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Exchange City



  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 885
    edited November 2018

    a friend (non-medical professional) suggested this as a pre- post- sugery regime...anyone heard of them? TT

  • hikinglady
    hikinglady Member Posts: 625
    edited November 2018

    Re: Vitamedica...

    I plan to ingest only what my surgeon recommends. There's too much of a whiff of snake oil about it for me. If all of the contents and their potency is disclosed, a doctor can then assess its role in aiding recovery. For me, the stakes are very high. I'm being treated with best evidence-based medicine, and will stick with that, and with medications that are monitored by the FDA for potency, purity, and efficacy.

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 885
    edited November 2018

    Thanks Hiking...I too thought there were a bit off.

    I have my two-week pre-op appointment on Monday -- not with the Dr, but the medical team, pre-op tests, ect. Will get their updates. They have already said no E or aspirin and did recommend Pineapple or Arnica pre- and post...

    This is surgery #5...I should have it down by now, but everytime one approaches it gets my mind racing. TT

  • Shoregirl
    Shoregirl Member Posts: 338
    edited November 2018

    TT...I asked my ps about the Vit E restriction. He said the amount found in multivitamins (up to 400IU) is fine before surgery. It is the megadoses that are off limits. The 3 surgeons I have had have all specified in their written pre-op instructions to start a multivitamin 2 weeks before surgery.

    Hikinglady.....your exchange will be here before you know it!! I agree with you that it is best to get vitamins and minerals from a well balanced diet. I am with you on the pineapple, blueberries and yogurt. My fave is plain greek yogurt with pomegranate, banana and pineapple, sprinkled with ground flax and chia! My father, a holistic MD and nutritionist stresses the importance of a clean diet of colorful fruit and veg, lean, unprocessed protein sources, and limit sugar to under 10g per serving. He is also a proponent for supplementation for certain people at certain times. Especially Vitamin C for wound healing, Vitamin D3 with K2 as many people are deficient (confirm with blood test) and probiotics spaced a few hours apart from antibiotics to replenish the guts good bacteria that may be impacted by the antibiotics.

    TT...the Arnica I am not supposed to use, even topically. My nephrologist told me it acts like an nsaid in the body and nsaids are a no-no for kidney patients. I did use it once though on a nasty bruise and was amazed at how rapidly it healed vs not using it!!

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 885
    edited November 2018

    Double checked with my PS this morning re the multivit w/ E...just heard back and they said to stop two weeks ahead, but can resume the day after surgery...

    I think they all have their special cocktail. I know I certainly have felt like their personal science experiment from at least one doc along this passage...

    I have been monitoring how much protein my current diet is okay, but will up it by adding some cottage cheese to my lunch and perhaps making my morning oatmeal with skim milk rather then water.

    And will be doing the pineapple. TT

  • Shoregirl
    Shoregirl Member Posts: 338
    edited November 2018

    So funny...just like the instructions on bra wearing....the ps are all over the place with their advice! Hooray for pineapple!!

  • Jsbells
    Jsbells Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2018

    hi there,

    I also had some dropping of one side during the expansion ... my PS said that during the exchange he can “put a few sutures in at the bottom” to lift and even them out. My exchange is tomorrow (!!) so I’ll let you know how it goes :

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited November 2018

    Jsbells, best wishes for your EX tomorrow!! Yes, that is called pocket work. almost everyone can expect some pocket work during the exchange due to the TEs being filled and moving around. They are so different than the implants because they have a hard flat backing on them to hold them flat to the chest wall. That is where you would have pain after your EX, but nothing like the MX.

    Remember to adhere to your PS instructions to the T. "just because you can, doesn't mean you should". And, "Step away from the mirror". You will go through many changes and it can take up to 6 months or more, so you must be patient.


  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited November 2018

    Tauras, are you still having the seroma? My dic wont take out drains til you are beliw 30 for more tgan 3 days. With my last implant, i nwver went beliw 80 wven after 4 weeks. He had to go back in and fix it. A nick in the lymph vessel was repaired, the day after surgery, I had only 20 cm drainage, the next day even less. He kept the drains in just a week after that and no problems after that. Its been 4 years with no problems. Not saying you have that issue, i dont know im not a medical professional, but that much drainafe under your skin does not sound right. Good luck.

  • Shoregirl
    Shoregirl Member Posts: 338
    edited November 2018

    Best wishes Jsbells!! Listen to Robinblessed's words of wisdom! Its easy to overdo activities after the exchange because it is so much less painful of a recovery than msx. But please take it easy and you should be fine!!

  • bringon2017
    bringon2017 Member Posts: 60
    edited November 2018

    Hi Kleo it was lovely reading your encouraging post! I too had bilateral mx and TEs followed by exchange and am coming close to my first anniversary now. Yes I had lost all my sensation but hey over the following 6 months most of it gradually came back. Take care and take heart

  • bcbc
    bcbc Member Posts: 37
    edited November 2018

    Ok, I confess. I had my exchange surgery Wednesday and I peaked today. I know everyone says you shouldn't look, but I couldn't wait. I love my new boobs already! So much nicer than the TEs.

    I'm still pretty uncomfortable since I had a revision to pre pectoral, but I was expecting this discomfort.

    It's all downhill now!

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 885
    edited December 2018

    Had my pre-op testing this morning, I passed ;-)

    2 week countdown in multivit, eating pineapple, increasing protein, will go off Arimidex next week, one week before and after...

    Have my final pre-op business trip and then a 6 week break on travel to heal (aka not lift a suitcase!)...going to NYC Wed - Sun. My DH has never been to NYC at Christmas time plus it is his b'day on Thursday, so he is coming to play in NY and we can celebrate and then spend the weekend playing. TT

  • bcbc
    bcbc Member Posts: 37
    edited December 2018

    Wishing you the very best TT! Keep us posted. Becky

  • Imkopy2
    Imkopy2 Member Posts: 214
    edited December 2018

    TrmTab- So excited for you, you’ve had quite a journey, praying for a smooth surgery, great results and and easy recovery. Please update us when you’re able.



  • simonerc
    simonerc Member Posts: 156
    edited December 2018

    Hi TrmTab,

    Just wondering why they advised you to stop Arimidex. In my case they did not ask me to go off before exchange. Curious as I have another surgery scheduled for the spring.


  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 885
    edited December 2018

    I have received mixed signals on the arimidex...stopping or not. I actually think that the PS hasn't thought much about it, so errs on the side of caution. TT

  • Shoregirl
    Shoregirl Member Posts: 338
    edited December 2018

    TT, I just read your siggy. You have been through a lot!! Hoping all goes well with your upcoming exchange!! Just had my revision yesterday. My 3rd set of implants. More pain then 1st two, but we did downsize and had to add alloderm to one side and do pocket work. PS said I had capsular contracture both sides, maybe that contributes to the pain IDK. Go for my f/u Friday, praying he can take the drain out!!!

  • linnyg
    linnyg Member Posts: 21
    edited December 2018

    My exchange and reduction/lift on other side is 12/12. My PS also told me to stop Anastrozole 5 days prior to surgery.

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 885
    edited December 2018

    drains at 3rd exchange, ouch. I will have some side boob removed so fear I will be more sore than at first exchange, but PS said no drains...hope that is what happens. TT

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited December 2018

    Best wishes to TrmTab, Shoregirl, and LinnyG on your surgeries and smooth recoveries. 

    I hated the drains for both BMX and EX. 

    However, I understand that the seromas and infections can be worse. 


  • Shoregirl
    Shoregirl Member Posts: 338
    edited December 2018

    Thanks for the well wishes Mominator!! Best wishes LinnyG!! I hope all goes well with your exchange.

    TT I had to have a drain on just one side because he had to add alloderm. Went to my F/U today, he said I have to keep the drain in and he will see me back Monday. He told me today the big linear mass I had in the upper pole of the other side was a bunch of alloderm all bunched up beneath my collar bone!! Thankfully it hadn't become infected and he was able to remove it all. Now that side is soft, smooth and pain free! It feels so nice and squishy now like a natural breast I can't stop squeezing it lol!!

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited December 2018

    Congratulations Shoregirl on the wonderful squishy-ness! 

    If I'm reading your info correctly, this is your third set of implants on both sides? Wow, what a long journey it has been. 

    I hope this most recent surgery is successful. 


  • Shoregirl
    Shoregirl Member Posts: 338
    edited December 2018

    Thanks Madelyn! I am really hoping 3rd time is a charm!! First set put in by PS1 were too narrow and projected, causing them to flip over backwards in the pockets when I lay down. His "solution" was to put bigger implants in. He balked at me wanting to go smaller and wider. We parted ways and I moved on to PS2 for 2nd set. She put too much alloderm in one side which bunched up and didn't incorporate causing horrible spasms, and didn't put any alloderm in the other side, causing implant to sag 2" lower than the other side. Then she quit par with my insurance. So I had to move on to PS3. Praying this set has no complications!! I am truly amazed at how much softer and natural these implants feel. I got the Inspira Soft Touch SSM 345. They are the medium softness of the Inspira line, still cohesive just not overfilled. My originals were the SCX, much firmer than SSM.

    Have a great weekend!!

  • NCGirl1
    NCGirl1 Member Posts: 18
    edited December 2018

    Good Evening Ladies,

    I will be exchanging my TE's for implants this Friday, YAY! I am so ready to get these TE's out :). Mine are above the muscle, PS says it will be a breeze... I always tell him, until you have gone through BC don't tell me what is easy LOL. Soooo, any words of wisdom, what should I expect, how long did it take you to recover? advice is always appreciated... Thanks

  • star2017
    star2017 Member Posts: 370
    edited December 2018

    I barely felt any pain after my exchanges. I had lifting restrictions for four weeks, but I felt fine. Once or twice I lifted more than I should have and I felt a twinge in my armpit afterward, but that was it.

  • HopefulAC
    HopefulAC Member Posts: 46
    edited December 2018

    hi everyone. I had my exchange today! I am sore and had a lot of pain where my sutures are but I know this is common. I have a question about what exactly “settling" is. I know I'm so new into this and things are expected to “change" a lot as swelling goes down but would love to hear frompeople further out what they experienced in terms of projection, settling, overall experience


  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 885
    edited December 2018


    I don't have a pre-op appointment with the PS for the surgery coming up on Monday (!!!) ...finally got the nerve up to ask the surgical nurse what the implant order was so I wouldn't have a surprise.

    Yeah, we had discussed SRX in the 700, 750 range and that is what is ordered -- plus the 650 to give her some options. All good.

    What is ironic in this is that Whippetmom sized me as a SRX 700 nearly two years ago...I thought I was getting an SRX 700 - 800 when I woke up with the TCX800 version...which has always been too big and 15 months later is still hard and heavy. If only my first PS had followed Whippetmom's suggestion!

    On the countdown, eating pineapple as I type this. TT

  • Shoregirl
    Shoregirl Member Posts: 338
    edited December 2018

    Thank God you checked TT!! After going through what you did you need that peace of mind!! I think you will be happy with the SRX. It was the SCX that I felt was too firm. I now have the SSM which is in between the firmness of the SR and the SC. I find it is so soft and natural feeling, I just love them!! Yours will be nice and squishy!! Get plenty of rest, Monday will be here in a flash!! I'll be thinking of you :) Let us know how everything goes!!

  • linnyg
    linnyg Member Posts: 21
    edited December 2018

    Had my exchange and reduction/lift yesterday. The exchange side is totally pain-free. Reduction is sore. No real pain tho. Today had my follow-up with plastic surgeon and the 'unveiling'. Boy, was I ever easantly surprised! Of course, swollen, but symmetric and lifted. The scars will fade, but I am very happy with result!