Exchange City
I know this is going to sound small but I ended up with 325's Silicone high profile. My expanders were filled to 240. I am 5'7" and 132 lbs. I ended up being a full C. They match the projection and width of my filled expanders. But you notice he did go almost 100cc's more to match the expander. I just filled my expanders until I felt like I was at the size I wanted and said to him to match it. I gave him a little leeway for going a little bigger if he had to for shape. He wanted me to go bigger because of my height and it became a running joke wth us because he just laughed at me but I got the last laugh because I still ended up a C! I couldn't have implants that were to heavy because they would have driven me crazy while exercising. I was a small B going into this. I'm fully back to exercising after 4 weeks. Doing everything. Weightlifting, cardio etc. Everybody's chest wall anatomy is different which is why one amount off cc's is bigger or smaller on different people. It's def the most aggravating part of this Recon but trust your gut, your expanders and your PA. Let us know what you end up with!
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linda - my PS used the same incision marks as well.
To the other ladies - I agree with Kamm - trust your PS as well as your gut (don't be shy about telling your PS what you want!) I had no clue what kind or size of implant I was getting until I woke up from my exchange (my PS brought in several sizes and types and used sizers during the procedure) and I am more than happy with my results. It will all work out
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Hi ladies. I'm 4 days post exchange and feel pretty good. I'm pretty big, but wonder how much of it is swelling. I am permitted to wear any bra I want, sans underwire, but I must wear the breast strap for 14 days. I do not fit into any of my old bras. Can anyone suggest a brand or type of bra? Will I shrink a lot in a few months? I figured I would hold off on buying a really nice one until I'm finished with nips and they drop down. Until then, I need something because I can't wear the breast strap alone because its velcro and feels uncomfortable on my bear skin.
I'm heading out today and would love any suggestions. Thanks!!!
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bud, I just bought 2 bras yesterday. Haven't worn a bra in over a year. If you have a Norhstrom near you go get fitted. They also have alterations so you can get a underwire if you like the style and they'll take the wire out. That way you can find a style you like, then shop online or somewhere else for a cheaper price. Mine were $60 each. I've never spent that much on a bra before. Ask for someone who's certified.
Oh, and wear a light weight tshirt under the wrap, then the Velcro won't bother your skin. I had to wear one that was 6" wide for a month after the bmx.
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Thanks Smaarty. As I said, I will go get fitted by a pro when they settle into place in a few months. It will be a gift to myself. I keep reading that they will change a bit, get a bit smaller, drop down a bit.....this is correct right?
Until then, I just need a comfy bra to wear. Any suggestions on type or brand?
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BFG, how about a genie bra? I saw these at Walgreens. LOL or how about a cami? I wore my Amoena cami's a lot. You could put the strap over those.
Much love.
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Genie bra looks good. Thanks!
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Glad you are healing up well Bud - I wore (and still wear) some cheap Playtex bras I bought at Shopko/Walmart. They are between a bra and a sports bra (shaped like a bra with hooks but with soft material like sports bras) and I love them!! I still don't feel comfortable without a bra or camisole 24/7 so I bought 4 of those bras and get my use out of them!
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Bud I could not find my exact bras but they were like this one
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budrfligirl1 - Target has something similar to the Genie bras, removable pads. However, Targets are cut a bit lower so less likely to show at a neck line. I bought several early on and still use them. Lots of fun colors.
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I have several Bali style 3484 which are very, very comfortable. Totally stretchy for comfort and fit but they do provide support as well. It might be something else you could check out.
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I looked at both bras mentioned by sweetandspecial and Bayoubabe and they look very similar to my Playtex. I would recommend you check out the bras at whatever store you prefer (for me it is Target) and I am sure you will find a bra with that similar style/shape. They are super comfortable!
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I had my pre-op today for my 8/8 exchange surgery. She was originally going to also do fat grafting to fix a dent but that will have to wait. During the exchange she is going to remove a tiny lump I've had for 6 weeks and send it to pathology. I'll have to do the fat grafting in a couple of months. I'm sort of bummed but I guess it's better to find out what the bump is first. She thinks it's nothing bad.
I am filled to 450 and she had planned to use style 20 450-500cc. Today she said she might go as high as 600cc if that will fit. I think my eyes got big when she said that number! 500cc is what fits the width of my TEs but I'll let her use 600 if she thinks they look good. It's funny how my TEs seemed smaller and smaller as I got used to each fill.
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Bud - these interim bra suggestions are great. When you get serious in a month or two, check out the Bra thread on BCO. There are fantastic descriptions & ideas & links.
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I asked my ps about post exchange bras today. She said to wear sports bras and that eventually under wires are ok if they aren't causing pain.
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I had my nipple stitches out today and will get tattoos in September. PS and I are both happy with how everything turned out. He said my gummy bears will soften up a bit with time. They are pretty firm right now.
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I posted a new topic regarding final breast size after exchange. Eager to hear final results from people. Here is what I posted in case anyone on here can share their personal experience in that section too. Thanks for your stats!
Hello everyone, I am very interested in hearing the final results of the exchange from all of you.
- Are you happy with the end result or do your wish you would have gone bigger or smaller?
Which manufacturer (Mentor, Allergan or other) style and volume/width tissue expander did you have? What is the manufacturer, style and volume of your implants?
Body size - height, weight and ribcage size including frame type.
- Bra size before and after so others can compare themselves with your final outcome.
- How have they settled after the swelling has gone down? Is the fullness or projection what they were when you had the TE or at least what you wanted? If not did your PS say what should have been done to make them the size you were looking for?
I know that our implants are typically smaller than the TE but wondering if they are just not as round or don't stick out as much as you had thought they would based on the TE dimensions. I know implants settle too so just not sure how much more to go to achieve the desired size since I think I am done with fills now but up to me. I am coming from a mid B but want a full C with more of a natural look but also bigger than I was.
I have read on other posts that others are asking the same thing but don't see much on final results. Thank you for any feedback you can provide! Interested to hear what everyone says!
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Best of luck on your procedure Julie.
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I didn't even know there was a bra thread! Thanks for all the suggestions. I got a soft, stretchy, bra that's more like a sports bra.
Has anyone else had the "sloshy" boob???? Sounds like a water balloon in there.
I thought the sound was coming from my super bloated belly, but no! it's fluid from the surgery. The nurse said it will go away in a week or so. I hope it does!!
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Oh my! No sloshy boob here. I would freak!
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The sloshing does go away! LOL just with the sports watch taking it on and off so you don't tear any stitches.
Much love
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Every time I move, it sounds like I'm shaking salad dressing, lol
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hi all,
What is the down time after the exchange? I have expanders. PS is using same incision from mastectomy.
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lonnie - my PS used the same incisions too (horizontal across the nipple area). I have a desk job at an insurance company and am physically active in my personal life (like to work out). PS required 2 weeks off work as well as no driving or lifing anything over 5 pounds for those 2 weeks. Then an additional four more weeks of nothing more than walking for workout purposes. My exchange was pretty much a simple swap with some very minor pocket work to realease a bit more muscle at the bottom of leftie. I felt great and did not take any pain meds after leaving the hospital. Just a little internal bruise-type feeling from releasing the muscle from the chest wall. Keep in mind that everyone's experience is different though. You'll see that as more folks chime in. Are you close to your exchange date?
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Thanks for your reply. I meet with my PS on Monday to discuss the exchange date. How do your breasts feel/look, etc.
has any one on here had fat grafting and implants? I'm considering the fat grafting with a smaller size implant.
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Hi Lonnie - my implants look quite good. Shape, size, placement, cleavage, etc are all good. I'm leaning toward 3D nipple/areola tats rather than nip reconstruction but haven't pulled the trigger on that yet. Have you visited the 'Implant Sizing 101' thread yet? If not that's a great place to go for help in deciding the right implant size for your height, weight, body frame and expectations. Whippetmom is the implant whisperer and has helped hundreds of us over the past several years with implant sizing advice and recommendations.
I did not have fat grafting but you'll likely get some input here and I would also ask the question on the implant thread. There may actually be a fat grafting thread too but I haven't had reason to find out. Keep us posted
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My exchange surgery is scheduled for Oct. 3. I finally have my range of motion back after the BMX and am able to do yoga, etc. Will I be back to square one post exchange?
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It took me WAY less time to get range of motion back after exchange surgery than it did after BMX. To clarify, I mean it probably took 3-4 weeks to be back to "normal" arm range of motion after the BMX, and it took about a week after exchange surgery. I just did gentle stretching on my own.
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Took me a LONG time to get total ROM back after BMX. Piece of cake after the exchange. No ROM loss at all for me.
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Exchange tomorrow! I took the day off to get all of the laundry done and cleaned the heck out of the house. I was never told to use that strong soap for this surgery. Was anyone instructed to use it? I don' t have to be at the hospital until 1:15. That will be a long wait with no food or water. Uhg. I just can't wait to be on the squishy side!
Julie, sorry things are not going as planned. Maybe it will be better this way. Once things settle it will be easier to see exactly what needs to