it up.   Ask your PS about lymphedema. Sandra is right my damaged lymph vessel leaked over  100 cc of fluid every day 3 weeks after my TE implant sx. After it was stitched it dropped that day to less than 20. So that was my problem. But my P'S saw me every week and tried 1) filling the TE for more pressure.

    2)emptying my skin around the implants with needles. 

    3) waiting 3 weeks! LOL.  But he was right there concerned for and with me. He didn't want to leave in my drains because I had more than 2 infections before when the drains were left in for 5 weeks. 

    So i think you need to ask him about the swell I no of your back. Also ask your MO if it's lymphedema he should have an idea too. None of this is as easy as it should be. 

    Much love. 

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,422
    edited May 2014

    Bink - but remember, most docs get a total of 15 minutes education about Lymphadema in their 11-15 years of schooling.  No joke!!!  Also most dismiss the issue way too easily.  There are good threads on this site that will give you the basics.  Or you can to go to the LE web site below.

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    edited May 2014

    You can also check out physical therapist that have been trained in identifying and treating lymphedema. They do specific exercises and manual drainage to help elevate some discomfort. 

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669
    edited May 2014

    Bink - my exchange was early August 2013 and I just had the mud-flap surgery about a month ago (nearly 9 months post-exchange).  I agree that you need to wait to see how things settle for anywhere from a few to several months because as they settle the mud-flaps will likely become a little less obvious also (that was my experience).  Your PS, however, is full of sh*t to tell you there's nothing that can be done.  Perhaps he/she hasn't got experience with that particular procedure.  If that's the case I wouldn't want him/her performing the procedure anyway, plus he/she should .  Time for that 2nd opinion Sandra mentioned.  You'll get there - and we're here to listen when you feel impatient or discouraged.  Hang in there.

  • simplelife2
    simplelife2 Member Posts: 74
    edited May 2014

    mommyathome, I too am having my exchange June 2nd! And like you said, I'm both excited(can't wait) and anxious, wondering what the final outcome will look like!  Thanks kind ladies for all of your info, teaching, and encouragement. It has kept me going through this whole journey! Or adventure?? Hugs mommy and all!!

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    edited May 2014

    Good luck simple life!!!!!! Ya I almost feel more anxious for this surgery than I did for BMx. For the BMx I was worried about what they'd find, with exchange I'm nervous about my "final" outcome. I've been out of work since January 28 and need to be 110 percent by the end of August!!! I also have a total hysterectomy w bilateral oophorectomy scheduled for July 1. Keep me posted on how you do

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    edited May 2014

    For those who have already made it to the "squishy side". Did your doctor suggest you wear bra after surgery? Underwire? I know my bs said I would be wrapped with ace bandage like thing. Do I wear a bra after that comes off? 

  • hjpz
    hjpz Member Posts: 215
    edited May 2014

    Mommyathome - I had no wraps at all and my new girls were right in the open when I woke up (well with a gown over them of course!)  My PS told me to wear a sports type bra or camisole for the first week  24 hours per day if possible and then after that he told me to do whatever is comfortable but NOT to wear underwire.   Since then I have been wearing my sports bra and/or a tighter fitting camisole for the past 3 weeks 24 hours per day.  I am still tender in my chest area and have found I am more comfortable with either a bra or camisole - even when I sleep.  You are going to get MANY different answers to this question btw because I think we just had it like 2 weeks ago so the bottom line is go with whatever your PS tells you!  Best of luck!  

    p.s. any tips for side sleepers out there would be appreciated.  For now I am sticking a smaller pillow in my cleavage area because I am not comfortable on my side with the way the implants lie.

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    edited May 2014


    Thanks! The pa at my ps office suggested underwire! I was like really? I haven't worn an underwire bra since before my first child, 12 years ago!!! I'm a sports bra fan!!! They are comfortable and worked perfect with breast feeding. thanks! I was told I would have gauze under a wrap. Similar to the BMx. They talked about doing "glue" instead of steri strips. Any one have "glue"?

  • Sandrac3
    Sandrac3 Member Posts: 11
    edited May 2014

    mommy-I had glue only for surgery for double mastectomy because I'm allergic to adhesive. Healed great!!

  • hjpz
    hjpz Member Posts: 215
    edited May 2014

    I had steri-strips.  

    See!  You will get a different answer from every PS about this bra situation.  Mine was adamant I NOT to wear under wire which I am more than happy to oblige :) Still I would follow their directions.  I hope they all get together and figure this out though!

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    edited May 2014


    Thanks for your response. My bs said w glue you can shower sooner so they are trying to move toward that and away from steri strips at least in this practice for exchanges. Can you see glue???? Seems weird to me lol

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    edited May 2014


    Thanks for your response. My bs said w glue you can shower sooner so they are trying to move toward that and away from steri strips at least in this practice for exchanges. Can you see glue???? Seems weird to me lol

    Hjpz, it's so nerve racking when u hear so many different ways to handle all this. It makes you second guess and wonder which doctor is right?!? What outcomes did people have that did it this way etc....