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Exchange City



  • PNY
    PNY Member Posts: 90
    edited February 2016

    I am still having my pain under my implant (rib cage area) but am being careful not to overextend my arm and it is much more manageable. Question for those of you that have had their exchange. I am certainly more comfortable than when the TEs were in, but I do at times still feel that tightness across my chest and have discomfort when bending down etc. Is that due to the implants not falling into place yet, or is this the way its always going to feel.

    Thanks, Phyllis

  • Anniekay80
    Anniekay80 Member Posts: 92
    edited February 2016

    Thanks for all the input. My reasoning says to me what is the difference between plucking out the hair, using an epilator or waxing? My hair stylist tests the heat of the wax on her inner wrist and it has never been too hot. Using an electric razor has never worked in the past for me though I'm sure they are much improved in the last 40 years since the last time I used one. LOL.

    Guess I need to talk to the Dr then make my decision. I haven't had any swelling even close to getting lymphedema but I know I don't want to get it. Maybe I'll end up with electric razor for now then go back to waxing long after the exchange surgery. I hate going against Dr's orders, but I have when my B.S. gave me conflicting advice and I liked her answer better. It's a pain when your Dr's don't agree, but grateful so far it's only been about little stuff.

    Guess I have more thinking to do....

  • Leslienva
    Leslienva Member Posts: 343
    edited February 2016

    PNY, I had my exchange in November and I still get tightness. I try to do the stretching exercises the PT told me to do and they help.

  • PNY
    PNY Member Posts: 90
    edited February 2016

    Leslienva: Thank You!! at least now I know that is normal. I figured on the soreness but did not anticipate the tightness. Does that mean your implants have not fallen into place yet or they have and the tightness just lingers.

    I was back to swimming and exercise after my chemo ended before my exchange. Now I am waiting for my pot op to hear what I can do since i have extreme pain on one side by by rib under the implant when i stretch my arms up or out. (so I am not stretching)

    Thanks Phyllis

  • Scottiemom11
    Scottiemom11 Member Posts: 1,072
    edited February 2016

    cheddiecat. . .I was only banned from weights for 6 weeks after EX. I'm still working slowly, only up to 5lbs so far at 7 months out but my PT is encouraging the use of weeks. Nothing over the head yet but I'm getting ROM back.


  • deeratz
    deeratz Member Posts: 319
    edited February 2016
    Ok I am finally up to 15lb weights. I will have my exchange this week. I am not looking forward to having to decrease my weights again. Short term pain for long term gain.
  • Suzanne50
    Suzanne50 Member Posts: 221
    edited February 2016

    I was told no weight lifting for 4 weeks. I work out with small weights but still hate to give it up. It's temporary I know but 4 weeks is enough! Hope I don't have to wait 6 weeks. My arms will go to mush. LOL

  • Scottiemom11
    Scottiemom11 Member Posts: 1,072
    edited February 2016

    Dee. . .I was up to 10-15 lb weights, including over my head, between BMx and EX. PS banned me from weights for 6 weeks after. My pecs are still so tight from EX that I'm only up to 5lbs since. I am making progress though. Little by little. I am determined to get there.

    Best wishes,


  • deeratz
    deeratz Member Posts: 319
    edited February 2016
    Scottie and Suzanne- I was finally starting to get my Mojo back post Chemo. I felt like a lumpy, flabby, weak mess PFC. Things have slowly been getting better. Now I will have to stop again for 6 weeks. I did a Buns and Booties class yesterday at the gym. I am so sore today I am having trouble sitting down. I just kinda drop onto the toilet! So I have ended with a bang. Short term pain, for long term gain. I keep telling myself that.

    3 more days....So excited to have it over with. I am not looking forward to the pain or recovery. I am not anticipating the exchange to be very painful. I didn't have much pain with my BMX. It just felt sore, kinda like when I did a chest workout at the gym. I am wondering if I will have issues with lifting my arms like I did post BMX? I don't plan on doing lots of reaching but am just wondering.
  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited February 2016

    Dee, so happy to hear you will soon be on the squishy side! But can't say it enough, do not raise your arms above your elbows!! Just because you can doesn't mean you should! Please be careful and follow your PS orders. You've waited a long time and you are close to me finish line!

    Let us know how it goes. Robin

  • marketingmama
    marketingmama Member Posts: 62
    edited February 2016

    Hi ladies! I haven't been the boards for a while but wanted to drop in because I'm going for my exchange (again) tomorrow. Long story short: after my first exchange in September, I developed an infection and had to have one of my implants removed. Waited for new expander to be placed then went through fills again and tomorrow we're back I'll be getting my implants. Turns out both sides need to be done as the implant I currently have has migrated laterally and PS needs to secure the entire pocket (internal bra) and put in ADM. He'll do the same on the other side. Also changing implants from Mentor rounds to Inspira rounds. Inspiras are relatively new but my PS said I should have less issues with rippling (which I do now) and he thinks they'll all around be better for me. I think this procedure might be more difficult than my first exchange because of all the pocket work so I'm taking two weeks off work. But come March, I best be healed because I have a lot of business travel -- which I just can't put off any more. Not sure if others are going through this, but the work thing is really rough. This is my 5th surgery in 6 months and I think folks at work (my boss especially) are getting tired of it. Of course it's not exactly fun times for me but I worry about the perception issues and what is unsaid. That's why I'm going to try and jump on the horse in March -- I worry that if I don't, it will somehow reflect poorly on me.

    Oh well--- enough griping. I hope everyone is doing well and feeling good. I am excited but nervous to see my new "girls" and so hope they look and feel relatively attractive. After all this, being disappointed with my final outcome would be kind of awful. Hope that doesn't sound too vain.

    Best to all!

  • PNY
    PNY Member Posts: 90
    edited February 2016

    Just got back from my post op appointment with my PS. She says everything looks good. Still need to wear a binder or SPANKS for my belly from the liposuction. Nothing to strenuous allowed. I can return to work but she feels it should be a slow process or the healing process will take longer and I will be very worn out. (I am sure my boss is gonna love to hear that) Other than that all is good and I go back in 6 weeks.

    Marketingmama: GOOD LUCK hope all goes smoothly this time around

    Robinblessed54. PS said i can stretch my arm BUT i can only do so VERY VERY SLOWLY

    DeeRatz - GOOD LUCK!!!!


  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited February 2016

    Shout out to DeeRatz: woo-hoo! It's finally here. You're getting the rocks out. Best wishes for a successful surgery and a super smooth recovery.

    Love, Mominator

  • Tina1969
    Tina1969 Member Posts: 34
    edited February 2016

    Good luck tomorrow DeeRatz! :) Only 12 more sleeps for me. I'm really getting excited.

  • fipjoemom
    fipjoemom Member Posts: 18
    edited February 2016

    Good luck tomorrow Dee and best wishes for a speedy recovery.

    Tina, I too have 12 more sleeps. My surgery is also on 2/22

  • Newgirls
    Newgirls Member Posts: 37
    edited February 2016

    marketing mama,

    I hope you will let us know how your new Inspiras are! I gave heard that the fill volume in those implants is higher so less rippling. Trailrose had her implants exchanged for those and at last report was happy and had less rippling.i have a little rippling with my mentors but not enough to need a fix. I can live with it but secretly I still want perfect.

  • lorihoop
    lorihoop Member Posts: 5
    edited February 2016

    I'm not ready for exchange yet, but I do have a question. My right side will be te and implant only, and the left side is going to be a flap procedure with an implant since the left side failed with te alone.

    How many other women have had this scenario, and do you notice changes in the breast that had the flap and implant when you lose or gain weight? I am trying to keep a steady weight since the BC anyway just because the onco told me to, but I worry about being misshapen every time I go up or down a few times.

  • Leslienva
    Leslienva Member Posts: 343
    edited February 2016

    PNY, did she say anything about the tightness? My surgeon's nurse said that if mine still feels tight after another few weeks, I might want to go to PT again.

  • PNY
    PNY Member Posts: 90
    edited February 2016

    Leslienva, she said its normal to feel some tightness. I had been going for myofacial release (by the PT) after BMX and I asked if I could/should go back. She said its a good idea but wants me to wait another 6 weeks before I start that up again.

  • trailrose
    trailrose Member Posts: 89
    edited February 2016

    Hi Ladies! I'm still happy with my Inspira rounds. It's been 3 1/2 months since the revision surgery. I went sailing this past week in the Bahamas and my goodness getting up onto a sailboat (4 foot climb) from a dinghy really taxed my pecs as I pulled myself upwards! Of course my husband heard me say that I thought maybe my implants shifted, or I tore something or I would get lymphedema. None of that happened thank goodness. I will start using some light weights to strengthen my arms. Best of luck to all that have upcoming surgeries!

  • deeratz
    deeratz Member Posts: 319
    edited February 2016

    Just checking in. My exchange surgery went well. She put in 520gm inspira textured rounds, high profile. She did a bunch of pocket work. They are no longer in my armpits and I don't have a huge gap in my cleavage area. They also don't start at my collarbone. I can't believe how much softer they feel. I was so used to the rocks in my chest this will be a nice change. I am in a bit of pain but nothing like I was after BMX.

    Sooooooo glad that it is all over. Now to behave and let everything heal

  • PNY
    PNY Member Posts: 90
    edited February 2016

    DeeRatz: So happy to hear you are feeling good, good enough to post the day of your surgery:)

    Hope your recovery continues to go well.


  • mjh1
    mjh1 Member Posts: 263
    edited February 2016

    marketingmama - I hope boobies 2.0 will b the charm for u and u can finally get off this merry-go-round to boobyville. Warm hugs!!!

    Deeratz - welcome to the squishy side. Just take it easy now n let the new girls settle in.

  • Tina1969
    Tina1969 Member Posts: 34
    edited February 2016

    Hope all went well Dee. Thinking about you. 💜

    Just 11 more sleeps now fipjoemom. But who's counting? ;)

  • PMR53
    PMR53 Member Posts: 185
    edited February 2016

    Hi All, I just found out I am getting Allergan Naturelle 410 silicone with Fat grafting next Wednesday. I would love any feedback from anyone that got that kind of implant. Is that the "gummy" kind ?  They will harvest the fat from abdomen so I will get a compression garment for 4 weeks and he said 2 drains. I pray this is my last surgery!🙏


  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited February 2016


    Yes the 410's are the gummies! I have them and very happy with them. I am 11 months post EX. I was filled to 420cc and they are 475cc. No fat grafting though. Don't need it! They fit just right. No rippling. They are more firm but have a nice natural look.

  • PMR53
    PMR53 Member Posts: 185
    edited February 2016

    Thank you Robin!

    Thank you for the PM and they look very natural. Who did your Tatoos ? I sure hope this is my last surgery. I am worn out. 


  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited February 2016

    my PS physician assistant does the tattoos. They only cost me my office co-pay!! They really make a difference on how you see yourself in the mirror.

    Hope you have a good recovery!



  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited February 2016

    DeeRatz: I'm looking forward to seeing you on the other side.

    Tina and flpjoemom: I can hardly wait for your surgeries as well. Come on over to the squishy side (well, at least, non-rock side).

    I had my last dose of antibiotics yesterday. I'm feeling pretty good. No more redness nor constant dull ache in my right breast. Although I think there may be a pocket of fluid at the site of the infection. It feels funny only when I move the right certain ways.

    At 3.5 weeks from exchange surgery, and 2 weeks from infection, I still can't quite sleep on either side yet. So things are still settling and healing. I didn't do any of the shoveling this winter. I am building up my ROM and the weights of things I carry (grocery bags and laundry).

    Despite my infection and pocket work, the exchange surgery is still an easier recovery then the MX. I hope that is encouraging for those who are doing reconstruction.


  • Tina1969
    Tina1969 Member Posts: 34
    edited February 2016

    Looking forward to being on the squishy side.:) I sure hope sleeping is better. I have a hard time getting and staying comfortable with these rocks.

    I'm happy to hear that you are doing well Mominator.

    Happy Friday everyone.