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Exchange City



  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited September 2014

    Sandra. I was so hoping for only one more sx for you. Sigh. But i hope this one, even if not the last, goes super easy and well!. 

    Scuba lady well be In that pocket

    To w. Much live. . 

  • Sparkle2014
    Sparkle2014 Member Posts: 83
    edited September 2014

    teacher mom - ask the PS about the tight sports bra - I know compression feels great as after my MX I wanted them contained and secure with no movement,,,  but that could be too constricting perhaps - causing the fluid to pool up in the (mud flap area)?????  not sure - all I know is that feels good to keep them in place - i find a seemless stretchy - fitted bandeau bra - like a tube bra - st eve makes them at kohls, and the Genie Bras, and the Barely there seemless bras feel the best with a fitted strapless cami over it for snug fit and warmth,,,  I sewed my bandeaus as I am small around - like a 32 C - so even the small bandeaus are not snug enough so I fold them over an inch and sew them in back so they don't slide down!!!  anyways the straps over my shoulder kill me - which is why i prefer bandeau type - also have many at Charlotte russe online in the bra section - those are $5.99 and my favorite ones - but Genie Bra actually feels wonderful - i did just have to shorted their straps as they are not adjustable and i needed them tighter and shorter so hold me in place,,,,  just make sure you get proper blood flow to the area and not cutting off circulation as you need the blood flow to heal well - and ask about ice pack over clothes to cool the area down...  10 mins ice every few hours,,,  keeps swelling and inflamation down and helps - but ask DR - some say no ice!  good luck sweetie, and yes, REST - legs up and curl up on couch and relax and listen to healing videos from youtube... 

  • andrea623
    andrea623 Member Posts: 572
    edited September 2014

    Scubalady, good luck today! I'm sending lots of positive thoughts and good vibes your way!

  • Pilates4me
    Pilates4me Member Posts: 38
    edited September 2014

    Oh Sandra!  I hope they finally take care of that!  Thank you for sharing though.  Man, you do deserve a break...

  • Pilates4me
    Pilates4me Member Posts: 38
    edited September 2014

    So, I know moonflower has said it before, but some of us need experience in order to learn.  Please take time to heal.  It's amazing how good I felt and how quickly after the exchange. It is also amazing how miserable you will feel if you over do. I had a long and really pretty fun day on Monday, but it was super busy. I got 5 hours of sleep, which ordinarily, wouldn't be a problem. I couldn't function on Tues. I couldn't sleep, my head hurt, I was nauseated, my pecs were in spasm. All around miserable. Valium and percocet last night helped, but today, I'm pressing the easy button all day.

    So, please don't do what I did. Add a little more each day, but don't just jump into a normal routine. And, don't let you folks around you expect you are back to "normal" until you really are. I had a nurse tell me once that if you are otherwise healthy, it's one week of recovery for each hour under anesthesia until you are back to normal. 

    So back to light stretching, light walking, resting and a reduced schedule for another 2 weeks for me. Take care of yourselves ladies! 

  • Goldie8469
    Goldie8469 Member Posts: 59
    edited September 2014

    scuba lady, praying for you today!

  • Goldie8469
    Goldie8469 Member Posts: 59
    edited September 2014

    frosted at, do you think the tamoxifen causes the bruising? I wasn't this bruised from my BMX .


  • Calibea
    Calibea Member Posts: 34
    edited September 2014

    hi Sandra, I love all the pictures you post, they're great!  They always make me smile when reading about this serious topic. Thanks!! Smile

  • Iwannacookie
    Iwannacookie Member Posts: 117
    edited September 2014

    Hi Everyone--

    I apologize if this isn't the appropriate place to ask my question--

    I still have one more fill to go and then another 3 months after that until my exchange.  I had a nipple sparing BMX with great success.  However--it looks like one of my nipples is pointing ever-so-slightly south.  Do you know if this will/can be be rectified when the implants are put in?

    Thank you!

  • 3littlebirds
    3littlebirds Member Posts: 54
    edited September 2014

    Pilates4me, thank you for the reminder. My exchange is coming in a few weeks, and my DH has already lectured me about this. I told him I was pretty careful after my BMX. He just gave me the stink eye and reminded me that I tried to vacuum the whole house a few weeks after. I had to stop in the middle and get my son to finish while I rested on the couch! 

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited September 2014

    iwannacookie - Yes, they can 'fix' a myriad of issues at exchange, but be sure to voice any concerns you might have, and discuss them with your PS prior to surgery.  


  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Member Posts: 836
    edited September 2014

    I was bruised from under my arm to my waist from lipo during my last exchange. I was shocked. It took awhile to heal and was more painful than the incisions...but he took quite a bit out and it was worth it. A minor amount more to take in November when he size matches my right to my left, but Im not worried about the bruising being as bad.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited September 2014

    Goldie, I don't like the looks of that at all. I'd be sitting at the doctor's office when it opens, demanding an explanation.

    Pilates, isn't it funny how we hear the things we shouldn't do but then go ahead and do them anyway because somehow we think our outcome will be different? Some of the best advice I got was that your body can focus all its energy on healing OR be distracted and have to split its attention between recovery and even minor housework. A trip to the grocery store ends up making us feel we have climbed Mt. Everest and need to sleep for a week. I remember seeing a kitchen counter that needed cleaning and thinking, "What can it hurt?" Just that bit of wiping a sponge back and forth for a minute set me back about two days and caused residual pain from pec muscles and incisions that were still unhealed.

    The worst thing I did was drive to Ross to get an inexpensive sports bra. (My doc said I had to wear one if I wanted to exercise and I was sure I would need it by the end of the week.) I had never tried one on and didn't know you are meant to step into them and pull them up rather than pull them on over your head. (Learned that here..too late.) I was disoriented from driving, being out of the house for the first time, and overwhelmed with colors, people, noise, and choices. You know where this cautionary tale is going. I got stuck. Couldn't get that tight sports bra the rest of the way on or get it off. There was no one to help. The announcement came on that the store was closing so I had to suck it up and pull - that - thing - off, no matter what the consequences would be. I felt sharp pain and heard the sound of Velcro ripping (and it wasn't the bra) but had to go on. Yep, I really hurt myself and paid for that stupidity with two weeks of pain, torn internal stitches, and nasty bruises. For all subsequent surgeries, I came home from the hospital, went to my recliner, and stayed there for a month. That's the plan after surgery #5 on Friday too.

    Everyone needs to take heed of Moonflowers' mantra, just because you can doesn't mean you should.


  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited September 2014


  • frostecat
    frostecat Member Posts: 223
    edited September 2014

    Aviva I'm very bruised too.  I did have abdominal lipo but that is healing well, it is my sides under my armpit and down to the waist that looks nasty.  He said he had to do some lipo on my breast under my armpit.  I had a lot of fat/breast tissue there.  Goldie you might want to listen to Sandra on this one.

  • andrea623
    andrea623 Member Posts: 572
    edited September 2014

    Sandra, I thought I could go for a car ride with hubby, wipe the counters and help load the dishwasher yesterday. Today I feel awful. Jammie's on and staying down today!

  • andrea623
    andrea623 Member Posts: 572
    edited September 2014

    Goldie, I was never bruised like that from any of my four surgeries, including  a lipo'd area. Better play it safe and call your PS.

  • twoam
    twoam Member Posts: 122
    edited September 2014

    Sandra - I am trying really hard to be good, and rest, but it is veryyyyyyyy hard.  My husband is on medical leave from Hip Surgery that had some complications.  I am the only income, and I have to go back to work in 2 weeks.  The way I feel right now, I have no idea how I am going to do it.  My job is very physical, and usually around 10 hours a day.  The hard part is, I want to get my strength back a little at a time before then, but my PS also said, not even walking for exercise. Nothing that raises the blood pressure.  I am not sure I understand that part, but I am doing my very best to abide.  We have 9 dogs (2 are fosters and are being looked after by a co-worker) and I miss playing with them so much. It is causing me to be very depressed.  I feel like if I dont move, I am going to be stuck in this penguin posture forever.  I am so glad you are back to share your caring wisdom.

  • Goldie8469
    Goldie8469 Member Posts: 59
    edited September 2014

    My PS called my oncologist. He said to stop the Tamoxifen for a week and that should help.  Otherwise, I feel great and there is no swelling. 

  • Pilates4me
    Pilates4me Member Posts: 38
    edited September 2014


    Good luck on Friday!  Yes, yes, yes.  It is amazing.  My PS has more than once said "Why did you do that?"  Only for me to remind her I am a purely experiential learner :P 

    Your sports bra story had me spitting water all over my keyboard. Nice.  But, yeah, I heard that velcro ripping sound after my TDAP flap surgery--scared me half to death.  All I had done was reach back to close the door behind me, but I twisted too much. I was just fortunate that whatever internal stitches tore, didn't result in bruising, swelling or a bad outcome.  I told my PS about it at a fill and her response was--everything looks okay, please don't do that again.

    Oh, and sports bras,  sounds crazy, but you can actually step into a large number of them.  If I can't step into them, zip them in front or hook them in back--I don't buy them. I'm really that lazy.

    Twoam--this is just a little prayer for you and your husband.

    Goldie, i'm glad you called your PS and your team is working together.  I hope you feel better soon

  • twoam
    twoam Member Posts: 122
    edited September 2014

    Pilates - Thank you for the prayers.  I know it will all work out ok :)  Hey, I can wear sports bras for the first time in my life without looking like I have one huge boob in the middle of my chest. I love them!

  • Iwannacookie
    Iwannacookie Member Posts: 117
    edited September 2014

    Thank you AZ

  • frostecat
    frostecat Member Posts: 223
    edited September 2014

    Just got back from PS.  He took the drain out albeit a little early.  Still was at about 35-40.  They wrapped me in an ace bandage and told me I could not do anything with my right arm for two days no shower either.  They did say there is a concern about fluid build up with antomicals and turning.  They also told me that my TE had turned slightly too (they just told me this, I thought that thing felt extra hard sometimes)

    He told me he did the most fat grafting that they have ever done on a patient (even DH said you must have made a good guinea pig lol).  They removed stitches and seemed really pleased so far. the bruising is starting to fade from lipo and they said both of my breasts will fall more into place eventually.  They said my natural side will be slightly larger and pointier than the implant breast but I did have breast cancer and it's not going to be like natural breasts and I agreed.  I said that's ok my lefty was always bigger than my righty anyways!

    They showed me my before pictures and even as bad as I look now, I feel very strange, remorseful, bittersweet (oh someone help me with the word I am looking for) to say that I am somewhat relieved I'm not having to lug around those 42D's anymore.

  • andrea623
    andrea623 Member Posts: 572
    edited September 2014

    Frostecat, why did they pull your drains with the amount of fluid still be produced? Will your body be able to absorb it okay? I'm still putting out about 28 and will see my PS on Friday. I guess he'll pull them then.

    I think we go through a whole myriad of emotions over the course of this journey. I think the way you're feeling is completely normal. It's like mourning our past life, and moving onto a new kind of normal. My brain is fried, so I can't put it into words, but I completely understand. Gentle hugs and quick healing.

  • twoam
    twoam Member Posts: 122
    edited September 2014

    Sad? I think we grieve after exchange. We are so busy trying to  get everything done, dealing with insurance, busy, busy, busy, that we dont really have time to grieve.  By the time exchange comes along, we actually have a minute to think.  I really like the little note on the bottom of the  "Breast Implant Sizing 101" thread. About how we may feel after exchange.  I for one have found exchange to be much harder physically (though all went well) and in my heart. 

  • andrea623
    andrea623 Member Posts: 572
    edited September 2014

    Twoam, that's the word I was looking for, but couldn't find in my mind. Grieve. It's exactly how I've felt too.

    How are you doing? I had a lot of pain and discomfort on my rads side last night. The prophy side feels fine, as always, but the problem child is still not happy. I have a distinct difference in size too, but PS said it was from the amount of tissue removed during the mx and from rads. I hope sometime down the road I can be made to at least look somewhat symmetrical. 

  • scubalady
    scubalady Member Posts: 49
    edited September 2014

    Hi all.  Thanks for all your hugs, prayers, and good wishes.  I'm home and resting comfortably.  The doctor said there was a lot if internal scar tissue from the mastectomy that he cleaned up, so I'll have some discomfort.  He also worked on the extra roll of skin/fat on the MX side.  I had noticed some time ago that the lifted/reduced side had my normal 2 rolls and the MX side had 3.  I honestly think the normal ones were caused by a combination of menopause, and having very large droopy breasts, which actually created folds on my sides from the pulling down of the breasts.  He couldn't do just lipo because that would have left just the skin hanging.  At my age, skin doesn't shrink back down like it does at 20, so it had to be cut out and most of my pain is in that area.

    I'm doing well overall and dying to see what's under the wraps because, based on the style on the card, the implant is smaller than what he was expecting to use.  I do know he brought in lots of sizes and all the people in the OR we're weighing in on what was the best match to my native side.

    I've joined the squishy side, just don't know what my squishy looks like yet.  Smile

  • andrea623
    andrea623 Member Posts: 572
    edited September 2014

    Scubalady, welcome to the squishy side! What kind/size implants did your PS end up using on you? Take care, rest up and heal now. 

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited September 2014

    YAY, Scubalady!  Welcome to the squishie side!  Now rest, hydrate, and rest some more!  So glad things went well! ThumbsUp  (And no peeking!)  

  • frostecat
    frostecat Member Posts: 223
    edited September 2014

    Yay Scubalady! Andrea he debated about pulling the drain it was close to being there and my next appointment isn't for a week so he swore me to take it easy, no moving my right arm and no showers for two days and he said pull it.  So I gotta behave for two days.  Easier sad then done.