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Exchange City



  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited January 2016

    Sending healing to our exchange sisters of this week: NJsurfer, PNY, Darumama, and SKnitter. Here's hoping your surgeries went smoothly and your recoveries are swift. Please check in when you can.

    Tina and DeeRatz, I hope that you both feel less uncomfortable each day. I know that sounds pretty lame, but we can't really get comfortable with TEs. When those rocks were getting to me, I tried to remind myself that those darn TEs have a job to do.

    Katykids and bikefam, I hope you both are making improvement with your PT.

    Monica and Tina, thanks for your support. I feel much better (mentally, if not yet physically) after today's appointment. At least we have a plan and are moving forward with the new antibiotics. The 5 w's business yesterday was so not helpful.

    Much love to all

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited January 2016

    mominator, glad you're on abx! Now I feel better. Much love to all

  • sknitter
    sknitter Member Posts: 16
    edited January 2016

    I.had my exchange yesterday. Felt good post op. Today, I'm definitely sore. They had to do some fat grafting so perhaps that is part of it. I haven't taken off the bra they sent me home with. No shower for 48 hours.

  • PNY
    PNY Member Posts: 90
    edited January 2016

    Just took off my bandages and I can start taking showers today. Still have some soreness but overall feeling pretty good.

    Now about how they look:) Let's just say I pictured them much differently. My PS did pull me closer together somewhat but i feel like the circumference still does not match the projection but I think with silicone that is how it is. I hope they will settle and look a little better to me.

    NJsurfer, Darumama, and SKnitter hope your recovery is going well.

  • deeratz
    deeratz Member Posts: 319
    edited January 2016

    Mominator-I hope the antibiotic's start working their magic and you are feeling better soon.

    To those of you recovering from surgery I hope you are doing well and are happy with the outcome so far.

    My expanders are terrible. They are truly getting in the way. 2 weeks until they are gone & I can't wait. I had a dream last night about my new boobs. They were smaller than I had wanted and were sagging. They were much like my old boobs. When I was DX with BC I decided I might as well go for an upgrade. There better not be any sagging post surgery or something will have gone terribly wrong.

  • summerangel
    summerangel Member Posts: 182
    edited January 2016

    PNY, your result may improve over time, so it's good to wait at least a few months to see if you like how they look. What you said about things just being that way because your implants are silicone isn't correct, though. I have silicone rounds and am very happy with them. My PS used ultra high profile implants in order to keep me from getting the "hamburger bun" look that I really didn't want.

  • PNY
    PNY Member Posts: 90
    edited January 2016

    Thanks SummerAngel. I feel much better now:)

  • PMR53
    PMR53 Member Posts: 185
    edited January 2016

    Mominator- I am so sorry you have an infection. Praying it can heal and resolve with antibiotics. You do not need this. None of us do! I had an infection last May at SNB site. So far so good with TE. I still have exchange in April. 

    Prayers and hugs🙏🙏🙏


  • Suzanne50
    Suzanne50 Member Posts: 221
    edited January 2016

    I got my date! March 8th - wish it was sooner but what can you do. My PS is a busy guy.

  • Scottiemom11
    Scottiemom11 Member Posts: 1,072
    edited January 2016

    Mominator. . .hoping your recovery is swift and so sorry you are going through this.


  • sknitter
    sknitter Member Posts: 16
    edited January 2016

    yesterday was my exchange. Very nauseous today. My doctor thinks it is from the anesthesia. I'm hoping to feel better tomorrow, throwing up with the new implants no fat grafting isn't fun

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited January 2016

    SKnitter: I'm so sorry you're so nauseous. I was very nauseous after my exchange despite a scop patch and lots of Zofran pre-op. I hope you have some anti-nausea meds? Zofran makes me dizzy, but that's better than N/V.

    Praying you are much better soon.

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited January 2016

    What a difference a day makes!!

    From when I saw PS until my scripts were ready at the pharmacy, my temperature spiked to 100.9.

    After two doses of the two antibiotics, my fever broke. It's been almost 24 hours since my last Tylenol and no fever.

    Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts.

    Much love.

  • deeratz
    deeratz Member Posts: 319
    edited January 2016

    Mominator-I wish there was a like button

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited January 2016

    mominator so glad. Now just keep taking the abx. And keep an eye on the redness make sure it shrinks. Glad you and your docs were right on it. Infection is not fun and can cause a lot of harm fast..

    Much love

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited January 2016

    Moonflwr, you made me laugh: "just keep taking the abx." Check this out:


    That's Levofloxacin 1 tablet for 7 days and Clindamycin 4 tablets for 30 days.

    Redness slowly changed over to slightly pinkish yesterday and now heading toward paleness. There's still a continuous dull ache where the red patch was. So, yeah, I'm going to keep on taking the abx.

    DeeRatz, only 12 days until your exchange. You got this and we got your back

    SKnitter, praying the N/V has passed and you're feeling much better today. Check in when you can.

    Darumama, how are you? Smooth sailing I hope.

  • sknitter
    sknitter Member Posts: 16
    edited January 2016

    thanks mominator, I got some Zoloft this morning and feel much better. I was expecting the pain just not the NV.zoloft, peppermint tea and ginger ale and sorbet for me today! Sore from the fat graph. My PS said I can wear spandex rather than the abdominal wrap. Funny, all I could think of was how hard it is to pull those things on. Loopy

  • Tina1969
    Tina1969 Member Posts: 34
    edited January 2016

    Great news Mominator. Sounds like you are headed in the right direction. Happy thoughts and quick healing vibes coming your way. Smile

  • sknitter
    sknitter Member Posts: 16
    edited January 2016

    now that I've come out of my surgical fog, I've taken a look at my new foobs. Hmmm, they seem kind of high and wide. My surgeon said to not jump to any conclusions. I did have fat grafting and some of that will tea sorb I guess. I didn't have any expectations but they just seem so high.

  • PNY
    PNY Member Posts: 90
    edited January 2016

    Sknitter, I too looked at myself and was not sure. (I too had fat grafting). I am definitely less wide than I was but also seem high. From what I understand, the implants "fall" into place as time goes on and things will take shape accordingly. Its been five days and I am getting used to the look.

    Mominator. Sounds like you are moving in the right direction. My PS put me on Clindamycin right after the surgery. I am on it for 7 days 4 times a day. Trying to take my probiotics religiously so it does not kill my stomach.

    Hope everyone else is doing well.

  • AudreyB
    AudreyB Member Posts: 108
    edited February 2016

    Hi Everyone!

    Its been quite a while since I posted but just wanted to check in and say hi to all my old friends and a big hello to everyone who has joined since I last posted in Sept/Oct.

    I am doing well. My foobs are doing well too. Last week I started doing some very light weightlifting, 3 lb hand weights. I was doing upper body every two nights, just watching TV and going through old routines that I remember. Boy, my chest muscles are angry. Going to give myself a few days off and see what happens.

    Other than that, all is well.

    Good news is I have managed to lose 30 lbs since my double mastectomy on May 6. Feeling pretty awesome, and look great in clothes. New bras, new clothes, new me. Or, I should say back to the old me, just with a better rack, LOL.

    Going for my Vinnies March 4, so excited. Got a hotel room so we are going to stay the night and come back home on Saturday. I am so looking forward to putting this whole, terrible year behind me. If I learned anything, it is that I am much stronger than I ever thought I was, and my relationship with Rob is rock solid.

    Keep the faith ladies, things do get better with time. I was diagnosed with IDC last February and at the time I didn't know how I was going to get through the year, but I did, and you will too!!!!!!!!

  • lvbugs
    lvbugs Member Posts: 35
    edited February 2016

    AudreyB, I had just got my 3D tattoos a couple weeks ago and I am so happy. Can't stop looking in the mirror, they are terrific. I will be finished with Herceptin on the 26th of this month and looking forward to moving on.Hope you will be as happy.

  • Scottiemom11
    Scottiemom11 Member Posts: 1,072
    edited February 2016

    Audrey. . . Glad to hear you're doing well. I just graduated to 4lb weights this week and my pecks are mad that I moved up from 3lbs. Slow and Go indeed. Congrats on the new you. I am working hard at gym to trim up now that I've sent the lupron injections packing.


  • rainbird
    rainbird Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2016

    LOL good one

    btw I had the same issue but got it resolved by getting the Telesis 5 adhesive from Pink Perfect.

    Based on my experience with it during last 6 months or so, this adhesive can hold those nipples for several weeks without a problem!

  • AudreyB
    AudreyB Member Posts: 108
    edited February 2016

    Scottiemom1, I'm glad to hear that someone else is feeling strange adding weights, even light ones. All the feelings in my chest are so different, I wasn't sure if I was hurting myself or not. Glad to see this is just normal muscle reaction. Plus, my foobs are getting in the way, my saggy real boobs would never get in the way, although I wish I didn't have to go the route I did to get better ones. ROFLMAO

  • bikefam
    bikefam Member Posts: 98
    edited February 2016


    I've been on vacation for a few days so haven't had a chance to respond. I have Mentor 350cc smooth round high profile on the mx side and 100cc smooth round moderate + on the good side. The mx side has not fallen or dropped yet. It's been 2 months so I guess I need to be patient.

  • Tina1969
    Tina1969 Member Posts: 34
    edited February 2016


    I hope you had a nice relaxing vacation. :) I know it is hard to be patient....I struggle with too. Hang in there. I have to also remind myself to trust that everything is going to be ok.

    Good luck.♡

  • PMR53
    PMR53 Member Posts: 185
    edited February 2016

    Mominator- so happy for you those antibiotics are clearing up your infection!! Good News!!

    Can any of you comment on Fat Grafting? Pain, Bruising, Healing? I just found out today this will be done with my Exchange on February 17. My PS said it was free Lipo. I think it's more serious than that. 

    Thank you!


  • kingster
    kingster Member Posts: 289
    edited February 2016

    PMR53, I had fat grafting in October, and will have a second fat graft in a couple weeks. I have seen a big improvement, so that's why I agreed to do it again. It really smooths out the ripples, dents, flat areas. I have smooth round silicone, very soft. He filled in the upper areas (called the tail of spence), and basically all over last time for a total of 165 ml fat per side. I took 2 weeks off work last time, but will be only taking 1 week this time. I had 5 Lipo holes over upper and lower abdomen, and 5 Lipo holes total for the chest (10 holes total). I leaked luminescent fluid for one day. Very bruised, but I bruise easy. Worse bruising was on days 2-4. Mostly better after 2-3 weeks. I wore body shapers, although surgeon said it wasn't necessary (but they helped with pain). I massaged my abdomen starting pod #1 as instructed to help smooth out lumps etc. He said use ice to the abdomen which I did. Surgery was 1 hour and 40 minutes, and was done as an outpatient. Was very sore, but I lived through it. I have feeling in my upper chest, so that was also sore. I kept about half of my 1st fat graft. My surgeon doesn't fat graft at the same time as exchange, so that was 2 separate surgeries for me. Each ps is so different, so it's nice that maybe you could have 1 less surgery done. Also, no ice or massage to the breast areas, as the fat needs to find a blood supply to live. My abdomen is flatter, yay! So, I guess it is free Lipo (although I must pay 10% on my insurance plan). It seems that fat grafting is becoming a standard treatment in breast reconstruction. Also, the foobs feel softer and warmer to me, which is great;)

  • new__me
    new__me Member Posts: 53
    edited February 2016

    Kingstèr, thank you thank you thank you for your detailed description of fat grafting! I am scheduled for exchange and fat grafting next month and don't know what to expect. My sister is having her exchange and grafts next week (same PS as me) so soon i will have someone to talk to about it. I am more anxious about this procedure than my PBM! It was so helpful to read your post. SillyHeart