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  • Herculesmulligan
    Herculesmulligan Member Posts: 61
    edited May 2017

    thanks everyone for your input. I always like to gather experiences of people around me. OG we'll do this together! Keep me posted how your procedure goes

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,405
    edited May 2017

    Kacop: I'm not sure why they removed 16 lymph nodes with a diagnosis of DCIS, but you should be aware of the possibility of lymphadema and take appropriate preventative measures. Below is a great information site with contributions from several of our BCO women.

  • Leslienva
    Leslienva Member Posts: 343
    edited May 2017

    I don't understand why lymph nodes would be removed at all now that a sentinel node biopsy can determine if the cancer has spread or not.

    Kacop, do you know why your surgeon removed so many?

  • sitti
    sitti Member Posts: 89
    edited May 2017

    I was wondering the same thing as MinusTwo and Leslienva about the lymph nodes.

    It is helpful and encouraging to read everyone's exchange experience. Don't know when my exchange will be, still getting fills at a slow rate as my skin on cancer side is thin, but reading everyones experience does help me to adjust my expectations and prepared ahead that the immediate result won't necessarily be the end result. Thank you all for sharing!

  • kingster
    kingster Member Posts: 289
    edited May 2017

    Regarding lymph node removal with DCIS. I had atypical lobular hyperplasia and some abnormal appearing lymph nodes on my extensive dcis side, so I had 5 nodes removed from the extensive side and only 2 removed from the less dcis side. Sentinel node bx was done on both. May depend on the extent of the dcis? Mine was grade 3 and my entire breast on the left was involved. Was not able to have nipple sparing because of that.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited May 2017

    Hello all!

    Mominator, I had a lump a couple of months after surgery to remove my infected TE. Scary. Mine turned out to be a fat infiltrated lymph node. In other words a dead lymph node that filled up with fat. It was removed when I had my replacement squishy sx. It grew to the size of an egg in just a bit of time, felt like it was an egg, kind of loose cause it moved, but was hard in the egg shape. It hurt when the dr pressed on it. So there is another possibility of a more hopeful scenario. Hugs.

  • bikefam
    bikefam Member Posts: 98
    edited May 2017

    I want to chime in on the painful lump thread. Before I was diagnosed with bc, I had a painful, although squishy lump about the size of an egg. I mentioned it to my obgyn for a couple years and he said it was just fatty tissue. Even sent me to a breast surgeon, who thought the same thing. It didn't show up as anything on a mamogram or ultrasound. But it was painful such that I couldn't lay on my stomach or want anyone to hug me tightly. Finally, the surgeon said he could remove it. Probably because I complained so much. There was no biopsy before surgery because everyone was convinced that it was just fat. Well, they did biopsy it afterwards, and that's when they found DCIS. WIth no clean margins, I went in for another lumpectomy with a wider area. Still no clean margins, so a mastectomy for me. The oncologist claims that lump was the cancer, but I still think they were right in that it was a fatty tissue and I just happened to have DCIS as well. Pays to be persistant and check out anything suspicious.

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352
    edited May 2017

    Hello, guys. Reading the posts with interest and wondering: when you say "things don't look good following exchange" -- what exactly does this mean? I know TEs have more projection than implants. And some people are flatter. I'm looking forward to that because I don't want to be as big as the TEs. Ha ha!

    Do implants just NOT look good at first? I won't have exchange until Aug/Sept.


  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited May 2017

    minute - just so you are fully aware, saline implants are encased in a silicone shell, so choosing saline doesn't mean there is a total absence of silicone in the implant.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,405
    edited May 2017

    EastCoast - everyone is different so it's hard to say. But usually, yes, they don't look too exciting at first. There is serious trauma with any surgery. Adding implants means even longer for swelling to go down and your body to adjust.

    Shapes are skewed, sizes may look off. You will look flatter. As a rule, implants don't have the projection of natural breasts or TEs. You may look wider or they may be further under your armpits. You may or may not have the same cleavage. One may be higher or lower. Some of it depends on the condition of your skin. A lot depends on the skill of your PS. Almost as much depends on your communication with your PS and his skill in listening & understanding what you want.

    I too wanted to be smaller. I think that's hard for any male PS to understand so you need to stress that point if it's what you want.

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352
    edited May 2017


    Thanks! And I should say -- I know this is going to come off as sexist -- but I have an ALL female team. And I do mean all (PS, BS, MO, integrative MO.).

    I've been so very knowledgable (much of it through research on this site) but for the implant piece, I'm a bit lost. Sizes and shapes, etc. Do you show them photos of a breast you have in mind, like we do with hair? SmileMy PS does not like to use photos and I can kinda see why. We may never achieve what we are asking them to do. Ugh is all I say. But I think I'll be so damn happy to have the TEs out that I may not care what the foobs look like!!!!!!!!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,405
    edited May 2017

    EastCoast - most of my docs are female also!!

    Go to the thread Breast Implant Sizing 101. Read the header carefully then leave a message with the requested particulars for WhippetMom. She is really a guru. Sometimes she might ask you to PM pictures, but her advice is the best thing most of us got.

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352
    edited May 2017

    ;) MinusTwo:

    Have posted on Whippetmom's twice before -- for great advice. And sent her a private pic just this morning! You and I think alike.

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited May 2017

    Yes, the male PS don't understand the size issue! I told mine that I wanted to stay about the same size as I was. He said, "don't you want to be bigger?" NO I don't! I want my clothes to fit me and if God wanted me to have big boobs He would have given them to me to begin with. So he gave me what I asked for. Thank you. I was filled to 420cc and have 475 gummies. They look great, but took a while to get there. I would say a good year until they looked good. Patience is a virtue in this game. Take care and take heart, things will get better. :)


  • Scottiemom11
    Scottiemom11 Member Posts: 1,072
    edited May 2017

    I too had an all female team originally. New PS, a highly recommended male doc, did my revision for CC. I have to say that my first PS said she could only guarantee sisters, not twins. New PS gave me almost twins and more projection for the same size. I'm only 300 cc on each side.


  • Herculesmulligan
    Herculesmulligan Member Posts: 61
    edited May 2017

    That's funny, my PS asked repeatedly if I didn't want more fills for bigger boobs. I figure he spends a lot of time with people wanting bigger, bigger, bigger, until it just seems like the norm to him.

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited May 2017

    I am actually slightly smaller than I was. It is okay for the most part because now my shirts don't have that slight opening at the buttons. I miss my natural breasts. I think that is why I am slightly unhappy right now. For the most part considering how much my breasts were cut into and how much radiation my left side had, I don't look too bad.

  • Leslienva
    Leslienva Member Posts: 343
    edited May 2017

    I was hoping to get to a C cup with the implants, but due to the problems I had on my radiated side, I'm barely a B cup.

  • agentlmiller007
    agentlmiller007 Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2017

    1) Could anyone chime in about their experience with "gummy bear" implants? Has anyone had both regular silicon and also shaped/anatomical/cohesive gel implants and could give their impressions of both??

    My doc is suggesting round silicon for me, but I think shaped gummies would suit me better. He says because my "natural breasts were more round shaped to begin with" ... but I don't really care what I was like before. As far as I see it, this is an empty slate opportunity to be what I want to be, not just exactly what I was before. For context, I am also a very thin, petite athletic person.

    2) How much activity can you have how soon after implant exchange? My work is VERY physical and I just said I would start back again June 1... But then my PS threw me a curveball today that I might do an exchange for an implant on my right side on Thursday....

    3) My surgery on Thursday was supposed to be just to fix my left side. My TE has literally folded in half. (I had a very large seroma on that side and I think the extra fluid made it kind of like free float in there and then it slipped down and folded in half. So now it's been a very painful "taco tit" with extra hard corners trying to poke through my skin on the bottom edges..and we tried to fill it a bit in hopes that maybe it would unfold itself, but no dice. Has anyone else ever heard of something like this happening!??!

    OK. So now here is the real predicament - my surgeon said he's having a hard time getting another expander available that would fit me. Apparently the company we used the first time around stopped making them in my size? I'm very small. I think we were hoping to go with a 185cc as my final implant.

    Also, anyone have any input about maybe just using a TE that is a bit too big?? Is that an option?

    4) Is it typical to over or under expand the TE's if swapping out for gummies? I'm getting a bit confused on that.

    Thanks all.

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited May 2017

    agent, I have gummies. They put a bigger gummy than fill size so it will adhere to the muscle/skin. That is to prevent rotation. They are quite static with less movement than rounds. Kingster had a te fold and had to replace.

    I am very happy with mine over 2 years out.


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,405
    edited May 2017

    AgentMiller. You need to go to the same Breast Implant Sizing 101 that I suggested to East Coast seven posts back. The link is above. You need to read the header and provide your specifications. WhippetMom will be able to make a good suggestion. She will know all about your size questions also & every possible kind of implant.

    There are several threads devoted just to the anatomical implants - originally called gummy bears and only made by Allergan. Now there are several other manufacturers. You need a very experienced surgeon to fit the anatomical implants correctly. If those weren't in his original plan, there may be quite a bit of pocket work needed.

    I was told two weeks after exchange before going back to work. If your work is very physical, I think you would want to be totally healed to avoid further problems. By all means, ask your doc & get a release.

    When you get a minute, go to My Profile and fill in your diagnosis and treatment so far. It sounds like you have had a BMX with TEs?? Have you also had chemo? Rads? Radiation will change the equation also.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,405
    edited May 2017

    AgentMiller. You need to go to the same Breast Implant Sizing 101 that I suggested to East Coast seven posts back. The link is above. You need to read the header and provide your specifications. WhippetMom will be able to make a good suggestion. She will know all about your size questions also & every possible kind of implant.

    There are several threads devoted just to the anatomical implants - originally called gummy bears and only made by Allergan. Now there are several other manufacturers. You need a very experienced surgeon to fit the anatomical implants correctly. If those weren't in his original plan, there may be quite a bit of pocket work needed.

    I was told two weeks after exchange before going back to work. If your work is very physical, I think you would want to be totally healed to avoid further problems. By all means, ask your doc & get a release.

    When you get a minute, go to My Profile and fill in your diagnosis and treatment so far. It sounds like you have had a BMX with TEs?? Have you also had chemo? Rads? Radiation will change the equation also.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,405
    edited May 2017

    Hmmm looks like I sent you the link for breast implant sizing 101 on April 10th. Maybe you've already consulted with WhippetMom.

  • farmdream
    farmdream Member Posts: 74
    edited May 2017

    Hello all - I am having my exchange surgery June 6.

    My doctor only uses Mentor and generally uses high profile round smooth implants. I did ask him about ultra high due to the concern of having enough projection. He said he would use UHP if I wanted.

    For the ladies that have high profile do you wish you had more projection? For the ladies that have UHP do you like them?

    I would greatly appreciate your thoughts and experience.

    I know a lot depends on my body and Whippetmom has provided amazing guidance.

    I guess now that I can choose an option I don't know which to go with, I like the projection of my TE's even if they don't look natural, but my PS said I will like the high profile.


  • kingster
    kingster Member Posts: 289
    edited May 2017

    Agent, my TE had to be replaced at 6 weeks postop. Since it folded, the fill needle poked holes in it and it leaked and flattened after fills. I had alot of intense vomiting post bmx/TE placement which may have dislodged it. Also, my TE were not able to be filled at all at time of placement.

  • moodyblues
    moodyblues Member Posts: 393
    edited May 2017

    Good morning, surgeon mentioned  we would be talking about removing expanders and inserting implants on my next visit.  Can anyone tell me more about their exchange?  I googled it, but found more on reconstruction than the exchange process.  Will they make an incision under arm or go into the same incision that is already across the face of my breast? Recovery, pain, do's, don'ts?

    Thanks in advance!

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352
    edited May 2017


    Experienced exchangers can add more than I can (I'm still in TEs) but my PS is going to use the same incision. Below my breast fold for me -- I had nipple/skin sparing.

    Discuss with your PS. I think that's very typical. I hate the idea since my incision has healed but why create more scars?

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited May 2017

    farmdream - if you look at the Mentor site and look at the difference between, for example a 400cc implant, the difference in projection between a high profile and an ultra high profile is .4cm, which is .15 inches. That is for the implant on its own, not implanted in any individual's body. I honestly don't think it is enough of a difference to worry about.

    moody - generally most PS use the same incision, unless there is a compelling reason not to.

  • moodyblues
    moodyblues Member Posts: 393
    edited May 2017

    Thank you SpecialK and EastcoastTS.

  • meg2016
    meg2016 Member Posts: 188
    edited May 2017

    farmdream I also asked about ultra-high as well. I had radiation and my PS said she has concerns about my skins ability to handle them. I am going with highs, which she thinks I will be very happy with- its what she normally uses in cases with radiation. Based on her pictures, they have great projection. Does your PS have some pictures you can see? My exchange isn't for a couple more months, so can't tell you yet about my experience with them.