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Exchange City



  • FUBC
    FUBC Member Posts: 60
    edited October 2016

    Hey girls,

    thanks for the well wishes,

    I finally got through this surgery...feeling so tired today but the pain of the TE's is gonna.....what a relief. I finally slept last night...

    The surgery was not that bad, although my right arm, hand and fingers have been numb for the past 2-3 days and yesterday after the surgery was hurting a lot. I also have some pain on the lower and upper pole but I guess that's to be expected.

    Deeratz, my implants look wide and spread out also, although I got the Mentor's ultra high profile 590 cc. I am also swollen so I guess i might need to wait a bit and see once they settle.

    Mom2four, glad to hear you're doing good. I read your post in another thread and it sounded all went well for you.

    Hugs to everyone

  • veggal
    veggal Member Posts: 261
    edited October 2016


    Not a uni here, but I do have a 410. The 410 will soften over the next weeks/months. Now almost 4 months out my 410's feel much like my 19 year old's real boobs do (we compared notes!). Give that some time.

    The reason the lifted boob feels so sore is because the nerves are all intact. Much of the sensory nerves are just flat out gone in the UMX side. It is likely really swollen as well as a real breast is very vascular so there are many levels of swelling to that.

    I hope you get you questions answered on Thursday. I also hope you end up liking the 410 and that your breasts end up looking compatible and pleasing to you!


  • FUBC
    FUBC Member Posts: 60
    edited October 2016

    Lunderwood, when I discussed implant types with my PS, he said that if I can't handle my TE's now, I won't like the gummy bear as they will feel uncomfortable and hard like the TEs. That was one of the reason I excluded the gummy bear from my choices.

  • JessieJake
    JessieJake Member Posts: 170
    edited October 2016

    This is just a funny aside - my native breast were more like a preteen so I don't think I ever really knew what real breasts felt like before all this.

    I have the 410 anatomicals now (almost 4 weeks) and I love feeling them. I don't know if they are too firm compared to real or not. All I do know is that my TEs were lumpy and misshapen so to have this nice round smoothness..... I just keep feeling it and thinking, "oh so this is what it feels like to have boobs". Makes me smile every time!

  • lunderwood
    lunderwood Member Posts: 31
    edited October 2016

    Thanks everyone for the great input! I believe you are absolutely correct that the poor native breast is just protesting over all that was done during surgery! I hadn't considered how what a difference those nerves would make. Each day is a little better. JessieJake, I can relate to your comment about "pre-teen breasts" that would definitely describe me! So I am actually quite excited about the 410's and the firmness is also a plus as a runner. (no bouncing for me). My reconstructed implant is 290cc which would be considered small by most but for me it is a new experience and seems huge. I am not expecting a perfect match (I am not sure that I was symmetrical to start). Hopefully in time my body will find a middle ground between the lifted/augmented native side and the firm reconstructed side. It helps to know that everything will settle down with time.

  • JessieJake
    JessieJake Member Posts: 170
    edited October 2016

    Lunderwood, I'm sporting the 290s as well. Lol, small but mighty, right

  • lunderwood
    lunderwood Member Posts: 31
    edited October 2016

    JessieJake - I love it!!!! lol

  • LRGO2016
    LRGO2016 Member Posts: 75
    edited October 2016

    congrats Moon and Pax on getting to this stage. Grandma, hang in there ! You'll have your squishies before you know it!

    I'm almost 6 weeks post exchange now. Memories of my drains and no showering misery are fading. (I hate not being able to take a shower ) I'm so happy to realize that from here on out, I won't have to deal with drains again. Next on the list - new nipples....., more fat grafting, and at least until that time, maybe my PS will allow me to begin exercises again!

  • HuskerFan
    HuskerFan Member Posts: 26
    edited October 2016

    Lunderwood, I am 6 weeks out from my exchange and also have the 410 anatomicals. While I don't like the size, shape or placement of my implants, I will say that they seem fairly squishy. Much like my native breasts. I think that's something that will change over time for you. I don't think I saw much change in shape over the last 6 weeks, but my implants are also over the muscle.

  • Remi50
    Remi50 Member Posts: 44
    edited October 2016


    Lol.. Lol.. I know the feeling!!


  • Remi50
    Remi50 Member Posts: 44
    edited October 2016

    Hi Lunderwood,

    Glad to hear your on the homestretch. Sorry to hear you are in pain. I had a bmx... nip removal and rads on bc side. Nip sparring on left side. Seperate surgeries for medical reasons.. I have the 410 anatomicals 360cc( was a small B) prior to MX's. Still a small B after exchange. Feel firm but squishy. If you want pics I will pm you. I will be 3 weeks out tomorrow and still have pain.. Was good for about 3 days last week and maybe did a little more than I should have without realizing it. I find that driving or being a passenger or just being up and about leaves me with a lot of pain by dinner time.. So I think any pain for awhile will be normal. CarlaEM is probably right on with her response. Take it easy and let your body of my docs is always reminding me to remember how much our bodies have been through in such a short period of time! Stay well..

  • lunderwood
    lunderwood Member Posts: 31
    edited October 2016

    Thanks for the great encouragement! My pain is definitely tolerable - I think it's more of a surprise that the native breast is what's giving me the trouble. It makes sense though that it would still have nerves. This week is better - just getting the drains out was a tremendous relief after that first week. You are probably correct in telling me to take it easy and let my body heal. I am not known for patience especially with myself and resuming normal activities. My implants (both reconstruction side and native side) are under the muscle. After discussion with my PS about the integrity of my skin and his opinion on the final visual results I agreed that under the muscle was okay. My main objective was to be able to resume all my pre UMX activities (running and working out). At 11 weeks post UMX I was back to all normal activities which included push-ups, lifting weights and running (at race pace). I think I had actually regained muscle lost during the time off and maybe added a bit. The tissue expander was not an issue at all and I think the muscles eventually adapted to the stretching caused by the TE. I wonder if the implant being behind the muscles may be why they are "less squishy" for me especially when compared to the 410's placed over the muscle. I am really okay with the shape and size of the 410 anatomicals - in fact I am a somewhat wowed by my new profile (even without a nipple). My native side also looks good (despite the soreness and pain) but it's now larger than the UMX side and has a different shape. (it was definitely smaller during the TE phase). Since my overwhelming goal in all of this craziness is resuming normal activities and lifestyle maybe I just need to be content with a somewhat asymmetrical look. Thank you - thank you ALL for sharing your experiences with me!!!! It truly helps me feel less alone and helps to know that others have navigated their way through this process!!!

  • Tessio
    Tessio Member Posts: 14
    edited October 2016

    hello warrior exchange city girls,

    I've been listening to you, thank you for sharing your experiences.

    I had my exchange/other side lifted and reduced yesterday. I feel sore, but thankful. I had the TE for 13 months. If I could go back in a time machine I would have begged for another option. Carrying that rock was most unpleasant.

    My new squishy is lovely. The other side has a burning pain and still bleeding. I'm going to ask the nurse about it later today. Anyone else have bleeding. The surgery was the easiest yet for me. Mastectomy and hysterectomy were way more intense. I know I'm only judging after day 1, but I'm hopeful.

  • Seedsally
    Seedsally Member Posts: 141
    edited October 2016

    Hi Everone!

    Just saw my new PS who will do my exchange. Loved his personality and to the point attitude. He was cheerful and gave me answers to questions without me even having to ask.

    Exchange to be 11/11/16 he will lift the left a little to match right. Mentor Ultra HD 800 cc's gummy bear type silicone. He is planning on some sutures to fine tune and will extend my preset scars to remove the excess tissue and skin under my arms that is giving me so much trouble.

    He also plans on clipping scar tissue under my right axillary incision that is affecting my right shoulder and arm.

    He said probably no drains, same day surgery, underwire bra maybe (depends on amount of fine tuning). 6 weeks restrictions on lifting things up to allow extra work to heal. He asked if I wanted nipple reconstruction. I said no just tattooed. He said 6 months after surgery.

    He was really pleased with the results I have from my prior PS who left the group for another job.

    What a relief to be moving forward!

  • Remi50
    Remi50 Member Posts: 44
    edited October 2016


    I have mine under the muscle too. Didn't not have any issues with TE'seither.. I'm curious why some docs put them over the muscle and what the pros and cons are. It never occurred to me there is an option.. I'm curious how comfortable these will end up feeling. I still have a lot of pain in my sternum and pain radiating into collarbones. Deep deep ache!! Did you have rads too? My nip sparing mastectomy was smaller with TE's . Now I'm ever so slightly larger on that side after exchange. I am also relatively althletic. Walk/run daily about 3-5 miles.. All docs and bc info say it's one of the best things to do for our health.. Any amount of walking whether 1 mile or more is so good for all of us. My Knees and neck can't handle the pounding from running anymore..Have only had small windows of time where I was playing tennis daily and back at full throttle through the 4 surgeries in the last 20 months. Can't wAit to get back. Obviously a very engaging sport with peck muscles.. So I hope I don't have any rotation problems with my implants.

  • Remi50
    Remi50 Member Posts: 44
    edited October 2016

    Tessio and Seedsally,

    Sounds like you both had good results and news. Hopefully it puts a nice skip in your step!! Happy days are awesome days!!


  • Seedsally
    Seedsally Member Posts: 141
    edited October 2016

    Thanks Remi

  • Remi50
    Remi50 Member Posts: 44
    edited October 2016


    Curious if your implants will be round or anatomical?


  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited October 2016

    Remi, mine are under the muscle. So glad to hear you are more positive!! 410's are naturally more firm because they have to adhere to skin and muscle. If you wear your sport bra as directed, it will stay put!! I am 62 and feel great!! They will feel more a part of you eventually but it does take time. Thanks for the P

  • JessieJake
    JessieJake Member Posts: 170
    edited October 2016

    I had my one month post-op today. The most enlightening part was seeing my before picture. Wow, what a difference! Definitely like my new look way better. As I mentioned, I most closely resembled a pre-teen before all this :) The real reason, though, we looked at it is because we were discussing why my implants are still not level despite my PS's efforts to correct this during the exchange surgery. LOL, I was unlevel before - something I never appreciated before all this. I was also obviously smaller on one side then the other, too. Again, never noticed! All this matches up with what I'm noticing with the implants. The left is a little higher, a little fuller. Can't mask nature, I guess.

    If anyone recalls, I had a ridge of something running across the bottom half of my right implants. The PA said it's scar tissue. I asked about being concerned about it and she said no. I'm not worried about it, but I kind of don't feel done with that topic. We discussed another round of fat grafting and she said it might be possible to plump up the right a little more than the left and maybe that will even it out. Funny thing is that it's hard to tell how much, if any fat, from the first round is still there. I thought it would be more obvious.

    In the end she said she was surprised how well it turned out (ah, thanks??). She had told me originally during fills that she though I'd have an excellent result. Not sure if she was just trying to make me feel better or what... Anyway, she said today that it looks more like an augmentation than reconstruction. I took that as a compliment and reassurance that it did go well.

    And, no surprise, she snuck in an extra week of physical activity restriction. She did this last time, too, so I was kind of anticipating it. LOL.

    Remi - I also had no idea there as above or below options. I learned this during my first consult and debated this literally up until the day before my surgery. Ultimately I chose to go above. I do believe it lent itself to some easier healing and avoidance of some of the discomfort associated with the chest muscle portion. Very individual choice, I think, with woman's body styles and life styles playing into the correct choice.

  • Seedsally
    Seedsally Member Posts: 141
    edited October 2016

    Remi mine are round and will be beneaththe muscle

  • HuskerFan
    HuskerFan Member Posts: 26
    edited October 2016

    JesseJake, sounds like your appointment was a good one! Hopefully another round of fat grafting will make things even better.

    I think it would be pretty interesting to compare before and after pics too. Gonna have to keep that in mind :

  • Remi50
    Remi50 Member Posts: 44
    edited October 2016

    hi JJ, so glad to hear you had a good apt today.. Anything positive is a plus going through all this. sounds like a little more time is necessary and another graft and you may fall into a good place with your exchange. I hope so. My ps never offered me the option. Can you explain the pros and cons. I can look it up too.

    ROBINBLESSED ..still on the edge and having a lot of anxiety over it. Still in a lot of pain. They are so cold and very scratchy feeling inside..still trying to be patient..

    Thanks Seedsally.


  • HuskerFan
    HuskerFan Member Posts: 26
    edited October 2016

    Remi, mine had that scratchy, uncomfortable feeling too. I will say I'm not noticing it near as much anymore (exchange was 6 weeks ago). Hopefully with a little more time some of that will go away.

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited October 2016

    My husband took before pictures and then every couple of weeks throughout fills. Then took pictures after exchange as I changed. So glad he did.

    I asked my PS to make me as close to my pre-cancer size and he got it right on the money! I was filled to 420cc and he put 475cc 410's


  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited October 2016

    Remi, They are cold!! They stay that way. I don't recall having a scratchy feeling though. Kingster calls them vampire boobs! She has smooth rounds so silicone of any type is cold.

    Hang in there!


  • Remi50
    Remi50 Member Posts: 44
    edited October 2016

    thanks all!!


  • FUBC
    FUBC Member Posts: 60
    edited October 2016

    Hi girls

    Can anyone tell me how long it takes for the swelling to go down? I know every one is different but an approximate time frame will help.

    Also, anyone know what the weight of each implant might be? Just wondering ...

    Hope all is doing well

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited October 2016

    fubc - swelling is pretty individualized, and also dependent on how much is done at the time of exchange - pocket work, fat grafting, etc., but I felt like between 4-8 weeks. Silicone implants weigh about 1/4 lb for each 100ccs, saline weighs just slightly less.

  • FUBC
    FUBC Member Posts: 60
    edited October 2016

    SpecialK, as usual you're very helpful. I am so glad you and whippetmom are always around helping the rest of us.

    Please be safe if you're in Florida tonight :-)