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Exchange City



  • Breastless
    Breastless Member Posts: 14
    edited August 2009

    Hello everyone

    I was just wondering if anyone had their TE filled to 1000 cc's?  If so what size implants did you end up with during the exchange?  Thanks


  • DENRulzBC
    DENRulzBC Member Posts: 99
    edited August 2009

    MISTY & LINDA - Hope you're doing well today!!!

    JEAN - so happy to hear B9 - love that!!

    OMG I just realized since Misty and Linda are done I'm next on the list. I can't believe it! YIPEEE!

    HUGS for a great day, Dawn

  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited August 2009

    Jean: Thank god you were benign...that's a worry laid down for today.

    My love and condolences to you and your family, dear.  Losing a pregancy is very difficult...god has the baby in his arms.

    Linda, when you awake, let's hear how you are....sending love and support.


  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited August 2009

    Dawn.. you are next..................................~CHEER~

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509
    edited August 2009

    hello sisters

    don't feel like typing but wanted to let you know that something went wrong in the OR....PS told hubby that it took longer than he thought it would.... 3 hours!!   And I am thinking I got too much anesthesia....I feel worse this morning than I have with my other surgeries, even my big surgery..I am not kidding....I had a hard time coming out of the anesthesia yesterday, my throat is sore and my mouth feels like I have no saliva.  I still feel a little woosie this morning....I am going to ask PS what happened....something was different this time...of course I probably won't get a straight answer but I KNOW something happened....have any of you had too much anesthesia before?  And it was strange that the CRNA (nurse anes) came in and talked to me before surgery instead of the Anesthesiologist.....never had that happen before....The lady I know that had this same nipple/areola surgery said it was a piece of cake, well not for me, more like a piece of crap.....

    Can you tell that I am mad?

    I am all wrapped up and with those little protectors on the nipps so I don't know what I look like...and he did graft skin from BOTH sides of my LD back hoping it would be just one side.....

    I will check in later.....

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509
    edited August 2009

    OH Jean

    So sorry about your families and family are in my thoughts and prayers

    Great that you got good news on your test B-9    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Dawn, you are funny girl.....Monday will be here will be soooo soft...

  • kle
    kle Member Posts: 9
    edited August 2009

    HI Linda,

    So sorry to hear how you are feeling.   Hopefully this anesthesia stuff will get out of your system quickly so u can enjoy your new "stuff".

    I had an anesthesia issue also w/ my exchange.  I was feeling stiff any even paralyzed for two days after.  I have not figured out why yet, but this anesthelogist  used something I had not had before..when I googled it, it said causes "parallelization", nice huh.  ( succinylcholine).  Not sure if like you say I got to much, or I'm allergic.  More questions to ask next time.  The PS had no info, so you also may need the anesthesiologist to look at what was different this time, and NEVER have that again.  Get it on your file!

     You could even call the hospital today to see what they say about your reaction.

    But it went away, and I felt great!   Hope you feel better by this afternoon!


  • misty123
    misty123 Member Posts: 63
    edited August 2009

    Hi Ladies, I am here and hurting.  

    I was so doped up yesterday that I could not walk or took 4 @0730 home @ 1530....all bandaged up from chin to waist.....can't see until monday at post op appt........ i cannot use my left arm, there is a big note on it From the doctor that says DO NOT USE THIS ARM....i am taking pain mrds every 4 hours and have 2 grains, the right one is really putting out.......    i know i had nips done and lipo but how it looks or feel i cannot say, i look like a mummy right now and the compression thing itches like heck

  • 4greatkids
    4greatkids Member Posts: 89
    edited August 2009

    Linda and Misty- So sorry to hear that you are both having a hard time of it. Linda, definately look into what happened with your anesthesia. When I had my BM, they gave me a medicine for nausea that I was allegric to. It was well stated everywhere in my chart. But, I was in the recovery room and I heard the nurses whispering, "oh, you shouldn't have given that to her. She's allergic." Weren't they surprised that I heard them and asked them if they had given me phenagrin. Thankfully, the anestheiologist was there to give me something to reverse the effects. Makes me so nervous for my exchange next week. Please, don't let it slide. Find out what they did to you.

    Misty- Wow, 4 hours? Is it the nipple procedure that takes so long? I have my exchange next week and my ps told me it would take a little over an hour. He also said no drains. Maybe i'll have to rethink the nipple thing.

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited August 2009

    Oh Linda and Misty... I am sooooooooo sorry you both are suffering like this. I am praying for you both... this makes me really mad to Linda...

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509
    edited August 2009


    And I had been doing so well with ALL my surgeries.....glad you are mad for me too!!

    Misty, Did you have pocket work done with your exchange?  Why the lipo?  Funny about the docs note....did you post with one hand?  I am so sorry that you are in so much pain.  Probably from the lipo...I have heard that is painful.  4 hours is normal for all you had done....I only have nipples and grafted areolas and it took 3 hours....can't wait to find out from PS why it took so long....I took pain meds last night to help me sleep but none today.

    Interesting to hear these experiences with anesthesia.....

  • hood1980
    hood1980 Member Posts: 168
    edited August 2009

    Linda,  Did you have sedation/twilight anesthesia vs general?  I expereinced problems my last surgery becaue it was suppose to be twilight i.e diprovan or a smiliar narcotic.  The anesthesiologist told me after that I am "sensitive to narcotics".  She lead me to believe a little bit goes a long way, but I am slao small like you and often think they give us enough to knock out a horse!  It made me stop breathing and then they had to intubate me & put me under general anesthesia.  BTW - I've also been interview by the nurse anethesist before & didn't have any problems.  I remember him actully telling the dr to go adjust my doage to my size!

     I hope you are feeling better.  Drink lots of water!  I had a TERRIBLE headache!

  • dani42
    dani42 Member Posts: 206
    edited August 2009

    Linda and Misty

    I am sorry you both had such a rough experience.  Misty, I can't believe he wrote on you.  Probably a good idea so you would remember not to use it.  Sorry about the drains. 

    Linda, you can request the surgical notes.  It won't be their choice to tell you what happened.  Sign a release or write a letter asking for a detailed report of everything that occured and medications you were given while in the hospital .  The hospital has to release it. 

    Oh, the anesthesiologist came to my room prior to surgery and the the nurse anesth. came to talk to me while I was in the holding area prior to going in the operating room. 

     I am hoping everyone has an easier time from this point on.

  • Angel10
    Angel10 Member Posts: 347
    edited August 2009

    Misty and Linda...sending you get well quick sorry you both are having difficulties...Hopefully in 24 hours you will both be feeling so much better?  Keep us posted.

    Bless you....


  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2009

    Misty and Linda

    Sounds like you both had some bad medicine/attention.  Don't let this slide when you are feeling up to it....Right now though you need to drink, drink, drink, water and lots of it.  Get that poison out of your system.  I had full anesthesia for exchange and nips with no problems so somebody didn't do their job.  Don't want to scare you and I'm sure you will emerge with good results.  I'm sending good thoughts and prayers your way.


    FACECRAFTER Member Posts: 433
    edited August 2009

    Oh Misty: I'm sorry you are hurting.  It sounds like you had it all  !!   You had three things -- the lipo,  they exchange surgery (maybe some pocket work with that) and the nips too!!  No wonder you are in pain, no easy thing.  But you'll get better every day, I'm sure, and You'll be lovely!!

    I'm pulling for you!!  Take it easy...Play the princess!    JUDY

  • misty123
    misty123 Member Posts: 63
    edited August 2009

    Ladies, thanks for all the well wishes. YES... i am posting with 1 arm,  ps wrote it on tape and attached to my arm.......lots of pocket/ scar work and then the lipo and nips.......not really complaining just letting you all know what was going on......I am dying to see what is under all this packing........did anyone else have to wait for days, it seems others were able to unwrap the next day or am i still groggy on this one.

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509
    edited August 2009

    I talked with my anesthesiologist today and told him my experience with this surgery.  He said the only difference was the anti-nausea meds.  I did not have them before.  I could have had a reaction from them.  I told him to be sure to write this info in my file.  I do not want that drug again....

    I am feeling a little better.  So maybe tomorrow I will be my perky self....

    Thanks for all your replies and prayers.

    Misty, I pray that your pain has gotten easier....We were posting at the same time....I am going to ask DH what the doctor said about unwraping....I go to see PS on Tuesday morning so may wait til then.  I have those nipple protectors on so don't know if they come off or are stitched on.  Girl, you may not be complaining but I am.....LOL

  • oncRN
    oncRN Member Posts: 27
    edited August 2009

    Linda and Misti, so sorry for your suffering...just glad that you have MADE IT to the other side!  Here is to quick healing for you both....

    Dawn....EXCITED for week post exchange and I feel like ME again....SOFT me!  Good luck!

  • aoandrews43
    aoandrews43 Member Posts: 32
    edited August 2009

    I could use some help from the wonderful folks here who have been giving advice about implant size. I had my exchange around 4 weeks ago, Mentor CPG 323s (means moderate profile and moderate height) in 585 ccs. The Mentor CPG sizing is listed at this website:

    I met with my PS today, and she said one of the implants seems a bit higher than the other, so she'd like to go in and adjust it (I can't really notice but I do have a skin flap at the bottom so I can see what she means). She said if I want to go smaller, she could change the implants at the same time. Although I look decent now, I have been feeling like the implants are a bit too large for what I wanted. I had been a 38DD, and really wanted to be smaller (maybe a small C). I think right now I'm a 38C, but barely--much more towards a "D", although D's are too big. And the 'bigness' is really in the width--the projection is fine, although if it were a bit less it would be okay. The implants don't go way under my arms, but they are kind of wide and since the CPGs are quite firm, I notice it.

     So my question to others is whether I should go smaller when I have the additional surgery.

    I am 5'4" (almost 5'5"), around 155 pounds (but want to lose 15-20 of them--haven't been so successful at that) and my ribcage is around 33.5".  I think the high profile ones (CPG 323s) have much more projection, although they are narrower, so I don't have a good sense of what that would  do for me size-wise. The next smaller size in the 322s is a 525. Not too different from what I have now,but might just be enough to make the difference.

     Any thoughts? I plan to stick with the CPGs since my PS has had great results with them, and I do like the shape.

    Thanks so much,

  • Firni
    Firni Member Posts: 521
    edited August 2009

    Linda and Misty, I hope you're both feeling better soon.  These surgeries are supposed to be the easy ones.  Hopefully you'll both be able to see the results soon and will say, Well at least it was worth the agony!  Linda, you should  get your surgery notes to see what when on.  Dr's tend to make light of things that went wrong and not always tell you all of it.

  • makingway
    makingway Member Posts: 465
    edited August 2009

    Yeah, doctors also neglect to tell you what went wrong.I read my operational report and came agross a sentence that read "scapular artery had to be sacrificed". WTF!!! My doctor hasn't mentioned it, but I will be seeing her Monday and you can bet she's going to get an earful. From that as well as the 'fine' plastic surgeon she recommended to me, which has had me in agony for 2 months.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited August 2009

    lifegoeson:  I just read some of Laura's comments re: your post last night, which made me re-read YOUR post and I see what she is talking about!  If you are hoping for a "D" cup - you will want implants around 500 to 550 cc's.  Can you post photos on the pictures forum so that I can see what your chest wall looks like and see how the TE's look now? 


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited August 2009
    aoandrews:  Well, 585 gms does not seem like too much volume to me for your frame- and I just don't know that I would go through surgery for a reduction of only 60 cc's.  However, if your PS feels she needs to go in there anyway, I suppose you could do this.  But THAT perplexes me also.  You do not see the difference in height...sometimes one is higher than the other and drops appropriately after a week or two.  She does not plan to go back right away, does she?  I would stick with the same moderate profile - with the high profile you would be narrower and have more projection and that might give the illusion of being larger - which would defeat the purpose of a smaller implant.  Could you post pictures on the pictures forum?  I would really like to see what you are describing about the size of your implants on your chest wall.  It is my impression that if you wait a few months before going back to make any changes, you may find that you are happy with your larger implants!   
  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited August 2009

    aoandrews43.... I do not have an answer for you on this.. I am not really qualified..:)... Deborah will see this soon.. or tomorrow.

    Also.. Deborah.. how was the doctors appts??? I am DYING to hear...:)


    I am so glad you are chatting on here Linda... I STILL THINK 3 hours is TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO long... sound ridiculous to me... but whatever.. you are home and healing... (((((Linda)))))

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited August 2009

    oopppssss Deborah was typing the answer as I was typing...LOL

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited August 2009

    Laura: I am...I was going to post about my appt tomorrow morning - I thought FOR SURE you would be in bed by now!!!!  You little night owl, you!  I'll tell you about it in the next post...

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited August 2009

    I ama night owl...LOL..

    I just went back to work today.. FINALLY.. I was of the better part of a year with allmy treatments.. I work 11-8 thurs and Friday.. and most Sat. ( this is my schedule of choice)... anywhoo... when I get home by 9 pm.. I am to awake to sleep.. so I have just gotten used to a bedtime at 11-12pm and a wake up call to go to the gym at 8... this is just my schedule..:)

    mom told me I never slept as a child either...LOL....

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited August 2009

    My consultation to discuss a second fat grafting procedure was enlightening.  Dr. Scott did feel that I am a very good candidate for the second procedure.  He said that he could feel the ripples more than see them, which is I suppose what bothers me also.  He said that the key to fat grafting is to "over-compensate" - and that in his fat grafting study last year - it was demonstrated that even an average amount or what some might feel to be an adequate amount of fat harvested, resulted in an acceptable cosmetic result - but not as gratifying as were the results when he over-compensated.  That area of tenting I have he said he could try to correct and this would further enhance my cleavage - or disguise the fact that the skin tents in that location I suppose.

    Referable to exchanging to larger implants for reduction of rippling, he felt that this would only be a temporary benefit, if it benefitted at all.  HIs impression is that the rippling is due to the skin being so thin and he feels that a higher profile implant would only stretch out the skin further, allowing for more rippling down the road.  He said that my step-off contour would be addressed and I just have the feeling that he can do this and I am only going to do this one more time.  So I am looking at October or November - not sure yet. 

    Apparently he is a fan of saline implants and so he only uses saline with his patients.  So I am very glad that I went to MY plastic surgeon in Orange County.  He did say that it was always felt that there was definitely rippling with saline implants and virtually none with silicone implants, but his opinion has changed in this regard and he just believes that if the skin is thin, it is more likely to ripple, whether it is saline or silicone. 

    Did I miss anything?   I'm sure I'll think of something tomorrow.

    I met Peggio for lunch today after my appt. and we had a great time.  We talked nonstop for three hours!!!   And I think Peg is coming to Vegas!  It is her birthday that weekend!!! She is adorable and she is so much fun.  It will be great to have her join us.

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited August 2009

    First.. HOW GREAT you two met.... THREE HOURS..... Beautiful.. PEGGIO.... you should so come to Vegas sister!


    Well shoot.. I was hoping he would say.. BIGGER IMPLANT would fix things. I just do not think I could take lipo... It sounds TERRIBLE.. and so painful... ( Look at our poor Misty right now)...

    I will see what I look like an about 4-6 more weeks... I am seeing my PS again before we leave for Vegas.. that week I think.  I have no idea how much more work I would have to take off to have the lipo once or twice... Good Heavens... too much to ponder............ :(