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Exchange City



  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited November 2014

    Congrats to those who are now in the squishie side! Yay

    My right side TE was in for just over 2 years. My P'S said he had only one patient in longer and that wasn't for medical reasons. So they can be in quite a while but they were not tested to see how long they hold up, hence the warning to swap them out.

  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Member Posts: 836
    edited November 2014

    My Friday surgery went well also. Was home by 1pm. The surgery itself took about an hour- he put in a larger right (Allergan 15 rounds, 371), and did lipo and shaping on both sides. All of Friday was pretty painful, more than I had expected, but of course , cutting you open hurts. Took the pain pills all day and night. Sleeping was tough. Felt alot better yesterday, took Motrin only. Pain pill for at night but I think they make me wired, so wont take any more unless I have to. Could even sleep for awhile on my side, which was nice.

    Didnt end up with the TIVA (iv) anasthesia. My ps said it didnt make much difference and it wasnt the gas thats hard to come out of but the pain meds. By the time the anasth. dr came in to talk about it I just wanted to get the show on the road. I knew itd be a short surgery anyway, and coming out of it was no problem.

    So I have my itchy wrap on, go tomorrow to see the dr to have it off and first looks. Im pretty happy and will be glad when thats over. No drains again, yay! Im sure Ill be sore all week, but am taking it easy. Could be worse!

  • LoriWNY
    LoriWNY Member Posts: 178
    edited November 2014

    cateyz2--Thank you for posting.  I am also planning a swap from rounds to anatomicals and your posts have been very encouraging.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited November 2014

    Even with 410 gummy bears I still see ripples on my left side with the super thin skin if I lift both arms up to my ears. But since I don't plan on spending too much time in that position in the future, it doesn't bother me. Loopy

  • Skoolgirljen
    Skoolgirljen Member Posts: 14
    edited November 2014

    I had my follow up appointment with my PS this afternoon.  He removed the bandages and everything looks great.  I asked what kind of bra I should wear and he said it didn't matter and that I didn't have to wear a sports/compression bra post surgery.  I've read about it online and it seems that PSs are divided on whether or not to wear a special kind of bra post surgery.  I'm very surprised by all of this.  I put on a snug fitting sports bra because the compression is so much more comfortable for me right now.  Have any of you been given the same advice (or lack thereof) by your PS?  (This surgeon came highly recommended and does fantastic work, by the way).  I feel a little lost about what kind of bra I should be wearing and when! 

    CLYDAY Member Posts: 40
    edited November 2014

    I am about 4 weeks post op from my exchange surgery with fat grafting....I know my PS said my body would reabsorb some of the fat. The RADS side actually looks better than the other...much more fuller. I can see a difference in size between the 2. I don't know if I am just being anal or if it is!! For those of you who had revision to have larger implant put in, does your insurance cover it or is it considered cosmetic?

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited November 2014

    Skoolgirljen, the only constant on this board about P'S is that they are all different! None of them want the same thing. No bra, sports bra, wraps, compression garments, under wire required, under wire prohibited are ALL things those on this board were told by their pS! So listen to yours, he or she did your surgery and tells you what works for the surgery they did! Much love

  • lonnie713
    lonnie713 Member Posts: 131
    edited November 2014

    I had my follow up today, surgery was on Tuesday the 18th. My ps said no need to wear anything. I asked about a sports bra, he said no, just let your breast be free. So that is exactly what I'm doing. I will wear one when I start back at the gym in two weeks though.

    Regarding changing for a different size, I love the way my breasts feel, but I am not 100% happy with the way my breasts look. I have mentor 800cc. My expanders were 900, so I am smaller which is fine. They just look weird to me. My ps thinks thatthey look great and reassured me that they will look better in a few months. I go back in February to discuss fat grafting, he said if I am still not pleased, we can switch them. As far as I know, insurance will cover it.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited November 2014

    Lonnie, all implants look weird at first. You need to give it a couple of months, not a couple of days!

    Re: bras  Moonflwr is right. There is no one way to achieve success. If there were, we'd know about it here on People swear their way is "right" because their implants turned out so good but just as many others who did it differently are pleased too. Much depends on what the PS has done in your particular surgery. He/she may not tell you all the details of why he wants you to wear a bra or compression garment so before you decide if you are going to follow his advice, ask if there is a medical reason. 

    I've never had to wear a bra after surgery #1 through #4, but after #5 last month, I do. The PS told me after the other surgeries that some people prefer to wear them, although there were no studies that proved they were necessary for routine breast surgeries. If I wanted to wear one it was ok with him as long as it wasn't tight and there was no underwire. The exception was when I was doing something that would make the TE or implant bounce. Then I should wear a supportive sports bra. I loved going bra-less for a year.

    This time I am in a non-underwire, soft band, supportive bra 24/7 because he feels it is necessary due to what he did in this surgery and my thin skin. This is my last try at success with implants. If this doesn't work, a Lat Flap is the only resort. He has given me very firm restrictions about doing much of anything that could affect internal healing. I'm 7.5 weeks out. This will continue for a while longer. It's ok. I'm used to wearing a bra around the clock now.

    Moon gave you good advice.

  • janett2014
    janett2014 Member Posts: 2,950
    edited November 2014

    skoolgirljen, my PS also said no bra necessary. He also does great work. I went to him because my sister is so pleased with her results. He did her reconstruction about ten years ago (+/-), and hers look great.

  • vfay49
    vfay49 Member Posts: 51
    edited November 2014

    I had my post surgical followup appointment with my PS today. My exchange surgery was on November 14 so I am not quite at the two-week mark. My implants are Allergan 410 FF 655g. I did not have any scar tissue that needed to be removed; but as expected, I did require pocket work on both sides of my implants due to a difference in width between my TEs (16 cm) and implants (15 cm). Because of the pocket work, I am to continue following my post surgical instructions of no lifting greater than five pounds for an additional six weeks. I am also to continue wearing a supportive bra but not necessarily a sports bra. I have been wearing the surgical bra I was given 24/7 since my surgery. He recommended that I wait a few more weeks before getting fitted for bras. He did not write me a prescription for bras but said that whatever business I choose to go to will send the necessary forms to his office. I will see him again in six months. He said I will need to schedule a breast MRI scan in three years and then every two years thereafter to check on the integrity of the silicone implants.

  • linda505
    linda505 Member Posts: 395
    edited November 2014

    Just stopping by to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving (well to my USA sisters lol )



  • cateyz2
    cateyz2 Member Posts: 253
    edited November 2014

    Happy Thanksgiving, I thought you ladies would all get a chuckle out of this one!


  • everforward
    everforward Member Posts: 57
    edited November 2014

    Linda & Cateyz2, you made my day with your Thanksgiving boob humor!

  • juliecc
    juliecc Member Posts: 4,360
    edited November 2014

    ThumbsUp Funny!

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited November 2014

    Love the turkey with FOOBS!....and nips....."stuffing implants" on TOP of the muscle .....too cute



  • stfne
    stfne Member Posts: 19
    edited November 2014

    I will be switching from 800cc mentor rounds to Anatomical on the 9th. Changed PS's and this one thinks that the anatomical will be much better for me. She will be doing a lot of work and has scheduled 4 hours in OR. She said I will have drains again. I feel like this will be much worse then my exchange was.

    Cateyz2, I am so glad to hear that you like yours. Thank you for the freaky turkey I think those are lemons. I need grapefruits.

  • lonnie713
    lonnie713 Member Posts: 131
    edited November 2014

    stfne, I have the same implants. Can I ask why you are switching out? I had surgery on the 18th and I am not visually pleased with them but love how they feel

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited November 2014

    Lonnie, it's too early to say how you'll look. The changes in the first 6-8 weeks are astounding and continue for months. Just keep on focusing on what you like (the feel) and pretty soon you'll like what you see as well. I promise!  Have you joined the picture forum? That will help you to see how other people progress and you'll realize you are normal. People confuse this with a "boob job" where those women look great much sooner.

    Stfne, I changed from 800 cc rounds to 740 cc 410's and of course there was pocket work done to narrow the pockets. If your exchange was simple, you will notice a difference this time, depending on what kind of pocket work is done. With 5 surgeries, I've had drains for some and not for others. Last time I had one, which was odd, but the PS said that side needed one and the other didn't. No matter how your recovery goes, hang on to the fact that you will be feeling better soon. Staying positive is hard when things are dragging on and on, but it's a goal worth striving for. You really can never tell. I got AlloDerm for the first time in surgery #5 and expected it to be a harder than average recovery - but it wasn't at all.

  • lonnie713
    lonnie713 Member Posts: 131
    edited November 2014

    thanks sandra4611. I appreciate your advice

  • Lorbgoo
    Lorbgoo Member Posts: 111
    edited November 2014

    how do you get to the picture forum? Thanks

  • stfne
    stfne Member Posts: 19
    edited November 2014

    Lonnie713, I have changed PS' s and the new one thinks that they will look less high on me and said that they will look better. Things are not looking too good right now and I am having pain and numbness in my right arm. I hope that after some dropping and fluffing that you like how yours look. I'm 4+months post exchange so it is safe to say that things won't be getting better here.

    Hi Sandra! Thank you for your continued support. I'm glad to hear that the alloderm wasn't an issue for you. This IS a long road and you're right , it is hard to stay positive sometimes. I have been telling myself that I need to get excited for this surgery like I was for my exchange. There is still hope for a good outcome. You have been going at this for six months longer then I have!!! I hope surgery #5 was the last big one for you. :)

  • stfne
    stfne Member Posts: 19
    edited November 2014

    Lorbgoo, you have to send a private message to nowheregirl requesting access to the picture forum. She will reply with directions to get on the forum. 

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821
    edited November 2014

    Hi All,

    I had switch on 11/20, with mentor anatomicals put in, along with alloderm on side that had been radiated. I was advised to wear stretchy bra (it is the Genie bra, worn after my bmx), but I am still very tender and sore. PS was pleased with follow up last Wednesday, and I see him again this Wednesday, but I am wondering if this discomfort is the norm?

    I'm still on antibiotics, and no fever, but skin in very sensitive on radiated side, and not comfortable.

    On the other hand, - I love the way they look compared to the TEs! Smile

    How long until your implants felt comfortable??

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited November 2014

    Healing changes are usual gradual, but sometimes happen overnight. I woke up this morning and noticed nice roundness on the sternum side of my left implant. I swear that wasn't there yesterday. So cool! (I'm 8 weeks out from the last surgery.)

    AnotherNYCG, the answer to "how long until _______________ (fill in the blank) is, ???? Even among women with the same diagnosis and surgery, things happen on their own timetable. I've noticed recovery stages vary greatly with my own 5 surgical recoveries. (And even from one side and the other!) As to discomfort, some people are able to ignore minor discomfort and others are sensitive to the slightest change. You are only days out...give it a few months. Also depends on how you define comfort. If that means when will you be able to go through the day and not notice you have implants, some of us are still waiting to reach that goal.


  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821
    edited November 2014

    Thanks, Sandra.

    It hasnt been toooo bad, - I avoided all the pain meds, and I'm sure I'm 'getting there'! ThumbsUp

    Hoping everyone here is feeling well!!

  • tiddlywinks
    tiddlywinks Member Posts: 11
    edited November 2014

    I'm new to the forum. I had mastectomy end of June with tissue expanders put in.Finished chemo 7 weeks ago and having exchange done Thursday. I am so excited. Will I be able to sleep on my side? How long until I can old and lift my grandbaby?

  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Member Posts: 836
    edited November 2014

    Im 10 days out from one side exchange and lipo. Have to say I thought Id be a little farther along painwise, but am trying to take it easy and heal. Due to work again Thursday. I was able to side sleep after a few days this time, liftng a kid will take you longer! You might feel you can but that doesnt mean you should. We need to follow Dr instructions as much as possible to ensure good healing.

  • tiddlywinks
    tiddlywinks Member Posts: 11
    edited November 2014

    Thank you aviva. Not holding her will be toughest part. She likes to snuggle her head on the hard tissue expander. It hurts like crazy because it is sort of numb where they removed nodes. She's is four months and claws at the port a cath area. That will be removed in Thursday also. I am going to do what doctor says. Just going to miss her.

  • horsemom
    horsemom Member Posts: 31
    edited November 2014


    I put a bed pillow across my chest and had my daughter put the kids on my lap. I do NOT shift them...just let their weight be on my lap. I do this for the 9 month, 2 and 4 yr olds. I do have someone close for the 9 month old because they're so squirmy and can't get down by themselves. I haven't hurt myself, and I haven't missed my sweet baby cuddles.