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Exchange City



  • farmerlucy
    farmerlucy Member Posts: 596
    edited May 2014

    My PS waits four months from the last fill too. I think it allowed her to remove some scar tissue. Her lack of encapsulation issues is remarkable, just a couple in her thirteen years, and perhaps that is because she deals with the initial scar tissue at the exchange. She pretty much had an implant in mind from the beginning, and it worked out perfectly. I used my path report and the grams of tissue removed to know when to stop for the fills. (That and my agonizingly painful pecs.)  I had 385 grams removed, I was filled to 350 cc, and she put in 421cc mid profile. Whippetmom was an incredible help to me also. 

  • mnmbeck
    mnmbeck Member Posts: 156
    edited May 2014

    My PS requires 4 weeks from last fill to exchange surgery.  I waited 5....just a scheduling thing for me.  No problems.  I have a friend who is about 3 weeks ahead of me.  Different PS....also waited 4 weeks between last fill and exchange.  She's doing great, too!  All these darn PS's are sooooooo different in how they do things!!!

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864
    edited May 2014

    My PS has NO waiting requirement! Shocked I was scheduled for about 3 weeks after my last fill, but due to a cold/fever ended up rescheduling so my wait was about 2 months. 

  • juliecc
    juliecc Member Posts: 4,360
    edited May 2014

    My PS requires a 3 month wait.  There is also a 3-6 month waitlist because more urgent surgeries like mastectomies would have priority.  I tried to schedule fo August but their calendar isn't open yet for that month.  My expanders are pretty comfortable now so it won't be too hard to wait.

  • hjpz
    hjpz Member Posts: 215
    edited May 2014

    Bud - I only knew I was getting Natrelle (Allergan) silicon implants and that is it before my exchange. My Dr. used sizers and wasn't sure about what model or size I was going to have until the day of my surgery!  I just went with it because I trusted him (he seems to be a bit of a perfectionist - which is a good thing here!)  So far my trust was warranted and I am happy with my end result.  I did ask him about what whippetmom suggested for me but he does not use Sientra brand products, which is what she recommended. 

  • Previvor101
    Previvor101 Member Posts: 126
    edited May 2014

    Had my exchange yesterday and then went back into theatre last night for swelling ?hematoma. Had a lot of pocket work on the right and drain in. Feeling a bit sore and tired. 

  • duvan
    duvan Member Posts: 5
    edited May 2014

    Thanks for your reply!  So the extra revision surgery fixed the ripples, that sounds great. I've become so worried about these ripples.. they're  mentioned everywhere!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited May 2014

    previvor! That must have been scary for you. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. Did they put a drain in then? Are you doing ok now? Let us know when you feel up to it. I forgot you had Sx yesterday. Sorry about forgetting. I hope that is your last complication and everything goes smoothly for you now! Much love. 

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669
    edited May 2014

    I really, really, really wish I had more time to keep up during the day with these threads. Previvor - scary but I'm glad you got the prompt attention you needed. Hope healing and drainage goes well.

    I always kind of felt like my PS was the only one with the long wait requirement between last fill and exchange. Nice to see so many chiming in that had similar requirements.

    Julie - I'm glad your TEs are comfortable. Mine pretty much were too. Annoying, yes, but not uncomfortable after I got past the BMX/TE placement pain.

    Saw my PS for snippage of the suture loops on my revision 2 weeks ago today (dog ear/mud flap removal).  They're healing well. Bought some Scar Away to try.  Still no running or upper body workouts (four more weeks) but I can do anything else I want too weight-wise, like vacuuming and stuff like that.  He always tells me 'If you do too much, you'll know it'.  True - I pushed a heavy grocery cart around the store on Tuesday night for probably close to half an hour and both sites felt pretty tired and achy by the time I got home.  Made DH carry in the groceries for a change when I got  Today is the most comfortable so far, could just be the scar away strips protecting the sites from bra friction, or maybe two weeks is the magic number.

    Love to all.

    LKSHER Member Posts: 25
    edited May 2014

    I think I just need to say this to someone and no one in my offline real life ever wants to hear anything that's not all rosy and positive.  I don't love my implants. One is bigger than the other (yes, I had radiation on one side and that's the smaller side). I have no cleavage and I don't think I will.  My skin looks a little wrinkly in the middle of the implants where the cleavage should be.  They look good enough n clothes I guess IF I don't want to show cleavage.

    I have gummies and they are very firm.   My plastic surgeon thought it was best even though Whippetmom suggested smooth rounds.

    I can't imagine another surgery because my husband is sick of helping me and taking care of me and never was that into it anyway.  I have a 12 yr old and a 15 yr old.

    I just want to be all healed and back to "normal" and I don't want a new freaking normal.  I just want to be back in shape, know I'm not going to die from this, and like the way my cleavage looks in shirts.  I am pissed that I have gained weight, but don't eat much.  I hate menopause at 40.  I want to have sex and be treated like I am beautiful and sexy.   I am very lonely and no one understands.  I fake that I am fine to the outside world every single day and my husband wants me to stop crying and "whining".  I have been tough through all my many steps of treatment.  I am tired now and want to nap all the time after soldiering through everything.  I am just over a month out of my exchange and trying to decide on nipple recon or just 3-D with Vinnie.  I have been seeing a psychiatrist and I am self-aware that I am depressed, anxious, and have PTSD.  I am afraid of more medicine and I doubt it would help, really.  I take Ativan sometimes, but not much.

    I am sad.

  • Previvor101
    Previvor101 Member Posts: 126
    edited May 2014

    LKSHER, I'm sorry you are having a hard time with everything. it sounds like you are doing everything right and I'm glad you are seeing a psychiatrist who can help you through these things. You have gone through a lot!!

    I agree that this forum is great because you can let out your heart and soul  and don't need to be tough and brave like in the real world. We are all here for you!

    Moon, thanks for your thoughts. It was all a bit surreal at the time and now feel like I have been run over by a truck. Have got drain in on the right which has drained about 120mls. Staying in hospital for 2 nights and home tomorrow (hopefully)

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited May 2014

    LK, HUGS!!!!!! Dear one, VENT AWAY!  Don't be surprised that we all hate the "New F*ckin Normal"!!!!! I am sorry you didn't and don't have the support you need. That sucks. If your husband is losing his hair next time he says you're whining, ask him how he likes getting bald. Then say that's  Your new normal. How's it working for you? Sorry, I get real snarky about people who think everything is over just cause the big stuff is finished. Hugs again. Much love. 

  • hjpz
    hjpz Member Posts: 215
    edited May 2014

    Previvor- Sending positive thoughts your way!  I hope you are ok.  

    SweetandSpecial - I am at around day 10 post surgery and am definitely feeling pretty good.  My PS said I can start lifting weights (smaller ones of course) in 3 weeks so I am pumped up! Other that that I have no restrictions.   I was in fairly good shape before my double mastectomy and hope to get some arm muscles back since summer is here (I am so happy I can wear tank tops now that I am all done so need to get those arms in shape!)  Best of luck to you.

  • hjpz
    hjpz Member Posts: 215
    edited May 2014

    LKSHER - So sorry you are feeling that way.  Do NOT feel bad for venting.  It is much better than holding it all in.  I will say that I have researched hormones quite a bit since my second estrogen positive BC diagnosis last year and they have a HUGE impact on your mental health as well as your physical health.  My original surgeon (I dumped her) wanted me to remove both of my healthy ovaries (just in case) and this lead me into researching all about it.   There are a lot of books out there about natural ways to balance your hormones (through diet/vitamins/exercise) if you are interested since you said you don't like taking meds.  Also, I am so sorry that you don't feel supported by those closest to you.  That just makes me sad. I do understand your feelings of wanting to be "a woman".  Having had BC the first time at age 29 I have never quite felt as "free" or unreserved as I used to be.   Rationally I know breasts don't make me a woman but when you have all these shows and movies throwing breasts at you even if you are the most self assured woman it is hard not to feel a tiny bit inadequate (btw don't watch the movie Wolf of Wall Street with your husband like I just did - there are more breasts in that movie than 10 movies combined!)    I would definitely tell your PS your concerns about your implants.   I had radiation as well but am so far pleased with my results so don't stop until you are. I have the extra high profile implants so maybe that helped me?   I have a small bit of rippling on my radiated side but it is on the far outside so not noticeable.  My PS said he could use Alladerm later to smooth it out if it bothers me so there are things that can be done by your PS that are not full blown surgeries.  If I have learned anything after having BC twice it is you need to research and stand up for yourself.   As you can tell from this thread alone all Dr.'s have different opinions so get the facts and do what is best for YOU!  Best of luck!!

    LKSHER Member Posts: 25
    edited May 2014

    Thanks, Ladies, for the support after my pity party vent.  You are all so kind and sweet to everyone.  My husband has a lot of things going for him, but being a consistent caretaker is not one of them.  Thanks for making me laugh. 

    The sun shining today makes everything seem a little less sucky.

    I think I will start running and doing yoga again soon and that should help me not be so blue sometimes.

    I will talk to my plastic surgeon about what we might be able to do about some cleavage.

    Hoping everyone has a wonderful weekend!

  • julieped
    julieped Member Posts: 42
    edited May 2014

    About shaving - after I had my exchange surgery, I began the process of laser hair removal so I would not have to shave under my arms so much.  I have had two treatments and there is a huge difference in the amount of hair.  I hope to do 2-3 more.  Of course, I checked with my PS first.

    I met a good friend of mine for lunch yesterday who is a month ahead of me in this cancer world.  It sure helps to talk with someone.  I think what is hard is that everyone thinks you are all better but life is so different now.  I am more anxious and not as happy go lucky.  Like everyone on this thread says, my new normal.  

    My family and I are walking in the Race for the Cure tomorrow in Minneapolis.  My first time since having cancer.  We have done it many other times to honor my mother-in-law but it will be very different because it is me.  Thanks for listening.

  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Member Posts: 836
    edited May 2014

    lksher- please share with us at any time. Having a support system is so important. Your kids are sort of big- how are they taking all thats happening, and are they supportive?  Even a big hug can make a difference!!  cancer sucks and so does all the treatment and physical damage to our bodies.  But it will get better...I like your looking forward to yoga and running. Even taking a walk makes me feel so much better...hang in there!

  • budrfligal13
    budrfligal13 Member Posts: 105
    edited May 2014

    Pitz....I'm glad to hear that your PS was able to deliver on what you imagined for yourself.  Like you, I'm going into the exchange with blind trust.  I know most of the women here utilized the sizing 101 forum in order to obtain a suggestion.  I cannot provide the information they need, so I also must feel totally comfortable with my PS.  I do.  She knows what I want.  She is creating the "C's" and cleavage I've always wanted.  But, I am wondering when we are going to actually talk about the implants!!!!  Maybe let me feel them, etc.  Exchange scheduled 7/25.  

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669
    edited May 2014

    LKSHER - I second what everyone else has said so far.  Absolutely no one in the world has has had your exact experience, but those of us here have had some form of it and do understand.  Even close friends don't truly understand.   I don't know your DH but if he actually said out loud to you that it was time to stop crying and whining I'd like to kick him into the next county.  My God, he should be so happy you're still alive and have a good chance of staying that way for many years to come!  Good for you for getting the emotional help you need.  Before BC I thought I had a very open mind about people with anxiety and depression issues, but would have pooh-poohed the idea that I would ever need help in that area myself!  Who, me?  Pop a pill to get happier?  You're kidding, right?  Well, trust me, ativan became a lifesaver for me for a few weeks between diagnosis and BMX.  I understand not wanting to become dependent on something for a better mood, but remember that a short-term use could be just what you need to kickstart your chemical balance back to more normal levels.

  • hjpz
    hjpz Member Posts: 215
    edited May 2014

    Julieped thank you so much for the info on laser hair removal!  I am totally looking into that for my underarms.  My PS office actually has signs up that they do it but I wonder if it would be cheaper somewhere else.  Thanks again. 

    LKSHER - so glad you are having a better day!  The sun always helps me too.  It is gorgeous today in IL where I live and after the horrible winter we had I am enjoying every second of it!   Get back into the activities you enjoy - it will make a world of difference.  Best of luck.

    LKSHER Member Posts: 25
    edited May 2014

    I do sincerely appreciate the much needed understanding and support, ladies.  It's true that no one else understands.

    I read a lot on these boards and care about everyone.

    My kids are doing very well considering.  They think of me as very tough and have faith that I have this covered.  They are currently acting like the self-centered teens that most teens are....right on schedule.  We all like to keep things as normal as possible, but that's been harder for me now that treatment is over, as I read would probably happen....and it did.  

  • simplelife2
    simplelife2 Member Posts: 74
    edited May 2014

    LKSHER, I was saying some of your same things the other night to my DH. Wanting my normal back, even normal hugs not just side hugs. This site has been so helpful to me, reading that in some way we all experience many of those feelings. You are a strong woman. But it is going to hit us at different times, adjusting to a "new normal". I too do so much better when the sun is shining. I have finally gotten back to walking more and am starting some yoga at home. It helps! You hang in there and always know the love  from everyone here helps to carry us forward. Hugs to you. 

  • simplelife2
    simplelife2 Member Posts: 74
    edited May 2014

    Previvor 101, 

    I'm praying all continues to get better and you are back home soon!! How scary. I will be having my exchange in 3 weeks and have to travel for the surgery, so had told DH maybe we should stay that 1st night in a motel in the city in case something comes up, as it is  planned out patient. Now after reading your post I'm convinced that I should not travel directly home (2hrs) after outpatient surgery. Thankful you are doing ok. Rest and heal. Hugs to you and prayers with you. Keep us posted

  • Previvor101
    Previvor101 Member Posts: 126
    edited May 2014

    thanks simplelife. I was meant to stay in overnight but felt like absolute rubbish yesterday, the surgeon kept me in another night. Also had a drain in the right which was still draining. 

    Feeling ok now and glad the surgeon acted so quickly and didn't do the "wait and see". If you do stay in a motel near the hospital, it will mean that everything will be fine and you don't need  to see anyone. One less thing to worry about. 

  • hjpz
    hjpz Member Posts: 215
    edited May 2014

    Did anyone else out there feel kind of a weird sense of sadness when they were all done with their exchange surgery?  The last few days I was kind of feeling blue and think it was because I am all done with the constant appointments and check ins and feel like I have no "next step" to plan for ( I am a planner by nature).   I know this feeling will pass so I am not worried about it and I am truly happy not to have anymore surgeries *crosses fingers* to have to do or to have to take off work for multiple appointments.   I don't have another Dr. apt until Aug. and it feels kind of weird.  The good thing is that it is beautiful outside so this has helped my spirits immensely!

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669
    edited May 2014

    hjpz - that's a VERY common emotional period to go through after good news - you're perfectly normal!

  • Juneyb
    Juneyb Member Posts: 15
    edited May 2014


    I'm going through the same thing, just kinda melancholy and given to tears for no real apparent reason, sort of a let down feeling. Glad to hear you live some where that the weather is beautiful and gives you a lift, me on the other hand am watching it snow as I write this , I am so done with snow and so done with bc. Argh!!!

    Sweetandspecial, so glad to know this is emotional thing is normal my poor husband doesn't know what's up with me. All things are passing , this to shall pass. Until then I'll just watch it snow!! Thanks for all of your great support on this board.


  • simplelife2
    simplelife2 Member Posts: 74
    edited May 2014

    Previvor, thinking of you this morning and hoping you are continuing to improve. Thanks for the encouraging words. Three weeks from today for my exchange and I'm getting excited but nervous too, as I can't stand getting put out. Can't think about it too much, but sometimes my mind gets away from me. That I  why this discussion board is so valuable yo me, helps me learn and know so much of what we go through is normal. Just know God will take care of all things. 

    Hipz and juneyb, thanks for sharing. I'm hoping I will remember those feelings are normal when it is my turn, which is  coming up. Lots of rain here. Sunny days help for sure. Hang in there girls. Hugs to all of you!

  • hjpz
    hjpz Member Posts: 215
    edited May 2014

    Thanks Sweetandspecial & Juneyb!  Glad to know it wasn't just me.  Good news is I went back to work today and I think it kind of snapped me out of it because I wasn't sad all day (sad to be at work, YES, but not sad sad).   I think part of my problem was I was depressed because I had to back to work!  I could get used to being off. 

  • hjpz
    hjpz Member Posts: 215
    edited May 2014

    Simplelife2 - I am two weeks out tomorrow and feeling fantastic!  I know you will be too.  Best of luck!