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  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited May 2017

    MinuteAtATime and EastcoastTS: welcome to Exchange City. I agree with Molly that many of your questions may be answered on TE: A Beginner's Primer thread. Don't worry, there is a lot of overlap between the two threads.

    Minute: I was very swollen after my BMX, my PS had me wear a compression bandage, similar to an Ace bandage for the first two weeks post surgery. BS was horrified, but PS was in charge of reconstruction. If you have TEs, why do you need fake inserts? I would think the TEs are enough for now. I have the highly cohesive silicone impants (gummies), so I don't know as much about saline.

    Eastcoast: pocket work can be many things for many surgeons. Mostly, it's making sure the pocket for the implant is the right size, shape, and placement. My PS did a lot of pocket work at exchange. Left TE had migrated into my armpit, and right pocket still had a lot of fat in it. My PS does drains for all anatomicals. Ask questions if your PS is not communicative.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,405
    edited May 2017

    Minute - in the old days, there might have been problems with silicone. Now there really isn't because the silicone is usually cohesive gel (think gummy bears candy) so if there is a 'puncture', the gel doesn't leak out into your body.

    As for compression or bras, after following these threads for a very long time, I've learned that every single PS is different. Some say wear nothing, some way underwire bras only, some say NEVER wear underwire, etc. THis is a good place to research, but ultimately you have to trust your doc - unless something seems VERY wrong - then ask him.

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited May 2017

    Leslie and Carla: Yes, of the possibilities (cyst, scar tissue or fat necrosis), fat necrosis does seem to be a good candidate. I did have  necrosis back in 1995 after a bad case of mastitis while breast feeding. It was a very hard lump. That BS tried needle aspiration, but nothing came out. Eventually, PS did a biopsy, and found and removed the necrosis.

    Leslie, how long did you have the fat necrosis before it reabsorbed? What tests, if any, did you have?

    When BS called with results, she was very clear that there was "no obvious abnormality" and that MRI is the most sensitive of the breast images. She seemed to feel that I should stop there. We could "wait and see what happens."

    I said that while I was very grateful that there was no obvious abnormality, there is still a hard lump that is uncomfortable, is moving toward painful. That was when she ordered the ultrasound.

    Both doctors seem to feel that the lump falls under the other doctor's jurisdiction. BS thinks it's the implant, PS thinks it's some type of tissue.

    Ultrasound is scheduled for May 16 and that pushes the follow up to May 23.

    If ultrasound doesn't show anything, I will ask about options, including "wait and see" and a needle aspiration/biopsy.

  • Pamela_2016
    Pamela_2016 Member Posts: 23
    edited May 2017

    I wore nothing but soft camisole from Day 2 to 14 and healed beautifully. I started adding lambswool inserts to a coobie bra after that. I got my shape/appearance back when I put on my own pre-surgery underwire bras. I avoided them for the first several weeks, but once I started wearing them again I looked so much more even in my clothes.

    I had exchange surgery and a lift this morning. The lift hurts. I am not numb on that side. But all in all, this surgery has not been a big deal. I am mostly irritated by the compression bra I'm wearing for 48 hours.

  • jallyson
    jallyson Member Posts: 13
    edited May 2017

    Mominator -  Last year, I discovered a lump 2 weeks after my exchange. After mammograph (which I couldn't believe they would do so soon after exchange) and sonogram, it was still "suspicious". Although radiologist recommended a biopsy, I spoke with my BS and we agreed total excision was the best route as it would alleviate any further testing of this lump and ultimately it would be sent to pathology for testing. Mine turned out to be fat necrosis (thank god).  I would suggest you ask about removing yours as well. My lump was pushed to surface and to have it removed, I had it done outpatient with twilight anesthesia.  I am so glad it was totally removed and never have to feel it again.  Good luck ! Sending you good thoughts and prayers.

  • Herculesmulligan
    Herculesmulligan Member Posts: 61
    edited May 2017

    Mominator: did u ever think you'd come to a place in your life where two surgeons were arguing over jurisdiction of your breasts?

  • Leslienva
    Leslienva Member Posts: 343
    edited May 2017

    Mominator, I had the fat necrosis for several months before it reabsorbed. It was a small lump, tho. The surgeon said he could easily remove it in his office but it was gone before I could schedule anything. If yours is a larger lump, you might want it removed.

  • minuteatatime
    minuteatatime Member Posts: 68
    edited May 2017

    Thanks Mominator, MinusTwo, and Molly. The reason I wanted an insert for return to work is that so far I've had a masectomy only on the left so I'm uneven. But found out last week that the lump they thought was benign on the right (removed just to be sure) turned out to be DCIS, so now I'm scheduled for masectomy on right side in a few weeks. I talked to my PS's nurse and apparantly he doesn't want me to wear anything other than a camisole over it and NO inserts--not sure why, although my skin is sensitive on left side and I had nipple-sparing, so perhaps it's to make sure everything heals well.

    Another question I have: If you had masectomy plus TE insertion surgery only (i.e., not followed by chemo or rads), how soon did you return to work? My PS said no driving for 3 weeks, but otherwise I'm feeling pretty good 10 days after my surgery (aside from the stupid TE discomfort).

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352
    edited May 2017

    Thanks, Mominator! I'm sorry you're dealing with additional issues. This damn merry-go-round never stops!!!! I'll be thinking of you. Add my name to the list in your pocket. ;)

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited May 2017


    Glad to see you back and in good spirits. I hope your recovery continues smoothly. The lift side may hurt/not be numb because not as much tissue was taken from that side (vs mastectomy side), and presumably the nerves may still be intact. Many of us have little feeling after mastectomy. You may, later on, appreciate having feeling at least on one side.


    Thanks for the info on your fat necrosis. My necrosis back in 1995 was removed as a biopsy procedure. Once he found the fat necrosis, he just removed the entire lump, and it was also done with twilight anesthesia.

    I agree with your thinking. Although the current lump is not "suspicious" I hope eventually it will be removed so not to feel it again.

    Yes, it is strange having two surgeons were arguing over breast jurisdiction. LOL, I never thought anyone cared about my breasts except my husband. Mostly, I think the two surgeons are saying, "not me, the other guy."


    Your PS probably wants no inserts so that everything heals well. I had nipple sparing, but both areolas had some skin necrosis. Also, right developed an infection. So we all take extra care.

    I had masectomy plus TE insertion surgery only, I was driving short, local trips at two weeks. probably no heavy lifting for at least a month. Again, take extra care, it really depends on what your job requires. 


    Thanks, Eastcoast! You have been added to the list in my pocket.

    So just as I was about to hit submit, PS's nurse called. She said similar things as what BS said yesterday, especially no evidence of abnormality and minimum fluid around the intact implant. However, nurse did mention that the marker over lump was "right at the edge of the imaging area. So the lump may not be included in the image." Nurse said PS was recommending a CT scan if I want to pursue this further. I said yes, I want to pursue this further because it is uncomfortable, almost painful. I told nurse that BS has already ordered an ultrasound, so I'll start there. I also said that I was glad that both PS and BS were both following this problem and working so well together.

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited May 2017

    Minute, I had two separate mastectomies. The second one did not hurt at all which got me into trouble doing too much. Follow your PS instructions. Why not plan on taking at least 3 weeks off?

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited May 2017

    Hi EastcoastTS,

    It's nice to talk to another ILC gal! I wasn't as small as you, but a B cup. I asked to be the same size as before bc. I had a BMX in September 2014 with immediate TE's. I was expanded to 420 cc's and he put in 475 gummies. He did some pocket work at the exchange to even out my implants. That was sore, but not too bad. I had my TE's in 6 months. Like the other ladies have mentioned, the silicone are very safe because they are cohesive. I am very happy with mine and they are pretty close to "twins". I had 3D tattoos done at the PS office first but they were hideous and the medical grade ink fades and just doesn't have that real look. So I went to a tattoo parlor in Upland CA and had them redone by Corey Miller of LA Ink fame. Just as good as a Vinnie, or in my opinion, better! But you are in Philly, so you would be pretty close to Maryland. Make sure you share you concerns and wishes to your PS regarding your space between the implants. I had a huge space before bc, but mine are nicely seated on my chest.

    Take care and just keep those questions coming, everyone on this site is fantastic and will give you lots of tips. :)


  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited May 2017

    Sorry EastcoastTS, I got the posts mixed up with Minuteatatime!! but you all can read all the advice and pick and choose what applies to you! God bless to all!


  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited May 2017

    I had my final post op with PS today. I feel sad because I like him and because of course my implants are not perfect. It must be hard for a PS to see imperfection and be forced to let it go but I stressed no more surgery for me if possible. My right side has dropped a bit but not horrible. My left he said will always be imperfect because of radiation but he stressed that I should be happier with it over time as it softens a bit. I will do tattoos in the next several months I think.

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352
    edited May 2017


    I get the posts mixed up all the time. And I just read your advice and it seemed to pertain to me! LMAO!!!

  • minuteatatime
    minuteatatime Member Posts: 68
    edited May 2017

    Got my drains removed today. YIPEEE! I can take a shower tomorrow!

    Mominator: Good for you for pushing for the diagnostic. Hope you can have it done soon. Thanks for answering my questions. I did see the PS's NP today for a checkup and she said the reason was as we said--the skin needs to heal, so they want nothing rubbing against it/no pressure on it.

    Molly: Thank you! In theory, I think 3 weeks would really complete my healing, but as I'm feeling much better now I keep thinking that in reality I could do a few hours a day from home and some people go back after 2 weeks. so I feel a little guilty. But it sounds like you wish you would not have started back so soon to avoid some problems. That's good for me to keep in mind. I tend to get sucked in to work.

    And thanks everyone for the info on the silicone.

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377
    edited May 2017

    So my exchange surgery is next week on Wednesday and I'm getting a little nervous as I have been talking to pre-op nurses today at cetera. I am going to be having 800cc ultra-high smooth round silicone I am 5 foot 5 and 170 pounds and have what they call broad-based chest I never thought of myself as broad-based chest but I guess that's the terminology they use so he said that I will not be any bigger than my TE's but that I should have good upper pole and good projection anybody a little heavier and have the largest implants they make and did you like them that's what I'm nervous about I don't want hamburger buns. Thanks ladies!!

  • Kacop
    Kacop Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2017

    Hello all. I'm fairly new to the community. I've read much, but just posted in the May surgery group for the first time the other day. I had tissue exchange surgery May 9 and was able to remove compression bra to shower today. It's amazing to feel how much softer the implant is. However, I am really disappointed in the look. I've read other posts and blogs where others said the same thing, but I didn't think that would be me, for some ridiculous reason. My expanders were very symmetrical. These implants, though, are not. I guess I just need some reassurance that they heal differently than they look now. I also have to keep reminding myself that these are not the augmented breasts people get for purely cosmetic purposes.

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited May 2017

    Kacop, they will be swollen for quite a while. There will be much change as they heal and settle. The best advice we can give you is "step away from the mirror ". I know that is hard but you need to allow your body time to heal and adjust. You will be amazed at how much they change. Hang in there.


  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited May 2017

    Kacop, I am 7 weeks out from exchange and my implants look and feel better but I have a way to go. Plus I had radiation and my PS said not to expect perfection. I look great in clothes!

  • kingster
    kingster Member Posts: 289
    edited May 2017

    Kacop, since you were symmetrical with your expanders, there is a good chance that you will be symmetrical again. My exchange was 3/2015, and my post op check was the worst ever...extreme dissatisfaction. But, I think they look good now, and as the pain dissipates, it makes a huge difference too. I think mine look better as they age and am glad that I didn't jump into a revision. My hubby feels that I look better in clothes more than ever, and in low lighting I look "like a pole dancer", lol. Anyway, no one prepares us for the disappointment after exchange. You feel like...I made it to the implants and I should be done. It took me forever to adjust, and still am really. Losing our breasts to cancer is cut yourself a break.

    Mominator, I was lumpy too, especially when I had my expanders. My doctors said fat necrosis. Could also be a fat cyst. Best to get it removed if it doesn't start going away on its own...just to make sure it's not a recurrence. Best wishes.

  • Pamela_2016
    Pamela_2016 Member Posts: 23
    edited May 2017

    Thanks for asking the question Kacop, and for the "wait and see," "stay away from the mirror" advice from Robin, Molly and Kingster. I also had exchange surgery on Tuesday, May 9, and my first peak was difficult.

    First, I had minimal bruising from my mastectomy but I look battered under my arm/on the ribcage of the exchange side. I was not expecting that! I am less surprised by the bright red bruising associated with my lift on the other side.

    My exchange side seams enormous and high in my chest. I can't imagine I will be even at the end. But I guess it is not healthy to expect complete restoration here. I keep reminding myself that my cancer is gone, I am unlikely to die young from this, I am lucky to have access to medical expertise and care that have given me some good enough breasts.

    Hope things get resolved soon, Mominator. Youve been a good support for us.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,405
    edited May 2017

    Just jumping in to emphasize the length of time it takes to be able to accurately assess your results. A minimum would be AT LEAST 6 weeks just for most of the swelling subside. The body - tissues, muscles, skin, implant, etc - will continue to change/heal in VERY slow increments. It's not unusual for change to continue more than 6 months, Of course that's not what we want to hear. I had TEs for 7 months before exchange, and what I wanted (hoped for) was immediate results that showed me "hooray, you're done & it's good". Low and behold, by the end of a year I looked really good. It's hard, but do step away from the mirror and try not to look.

    Another saying that used to be repeated on this thread a lot: "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should." (tribute to Moonflower) You are healing from major surgery that was traumatic to your entire body. Take it slowly. Build up gradually & don't try to lift gallon milk bottles right away.

  • Lkscolo
    Lkscolo Member Posts: 40
    edited May 2017

    Kacob, I remember feeling the same way. I loved my expander look and woke up after exchange very disappointed. I took weekly photos because these ladies promised me things would get better and that way I could see the improvement each week. After about 6 weeks they did look so much better. I am still contemplating a small revision with fat transfer but I keep changing my mind so I will wait. Hang in there!

  • Herculesmulligan
    Herculesmulligan Member Posts: 61
    edited May 2017

    Kacop I'm having my exchange Wednesday. From what I've read here things don't look so good at first but get better. I'll let u know what my experience is on Wednesday.

  • Herculesmulligan
    Herculesmulligan Member Posts: 61
    edited May 2017

    hey you guys whohave been through much am I going to feel like doing in the days just after the surgery? Can I get myself dressed in the morning? Can I make myself something to eat? Will I feel like cooking?

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited May 2017

    Hercules, I felt fine after exchange. No problem dressing or taking basic care of myself. I stuck to button down shirts and easy pants for a few days.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,405
    edited May 2017

    Hercules - just a different point of view. I stayed overnight in the hospital for the exchange and was in bed for the 24 hours after that. Not only did I not try to dress, I didn't try to cook. Nor was I really interested in eating. I was off 'heavy' drugs in 3 days, but I had drains again for the exchange so I didn't try to drive right away. It all depends on the length of the surgery and your reaction to the anethesia.

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377
    edited May 2017

    Hercules, I too am having exchange on Wednesday. Good luck xxxxx

  • Kacop
    Kacop Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2017

    Thank you all for the reassurance! I keep reading that it will be weeks to months for the healing to take place, but I just (unrealistically) wanted to wipe my hands of this. Actually, they are already looking a little better already...far from where I'd like them, but ever-so-slightly better. I'm not even contemplating revision surgery. Unless it were really bad, I don't think I would consider revision. I want the put a period on this experience. Friday, when I was able to take off compression bra to shower, was just one of my "feel sorry for myself" days. I don't have them very often because I truly feel lucky, but the blah emotions pop up every now and again.

    Hercules and OG,good luck! My experience was that I felt great immediately after surgery and even the day after. The last couple of days I've been achy and sore, but not terribly bad. I'm mostly just taking Ibuprofen for it. You will probably be surprised with how much better the surgery recovery is compared to a mastectomy- for me it wasn't even in the ballpark. What I find interesting is that I'm not sore near the incision sites...I'm assuming because I still don't have full sensation after the DX. I am most sore through my upper chest and out toward my shoulder. Both deltoid muscles are sore and my right side, where 16 lymph nodes were removed, is the worst. There is a lot of swelling in my upper chest too, maybe that has something to do with it.

    I can do pretty much anything, but I just limit the weight and try to limit my arm movement. The fact that I feel I can do anything may be more the reason that I am sore... I may be doing a bit much and I am trying to pull back now a little. The doctor will let you know what your limitations are and that should be your ultimate guide. I try to abide by what t he doctor says, but also I feel I have a firm grasp of my own body and let that guide me as well.