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Exchange City



  • patty101014
    patty101014 Member Posts: 14
    edited March 2016

    thank you, lkscolo. I've read many posts over the past few days but have been very groggy and tired from surgery and meds. Much clearer today. I already think they look a bit better, not quite so sand dollarish ;).

    I worked from home today, rested at lunch time and still got the "slow down" message loud and clear at around 5pm. I'll pace myself better tomorrow.

    Question for the group... I'm noticing that my radiated side is more swollen than the other side along my ribs. And where the radiated skin had turned a light tan before surgery, it is very red now. Should I be concerned?

  • mjh1
    mjh1 Member Posts: 263
    edited March 2016

    patty101014 - increased swelling n very red skin definitely warrants a call to your plastic surgeon. If u don't have a fever, it may be nothing but better to be safe. Let us know what he says. Hugs!!!

  • patty101014
    patty101014 Member Posts: 14
    edited March 2016

    thank you. I went to bed last night planning to call today. But when I got up, the swelling was down and the skin less angry looking. The non cancer side is very bruised looking and starting to fade to yellow bruises. I wonder if the color change was bruising that is starting to fade? I feel much better today

  • Jackiegray
    Jackiegray Member Posts: 56
    edited March 2016

    I had my saline exchanged yesterday for silicone and had fat grafting done and major pocket work. My skin is so stretches and very red and bruised. PA and PS. both seen this yesterday in PACU. I was pretty out of it and I don't remember if they said it was all swelling. I sure hope so they look like a porn star. Has anyone had a similar experience?

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited March 2016

    Happy to hear progress in all our exchange ladies!

    Some progress on me: this morning I had my first run since my two surgeries (MBX, Exch). If you can call it a run, since my pace was 14 minutes per mile (some speed walkers are faster than that). See, Monica, I started slowly. Just because you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD, LOL!

    BTW: I asked the Mods if it's possible to move the Add to/Remove from My Favorite Topics toggle to the right side of the page, leaving the Back to top/Jump to bottom links on the left, alone? They're going to pass that along to the technical team. Yeah! Those of us viewing on small screens are less likely to accidently drop our favorite topics off our favorites list.

    Happy Spring to all. The birds have started a chorus outside my window in the mornings.

  • patty101014
    patty101014 Member Posts: 14
    edited March 2016

    ack! Ok new weird thing... My pec muscles are contracting over my implants. Like muscle cramp contracting. Ugh! I dealt with this during expansion. But did nor expect it to happen again.

    Ok, maybe muscle cramp is an exaggeration, but this is not pleasant

  • Suzanne50
    Suzanne50 Member Posts: 221
    edited March 2016

    I saw my PS today - one week after surgery. He said everything looks good. Still some swelling but not a lot. Tape stays on till next week but I can shower now. Yay! The right side (mastectomy side) has a lot more discomfort than left. He said that is because 1. totally different surgery and 2. I had a lot of scar tissue due to radiation on right 3. had to go through muscle on right.

    So my arm movement, he said would improve greatly over the next week which I was happy to hear. He doesn't think I will need PT.

    I decided to stay home the week. I didn't want to rush going back and feel crummy. So just taking it easy.

  • PNY
    PNY Member Posts: 90
    edited March 2016

    patty101014, welcome to the squishy side:). I had my surgery the end of January. It gets better and better but I still have that feeling when i do too much or exert myself. Its not terriblly painful just uncomfortable. I stop what i am doing and stretch as much as i can and it eases up. I figure one day i will wake up and won't have that feeling anymore.

    Good luck


  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited March 2016

    Phyliss and all new EX ladies; I am one year post EX. One day you will wake up and finally feel "normal". My foobs feel a part of me now. You get used to the new normal. That doesn't mean that sometimes you won't feel a pull here or there but life seems to be back to the day to day things. Do what the PS says and you will come out of this ahead.


  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited March 2016

    Thanks for the encouragement, Robinblessed. Things are getting better 8 weeks post EX, with only a weird pull now and again, or muscle cramping when shivering. I am able to sleep on my left side now with a pillow, right side is still weird. Although things still feel like they are moving, it is much less moving feeling than 2-3 weeks ago.

    My muscles are so sore today that I'm glad I took a slow pace on yesterday's first jog. But I am figuratively and literally moving forward! We had sunshine today.

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited March 2016

    Mominator, you must have silicone rounds if they move alot. I have the textured anatomical implants so they don't move much. But I love them!

    Take it easy with the running. You want to keep these babies for a long time, don't rush it. I was overly protective because I didn't want to have anything go south.


  • Jackiegray
    Jackiegray Member Posts: 56
    edited March 2016

    I had revision surgery, implant exchange, major pocket work and fat graphing on Monday. I seen my PS today going back in on Friday to exchange implants for smaller ones. There is so much pressure on my very thin skin PS is concerned. This is ultimately my fault as I chose the implant size. My first reconstruction was April 2014 saline 550 cc high profile round. They looked awful. They were rippled and my previous PS believed in a natural sag. New PS closed up the pockets both laterally aND underneath. She advised to go with a smaller implant. I chose a 535 high profile silicone. They are HUGE! My skin is stretched so tight it feels like it could pop. Has anyone ever had 2 surgeries in one week?

  • PMR53
    PMR53 Member Posts: 185
    edited March 2016

    Jackiegray, I had Lipo and fat grafting with lots of pocket work also. 4 weeks ago today. I had my final drain removed yesterday. This surgery was as bad or worse as far as pain, bruising than my MX. With the Lipo and fat grafting the bruising and tenderness is pretty intense the first couple weeks. It's hard with the compression garments too. It will get better. Are you on antibiotics?  I used a heating pad and it was really helpful at the drain site. Watch for increased temp and increased red areas. Hope you feel better !!


  • Jackiegray
    Jackiegray Member Posts: 56
    edited March 2016

    Patty thanks for the pep talk. I agree this pain is far worse than the BMX. I am so upset I have to have another surgery Friday. I am on 2 antibiotics cipro and Bactrim.

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited March 2016

    Robinblessed: I also have the textured anatomical implants. My PS did extensive pocket work. I told him at 5 weeks that things felt like they were moving. PS examined the breasts and said that all felt fine. They move around the right amount. He told me to wait until 8 weeks to resume running. I didn't feel anything move in my breasts when I ran. Things feel only a little bit weird when I lie on my side.

  • Tina1969
    Tina1969 Member Posts: 34
    edited March 2016

    Thank you for the encouraging words Robin. It's so great connecting with woman that can relate and have gone through what I'm going through. I'm happy to hear that you are doing well. I'm a little over 3 weeks post exchange and things get better everyday. I still have twinges of pain every once in awhile but nothing compared to the pain from the TEs. It is wonderful being on the squishy side. My left implant was quite a bit higher right after surgery but it seems to be lower now. And they are getting softer. :)

  • mvspaulding
    mvspaulding Member Posts: 172
    edited March 2016

    How did you all decide on what type of implants to get? I have my pre-op appointment with PS on Monday. Saline vs gel. And what are the anatomical implants? I have been so preoccupied with treatment that I haven't really researched this like I should.

  • LoriWNY
    LoriWNY Member Posts: 178
    edited March 2016

    MV--I am so glad that you are thinking of performing your own research! This is so important and I regret that I did not research enough prior to my first set of implants (I had a revision surgery switching out one type of implant for another). May I suggest that you head over to the Breast Implant Sizing 101 thread and do so reading. You will learn a lot! Take some notes with questions to ask your plastic surgeon on Monday. Bring paper and pen to your appointment so you can write down the surgeon's responses (or bring someone with you who can take notes). From what I have learned, most women choose silicone but that's not to say that choosing saline is a bad choice. You need lots of information to make a decision. This is YOUR body and please take time to do your research just like you were researching the purchase of a car or a house.

    I have had both silicone rounds and silicone anatomicals. I believe there are photos of both types of implants at the top of the Breast Implant Sizing 101 thread so you will be able to see the difference in these implants.

    If you have specific questions, please post them and I am sure others will chime in.

  • PNY
    PNY Member Posts: 90
    edited March 2016

    Robinbelssed 54. Thanks and now 7 weeks post EX I do see improvement daily. And I am confident the tightness and intermittent pain under the exchange from the internal stitches will also subside in time.

    I go to the PS next week for my second post op appt. Hoping she says i can go back to the PT for the myofacial release as I found that so so helpful.


  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited March 2016

    MV, I went between silicone rounds and anatomical the whole time I was getting fills. I finally decided on the anatomical. I wanted the natural shape and wasn't going big. I was filled to 420cc and have 475cc. I also wanted to avoid rippling. I have no ripples.

    Your PS must be experienced in anatomical. You will find out what is best for you.


  • mvspaulding
    mvspaulding Member Posts: 172
    edited March 2016

    Thank you Lori and Robin, I will check out that thread and spend some time this weekend looking into everything. I already know that I am going smaller than I was. I was a DD and we decided on a Full C, small D range. I have been having so much pain in the last week in my right expander, I am not sure why. So this exchange surgery can't get here soon enough.

  • new__me
    new__me Member Posts: 53
    edited March 2016

    i had my exchange surgery with fat grafting yestèrday. breast area is numb (has been since the BMX) . The pain is from my belly where he harvested the fat.

    I am wrapped very tightly from under arms to my pubic area. Very difficult to bend. PS had to do alot of pocket work on my left side and the drain output is much more there. Strict orders to not raise arms above shoulder height. I intend to follow the limitations very closely. My sister is a month or two ahead of me and she ignored the shoulder rule. She had to have each side drained several times and the PS was getting worrièd. As for me, i have a post op next Tuesday.. hoping at leas onee drain swill be retired


  • nelliemd2
    nelliemd2 Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2016

    Hi: I'm new to this forum and have spent a lot of time over the past couple of months reading and re-reading these threads. I had lat flap surgery and tissue expander placement on December 1, plus two additional surgeries on an area where my incision had been leaking fluid. All appears to be healed now, and I'm having my exchange surgery this coming Monday, March 21 (plus a reduction/lift on the opposing side). Keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well and that the healing issues are behind me. Cautiously optimistic, yet a bit nervous at the same time!

  • Kniterly
    Kniterly Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2016

    I have been reading here for months. It's finally time. Exchange surgery March 22, excited and nervous every at the same time!! But he promised to take off the breastacles!!

  • PMR53
    PMR53 Member Posts: 185
    edited March 2016

    Jackie- I am sorry you had to have another surgery. Don't beat yourself up. We all make mistakes. I helped pack up my sisters house 2 weeks after My MX with TE and it never healed right. Big mistake. DID TOO MUCH. Now you have had 2 surgeries! Be gentle with yourself. Watch a lot of TV. I hope your new implants are better fitting and you can start to heal. Let us know !!


  • kingster
    kingster Member Posts: 289
    edited March 2016

    Jackiegray, thinking of you and pray that all went well today.

  • Jackiegray
    Jackiegray Member Posts: 56
    edited March 2016

    thank you Kingster and Patty

    Surgery went well. PS chose a 440 high profile medium height implant memory shape. I pray that the shape will be better in the future. To me they look like saggy national geographic boobs. I had high profile rounds 530cc previously and liked the shape much better. My MX was nipple sparing so with these anatomical my nipple is aT the bottom of the implant. For those of you who have been blessed with a PS who really listens to you and what your expectations are you are so lucky. I've had 2. Although. The 2nd ps did carry out my wishes the first time she made no attempt to hear me the 2nd surgery. I was told to trust her. Here's to hoping they will look better soon.

  • new__me
    new__me Member Posts: 53
    edited March 2016

    I had my exchange surgery 4 days ago. PS did liposuction on my belly and used the fat to fill in areas on my breasts. He put in Mentor MemoryShape 475 medium profile.

    Everything is wrapped up tight so i am unable to see anything. The only pain is in my belly which is heavily bruised. Drains are still putting out 50-60 each per day so probablywill have those until end of next week.

  • Suzanne50
    Suzanne50 Member Posts: 221
    edited March 2016

    It has been almost two weeks. I return back to work tomorrow. I definitely feel well enough to work. I have a massive bruise on my right breast and my right side (TE side) is still sore and arm mobility is limited. But better! Left side which was just a lift and a small saline implant feels pretty normal.

    So overall - for those ladies wondering what to expect....I was surprised at how much discomfort I was in. I thought it would be nothing - but it definitely takes awhile to get back to yourself. I am not there yet!

    I miss my exercise. I think I have to wait 4 weeks total? I am not sure. All I know is right now I can just walk. That's ok. But I will look forward to getting back to my routine.

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited March 2016

    When you get back to exercising is very individualized. I could start walking right away, but obviously no lifting arms above my shoulders for several weeks. I was given the approval for jogging at 8 weeks. I started slowly since I had a lot of pocket work done.

    Ask you surgeon since s/he will know best how you're healing and if you need any restrictions.  Since this is the last step in reconstruction, we want to make sure everything heals properly!

    Best wishes