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  • veggal
    veggal Member Posts: 261
    edited June 2017

    Thanks, JJ!

    I have my pre-op appointment 7/20 and I will certainly have questions. At this point I am really in favor of going with sub-pec implants again. I really like the coverage at the upper pole. I will, however, listen carefully before making the final decision.

    Take care!


  • Carrie37
    Carrie37 Member Posts: 35
    edited June 2017

    I had a revision surgery yesterday to fix a capsular contracture I was having on my right (cancer) side with radiation. I had a BMX done in 2015 with TE placement and then exchange surgery in July 2016. Now I've had the revision to only the right implant. I was told my PS ended up putting in a slightly bigger implant and did some fat grafting from my stomach to help around the implant. I'm pretty sore especially in the stomach and at the incision site. I know it is normal but I'm just feeling sorry for myself right now. Want the pain away!

  • new__me
    new__me Member Posts: 53
    edited June 2017

    Carrie37 Loopy sending comforting thoughts and wishes. I hope each minute that passes finds you a bit more comfortable. It is ok to feel sorry for yourself. Smiles and warm hugs to you


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2017

    I also have post mastectomy pain syndrome.  I am out 3 years.   It is getting worse, not better.   Don't know what the answer is.  I read columns and people that say they have removed their implants and it is no better.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2017

    I did over 2 years of Pt/Ot starting with a lymphedema specialist.  Pain increasing, not getting better.  Lightening, stabbing pains in my chest.  I have tried acupuncture, deep tissue massage, shiatsu massage, chiropractic treatment, essential oils, anti-inflammatories, narcotics, stretching, hydrotherapy, trigger point injections, etc.  Anyway 3 years later, I am to the point where I can hardly get out of bed or do anything, and beg for mercy.  They finally do an MRI and discover that I have a torn rotator cuff.  Seriously?  3 years later?  Who else had this problem?

  • Leslienva
    Leslienva Member Posts: 343
    edited June 2017


    It took over a month for my stomach to stop feeling weird from the lipo. It was pretty bruised for weeks. But it will get better!

  • Libber
    Libber Member Posts: 45
    edited June 2017

    I had bilateral BMX March 2016 then exchange to silicone implants Dec 2016. My right side after radiation is not comfortable and slightly higher than the left side. I am scheduled to see my PS again in September. Hoping he will agree to do some adjustments like fat grafting. I have adequate to transfer but unsure he will agree to do this. I have Type 1 diabetes so he has been very conservative about doing any type of revisions. I sailed through surgeries with no issues. How can I convince him I will be fine with any additional tweets to my breasts to restore my body? Ugh.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,404
    edited June 2017

    THere is a PMPS thread & the link is below. For the newbies, just remember this is a minority. Most of us do just fine, Chae, I'm sorry for your continuing problems.

  • Scottiemom11
    Scottiemom11 Member Posts: 1,072
    edited June 2017

    Carrie. . .give it time and it's quite ok to feel sorry for yourself. If you have a tablet or laptop just lay around in bed and binge watch shows. It took me a full six weeks to recover from my March revision for CC. Granted, I had both sides revised and some skin work but still. Hang in there.

    I finally got my 3D tattoos this past Friday. Was very sore with stinging pins and needles a few hours later (when local anesthetic wore off) but better now. I have to say that I'm very happy with them. I had seen photos before but it's different having them over your own scars. Makes them look like I had a boob job, except it's a foob job.


  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited June 2017

    Scottiesmom, I thought you had to wait at least 6 months after exchange? I am very excited for you!! I wanted to thank everyone on this thread. While my right implant is still slightly smaller and slightly off to the right I took the advice to continue wearing tight sports bras 24/7 and the right looks better and isn't moving like before. Left is improving though still misshapen and lumpy. I am much happier with the outcome.

  • Scottiemom11
    Scottiemom11 Member Posts: 1,072
    edited June 2017

    Molly, I was told 6 months by my original PS as well. Had my follow up with new PS from March CC revision and he said I could go ahead and schedule the tats. I agreed because insurance covered them as I had already met my OOP. Glad to hear that your implants are settling in.


  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited June 2017

    Carrie: Sending you waves of gentle healing and kindness.

    I'm on a parallel course: I will have revision surgery on June 30 to fix a capsular contracture on my left side. I had a BMX done in 11/2015 with TE placement and then exchange surgery in January 2016.

    Libber: best wishes on your September appointment.

    Chae: could a second opinion help?

    Scottiemom: congrats on your 3D tattoos!!

    Molly: glad you're having some improvement.

  • noodlesmom
    noodlesmom Member Posts: 36
    edited June 2017

    EastCoastTS: It seems you and I are very similar in size and shape. I have had 2 fills (and won't have any more)--right now I'm at 240cc--and I feel HUGE! Uncomfortably huge. My PS is well aware that I want to remain on the small size. I was the same as you before, AA or A cup, but at 5' 1" and less than 100 pounds, I just wouldn't feel comfortable going larger. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind a full A cup or even veering into a very, very small B, but nothing more. I'd much rather be too small than too large. I am typically very active and just like to look of a more athletic build. Whippetmom suggested the 300cc smooth round for me, but since I'm 240 now and feel far too big, I'm completely unsure what to do. My BMX was May 31 so I have several months ahead of me before I really need to think about it (when is your exchange?) but looking down right now (the 2nd/last fill was today), I feel like I'm looking at a stranger. Far too large for my frame. If you've discovered any great info, please share!! This is one heck of a journey, isn't it? Thank you!

  • Herculesmulligan
    Herculesmulligan Member Posts: 61
    edited June 2017

    noodlesmom: my totally non scientific observations are that the TE seems bigger and more obtrusive because they're so hard. I had TEs filled to 450cc switched out for 475cc silicone implants and the implants seem much smaller and less obvious. I didn't want too big of a result either. I'm just a little smaller than my natural breasts were and my tops do fit better.

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352
    edited June 2017


    Agree with Hercules from what I've heard. I'm at 260ccs also with my TEs and am done. Feel huge but do not expect this size or projection with implants. I want B but don't care if a small B. I'm 5"2' and about 95lbs now (lost weight due to cutting wine/cheese every night and what I believe is losing weight on Tamoxifen -- it is listed an a side effect! LOL). I also am active and just that's enough for me. Plus, the fills were enough of my body telling me -- you're good! Stop already.

    But talk to your PS. Whippetmom recommended 300 and a couple that were a bit smaller, too. Have your PS show them to you and just discuss in detail.

    ;) Hugs!!!

  • noodlesmom
    noodlesmom Member Posts: 36
    edited June 2017

    Thank you, EastcoastTS. I've heard from several people that the 300 range would be the right way to go. Once I get closer to the exchange, I'll make sure to talk with my PS and closely look at all of his photo books. As for my size, it's

    I have a question for you--or anyone who can weigh in--about pain I'm having with the expander on one side. The right side is fine, stiff and tight, but healing. The left side (which I've had some trouble with inflammation and has been drained twice) is giving me almost constant pain. It's a burning, stabbing feeling just under the expander. If I try to do the simple stretches, that side is beyond painful. I reached to get something yesterday and honestly saw stars. It almost feels like there is a stitch that's too tight so when I attempt to reach or stretch, something inside is pulling. Has anyone experienced this? I'm at about 3 1/2 weeks post op. Thank you!!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,404
    edited June 2017

    Noodles - will you please go to My Profile and add your diagnosis & treatment so far. It makes it much easier to answer questions.

    That said - I was not allowed to reach or stretch at 3-1/2 weeks. Only very mild 'wall walking'. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Check with your doc. Hope it's nothing serious.

    I had pain the entire time I had TEs. I've heard several people say they had the PS take out some of the saline & got relief. I made sure my PS never expanded more than 50ccs at a time and then only every other week.

  • grandma3X
    grandma3X Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2017
    I have the 300 cc Smooth rounds and feel like they are just the right size. My rib cage is 29.5 inches. After exchange, I wear a 32D or 34C. On your pathology report, it will tell you how many grams of tissue was removed during your MX. I think this is a good way to gauge your final size. For example, I had 200 grams (=ccs) removed and 300 ccs put back in, so I'm about 50% larger than I was pre- MX. I know this is not an exact comparison, but if you want to stay the same size after exchange as you were pre-MX, try shooting for about the same number of ccs as you had removed.
  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 876
    edited June 2017


    This may not be what you want to hear, but it is way too soon for you to overdue and their being stars after stretching too much is not unreasonable.  The part that you may not want to hear is I am over 1 year out and in my yoga/pilates class there is one stretch/pose bending over my left side that gets me every time -- major cramp, not stars, but I lose my breath for a second and have to calm back down to continue...I still have TE in L so I do have things stitched down (and pec muscles cut to get the TE in) so don't know which is the cause, but it is my new normal...


  • Kacop
    Kacop Member Posts: 4
    edited June 2017

    Noodlesmom: I just got back on here after a few weeks and just saw some of your issues. I didn't read too far back in your posts so I may be way off here...

    3 /12 weeks is really soon. I know you are probably already over the physical limitations, but my PS was adamant that the pocket needed to heal with as little extra jostling and movement as possible. Also, this seems a little different from what I often see, but I had a hard time the first month or so with my TEs and it got a little better eventually. The plastic edges were so sharp and actually felt better after a few fillups. The edges rounded out and weren't so irritating. When my PS put the expanders in after my BMX, however, he didn't fill them up at all. So, basically, there was just a hard piece of plastic under muscle that had just been cut through. Again, the fillups softened the edges of the expanders and gave me a little relief...

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352
    edited June 2017


    My TEs felt better after a few fills, too. Left side/lower corner was really painful but it must have moved off the nerve when filled. And the first 4-6 weeks with TEs was pretty uncomfortable but I think due to BMX healing as much as anything. I also had burning all along the bottom (along with pain on the incision site) which I've heard can be reaction (normal) to Alloderm. All of this has gone away mostly with me. They're about as okay as they can be at this point.

  • Scottiemom11
    Scottiemom11 Member Posts: 1,072
    edited June 2017

    Noodles. . .I agree with all here. I could not reach or stretch at 3-4 weeks after BMX. It was a good three months before I could lift anything, even after I went back to work I was limited for some time. Hang in there and give yourself time to heal.


  • noodlesmom
    noodlesmom Member Posts: 36
    edited June 2017

    Thank you so much for all of your replies. My oncologic surgeon had me doing stretches at my 2 week post op visit; they're the same stretches I've now been doing on my own but just so painful on that left side! Patience is so tough but I know it's necessary. It doesn't help that sleep comes in short intervals. I have a wedge and a borrowed lazyboy, but I just can't seem to sleep more than 2 hours at a time. I get up, walk around, switch locations, try again. I have a prescription for a muscle relaxer and tried taking 1/2, but was still wide awake after a few hours. Has anyone found anything that works well and doesn't knock you out the next day?

    Scottiemom- Is there a reason your TE's have been in so long? When do you get to trade them out?

  • Scottiemom11
    Scottiemom11 Member Posts: 1,072
    edited June 2017

    noodlesmom . . .I had my TEs for about 7 months after December 2014 BMx. I had a second Exchange/Revision Surgery this past March for Capsular Contracture. As for help in sleeping, see if you can find a total body pillow. Dh bought me one less than 2 weeks after BMx. I still love sleeping with it because of the extra support for my shoulders etc.



  • new__me
    new__me Member Posts: 53
    edited June 2017

    That is the exact pillow that helped me! It has been 14 months since exchange and i still use it. Mine is actually a pregnancy pillow with extra support.

  • meg2016
    meg2016 Member Posts: 188
    edited June 2017

    noodlesmom- its also possible that this is cording. Can you get a referral to a PT? I had so much improvement in my range of motion after I went to one. I felt like she knew what was safe vs too much on the stretching also.

  • Herculesmulligan
    Herculesmulligan Member Posts: 61
    edited June 2017

    omg that pillow looks awesome! I may try that.

  • Imkopy2
    Imkopy2 Member Posts: 214
    edited June 2017

    Ok warrior sisters I need to do a little venting....

    I had my BMX in Apr '15 and had TE put in at that time. From the very beginning I knew I needed rads and secondly I knew that I wanted nip recon. My PS was WELL AWARE of both. He was also very aware that I wanted extra full projection implants.

    I am 4 months post op from my exchange and had an appointment with him two weeks ago to discuss nip recon. He asked me how I was doing, I said physically Im great however I think there are some things we need to address about my breasts before we proceed with nip recon. I pointed out the clear difference in size/shape between my two breasts as well as the difference in the IMF. He told me he thought everything looked good to him...keep in mind there is a NOTICEABLE difference in the placement of my IMF as well as the size. He tried to dismiss the size difference and blamed it on the rads. When I said but there's a 450 on the left and a 415 implant on the right regardless if I had radiation or not that's a significant difference right there. Again he told me it looked great to him. Umm of course he thinks that he's the one who did it. Grrrrr! I told him that I felt like my breast looked flat like burger buns. I asked him what happened to the projection I was looking for? He told me that lack of projection is unfortunately one of those things women with mastectomies have to live with. I then pointed out that we had discussed Inspira SRX/SSX implants and he gave me Inspira SRF. He said the SRX/SSX wouldn't look right with my frame. I said but I don't have any feminine curves, up top and after the hell I went through I feel like I should get what I want. Seeing I wasn't going to get anywhere with him, I switched the conversation to the nip recon.

    He said, Im not going to do that on you since you had radiation, you should just get tattoos. At this point I was beyond upset and said I have never just wanted tattoos, Im 45 years old and I don't want some lick em stick em tattoo that looks like its a nipple! He said I could go seek a second opinion (Like I needed his permission) and he wouldn't be offended. He also said I wouldn't find anyone close by who's opinion would differ from his (he's the COS at the hospital). I told him that I was going to just take a step back from all of this and just be. He agreed that this was a good idea and told me, by giving it time Ill change my mind about my results. Umm Ive read too many stories on this site to fall for that one. If women aren't happy from the start there's a good likelihood they'll never be and go for a revision. The next day I called my friends PS who did her reconstruction for a nip recon consult.

    Yesterday I went to see who I will now refer to as my PS, I apologized to him in advance for seeming bitchy but I told him my whole story. I told him if he was going to help me I felt it was important he knew what I had been through. He listened carefully on what I said and took notes, and then said to me...if I can switch out your implants and 1 make you bigger, 2 give you more projection and 3 reconstruct your nipples would you be in for it? Shocked I said I was only coming to you to have my nips reconstructed. He said but you're not happy and after all you've been through you deserve to be happy. During my exam he noted that my upper pole and medial cleavage looked awesome but agreed that my implants were not right for my chest and then suggested he would like to move my IMF on my right side (cancer/rad side) but he wants to wait. He examined my skin and said it was in amazing shape for having been radiated (love coconut oil) but that he wanted me to massage the tissue 2xs daily for a few months to soften things up a bit. He said since Im only 4 months post op he wants me to come back and see him in late October early November and see how things feel. Best case scenario he's going to swap my implants, move my IMF and give me nip recon...worst case he's only going to reconstruct my nips. Only time will tell but at least I have someone who is willing to listen to what I want.

    I really cant believe that Im looking for a new PS at this stage in the game, but Im confident this one will help me feel more womanly. I'm nervous as all hell about doing another surgery and moving my IMF down....anyone have any experience with that one?

    Also, who has Mentor Smooth Rounds Ultra High Profile? Do you like em, love em? Feel kinda meh....

    Hope everyone is well out there and thank you for listening to me vent. Cyber hugs all!

  • Scottiemom11
    Scottiemom11 Member Posts: 1,072
    edited June 2017

    Imcopy2. . .you should not feel guilty about seeking a second opinion. I had a new PS for my March revision due to CC. My old PS was no longer on the insurance. New PS happily discussed switching both implants for Mentor Smooth Round UHP. I had only HP implants. New PS knew what he was doing and gave me near twins and I do have more projection. I opted out of nip recon but did get 3D tats two weeks ago. Personally, I'm happy with that but I would have had to have a completely separate surgery for nip recon. If he could have done both at the same time, I would have considered it. Best wishes.


  • Imkopy2
    Imkopy2 Member Posts: 214
    edited June 2017

    Scottiemom1- That's excellent news, congratulations! May I ask if your implants were the same CCs as before or did that change since it was a UHP? Also, who did your tattoos? Im still torn if I should make the trip to MD for my Vinnies...this is all so overwhelming!

    Thank you for reassuring me in my decision!