Exchange City
There are going to be bad days and good days...for a while I think. On Tues, I was a mess when I went bra shopping and looked at myself in the mirror of the dressing room. But yesterday I went to work and felt more "normal". We moved bravely forward thru all we had to do, such as surgery, but now the smoke has cleared and we're not sure how to feel. Everyone thinks we should be happy because for the most part, the worst is over. But now we are left with all of our emotions to deal with, which we really didn't have a chance to deal with before. I hope that today is a better day for you.
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I agree with annie7216. Some days are harder.
I just want to ask if anybody had a bruise or looks like hematoma(black discoloration) on the breast skin after a couple of weeks after the exchange surgery. I'm 3 weeks post op. I had bilateral but the black discoloration just happen yesterday on the radiated breast.
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Lilah, Packergirl and Thisdayforward - Praying that your surgeries went well and that you are resting peacefully and pain-free.
I'm getting nervous about my own surgery next week but I want to add that I'm saying a prayer for all of those brave ladies who haven't had their MX's yet or who have just been diagnosed. Last year at this time I wasn't so sure I would be seeing another Xmas but here I am and even though I never liked the snow, I've never seen a more beautiful sight.......... I thank the Lord for getting me here and pray that he has mercy on those who have yet to make the journey.
Hugs and best wishes to all you dear ladies,
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Julie: So your TEs are 13.5 cm wide which means, in my estimation, Mentor HP's between 550 cc to 650 ccs [depending on what fits best after expansion] would give you the volume you desire. Your PS can take three different sizers into the OR at the time of exchange.
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Hey, ladies! Just wanted to say you are all loved and appreciated here! Just like in a family, each of us has a gift - wisdom, humor, sensitivity, compassion, spirit. It's the beauty of EC - and I'd be lost with you all! Sorry....just feeling a bit emotional these days....but I know I'm not alone!
I had my annual gyn check up yesterday, and not unlike some of you (as I remember), it was a bit difficult. Just being back there reminded me that my bc journey started exactly a year ago - when I scheduled my mammogram after that appointment. To make matters less pleasant, I had to update my medical changes - which obviously have been not insignificant this year. So....the med tech takes my vitals, then brings my to the exam room and starts on her litany of questions. She says, "so I see you had a normal pap last year, but your mammogram was abnormal. I'll get back to that in a minute. Are you doing your breast self-exams?" When I said "no, I'm not doing breast self-exams," she asked why not? I responded, "Because I don't have breasts anymore!" Good heavens! You are required to fill out all this information - and for what value??!! I did mention this all to the dr as I was leaving, and told her that reading the chart might be a good first step for the tech- a mistake like that could easily send someone over the edge. It nearly did to me - but I tried to maintain some sense of humor........
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Oh Val! I can relate! My initial GYN appt was December 23rd last year and do you know, I have NOT even called for my pap yet! (usually I have those booked by September) I know I have to go in but I think I am going to break down in tears with my GYN- he delivered both my babies and I just bawled like a baby on the phone with him when he told me to go in for tests (2 fam members with BC in my family)- a long story short- I ran into my GYN at the apple store and teared up and he gave me a big hug and said, "it's going to be OK" and then of course I cried harder!!! I will go in but I think I need it removed from Christmas. I have been very emotional lately!
Breastless- please keep us posted. I know it is hard to change midway through but I am so happy I did. There are some great PS's out there. Interview a few. Take the time, it is worth it!!!
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Hi everyone. Val, I completely relate. Went for my follow up today with my PS 10 days out of my exchange. The girl checking me in requested to see my insurance card. Simple question, but almost put me over the edge too. I told her, "I had surgery here 10 days ago, nothing has changed." I know she is just doing her job, but it may help to look the last time I came in and ask if there are any changes.
My check up was good. One foob is bigger than the other, but PS said the other needs to drop and fluff more. Have an appt for 4/30/10 to do the nips and more fat grafting.
My dear DH and I drove down to Sanibel Island this afternoon for our short vacation. Yesterday, I spent the whole day with my son who has just completed his in-patient portion of alcohol/drug rehab and it was unbelieveable. He did work for me I couldn't do, vacuum, clean the pool out, put lights on the Christmas tree and talked, talked talked. He says I'm his best friend. On the way down here today, we were listening to a Christmas CD and a song came on, "Mary, Did You Know." If you know the song, you will understand. In the middle of the song, there is a line that says, "When you kiss your little baby, you've kissed the face of God." I can't explain why, but I completely broke down and wept. I have not been able to really cry for a long time, but this touched me so as I was able to look back and remember raising my 3 boys and know I was a good mother and how very much I loved and treasured them. They are coming back to me.
I've cried about everything all day. My DH kissed me when we got here and I cried. We walked along the beach picking up shells and I cried. I love birds and a beautiful white egret walked right by me--it was almost spiritual and I cried. I feel like th flood gates have opened up. I also believe so much of this has to do with being so near the end of this journey along with reconcilliation and restoration. My sisters, you are delightful to know and my prayers ar with you all. Thanks for listening.
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Angel40-I had my exchange Nov 10. A few weeks later I too noticed that the lifted side looked like it developed a big bruise, but then it really didn't look like a bruise-just kind of black looking. It was on the inside 1/2 of my breast. It cleared up after about 2 weeks, but it is still hard on that side.
On the mast side where I got the implant, I have had a circular swelling on the end of my clavicle. I noticed that 2 days beore Thanksgiving. Did this happen to anyone else?
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Linda--Your pictures look great. Happy Holidays and all the best in 2010. Moving forward, one of the Sisters I love so much reminded me to keep moving forward...
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Hi my dears;; sorry I've been gone so much but you are always in my heart, all of you!!
Hey Angel: I have to second that one; I had those questions too. Since I do not ask people how their colonoscopies went, or how their catheters feel, I think those questions are out of line. Sometimes the "pink" stuff makes people forget I think that they are still asking very personal questions. On here, we can do it, but outside, I actually have to watch my own mouth!
That is what I do...I look at them for about 5 beats and say nothing at all. Then I say "my, that is a very personal question, isn't it", laugh and change the subject. If they do it again, just say "Oh you really ARE interested, aren't you! I guess they do look good!" and change it again. It may take a few times. It's coming from a good place, but you are in no way obligated to answer such a personal question, I don't care if it's your own mom asking. It's your body.
My darling girls who have surgery scheduled and might have to put it off....don't you want to be feeling your best to have surgery and not to have to deal with a cold too? You don't want complications. You want it all to turn out great. It's all relative. Your boobies will be be beautiful and soft a week or so later on............
But best of luck and love to all.......
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yay great to see Annie again
Linda best of look...
Hope to do the happy dance for Packergirl soon... tell us how things went...
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Geez--I just went back and found my first post on page 36--March 9th. Thank you all for being so welcoming and for sharing yourselves. It is a pleasure to know you--even if it is via a cyber connection.
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Just thought I'd add my name to your exchange list.
I will be getting larger implants and nipples all in the same surgery on Dec. 18. I can't wait. My breast bone is void of anything right now so the Mentor moderate plus in 900 cc will be going in to replace the high profile 750s which were implanted Oct. 2.
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can I ask why your going to moderate plus?
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They sound like HP are way to narrow for you.. and you need a wider implant...
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I totally understand too...
They should read all their patients charts prior to opening their mouths. I bet you had more... class than I,
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Karen... the black could be blood below... bruising... I would not worry too much. Call your PS and let them know. Do you have fever? Any openings coming from the rads boob?
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Wanna know a little something...
I actually said " no " to something today.
I am learning to say... "no"...
had to share...
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Theresa how are you feeling
ps is you click on delilahbears name you can read her other post which explains more why she wants her exchange...
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Estepp ~ That is probably the hardest and best thing that can ever happen in your life. Amazing how it will change your ability in the future to say "yes" when you mean and it and "no" when you just can't buy in. AMEN SISTER!!!
I learned that lesson saying "no" to my mother who I dearly love and respect. It freed both of us!!! Now she says "no" too!!
xoxo Colleen
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Thanks Colleen.. my "no" today did not hurt a soul.. not make them mad... but it sure made me giggle at myself later... I was so proud that I said no.... SOOOOOOOOOOOOO not like the old Laura..:)... who knows what the " new me" will bring... kinda fun finding out...
Oh Packer... I listen to your CD and prayed all day for you... I hope... very soon... you sleep ALL NIGHT LONG.....
we ladies who went to Vegas... know that Packer has not slept in a year due to TE and delayed reconstruction.... poor girl....
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FIRNI...are your nips still tomorrow??? If so... WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO for you girl!
Let us know!
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Teresa... are you doing ok... I know you stay up late so you might be on now...LOL
Sunshine.... GREAT GREAT GREAT to have you hear posting and being with us!! WAHOOOOO
ANNIE.... GREAT GREAT GREAT to see you posting too sister..... stupid jobs.... keep us from eachother... BAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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annie7216 ~
Thanks for your comforting words. My internet is up & running again...switched providers...what a difference because I really missed connecting with all "my sisters"!! Even my DH realized how sad I looked when we could not get our internet running...he made it a point to get this corrected TODAY...he is a sweetheart considering he is constantly busy running his businesses. Miss one day & boy so much to read & catch up! LOL!! It is so hard now trying to keep up with everyone!
Cyber hugs to all who are still recovering & those who are having surgeries! Bless you all!
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Laura, yes. Nipples are still on for tomorrow. PS is going to do the areola tattoos at the same time. Haven't heard of anyone else having flap nipples and the tattoos done at the same time. I'm a little nervous about the pain as I have full feeling in my foobs. Skin origami has to hurt. PS didn't Rx anything beforehand like he did with the exchange. I'll let you all know how it goes.
I hope those who had surgery this week already are healing and feeling well. And those to come later this week have an easy time.
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Hi guys. So far so good. I am having a little more pain than before especially on my ribcage. I think I kind of over did today and my body was not happy. I have been sleeping from 530 to 130am and taking my pain pills every 6 hours.
I cant wait til the swelling comes down so I can see what they will really look like.
Well I better go back to sleep. Talk to you guys soon
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Firni, sounds like you're getting the same type of nipple procedure I'm going to have. Always one step ahead of me, huh?? But my PS said I had to wait 6-8 weeks for the tattoos. I'm always amazed at the widely diverse procedures.
Question: Since I'm about 1" lopsided due to the radiated side not fluffing, should I ask my PS about slightly displacing the nipples to create the illusion of being even? Would that screw up my options of looking even if I ever have to go back in for a lat dorsi procedure?
I've got my pre-op tomorrow morning and want to come prepared with questions.
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Hi ladies,
i know i havent been on in a long time..i have had neck problems & now my foot which i have had 5 surgeries on has been acting up & the dr said that i have a stress fracture & tendenitis...oy...first i break my finger & now all i am wondering.. in June i had a "partial hysterecomy". They kept my ovaries. Now ppl are saying that this is why my finger broke & i am having such issues w/ my foot & neck. The bones get weak & the tendons do too. I am no medical expert all..but i thought b/c they kept my ovaries & i wouldnt get the hot flashes & go thru complete "menopause" that it wouldnt effect my bones... but maybe i misunderstood..anyone here w/ info..can i be getiing osteprosis..should i take calcium pills...any thoughts or suggestions would be g8t.
well its chilly here in MD, but no snow:( by the time it will warm up & we will get percipation, it will b rain!! Hope everyone is enjoying..weeeknds almost here
Now i have to start thinking abt nipples. my ps said he didnt know if he could spare the nipple b/c i had reduction & teh nipple was removed & many yrs ago some lumptenectomies, they cut around the aerola to get out the lump. He said something abt grafting (not sure if that would happen at the same time as the BMX & reconstruction) but i dont want "headlights all the what r my options..if i do the graft does this mean i will have little bumps all the time...
have a great one all!!
For anyone here that celebrates Chanukah (2morrow nite is the 1rst nite) have a wonderful Chanukah!!
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I'm home from my nip surgery and doing great. Really just some itchiness from the tape over the dressings. No pain as yet. I was more or less awake for most of the procedure and chatting with PS and the OR nurse. That was different. I go back next Tues to have the stitches out so I have no clue what the nips look like. PS said I have nice thick skin so he could make some chunky nips. Can't wait to see what "chunky" nips look like.
Texas, My PS ended up not doing the tattoos today. He said that as the nipple swelling goes down and they change, I could lose the roundness of the areola. So I decided to wait with the tattoos. You know my whole goal was to stay one step ahead of you, but you may end up getting your tattoos before me. I may wait till next winter and go to Florida to have that done. I know I won't be able to get time off work before then. Or I may just let PS do them. Don't know yet. I have time. My foobs are about 1/2 inch difference in size. PS did try to position the nipples out so when you look at them, they are even on my body. What that would do with an LD flap later, I don't know. Good question for your PS.
Shoshi, if you still have your ovaries, you should still be producing the Estrogen you need for your bones unless you're going into menopause anyway or have some other condition that is thinning or weakening your bones. You might ask your doc to do a bone density test and then you'll know if you should be taking extra calcium. From what I understand, flap nipples or grafts are pliable and can be pushed down so they don't show. Lots of sisters here have had their nips done and I'm sure they can tell you more. My nips are only 4 hours old and totally bandaged. Not too much first hand knowledge yet.
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Firni - Congrats on your nips! Chunky, huh? I can't wait to hear how my ps describes mine since he says my skin is so thin! I was originally going to get them today, too, but thanks to a lovely respiratory virus........I can't imagine chatting with the OR gang - luckily my ps uses general even for nips - doesn't want to risk a potentially moving patient, I guess! One more surgery in January to fix my sliding left foob, then probably nips in April....I hope...
Mary - "Mary Did You Know" is one of my absolute favorite Christmas songs - and it makes me cry, too! Of course, these days, nearly everything makes me cry...happy....or sad.....or whatever......
Cheri - I wish I'd thought about just waiting January for my appointment. Separating the holidays from all this stuff would be a wonderful idea. I should just declare December as a "Doctor Free Month"...........wouldn't my dh (a doc, btw, lol) love that!
Estepp - got any pointers on how to say "no?" I'm in major need of rehab in that area.....
KEW - moving forward......I should make that my new mantra.......eventually!