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Exchange City



  • Blueorange
    Blueorange Member Posts: 12
    edited October 2016

    hi all,

    I had my exchange on Oct 11th and I'm not sure if my healing is normal. Over the past few days I've noticed new bruises all over my left breast. in fact the entire breast looks bruised. it is a different color than my right side. I had a bmx, te's, and now silicone. is this something urgent that I should be worried about? I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon with my plastic surgeon..

  • MrsB88
    MrsB88 Member Posts: 77
    edited October 2016

    Blueorange - Just saw your post. It's just past 4 pm in CA. Can you call PS's ofc. before close today? Let them know what's happening. Glad you're going to your visit tomorrow but it's still worth a call today. Let us know how things go.

  • MrsB88
    MrsB88 Member Posts: 77
    edited October 2016

    SpecialK, Janett & FUBC thanks so much for your input. Like you said Janett, each PS seems to have their own ideas of post-op protocols depending on the patient & the surgery performed. I was on other sites today reading a variety of PS opinions on the post exchange compression garments, if to wear, how long to wear, what type to wear, etc. I think I psyched myself out. Today is the day my PS said I could stop wearing my surgical bra (6 wks post-op). I was really looking forward to being free of it. Then I read several docs say you should wear it for 3 mos! One PS said since he began this protocol 4 yrs ago, he hasn't had one patient with pocket related problems. Also, several PS's say you should continue to wear a support bra at night for even longer. Now I'm afraid to even consider taking this darn thing off (except to shower, of course)! I guess I'll wear it 24/7 until I see my PS next visit. She'll probably think I'm nuts! Everyone with an opinion, feel free to chime in, or not!

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited October 2016

    I wore a bra for almost a year even at night. It was a security blanket. I now wear one during day, mostly a bralette. I go braless at night now. It is a personal decisio

  • Blueorange
    Blueorange Member Posts: 12
    edited October 2016


    I called and left a message, got a call back and was asked to send pics. I didn't have good enough lighting to really capture the colors. My PS said he would have someone call me today. it's only been a few minutes, waiting for a call...

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited October 2016

    MrsB88: PS told me to continue wearing the surgery bras they gave me post BMX for about 6 weeks. They are not compression bras, just nice, comfortable, stretchy bras. I had a lot of pocket work during exchange and my breasts felt unstable, so I continued to wear the bras 24/7 for 6 months.

    No one mentioned anything about scar cream.

    Best wishes, Mominator

  • FUBC
    FUBC Member Posts: 60
    edited October 2016

    I have a question:

    I am 25 days post exchange and I still have pain, mostly upper inner side of breast. At times it feels as if implants are coming out of the pockets, but I had the same feeling with the TE's, I guess the muscle was being stretched but why do I still feel the pain. It hurts mostly during the night. Of course the pain is way way less than with the TE's but it's still there. Also worth mentioning is the fact that I had the exchange 2.5 weeks after final fill and all previous fills were done every week so I didn't give the skin too much time to stretch. I am also a C cup now vs A cup pre bmx. I mentioned these details bc I wonder if the muscle is still stretching which means that the pain will eventually stop at some point.

    Anyone else had the same experience? Will it get any better?

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited October 2016

    fubc - did your PS prescribe muscle relaxant meds after this surgery? That might be something that helps you.

  • MrsB88
    MrsB88 Member Posts: 77
    edited October 2016

    Robinb & Mominator - Thanks for your input re: length of time you wore supportive bras. I'm with you both on this one. There's definately no harm in wearing support for as long as one is willing & comfortable to do so. Thanks!

  • MrsB88
    MrsB88 Member Posts: 77
    edited October 2016

    FUBC -I'm not an expert here but since you went from an A cup to a C cup and your exchange was only 2 1/2 weeks after your last fill, it seems that you could very well be experiencing additional stretching especially if the implants are larger than the size you were expanded to. SpecialK's question about muscle relaxants and their ability to possibly help your discomfort is a good one. I got relief from them after my resection to expander surgery. I had exchange surgery 6 wks. ago & my implants are 135cc larger than my expansion. I still have a sensation in the area you described which is like a slight pulling but no pain and my PS waited 3 mos. from final fill to implants. Your PS should be made aware of your pain and the symptoms you describe. Each of us is unique in how much discomfort/pain we experience after surgery. I don't know of any reason why it wouldn't get better but that's why it's important to inform your PS so he/she can assess you and help you.

  • FUBC
    FUBC Member Posts: 60
    edited October 2016

    Thank you for your responses girls !!

    SpecialK, I have diclofenac at home which is an anti inflammatory but advil usually helps so I haven't used anything else.

    MrsB88, my implants are 590cc and I was filled to 630cc. I am hoping that the pain will subdue at some point. I know I rushed through the process but I really needed to get back to work which is the only thing that keeps me sane right now. PS suggested that I wait a bit longer. Anyhow, my next follow up is next week so I'll see what he says. I can tolerate physical pain, I just wanted to make sure this is (hopefully) temporary and not what I should be feeling for the rest of my life.Thank you for sharing your experience though. :-)

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited October 2016

    FUBC: yes, I think your muscles are still stretching and probably recovering from surgery. Mine continued to stretch and recover for several weeks after exchange.

    I had a lot of pocket work done during my exchange, so my experience may be very different from yours. However, my breasts felt very unstable and my muscles were very sore for several weeks post exchange.

    Over those weeks the pain diminished to just being uncomfortable and eventually went away. Only once in a while I get a shiver and my muscles will feel just a little uncomfortable, but no pain anymore.

    I am almost 10 months post-exchange. I hope you're feeling better soon.


  • grandma3X
    grandma3X Member Posts: 297
    edited October 2016
    I'm 3 days out from my exchange and my left side is noticeable larger than the right. I think it may be more swollen - this is the side where the PS had to recreate the IMF. I also feel a tender spot on my sternum and some stinging pain along the sides of my foobs. All in all, the pain is not too bad and I'm controlling it with Tylenol. I hope to get back to work maybe by Tues. or Wed. next week. This morning I was able to get out of bed without too much pain :)

    The discussion about wearing bras has me thinking I should be wearing one too. Right now I just have an Ace bandage wrapped around the top of the foobs to prevent them from migrating upward. But I notice when I lay down that they shift to the side. Maybe I'll try a soft stretchy bra today and see if that keeps them in place.

    FUBC - I waited almost 3 months between my last fill and the exchange. I had a lot of travelling on my schedule, including to South America, and did not want to risk having problems while out of town. At the time of exchange, my left side had a lot of give to it, while my right side was still rock hard. Now that I have had the exchange, they both feel nice and squishy :)
  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited October 2016

    fubc - Valium, Skelaxin, Soma, Flexiril - all commonly prescribed to help with muscle tightness after this type of surgery. Maybe ask your PS for a short term prescription for one of those.

  • FUBC
    FUBC Member Posts: 60
    edited October 2016

    Hey girls,

    thanks again for your input.

    Mominator thank you for sharing your experience, it really put my mind at ease. I was hoping that will be the case, but I wasn't completely sure.

    Grandma, congrats on your exchange. My PS' nurse told me a supporting bra is a must for 4-6 weeks or until the implant settle while the pocket work and revisions heal.

    SpecialK thanks for the advise. I'll ask my PS next time I see him.

    Enjoy the weekend ladies :-)

  • bikefam
    bikefam Member Posts: 98
    edited October 2016

    Regarding the discussion on pain after exchange, I am 6 months post exchange. I still have pain occasionally. My PS wanted me to take it easy and not do any lifting or exercise involving my pecs for 4 months, so I have only been back to normal activity for 2 months. I thought the pain was probably from my pecs being out of shape. I don't experience it while I'm working out (swimming, raking leaves, etc), but I do at random times when I am just sitting still. Also, pressure on my foob tends to cause mild pain (laying on it, a tight sports bra, seat belt on a long drive). I don't know if this is a comment or a question, but that is what I have experienced. Has anyone else experienced this?

  • deeratz
    deeratz Member Posts: 319
    edited October 2016

    FUBC-Hang in there. I had my expanders filled over many months so things stretched out more slowly. You had a rather quick fill process. I'm sure your pec muscles aren't sure what they are supposed to be doing.

    I am very happy with these new implants. I have had very little pain. My incisions look really good. She did a great job and addressed all the issues I had with the last exchange. One difference that is weird is that these implants are smooth on the outside. I can feel my pec muscles slipping over top of them when I move certain ways. They kind of make a noise. I am wearing a tight sports bra as well I have been wrapping a tensor bandage over top to hold them in place. I am quite bruised and I don't remember this much bruising last time. I think she did more work on them than I think she did. My incisions are itchy too. I guess that's means healing is happening!

    LADYnKY Member Posts: 36
    edited October 2016

    hi everyone I'm new here but not really. I've lurked here since my diagnosis 5/4/16. One month before my 50th bday. IDC. I opted for double mastectomy choosing to save my right breasts nipple and skin since it was non cancer side. I felt like I was trying to save some of me by doing that. I found this website and would lurk daily trying to prepare myself and it has helped immensely. I got expanders during mastectomy and began fills which so horrible for me. I hated it so bad. My PS said my skin was thin and he had to stretch me slowly. Ughhhh

    I just had my exchange 10/26/16. Mentor memory shape high profile. 440cc. I am still very swollen especially on my breast bone and cancer side. Feel very itchy around back and breasts also. Incisions look wonderful.

    When should the swelling subside? I know everyone is different but I look forward to seeing these puppies how they're suppose to look.

    I go to PS Monday.

    I've followed so many of your stories to try and prepare myself. Thank you all. I decided to post today because I saw some newly diagnosed and wanted to share.

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited October 2016

    Lady, you will he swollen for awhile. I took a picture of myself at 2 months and still looked swollen.

    I would say 6 months at least to get an idea on the look. You need to be patient. Follow PS instructions carefully. It will pay off in the end.


    LADYnKY Member Posts: 36
    edited October 2016

    thank you so much robin. I've read many of your threads as my journey began.

    LADYnKY Member Posts: 36
    edited October 2016

    grandma we had our exchange the same day! How's your swelling and bruising

  • mvspaulding
    mvspaulding Member Posts: 172
    edited October 2016

    I just had fat grafting done on Thursday. I wasn't expecting to have as much pain with this surgery as I have had. I came home in a surgical bra and a binder with all kinds of padding and gauze inside. I took all the padding and gauze out yesterday because I couldn't stand it anymore. She took fat from my stomach and sides of my chest. Said I need to wear the binder on stomach area and a tight sports bra until I see her on Friday. I am just hating this binder. Does anyone know how long the pain lasts with this? I know they are going to look better after this but I am kind of regretting doing this.

  • Wildtulip
    Wildtulip Member Posts: 470
    edited October 2016

    Thinking ahead to my Dec exchange, I'm wondering how quickly most felt comfortable driving. (Like even quick errands to pick up kids, for example.) I know I will have to take into consideration if I'm on prescription pain meds, but looking for a ballpark idea. Thank you!

  • veggal
    veggal Member Posts: 261
    edited October 2016

    I was driving 3 days later. Just short trips to the grocery store, etc. For as much pain as I woke up in after surgery, I quickly got off the narcotics.

  • grandma3X
    grandma3X Member Posts: 297
    edited October 2016

    LADYnKY - I took the dressings off today and had a good look. The incisions are red but not weeping so I guess they are holding up! There is a bit of swelling and I'm bruised in a couple of places but overall not too bad. I did not have high expectations to begin with - just wanted this whole experience to come to an end! I am pretty sure the PS will want to do fat grafting and can see some rippling along the inside edge of my right foob that may benefit from some added fat. But to be honest, I'm not sure at this point that I would want to go through any more surgeries.

    How are you feeling?

    LADYnKY Member Posts: 36
    edited October 2016

    right there with you! Expectations low. I'm bruised around breast bone area and more swollen on cancer side. Incisions are not weepy and look way better than I anticipated. I feel like my cancer side foob is a little higher? Maybe cause more skin was taken idk?! I do live how they're pliable though lol those expanders were the devil.

    I've showered and all and am just being careful. I go back to wk. Friday. PS appt Tom.

  • Seedsally
    Seedsally Member Posts: 141
    edited October 2016

    Welcome LadynKY from a Missourian. Glad you decided to post. I will be having my EX in a little over a week. I am so ready! I followed the posts and learned so much from our BC sisters on here. Keep posting. So glad to have you.

  • grandma3X
    grandma3X Member Posts: 297
    edited October 2016
    SeedSally - the exchange surgery was very easy. I took Tramadol the first 2 nights, but have been on Tylenol since then. Today I went to my grandkids soccer game and then stopped by Dollar General to pick up some Halloween supplies (husband drove of course) and was fine.
  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited October 2016

    Lady, I never had any bruising from either surgery.

    I didn't even bruise ftom core needle biopsy. My cancer side is dented in ever so slightly near my armpit right where the tumor was. I am the only one who would notice. Probably more taken there too!


  • Seedsally
    Seedsally Member Posts: 141
    edited October 2016

    I'm so glad you are doing well Grandma (ha that sounds funny-me calling you that). I think my EX may be a little harder to recover from than most because my incisions are going to be widened quite a bit to get the excess skin and tissue out from under my arms. The PS also intends to do a little pocket work and internal node scar release. But I am sooo ready to get it done.