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Exchange City



  • Monis
    Monis Posts: 309
    edited June 2014

    I will be having a revision next month, exchanging an Allergan Style 20 700cc implant for a 410MF anatomical 640cc, to try and get more symmetry with my other native breast.  I'm wondering if I'll notice much difference in the shape between the smooth round -vs- anatomical.  The hope is to have a little less upper pole fullness to better match my natural breast.  Anxiously awaiting...

  • az85048
    az85048 Posts: 1,467
    edited June 2014

    Monis - I don't have the knowledge to answer to your question, as I've only had rounds, but I wanted to wish you the very BEST of luck with your revision!  Have you consulted at all with whippetmom over on BREAST IMPLANT SIZING 101

    She would know the answer (and she was such a huge help to me prior to my recent revision).  So I encourage you to either post your question on her thread or send her a PM.  She would be glad to help, I'm sure...


  • Monis
    Monis Posts: 309
    edited June 2014

    Thanks AZ for the well wishes!  No, I haven't consulted with Whippetmom.  I have full faith in my PS, and trust his judgement.  By the way, I have followed your journey over on the Picture Forum, and you look amazing after your revision!  I'm so glad you got a wonderful outcome.

  • cateyz2
    cateyz2 Posts: 253
    edited June 2014


     I too will be having revision surgery on Aug 26th and am also exchanging from the style 20 in 550cc rounds to the 410's in the 640 range and am curious as to how much different they will feel and look.

  • hjpz
    hjpz Posts: 215
    edited June 2014

    Best of luck on your revisions ladies! 

  • 1MindyydniM1
    1MindyydniM1 Posts: 22
    edited June 2014

    Lorbgoo.....we have the exact exchange date...July 17! I had my mastectomy on Feb 5.....I HATE these awful painful expanders!

  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Posts: 836
    edited June 2014

    Go for it Catey! Of course, I went the other way. I have almost no drop/fluff so far (5 weeks after revision-exchange), but I am quite small now (20s, at 285 cc) , so not much there to drop.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Posts: 1,750
    edited June 2014

    Monis and Catey (and for people who wonder about the difference in implants),

    I started out with Allergan Natrelle Silcone Rounds, Style 20, 800 cc's and ended up switching to Allergan Natrelle 410 Style FF 740 cc Anatomical Shaped Cohesive Gel (gummy bears) 3 months later. The anatomical shape and taller height of the 410's helped to cover up some shallow spots on my chest (divots or dents) due to very thorough breast tissue removal during the BMX.

    The feel is essentially the same, just not quite as squishy. The gummy bears slope very gently from the top down. My FF (full height, full projection) implants are 6.1 inches wide, 6.3 inches tall, and project out at the bottom 2.44 inches.

    One side has been perfect but the other side, where my anatomy was altered by a post-op infection and several surgeries, has had some migration issues.

  • cateyz2
    cateyz2 Posts: 253
    edited June 2014

    Aviva it takes awhile, with the 20's it was about 3 months before they fell into place and fluffed. Just curious did Madry have you wear a bra with the 410's, he didn't have me wear one with the 20's

    Sandra thanks you are such a blessing to the ladies here with all of your posts, curious do you have any pics on the other forum of the 410's?


  • sherry67
    sherry67 Posts: 370
    edited June 2014


    I have the allergan 410MF 640 and I like them a lot. I wear a 34DD or a 36C. 

  • Lorbgoo
    Lorbgoo Posts: 111
    edited July 2014

    mindy I can't wait to get this behind me. We don't have much longer!

  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Posts: 836
    edited July 2014

    nope, no bra. Hasn't mentioned one the whole time.

  • Surfergirl55
    Surfergirl55 Posts: 5
    edited July 2014

    Hey can anyone tell me the difference in how implants feel from TE's?   Does the pressure and tightness go away?   Anyone experience an itching and burning on the edges of their TE's?   I have this on my right side(maybe because I am right handed and that side mores more)  At this point I don't care what I look like,  I just hope and pray to be comfortable when this is all over.

  • Olaf
    Olaf Posts: 133
    edited July 2014

    @Surfergirl5 - I from time to time I have some itching at the edge of the TEs. But not in a big way that I feel I have to scratch it.

    I have my exchange on Thursday July 3rd. I am starting to feel some anxiety as the time draws closer. I guess I am nervous on the outcome of the exchange as I knew the TEs were not permanent. Have read the posts about it being an easier surgery but it still has not put me at total ease. Am trying to stay busy so I don't think about it too much. I guess what really bothered me was reading the consent forms and feeling like I was basically giving my PS the liberty of not doing a great job. The wording bothered me. He did a good job with my TEs so it should put my mind at some ease. Okay, I am rambling.

  • Surfergirl55
    Surfergirl55 Posts: 5
    edited July 2014

    Olaf-I have my pre-surgery consult on Thursday.  I guess I will be picking out my implant size.   On my last visit they gave me a MENTOR info implant booklet with a bunch of consent forms.  The nurses told me not to read the book,  just bring it back in and sign the forms.  I read it anyway,  it was about all the bad stuff that can happen.  Anyway, I am hoping for the best.  My exchange is scheduled for 7/11.   GOOD LUCK to you on July 3rd.   Please post and let us know how everything went,  how you feel, etc.  you know,  all the good details;-).   Seriously though,  I hope it all goes well for you.

  • tinat
    tinat Posts: 2,235
    edited July 2014

    Wow, lots of surgeries coming up.  I don't check in here as often as I used to so always feel a bit out of the loop when I do.

    I recently had a follow up with my PS.  I am a year out from revision surgery and I don't need to go back for a while.  So strange how our PSs each have a different take on all of this.  I have been instructed to "forever" continue wearing a supportive bra during the day and OK to go without once in a while at night, continue implant massage (not imperative at this point, but better safe than sorry with smooth silicone implants), continue prophylactic antibiotics for dental work and cleanings, continue to listen to my body regarding exercise (if it doesn't feel good, don't do it).

    Good luck and best wishes to you all! 

  • kcat2013
    kcat2013 Posts: 53
    edited July 2014

    Surfergirl  I had my exchange less than 2 weeks ago and so far the implants are much softer and have "give" to them that the TEs never had.  I had burning feelings with the TEs, but only on one side also.  My PS suggested that area might benefit from me gently massaging to loosen things up a bit.  I don't know if it helped though!  

    Olaf  good luck on the 3rd!  I had alot of worry going into my exchange surgery since the BMX was a rough experience.  I basically prepared myself for the worst outcome, just in case :)  But it definitely was an easier surgery for me.  I only used the narcotic pain meds for 4 days for the exchange (for BMX I was on them 24/7 for 4 weeks).  And I'm feeling really good at 12 days out, still sore on my sides where the PS did pocketwork and easily tired, but overall good.  


  • kcat2013
    kcat2013 Posts: 53
    edited July 2014

    So I know I need to step away from the mirror and I promise I will :)  BUT I have a question.  My implants are lumpy looking, especially so on the right side. Like pushing out in one place and more sunken in another.  Is this because my muscles are tight and distorting the implant? and will it eventually look better as my muscles relax??


  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Posts: 5,938
    edited July 2014

    surfer and olaf, the difference with implants and TES are usually immense. TES by their nature are stiff and push out. Implants are usually softer with less projection to the front. Depending on what kind  of implants, silicone rounds, saline, gummies, anatomical gummies, there is a lot of difference. Your PS has some idea of the pocket size and what will work for you. If you haven't been to Implants 101 please contact Whippetmom.  She is amazing and can help you look in the right direction.  Ladies it usually is the easiest surgery for the implants. But we are each different. 

    Remember TES are hard in the back to push that muscle and skin out front to stretch and make room for the permanent implants. Implants settle into the pocket to fill in all those hollows and bumps in the chest wall. 

    I wish you luck with your sx, but please contact Whippetmom for more help. 

    Much love

  • hjpz
    hjpz Posts: 215
    edited July 2014

    Surfergirl I did not notice an immediate difference in the pressure after my exchange - it still felt tight to me but not unbearable by any means.   Having said that, most others here have said they did feel an immediate lessening so you will probably be in that category *fingers crossed*.     To be honest I actually got used to the TE's and they really didn't bother me so I have also gotten used to my implants.  I am 2 months post exchange now and the tight feeling is decreasing daily BUT if I don't wear a bra or camisole my implants feel "weighty" which is a whole different kind of feeling from the TE's. Soooo I just choose to wear some type of support 24/7.  Problem solved!  Best of luck to you!

  • dessert1st
    dessert1st Posts: 12
    edited July 2014

    done! surgery went good, now just dealing with getting my blood thinned again due to clot at last surgery. will be in hospital thru Sunday or Monday :( 

    so glad to be rud of that hard TE .

    best of luch and sending healing wishes to those that follow!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Posts: 5,938
    edited July 2014

    Dessert1st! Congrats on your trip to the squishie side! Here's hoping for a fast safe recovery. And remember since this sx usually surprises us by how well we usually feel: just because you can doesn't mean you should! So if you feel good, still take it easy, you do still have to heal inside too

    Much love!

  • stepangel
    stepangel Posts: 22
    edited July 2014

    Hi...Just wanted to introduce myself! I've been coming to this site and looking around for a while now. So after my BMX on May 1st and a terribly painful recovery I have already gotten my tissue expanders exchanged for implants. My plastic surgeon was very aggressive and not at all compassionate throughout the expansion process but I was just looking forward to getting to the point I am at now. And now that I'm here I'm surprised at how much pain I continue to be in and also very disappointed in how my implants look! They are so flat and actually are not starting out very high at all... In fact kind of saggy! I know that I can expect them to change as they settle, but I'm really upset :(It just doesn't seem like they could change enough to ever look good. As awful as those TEs felt at least they had projection and looked pretty good with clothes on. I still have drains and have to wear a surgical bra so I haven't bothered trying much clothes on but from what I've seen so far these do NOT look good. I'm so depressed thinking I have gone through everything I did only to look like this! I thought at least they were supposed to be perky!

  • hjpz
    hjpz Posts: 215
    edited July 2014

    Best of luck on your recovery!

  • janett2014
    janett2014 Posts: 2,950
    edited July 2014

    Welcome stepangel, and I'm sorry you are having a rough time. I know all doctors are different, but that does seem fast to go from TEs to implants. Did he speed up the timeline because you were having so much pain with the TEs? 

    From what I have read on here, some people are happy with their implants almost immediately and some are not. Has your PS told you that they will get better with time?

    It's hard to know what to expect. My exchange surgery is in less than two weeks. Everything has gone well so far, but because everyone's experiences are different, I'm not quite sure what it will be like. My TEs will have been in three months when I have my exchange surgery. My PS said that's the minimum amount of time he wants them in. The first five to six weeks after the BMX I had a lot of soreness and tightness from the TEs. It was very uncomfortable but did eventually let up. I guess those muscles finally got stretched out!

    I too am OK with how I look in clothes with the TEs. The Genie bra really helps me with that! Of course I want the implants to also look good. I guess we will see.  

    Have you had your post-op appointment yet with your PS so you can discuss your concerns with him?

  • stepangel
    stepangel Posts: 22
    edited July 2014

    Hi Janett2014! Apparently my plastic surgeon just believes in going through the whole process quicker than others. Not a good sign either when your ON says "Oh, you're one of Dr. So-and-so patients... How you women suffer". :/

    Haven't seen him post op yet, just his nurse. I told her I wasn't too happy, but she just said I should give things a chance to settle. She also said that I probably just got used to the look of the TEs and this is just different. I won't get to see him until 2 weeks post op. I'm worried that he'll just be dismissive like he tends to be. (Can you tell yet that I'm not too pleased with him??!!)

    I love the genie bra too! I tried on so many different bras after my mastectomies and that was the only one that felt and looked ok! They make a camisole too that's pretty comfy.

    The tissue expanders were hell and without clothes they looked like giant round boulders, but they sure did look good under clothes. I'm just shocked at how different the implants are. 

    Best of luck to you when it's your turn for your exchange! Keep me posted how it goes :)

  • Olaf
    Olaf Posts: 133
    edited July 2014

    I had my exchange yesterday. I now have Sientra textured round base high profile 425 CC. I am very happy with my choice and I was able to look in the mirror and smile. I am sore mostly only right side in the ribcage. Range of motion is good but can feel soreness when I place something on top shelf of frig. Not liking the oxycodone! Much prefer tramadol, which I still have have from BMX.

    I just have surgical tape on inframammary stitches and some tape running lengthwise down breasts with a space for nipples. No real instructions given except I could shower next day and to call office on Monday for follow up appointment.

    Arthur was kind to us on the coast of Virginia. Happy 4th!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,481
    edited July 2014

    stepangel - sorry for your pain.  When you get a chance, fill in your stats in "my profile" so we can understand better.

  • stepangel
    stepangel Posts: 22
    edited July 2014

    ooops....I had filled that out but it was set to private so nobody could see it!

  • Lorbgoo
    Lorbgoo Posts: 111
    edited July 2014

    7/17 lorbgoo exchange surgery!