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  • my560sel
    my560sel Member Posts: 399
    edited August 2009

    Cheri: Good luck with your surgery and thanks for putting things in perspective. It's so hard, we've come so far and I guess having things exactly like they were before BC is not going to happen. It's a matter of my new "normal" sinking in, dealing with it and moving forward. I think that's about it for your packing list. I know I brought a bunch of stuff when I went for my BMX and ended up using none of it!

    Sandy: Great song - Will "try" to remember it and live by those words. It's hard though, very hard......

    ((((HUGS)))) to all having surgery and also to those who just need oneSmile


  • Angel10
    Angel10 Member Posts: 347
    edited August 2009

    Good luck Cheri!  The whole thing will fly right'll be great!

    God Bless!


  • 4greatkids
    4greatkids Member Posts: 89
    edited August 2009

    What's the deal with this weight gain thing? I have gained about 10-12 pounds since the BM on April 1st. I know thatI am eating healthy, but my exercise level is way down. The TE's really limited me as the more i did, the more they hurt. Now, the PS says 6 more weeks.

    My DH says go out and get myself a new wardrobe becasue I earned it. But, these extra pounds nee to be gone first. URGH!!!!

    Terri, although I didn't loose any weight when the TE's came out, I immediately felt smaller. They were just so high and "out there!!" My shoulders looked like Mr. Olympia. Keep your chin up. We ALL have bad days. I'm sure the tamox. isn't helping. (((HUGS)))

  • Believe1
    Believe1 Member Posts: 31
    edited August 2009

    Day two ( not even 24hrs yet ) and I have no pain...I feel totally normal again.  I am really watching what I lift and dont lift, how I stretch and dont stretch because I feel so good.  I have to agree with 4greatkids about feeling smaller now with the expanders gone, because they were way up and out there and now there laying down like normal boobs would.  I have Mcghan 20-750cc in my left breast and Mcghan 20-800cc in my right breast. They are called smooth high profile implants.  But can anyone help me, because seeing the pics on the picture forum at that size they look big and voluptuous and mine dont look like that?????????  What the heck?????  Will they seem bigger and rounder as time goes on ( I do realize this is only day one for me )?  Any advice welcome!  

    Cheri2, good luck tomorrow, you will do absolutely awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!  soft boobies again....YEH!!

  • don23
    don23 Member Posts: 213
    edited August 2009


    I just read your post about feeling kind of down and I am feeling the same way. I have been tearing up more than ever and am trying to have the "new normal" sink in which is probably what started all this. So far I have had two fills and the last one kept me sore for about five days. I am getting my third (and hopefully final) fill next week. Right now I am filled 440cc (I think).  Can't do the exchange until end of Oct. or early November (PS says he likes to wait about 5-6 months before the final exchange). I have a way to wait and I think that is what is depressing me. I would like to get this done and over with. It is hard to move on with life while you have this constant reminder looking at you in the mirror. Hopefully this all passes with time.!

    Cheri2-good luck tomorrow. I am so excited for you!!!

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited August 2009


    We all understand!Kiss

  • Celine
    Celine Member Posts: 44
    edited August 2009

    I also gained 16 pounds after dmx. I also quit smoking last year and probably if assed those two together it's just about right why I gained too much weight. It's terrible.

    Sandy, the words from that song is so wonderful, Thanks for sharing.

    Happy exchange to Cheri2 tomorrow and to sftemme65 on 8/31.

  • firstmate
    firstmate Member Posts: 153
    edited August 2009

    Terri - I am exactly the same height and weight as you, and I was filled to 650cc and have 700cc implants.  I didn't start hurting until about 500cc were put in.  It amazes me how everyone is so different.  You must have really strong chest muscles.  I guess mine were weak and stretched easier.  Hang in there!  It is uncomfortable, that is for sure!

  • Lianne
    Lianne Member Posts: 7
    edited August 2009

    I also gained about 15lbs since my DMX in January...  And I lost 5lbs of breast tissue!!!

    Not fun at all.

     That song is WONDERFUL, its by a band called Nickelback, they are Canadian.

    All the best,


  • Cheri2
    Cheri2 Member Posts: 185
    edited August 2009

    Hey guys I have a thought- with the TE's being filled- they probably weigh 20!!!!  Mine feel like it anyway!!!  We have all actually lost weight! :)  Thanks for all the good thoughts!  I am very excited about tomorrow - a wee bit nervous- but mainly excited for this next phase!!!

    Terri- you'll get your mojo back!! It is just getting used to a new normal!!!!  It just takes a while.  I got excited when I met a few women who showed me their boobs in my PS's office.  It is amazing how wonderful they looked.  The photo's don't do it justice!!!  If you can ask your PS to hook you up with some other reconstructive patients who wouldn't mind showing their "girls" to you, you might start to feel better!  That is when I turned a corner, for some reason.  And one of the women I met did have lipo too! She was beautiful and about 35 and super super thin and looked great- she said she did the lipo as a present to herself, she wanted to feel better about herself and the PS gave her a discount :)

  • dani42
    dani42 Member Posts: 206
    edited August 2009


    It is good that you are getting an appointment with a pulmonist.  So happy that the oncologist doesn't feel it is something he needs to treat.  The pulmonist may want a scan sooner.  So many things can be causing a cough that are quite manageable. 

  • my560sel
    my560sel Member Posts: 399
    edited August 2009

    Denise, Don23, Celine, Robin, Lianne & Cheri: Guess we now have another thing in common! Hopefully at the end of all this we will get back to our normal weight. As mentioned, it's so hard to exercise with these darn TE's in. I wouldn't even think of doing arm exercise for fear of doing some harm! I guess I'll have to put up with the flapping arms a bit longer. Cheri: My PS did show me a picture of one of his patients but I have seen the real thing yet. So far, all I've seen is on the pic forum and that was encouraging enough to give me the courage to go through with the BMX. Again, good luck with your surgery....YOU GO GIRL!!


  • traci126
    traci126 Member Posts: 8
    edited August 2009

    Cheri don't forget your chapstick!  I'm addicted to it...  You'll do great!

    swest - Congrats on feeling so good already. 

    Feeling better every day after my exchange.  I was allowed to take a shower today.  WhooHoo

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited August 2009

    Add me to the fat list Terri... I gained 16 pds...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.. Lost 6ish so far......

    I think these last ten are Menopot ( Lindas word...:)... I might not even get them off.... Sealed

  • Jazzygem
    Jazzygem Member Posts: 125
    edited August 2009

    Add me to the FAT list as well!  That DANG Tamoxifen!!!

  • 4greatkids
    4greatkids Member Posts: 89
    edited August 2009

    Laura- You had to endure chemo and are entitled. to those 16 lbs. I, on the other hand had tissue expanderitis, so I hope that as soon as I have the exercise ok, I can take this extra baggage off. My sister just recently went through chemo as well as radiation and she's on hepceptin too. She also gained weight throughout her journey.

    Celine-Congrats on quitting smoking.

  • dani42
    dani42 Member Posts: 206
    edited August 2009

    Thank you ladies for talking about weight gain because I thought it was just me.  The scale doesn't seem to have moved much, but everything just spread.  I am off this week to get my daughter ready for college and thought I would be at the gym every morning. I wasn't!  Now my goal is that once she is gone (tomorrow - boo hoo) I will focus on me and getting fit again.  I do have another child at home but he is busier than I am.

    Denise- tomorrow is the day.  I am getting a hole in the pit of my stomach imagining what it will be like to leave her at college and drive away.   Good luck to you this weekend!

    Cheri2- good luck tomorrow! 

  • Celine
    Celine Member Posts: 44
    edited August 2009

    Thank you, great4kids. I quit before I knew I have BC. I remember well lasy year as my new year resolution is to concentrate on me to be in good health. January 09 came and here I am going thru all the woman annual tests. I did pap smear, ct scan in uterus, blood test and mamo. I already quit smoking then. I passed all the tests except for mammo. and that when I learned I have BC. Now I am so glad I did the mammo early because it could havegotten worst. I have to go and bring my son to football game. Bye Celine

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509
    edited August 2009


    Praying that your surgery will go well tomorrow and you will be very happy with the outcome...

    dani42, I will be saying a very special prayer for you tomorrow...a tough day for you sweetie...

  • Cheri2
    Cheri2 Member Posts: 185
    edited August 2009

    Thanks to all of you for the awesome support.  I am starting to get nervous!!! :(  I hope tomorrow morning these butterfly's go away. I bet these TE' do weigh something- don't they???? At least 2 pounds a piece???  

    Terri- yes the photo's are great but in person they are even better - it really is amazing how real they can look!!!

    Traci- my step mom and dad were just over for my dads birthday dinner and she told me to put chap stick in my bag and I did right then- great idea- because I got sooooo dry after my last surgery- my skin and everything was totally dry!!!  Thanks for the suggestion! 

  • Cheri2
    Cheri2 Member Posts: 185
    edited August 2009

    Thanks to all of you for the awesome support.  I am starting to get nervous!!! :(  I hope tomorrow morning these butterfly's go away. I bet these TE' do weigh something- don't they???? At least 2 pounds a piece???  

    Terri- yes the photo's are great but in person they are even better - it really is amazing how real they can look!!!

    Traci- my step mom and dad were just over for my dads birthday dinner and she told me to put chap stick in my bag and I did right then- great idea- because I got sooooo dry after my last surgery- my skin and everything was totally dry!!!  Thanks for the suggestion! 

  • Cheri2
    Cheri2 Member Posts: 185
    edited August 2009

    Thanks to all of you for the awesome support.  I am starting to get nervous!!! :(  I hope tomorrow morning these butterfly's go away. I bet these TE' do weigh something- don't they???? At least 2 pounds a piece???  

    Terri- yes the photo's are great but in person they are even better - it really is amazing how real they can look!!!

    Traci- my step mom and dad were just over for my dads birthday dinner and she told me to put chap stick in my bag and I did right then- great idea- because I got sooooo dry after my last surgery- my skin and everything was totally dry!!!  Thanks for the suggestion! 

  • Cheri2
    Cheri2 Member Posts: 185
    edited August 2009

    Thanks to all of you for the awesome support.  I am starting to get nervous!!! :(  I hope tomorrow morning these butterfly's go away. I bet these TE' do weigh something- don't they???? At least 2 pounds a piece???  

    Terri- yes the photo's are great but in person they are even better - it really is amazing how real they can look!!!

    Traci- my step mom and dad were just over for my dads birthday dinner and she told me to put chap stick in my bag and I did right then- great idea- because I got sooooo dry after my last surgery- my skin and everything was totally dry!!!  Thanks for the suggestion! 

  • dani42
    dani42 Member Posts: 206
    edited August 2009

    Cheri2, when I had a hysterectomy I thought for sure I would lose weight.  It didn't happen.  My exchange will be 6 weeks on tuesday so I need to get back to the gym. I hope you post as soon as you are up to it.

    Sorry to the ladies that I missed this week.  I hope all went well.

    Linda, you are a sweetheart.  Thank you for the prayer.  Her friends are coming over in a little while to say goodbye.  I hope they don't cry because if they do, I won't be able to hold back the tears myself.   

  • packergirl
    packergirl Member Posts: 81
    edited August 2009

    Dani42- Well we will be doing the same thing tomorrow. It is a tough day. My thoughts are with you.

    Cheri2- Best wishes tomorrow. Things are going to be great. Check in and let us know how your doing! You sound packed and ready for tomorrow evening and are in the hands of a good friend. Your in my prayers.

    And this weight gain thing sucks. I am there with you too! I have gained 15 lbs since starting chemo and most of it has been with this whole expanders process. The having to be less active with these things in is hard! As the saying goes... any of you who lost weight- come claim it- I don't want it!

  • KEW
    KEW Member Posts: 450
    edited August 2009

    (((((Dani42))))) not easy to watch them fly, just went through it myself a few weeks ago, but it will be good everyone.  Thank you for your support.


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited August 2009

    Cheri:  You are in my prayers tonight.  Be calm....sleep well.....check in with us tomorrow!  

    Dani:  Oh.....this huge milestone that is so wonderful yet so painful.  I pray you have a sense of peace and calm tomorrow....and pride that you have done so well in getting her to this stage in her life....

  • packergirl
    packergirl Member Posts: 81
    edited August 2009

    Terri and Laura- I so know what you mean about feeling like your breast size makes you "chubbier" than you really are.  I went a year with no boobs so I thought the feeling chubby thing was all in my head after getting used to seeing nothing. Now I feel like I look like I have gained way more than I have. I am hoping the reason I feel that way is due to the projection of these low profile TE's. They are designed to stick out 7 cm and an implant won't stick out that far...Maybe I am just dreaming. All kinds of things to consider hey?

  • dani42
    dani42 Member Posts: 206
    edited August 2009

    Packergirl, good luck to you tomorrow!  Karen, glad to know it gets better.  Her friends are over now, I will miss this. 

    Deborah, she is so ready.  It just came so fast. 

  • Angel10
    Angel10 Member Posts: 347
    edited August 2009

    Well ladies...I don't want to make you jealous....but I lost 15 pounds since my BMX! HOWEVER...the reason is... I became so sick from an infection from my TE's and had to spend 6 days  in the hospital on IV antibiotics. I did not have much of an appetite through that at all! I was miserable! Then 3 weeks later I started feeling like I had the flu, was throwing up etc., in bed all day and ended up having hepatitis from the antibiotics I went home on!  I lost a lot of weight during that period (turned yellow, could not get out of bed for days, couldn't even keep chicken broth down!)  I was miserable again....and through it all...all I could hear in my mind was my dearly deceased mom's voice who chided me throughout my teenage and young adult life for lamenting the extra 10-15 pounds I was carrying!  "Angel, stop worrying about your weight. You may need those extra 10 pounds someday..." and you know.... she was right!

    I have already put 5 back on, and I feel the rest coming so I do want to get back to some type of exercise regimen before I start my Tomoxifen (I am targetting Sept. 1...have been pushing that out since all this, too...) but my point is, be careful of what you wish for! And sometimes mom's really are right! Kiss I really miss mine...sigh....

    Hugs and God Bless!
