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Exchange City



  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited July 2009

    Hey Sandy.. yes, I have a good 4th... both my sons did NOT blow themselves up... it was a good 4th...hehe       4 weeks... crappola!

  • rockwell_girl
    rockwell_girl Member Posts: 517
    edited July 2009

    Laura I think the main thing is you don't want no major jarring while things are trying to heal

    so a stationary bike would be good

    doing legs lifts or anything you can think of that doesn't include any kind of jumping

    Many of us just to be safe wear the sports bras about 4 weeks instead of just 1 week.  Some even do it for 6-8 weeks

  • rockwell_girl
    rockwell_girl Member Posts: 517
    edited July 2009

    omg you brought back memories...

    2 years ago one of my nephews friends set something off and it hit his mouth and he lost all of his front teeth.  He's about 21 and still getting surgery to get them looking normal again.  So please everyone be safe...

    I say just wait 2 weeks and do things that aren't jarring on the body

  • 4greatkids
    4greatkids Member Posts: 89
    edited July 2009

    Ok ladies. You are making me nervous, but also arming me with a notebook full of questions. I see my PS in two weeks to decide on implant size. I can just see the look on my PS face when I throw all these questions at him.He has told me that overexpands. I just don't want to be smaller than I am now. How can I get him to put in the same size or a slightly larger implant?

    Baxter:I hope you get the fluffing that you deserve.

  • rockwell_girl
    rockwell_girl Member Posts: 517
    edited July 2009

    from knowing what TE you have try to figure out the dim and make sure your implant is close to that...

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited July 2009

    4greatkids.. tell your PS what I told mine.

    I told him I wanted to be the size I am now, and if he is in any doubt.. to error larger. He really understood me when I said this.

    Then... after we talked our talk.....

    I had to throw in my natural personality.. I told him I new he would do great by me, and if for some reason I woke up a little smaller than I was with my expander's... he might as well just knock me out again ' cause I would not be leaving with smaller boobs.   No joke... then he just looked at me above his glasses...ROFLOL.. I love to keep them wondering............

    All silly Laura aside.... just be honest with your PS. Be very very honest. If you are not honest with him/her... they have no real idea what you want. They just think they do based on speculation. You can do it! I am having exchange in two weeks and I am starting to FREAK out too..... I think it is normal.

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited July 2009

    All exchange girls this week... ((((((((((((HUGE HUGS))))))))))))))))

    Your time is finally here ! Blessings!

  • TXBadboob
    TXBadboob Member Posts: 109
    edited July 2009

    Hi ladies,

      Hope everyone had a great holiday. 

    Laura, I know how you feel!  Had my exchange on Jun 2, and PS said at followup visit on Jun 10 to wait one month for exercise to avoid jarring the breasts(his words).  I begged and he said I could walk only.  I find myself not wanting to use my pecs at all cuz it feels awful when my foobs pop up.  I've been told that won't go away.Frown

      Can't wait till next Friday when I can start working out again!

    Hope everyone is healing nicely,


  • 4greatkids
    4greatkids Member Posts: 89
    edited July 2009
    Laura- I just laughed my butt off. I think my PS already thinks I'm nuts. I'm definately going to use your technique! Maybe I am just getting greedy. Origonally, I said that I would be happy with anything better than my old " I breast fed 4 babies and my boobs are droopy and asymetrical boobs." Now, I'm getting greedy!!
  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509
    edited July 2009


    In October when I had my exchange on a Monday, I walked the Race for the Cure on Saturday...had just gotten my drains out on Friday....I would not have walked if I still had those walking or using an exercise bike would be fine......and I would wear a bra 24/7 for at least 4-6 weeks.....sounds like you are getting a little nervous....we are all here for you.....hugs

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509
    edited July 2009

    I am surprised my PS will do any more surgeries on me because he has not even been paid for my exchange from has denied payments because some kind of codes was not sent and then they said to much time had passed.....I sent in a grievance letter so I don't know if that will help...I have been getting bills from my PS office for $8,000 plus but I do not have to pay this......but I do want my PS to be paid...Could he refuse to do my nipp surgery if he does not get paid?....I hope not......

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited July 2009

    Linda.. you can see through me.. I am getting nervous..again.. NOT like me. What has happened to me?

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509
    edited July 2009

    I think you are worried about how your rad side is going to react......and about your need to positive....I know you have faith in God and he will get you through this....hugs

    I am not a nervous person, my DH has enough nerves for the both of

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited July 2009

    lol.. size will be fine... rad side.. I do worry... :)

    Your dh sound like mine.. BIG TIME!

  • Jan1
    Jan1 Member Posts: 281
    edited July 2009

    ((Laura)) you crack me up!  I am glad that you let you PS know what you want and expect.  That leaves no room for doubt on the part of the PS when he has to make a decision.  I am off of upper body exercises until I see him on 7-17, at my one month check up.  I walk and bike and that keeps me happy.

    ((Karen)) wow, for all of the surgery you have had, you seem very active.  I wish there was a pool close to me to use.  Easter Seals has one, but they charge $80.00 a month to use it, they are not that close to my house so I decided to skip it.  

    ((Deborah)) thanks for the answer, there was no Alloderm used for the augmentation, or exchange.  He did use some to anchor the TE after the mastectomy.

    Candi and Firni, thanks for letting me know that I need to be patient too,  I am glad that I am not the only one with the same questions.  Thanks for bringing the subject up and "out"  Jan

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited July 2009

    Ladies.. just a quicky.. a lady here whom I spoke to often died. RadD was her screen name. She was the mother of many small children. If you pray, could you ask the Lord to rejoice with her in Heaven. Thank you!

  • Firni
    Firni Member Posts: 521
    edited July 2009

    I followed RanD's thread for quite a long time.  She had a terrible fight and was always so brave and positive. God bless her.

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited July 2009

    Yes Firni, she did... and I remember after her surgery.. and ALL her nodes were still positive AFTER chemo... it was such a shock and sadness... I hope she is dancing with Jesus ( this was her faith)

  • sam1991
    sam1991 Member Posts: 137
    edited July 2009

    Whippetmom...Just got back from Vegas. Went in the pool and everything. Stayed at the Mandalay Bay. Fat grafting continues to "hold out" Nipples were covered by telfa and seem to be healing fine. Lightening up...not so frankenstein looking, Bikini bod was in full Vegas force....LOL....So I'm hopeful my grafting has stuck this time and the nips will continue to heal their way towards tats!!! Best to all. Hope this new month brings health and healing to all.


  • wbuggie
    wbuggie Member Posts: 47
    edited July 2009

    Hi Gallerygirl,

    I also had an issue with my implant on my right side.  Looked great for about a week and then started having pain followed by a fever and lots of swelling and redness.  I was immediately brought in to surgery and unfortunately he felt the only recourse was to remove the implant and then start antibiotics.  I am not certain if the infection is gone as the incision area began to ooze and became red.  I am almost done with the antibiotics so am heading back to see my PS in the morning to have him check it out.  I also have a lump under my arm, which I would believe is a swollen lymph node due to the infection.  It is just such a bummer to be this close and have this happen.  

    For me, I am also heading to see my BS tomorrow to get a second opinion.  Have you thought about maybe doing the same.  I hate to put this thought out there, but maybe removing the implant and then antibiotics maybe the way to finally get rid of the infection and a chance to start over with HOPEFULLY no further complications? I may think about your route with the infectious dr if things don't look right.

    Any thoughts from others who have been through this?  I am heading back to work on Thursday as the one head light wonder and am not too pleased about that.


  • gallerygirl
    gallerygirl Member Posts: 4
    edited July 2009


    Thanks for your words.....I went to the infectious disease dr. on Friday and she was wonderful. Gave me a prescrition of Bactrim antibiotic, did blood work, and told me to come back after 2 weeks of the meds. She thinks I picked up some kind of staph along the way after my exchange surgery in May. Not strep, but also thinks it is not a raging infection which is good news. At least she made me feel like I am not crazy!!!

    Last week the PS opened up the left breast, took out the implant, sterilized everything, did cultures, then put the implant back in and sewed me up with a drain which I still have until tomorrow. The lab reports came back negative, but I have been on antibitics for over a month so I think that altered the results.

    If this antibiotic does not work, then I have to go in for intravenous antibiotic. Praying this one does the trick and I can move forward. Had to delay my nipp surgery which was scheduled for late July.

    Thankful my BC was found early, but this has been a long process! Hugs to everyone going through all of this on these boards!!!! 

  • Bukki
    Bukki Member Posts: 103
    edited July 2009

    Wbuggie and Gallerygirl.....good vibes for rapid healing going out to both of you and anyone else having problems with healing. I have had my right implant replaced 3 times from what looked like infections but nothing ever grew from the cultures. I took the abx just as ordered anyway.

       I am now 11 days pos op from last replacement of implant and last nite noticed couple red spots so am going to call PS office .....they open at 9.

       My prayers and thoughts are with you all..... 

  • geysermom
    geysermom Member Posts: 14
    edited July 2009

    A little humor,

    At my preop appointment for my exchange, I had learned so much here from all of you knowledgable ladies here that I was more than ready with lots of questions.  My PS had a student with him and I think was a little surprised when I started rattling off questions about inframamary folds and optimum clevage spacing. 

    As I left, I wondered what the student must have thought and had to giggle about my PS's reaction.


  • Jan1
    Jan1 Member Posts: 281
    edited July 2009

    ((Laura))  My prayers for RadD and her family.  I think that I was lulled into complacency that women still die from this horrid disease.  This is awful, thank you for being there for her.  Another reason and name for me should I feel well enough to do the 3 day walk next fall.

    ((Kathie)) sounds like you had a great time in Vegas as well as the "Ta-ta's.

    ((Wanda and Gallerygirl and Elaine))  It makes me wonder why such a difficulty with the implants.  I wonder why if nothing grows out in a culture what is going on.  Hopefully the PS used a new implant at the replacement, and that the prior implant wasn't the problem.  Get well ladies and ((Elaine)), I hope that you are OK,  your experience has been so helpful to me to check for red spots etc.  I would have just assumed that all was well when I got  a pin hole spot that opened up on my scar last week.   I may have ignored it,since I was 2 weeks out from the exchange. but called my PS who had me put neosporin on it and call if it didn't clear up in 48 hours.  It did.  You make a difference!  Thanks so much.  Jan  

  • Snoopygirl5
    Snoopygirl5 Member Posts: 4
    edited July 2009

    Thanks for the answers Georganne!  That helps. 

     My only concern was the statement about "I look basically the same as I did with the tissue expanders."  I do not want to look like the tissue expanders - so high on my chest and like a shelf.  Plus I had to buy clothes that hid the expanders moreso than the clothes I originally had. 

     I'm planning on a trip to Cancun 3 wks and 1 day after my exchange.  I hope I feel up to it and my new ta ta's are beautiful but it sounds as if it's going to take longer than I expected.  That is disappointing.

     Good luck to all that are having surgeries this month!!!


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited July 2009

    Kathie:  Harumph!  Vegas!  You should have waited until September to take the trip with the Ta Ta Sisterhood! 

    Wanda:  Oh, "one headlight wonder" - that is priceless!  LOL!

    Laura:  How can you have anything BUT a great result after that warning to your PS?  How exciting - your exchange is less than two weeks away..I cannot wait to see what he does for you!

  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited July 2009

    Hello darlings, sorry I've been MIA so long!  Kid home from college, and just got back from the seashore.....arimidex is a bit weakening, so alot of wipeouts in the water! GRRRR, just means more workouts to get stronger. 

    Glad to see everyone had fun in Vegas, and that we are all still in various stages of getting our lives back.

    I have a PS consult on friday to discuss next steps...I will need revisions to the new girl (crease, dents, ripples) and a nipple.  I want to discuss what's involved with a prophy on the other DD girl, does anyone know if one: you can keep nipples?  and two: I need to match, can they just do the incision in the crease underneath?  It is downsizing, so can't see why I'd need an expander at all, but hope all will be clearer on friday.

    Sending lots of love and big hugs to all.........I've missed you ladies!



  • Firni
    Firni Member Posts: 521
    edited July 2009

    Annie,  It is possible to keep the nipple on the prophy side.  I did.  The difficulty is making sure it ends up in the right place when the surgery is done.  Let your surgeon know that you want nipple sparing and ask how he would make sure the placement of the nipple will be correct when done.  I can't answer your other questions.  I'm sure others will be able to. 

  • packergirl
    packergirl Member Posts: 81
    edited July 2009

    Ladies- I am bummed. Just got back from PS and had a long talk with nurse- who is amazing. I know she is so knowledgeable- she does most of the operations with the PS. She said I will never be able to achieve cleavage without a pushup bra. Even when I get implants. She said my rib cage is slightly deformed (meaning where the ribs come together is not in line with my collarbone and the right rib is sticks out further than the left- I CANT see this but she and PS can.) She said this deformity is common with lots of women and we just don't notice it until we cross into a situation like this. (I never noticed an issue pre-mastectomy) I am still not totally clear on why they can't move the right over to be closer to the left.. I am just so bummed I put myself through all this after waiting a year post mast. only to find out I will never get what I had my heart set on- cleavage!. Kinda wish I knew about that before I started. Should I be seeking out other PS opinions during the TE stage to see if they feel there is no hope for cleavage?

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509
    edited July 2009

    Just got the approval letter in the mail for my nipple/areola recon!!!!  I go to see my PS on July 21st , the day after Laura's exchange, hoping he will want to do my surgery on July 29th....  :-)