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Exchange City



  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited April 2016

    Stacey - it is important to remember that you lose volume with exchange because the implant does not have a hard back like the TE and doesn't push forward and provide projection in the same way. So if you are happy with your current size in an expander, it is important to note that you will look smaller than that after exchange, as kingster noted above. This is most likely why your PS doesn't want you to rush and is indicating that you should continue to expand so that once you exchange you will look as you do now. I also echo that you can keep the filled expanders in place for a period of time if you wish to return to work now. I had the left in (after it was replaced the first time) for just over 7 months, the right for 16 months. With my new left expander it will be just over five months between placement and exchange, including the couple of months between last fill and surgery.

  • StaceySue2U
    StaceySue2U Member Posts: 83
    edited April 2016

    I'm a size 12 with a 38 inch rib cage and I think right now I have about 500 or so in. I can't remember. I thought I looked fine in the mirror but saw pics of myself today and can definitely see I need to go larger. I'm getting quite a lot of stretch marks already. Kingster, do you like your size now?

    I had no idea what a marathon this would be. I'm glad the PS I have is honest and somewhat firm. I've been in such a hurry to just be done with things that I'm sure if somebody didn't put their foot down I'd make decisions I'd regret later.

  • Fluffygerbillips
    Fluffygerbillips Member Posts: 20
    edited April 2016

    staceySue, I lived with 1100cc expanders for 16 months. It's not ideal, they are uncomfortable but I lived a completely normal life. I have to say, my exchange was a PIECE OF CAKE, I imagine because I was so thoroughly stretched. I honestly had only a day or two of down time. I know the feeling of urgency to get it all over with but your surgeon is right, you don't want to rush it, get it right the first time!

    Your implants will definitely look smaller than your expanders. I am a size 16 & I have 800cc saline implants over filled to 1140cc so they are firmer & give better projectionthan silicone or normal saline implants. Even so, I look like I'm about one cup size smaller after my exchange... so keep that in mind. I think I've finished up at a 38DD

  • StaceySue2U
    StaceySue2U Member Posts: 83
    edited April 2016

    Fluffygerbillips, thanks for sharing your experience. It's good to hear. I didn't know they could overfill that much! If you could do 16 months with expanders that large in, I shouldn't have any trouble. I was a DD before and I don't think I'd want to be that big again....but I'm terrible at looking at myself and knowing what's proportional and what isn't.

  • rebecca54
    rebecca54 Member Posts: 67
    edited April 2016

    Hi Ladies, Long time no see. So nice to see more people moving to the squishy side! Ahhhhh. I had my implant surgery on 10/7 and breathed a sigh or relief because I felt like the marathon was over. I convinced myself I liked the hamburger buns on my chest. Actually they look good in clothes but if I'm wearing a thin bra and a t shirt they look "lumpy", just not smooth, especially the left. The PS said he would like to do more fat grafting, actually 2 more operations, and the final he would suck out as much fat as I want him to. I am wondering if I need to replace the implants vs all this fat grafting. Does anyone have experience with replacing? I do wonder if I need both. I guess there's not much of anything in between in implant and the skin so you get a few bumps and my pecs are such that I can make the implants dance! Would fat grafting fix that? I hate thinking about another operation or 2 but also think I want to be a little happier with what I have. And I'm not even thinking about meeting with Vinnie until I know what the long term game plan is. xoxo, Becca

  • NJsurfer
    NJsurfer Member Posts: 4
    edited April 2016

    Gals - I am also 6 months out and I can't be more of a billboard for early PT. I know this depends on your circumstances but I had an exceptional breast surgeon and plastic surgeon but neither one of them offered proactive advice regarding PT. I think the surgeon cares about the cancer and the plastic cares about the appearance but only we own our own flexibility and strength! If you are in this situation make sure to chat with friends about PT. The docs seem quite conservative about it which I can understand but it does make a difference in my opinion!

  • mvspaulding
    mvspaulding Member Posts: 172
    edited April 2016

    I had my exchange surgery on the 7th and everything went great. I had very tolerable amount of pain the first couple of days and only had to use Advil after that. I am returning to work tomorrow and feel I should do ok with it. I am not unhappy with the way they look now and I realize that they will look better without the stitches and would glue. The only part that bugs me and I discussed with my PS before is I have what I lovingly call side boob. It is just a swollen fat pocket I guess in my side even with my breast. I thought they would be taken care of with exchange surgery but it is still there. PS thinks it will go down with time but I have had it since my BMX. Does anyone else have this problem?

    Also, just wanted to add that my PS didn't overfill my expanders because I was having a lot of pain with fills. I was a DD before and I went down to a full C. My implants are 550cc. They seem to fill out my skin quite nicely.

  • kingster
    kingster Member Posts: 289
    edited April 2016

    Staceysue, I have 700 ml silicone and I'm a cup (but more shallow than a natural breast).

    Has anyone heard of elevated prolactin levels caused by breast reconstruction or implants??

  • Fluffygerbillips
    Fluffygerbillips Member Posts: 20
    edited April 2016

    StaceySue - your plastic surgeon is the most qualified to tell you what's proportionate for your body so I'd take his advice! As for the overfilled implants, that's as high as they'll go. I'm a size 16 so I needed bigger implants than they make just to get a proportionate size. It was a loooong haul trying to find a solution to the problem of 800cc implants being the largest FDA approved. A lot of plus sized women are in the same boat.

    Rebecca - my boobs dance too. I've been told that fat grafting MIGHT help but mostly it is what it is. We don't have any cushion over our pecs to hide their movement. I'm getting my nipple reconstruction on Wednesday but after that I'm going to talk to my PS about fat grafting. I don't have any lumps but one is smaller than the other. Hoping we can make some minor adjustments. A little lipo would be a bonus LOL.

    mvspaulding - I also had the side boob but it went away completely once my implants dropped & fluffed... Well, I have a tiny bit left on one side but that side is a tiny bit higher than the other still so I guess it makes sense. Anyway, I wouldn't worry about it just yet.

    Kingster - I have not :(

  • mvspaulding
    mvspaulding Member Posts: 172
    edited April 2016

    Thanks. I was hoping it would mostly go away.

    I have not heard anything about prolactin levels either.

  • RAK1
    RAK1 Member Posts: 97
    edited April 2016

    Hello everyone,

    There is HOPE!

    Well I am happy to say that I am having an exchange of implants!

    June 17th I will have these complications resolved I hope and pray!

    I have a nasty case of Capsular Contracture which is causing a whole set of other issues.

    I also have Dynamic Deformity which also have it's set of issues.

    I am so grateful!


  • JessieJake
    JessieJake Member Posts: 170
    edited April 2016

    kingster, your post caught my attention. before I replied I looked up info on high prolactin levels and cause. I was able to find articles that referenced chest wall irritation from surgery, TE placement or implants causing this and secondly I found articles about mastectomy surgery causing it.

    The reason I was curious is because I'm 8 weeks with no period - basically since before my BMX. I was pretty much clock work prior to surgery. At this point I think I'm right in guessing it's hormonal, which is what I was suspecting. For some time after surgery I had rushes of that milk "let-down" feeling you get from breastfeeding. Even now I still get rushes of some sensation periodically. I explained this to the NP at one of my fills and asked if it was possible my body was acting as if I was breastfeeding or pg - hence no period.

    While she might have heard of other women experiencing the let-down feeling she didn't know if it would cause my delayed period. She assumed I might be pg! I'm so not pg. I see a different NP tomorrow. I'm going to ask her.

    The one article said in a study that they found high levels in some women for a few months after surgery, one woman was still elevated at 6 months.

    Oh, someone posted this same question in December 2015 on here. I don't think anyone responded, though. But may mean there are others!

    I'll be curious to here what you learn from new doctor.

    Good luck to you

  • kingster
    kingster Member Posts: 289
    edited April 2016

    Jessie, thanks. If there is no other cause found, then I will assume it's the implants. My periods have always been regular also. I wouldn't mind just missing periods, but I also have the fatigue, cramps without a period, slight nausea, and headaches frequently as well. These implants may have to go, because I really do feel quite crappy. I have had the implants in for one year. Pituitary tumors cause this too. I see endocrinologist in a couple weeks.

  • JessieJake
    JessieJake Member Posts: 170
    edited April 2016

    kingster, well the PA I saw today couldn't confirm anything but chalked it up to stress from surgery, but not her field either. She said I could wait a while to see if my period returns on its own. It's interesting you mention phantom cramps, I swear I had these twice recently but nothing happened. I can't say I've noticed other symptoms.

    I did see the mention of pituitary tumors, too

    Boy, after all this I hope you can find a solution that allows you to keep your implants.

    I may check to see when my next physical is and follow up on it then if I'm still in the same boat. I mean it's not bad to not have deal with periods but I did see a mention about osteoporosis. Guessing that come from people dealing with it for a long time.

    Please post what you learn in a few weeks if you can!

  • kingster
    kingster Member Posts: 289
    edited April 2016

    Jessie, I will PM you when I find out anything. My gyne at my annual ordered these labs because this is a change from my normal. Also, ovarian cancer is in my family history, and I believe he is being very cautious. He did tell me that "prolactinemia" is not a normal part of menopause. I am having an endometrial biopsy Friday due to a "thickened" endometrium. The fun just keeps on going:/ I do find comfort in that someone else in my situation could be having this problem too. I've never really heard of this before.

  • kingster
    kingster Member Posts: 289
    edited April 2016

    RAK, just wondering what type and brand of new implants will you be getting, and what type do you have now? I also have some crazy animation deformity because my implants are under the muscle. I'm just glad when I do push ups I'm face down, lol;)

  • RAK1
    RAK1 Member Posts: 97
    edited April 2016

    Oh Kingster I am glad there really isn't anyone around to see it!!! LOL

    I was crying all the time but I know it will be fixed one day!

    I have now Natrelle Style 20 round smooth silicone high profile 600cc

    I am getting Mentor round textured silicone high profile 600cc, If there is a style I don't know it.

    I will have an increase of Botox injected into my chest muscle, because the first time there wasn't enough and three weeks later it started again and has progressively gotten worse.

    I will be posting some photos soon to show what it looks like maybe that will be some help to someone else when they start wondering if they are the only ones.

    Warm wishes,


  • kingster
    kingster Member Posts: 289
    edited April 2016

    RAK, I have smooth round also. I like that they do move around some, even if they look goofy when I flex my pecs. I like to feel that I can "adjust myself" in a bra, and not be totally adhered to my chest wall. But, the textured can be very natural looking without any ripples and such. Those type of implants don't move, so I think there wouldn't be animation deformity with those. I don't think any recon will ever feel the same as my natural self...although breasts full of cancer was such a relief to get rid of:) Let me know how it goes and I wish you the best!

  • Gardnergirls
    Gardnergirls Member Posts: 22
    edited April 2016

    Things are starting to get real for me. Went for the preop and the countdown begins. Dr is thinking 550 implants but that's all I really know at this time. My expander is 550 but isn't filled all the way. He stopped fillings but said I have plenty of skin to put in the implants. I'm just very nervous that I won't have the size I had before. I was a 38D-38DD depending on the bra. I want to have a full shape and have cleavage. I feel like a crazy person looking at so many pictures because I just want to have one surgery and hopefully be done. I'm going to talk with the navigator about all the choices and take it from there. I do know she said something like he takes in about 10 choices. I'm a size 16-XL top so I want to make sure I'm in proportion. I'm also having a tummy tuck at the same time and some of the fat will be placed around the implant to make it look more natural he said. Has anyone had this done at the same time. I'm not having a diep because there is only enough to make me a size A.

  • StaceySue2U
    StaceySue2U Member Posts: 83
    edited April 2016

    Gardnergirls I would love to have a tummy tuck at the same time! I wish there was a way to get the insurance to pay for it. I don't have enough fat to go very large with a DIEP, plus it seems I'm prone to seromas and the thought of more drains is just too much for me!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited April 2016

    gardner - If you have been expanded to significantly less than the max fill on your expanders, even though you have enough skin, the pocket behind the pectoral muscle may not be large enough and your doc may not be able to use a larger implant. It sounds like you are having a combo of implant and flap (is insurance covering this as an implant/flap combo, or are you paying out of pocket for part of this surgery?) but I am concerned that you won't reach your desired size with the expansion you currently have. I would ask for further clarification and another discussion about the pocket if I were you. Most docs take a number of options into the OR, that is standard - I am just not sure how large an implant will fit behind your muscle.

  • Gardnergirls
    Gardnergirls Member Posts: 22
    edited April 2016

    SpecialK, I'm paying the tummy tuck portion. He is only using the implant for the breast and injection fat around it he said if he needs to make it look natural. Now I'm more concerned. Guess i better be making a phone call.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited April 2016

    I'm just not sure how your PS would fit a 550cc implant in a pocket currently expanded to less than 300ccs, regardless of your skin laxity. Have you posted on the 101 thread and gotten any feedback from whippet mom about this

  • mjh1
    mjh1 Member Posts: 263
    edited April 2016

    gardenergirl - as someone that needed 2 revisions I definitely second all that specialk said. Whippetmom will definitely b able to tell u if your current expansion would be able to accommodate an implant that's twice the size. I know u just want to get this done but if whippetmom tells u it won't work I would definitely consider postponing n going for another opinion. Although revisions r common in breast reconstruction I would hate for u to have to have one just because it's decided in OR that a large implant wouldn't fit. Whippetmom n specialk r very wise in all things breast related so I would definitely heade their advice.

  • Artista928
    Artista928 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited April 2016

    Is this like when you had bmx (in my case) where you have to deal with drains again? Is it just as long as BMX or less time in? TIA

  • exercise_guru
    exercise_guru Member Posts: 333
    edited April 2016


    You can om me any of your questions it's goos to hear from you. The TE swap does have drains again for most patients. The surgery was way easier on me than the bmx but the drains situation was the same as before.

  • LoriWNY
    LoriWNY Member Posts: 178
    edited April 2016

    Artista--I did NOT have drains with my exchange or revision surgeries. Every situation is different and it is best to ask your surgeon whether or not he/she thinks you will have drains given your particular surgery. My exchange and revisions were MUCH easier than the BMX but everyone's situation is unique.

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited April 2016

    arista, I didn't have drains either for EX. I was told it was a possibility and didn't know until I woke up. I have the gummies and the manufacturer recommended using drains but my PS uses his discretion depending on the patient. I had very little fluid in my drains after bmx. Everyone is different. I had no problems. Ask a lot of questions!


  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited April 2016

    I also did not have drains for exchange, and I don't think most do unless they had drains for quite a while when they had MX/BMX, or had a subsequent seroma after drains were pulled at their first surgery. My exchange recovery was nothing like my BMX, I felt good much quicker - actually flew to Virginia from Florida 10 days later - was very careful, DH did all the bag toting, etc. - we went for an old friend's funeral that I was determined not to miss - she had BC years ago and had been diagnosed with uterine cancer right when I was diagnosed with breast cancer - we sent each other "thinking of you" cards throughout chemo, and supported each other as best we could. We were fellow military wives and I had known her for 25 years, and felt a strong need to pay my respects and share with her DH and DDs how much she meant to me.

  • Artista928
    Artista928 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited April 2016

    I had drains for 5 wks for bmx. The fluid wouldn't stop, then I got infected for another 5 wks total on abx and then Bactrim abx through chemo (4 months). Thanks for the feedback ladies.