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Exchange City



  • Carolyn2008
    Carolyn2008 Member Posts: 53
    edited December 2009

    Bigapple  So sorry to hear that sending hugs and praying for you.

    Teresa  Oh good thing no infection and that you are feeling better Praying for good new's for you 

    dee   Don't get down you need to give you new foobs time to (fluff) hang in there 


  • typhoon55
    typhoon55 Member Posts: 48
    edited December 2009

    To the girls with rad breasts,

    I had exchange 6 days ago and was doing well, no pain no spasms.  Today the old rad breast is having some muscle spasms.  Just wondering if anyone else had this happen.  I'm just concerned because that side was very firm and hard from the fills and I don't want CC to happen.  PS said no massaging yet and I don't see him for 1 1/2 weeks.  Maybe I'm just concentrating on that side.  Any opinions??


    PS will post pics this weekend.

  • Carolyn2008
    Carolyn2008 Member Posts: 53
    edited December 2009

    Janet   I am 3 weeks out from my exchange and yes I also have been having spasms and my ps said this was to be expected and not to worry about it being cc so lets hope our rad breast hangs in

  • don23
    don23 Member Posts: 213
    edited December 2009

    I have a question that I'm hoping someone can answer. I am six weeks out from my exchange surgery. I have now noticed that one of my foobs appears to be smaller than the other one (not so much when looking straight at them naked but with clothes on). The one that is smaller also has some rippling going on and feels softer. Is this normal and does the other one usually catch up? Am I being too paranoid? I do have my six week check up with ps on Monday but was hoping to have some answers before then.

  • KEW
    KEW Member Posts: 450
    edited December 2009

    Hi Don,

    My cancer side is just a little smaller than the other side.  I don't know if it because the took a little more skin or what, they were both expanded to 750 and both have 800s in them, but the left side is a little smaller.  I'm waiting several more months--will have me close to a year after exchange to revisit it.  I know I need some fat grafting for step-off, but on the smaller side I need some put back under my arm because of all the chunks of fat taken out during the SNB--which actually was 9 nodes on that side and surrounding fatty tissue--so sometimes I wonder if that makes the side looks smaller, but even in a well fitting bra it is a little smaller.  However, in pre bc years, one was a tad larger than the other--maybe I lack balance in my life!  I look forward to hearing what others say.

    Wendy--I'm shocked!  I'm sorry that you have to be going through this, but hope all goes well today, you are in good hands.  Geez, big hugs, and keep us posted.


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited December 2009

    Wendy:  Oh my!  Now let them explain to you what that "burn" represented....why was it there in the first place and why was it not addressed when you noticed it weeks ago?  Praying you keep the implant...

    NAE:  Dr. MG does not seem to have an opinion regarding implant displacement exercises.  I think you just need to wait another month or two though before doing anything too vigorously. 

  • rockwell_girl
    rockwell_girl Member Posts: 517
    edited December 2009

    I'm thinking I was told to wait about a month before doing massages that way everything can heal inside before you start pushing things around...

  • Nedeza
    Nedeza Member Posts: 351
    edited December 2009

    Thanks Whippetmom & Rockwell-girl!

    I agree Deborah that Dr. MG really did not make it too clear...thought it was just me...thanks!

    Carolyn2008 ~

    I had disolvable stitches with that superglue-like adhesive over my incisions.

    Well...gotta go to a Christmas party with one of my offices tonight...& I am NOT going to wear a sports bra for this! Laughing !!!

    Continued thoughts & prayers to all .... there are sooo many this month!

  • udpt82
    udpt82 Member Posts: 12
    edited December 2009

    Angel10 and Typhoon 55, Thanks for the info about the bra sale.  To be honest, I wouldn't want a fitting and will probably wait awhile before bra shopping.

    I saw the PS today and she is happy with the results.  We are keeping our fingers crossed that the rad side will continue to heal.  My exchange was 12/1 and today she told me to start massaging (the rad side is tighter than it was post-op).  I can also start reaching over head, so I want to gently work on my shoulders.  I have been in a surgical bra 24/7 since surgery, but she said I can switch to a sports bra and only during the day.  I gather from what people wrote, there seems to be different timeframes for this.

    Can anyone give me an idea about my cup size now?  I was a B/C before, but think I am smaller now.  I have high profile implants, 550 cc on left (rad) and 500 cc on right.  Pre-op, the PS said she thought I would end up around a B or a little less.  I guess I will hope a bra makes me look more even (right is lower) and a little bigger.  Time will tell.

    I am sorry to hear about the difficulties some women are having and hope things are looking up for all.  Thank goodness for this website and the support! 

  • LizziesNuNu
    LizziesNuNu Member Posts: 33
    edited December 2009

    Texas, I am so sorry to read of all your troubles. I have been reading your blobs since my dx in July.  You are in my prayers.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited December 2009

    udpt82:  Cup size is not something which translates by virtue of implant volume.  So many other factors come into play.  A 550 cc implant might be a "B" cup on one woman and an "E" cup on another.  Huge variance.  It all depends on your height, weight, ribcage circumference, your ribcage characteristics, whether you have complete submusculars or partial submusculars.   In a week or two, go to Dillards or Nordstroms and get professionally fitted for one good, supportive bra.  There are websites which will give you a pretty good idea of what cup size you are currently....if you want to key in the numbers.  Here is one of them:,901,30.html


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited December 2009

    Hoping to hear from Terri about her exchange.....

  • nene2059
    nene2059 Member Posts: 53
    edited December 2009

    Hi all,

    My goodness there are so many having serious issues!  Know that you are all in my prayers and that we are all rooting for you!! I am so glad to hear that Teresa is doing better and hope that Texas and Bigapple will be close behind. 

    To the ladies with the different size breasts, I may be totally off with these thoughts and I did not have rads so I won't even begin to presume that  I could understand what you ladies are dealing with.  I was thinking that the lady who said it may be that more tissue was taken out of one side during MX is on to something.  I had a lot of problems with the TE's and this.  It wasn't so much that more tissue was taken on either side but it was taken in different areas.  I looked very off when I had TE's and it is too soon to tell with the implants but I am guessing they will settle differently.  Also, and I know this may seem crazy if you had BMX like me, but my breasts were two different sizes when they were real and I found during the expansion process that the bigger side kept going bigger even with the same cc amount.  It is my dominant side, my right, and I think that side may just be bigger.  My PS put in a 650 cc on my left side and a 600 cc on my right to keep this from happening but we'll see......  My natural breasts were one full cup size different.  I was a C on left and a D on right.  I never knew until my PS visits for this. I guess when they were perky it did not bother me and as the girls headed south I started to ignore them until the push up bra was onWink  Anyway, I am too early post expansion to know what I am going to end up with and I may be asking the same questions soon.  I am a little happier with the implants as I feel like they are not as flat looking as they were the first few days after surgery.  I think the bandages that they had on us did flatten them out and my PS never had me in a surgical bra and just told me to wear a sportsbra for awhile and I think that has helped "un flatten" them a little. I guess us exchange newbies wil find out together.  Thanks for letting me become a part of this thread.  You all are great.  Best wishes to all and a little extra for those experiencing difficulties.

  • cnemeth
    cnemeth Member Posts: 136
    edited December 2009

    Last weekend I had Christmas lunch with the "girls".  These are the ones who have been at my side for the last 20 years.  We have been through 5 weddings, 4 divorces, 11 births, etc.

    We celebrated the end of the "Year of the Breast"!!  I gave all of them the Hanky Panky's (most comfortable sexy underwear I have ever worn) that are pink with the ribbon in Swarovski crystals.

    If any of you want an idea on what to give a good friend who has been there for you this is it!  Needless to say there were many tears shed on Sunday. (Sorry I screwed up and can't seem to paste the whole page but am sure you are all smarter than me and can locate it if necessary.)

    Take care,  Colleen

  • Jan1
    Jan1 Member Posts: 281
    edited December 2009

    Diane, Great news,  you cracked me up with the baking vs. tossing the cookies, we have all been there.

    Samiam, Congratulations on the grafting and it sounds like you tolerated the procedure well, were you put out for this? or was it done under a local?

    Wendy,  AAArrrrrggggg!!  Goodness gracious, you went from 0 to infection so quickly.  Keep us posted and you are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Texas,  I am glad to hear that you and your PS came up with a good compromise on your implants.  You can't enjoy your foobs if you are in constant pain.  

    Dee, I am glad to know that all went well, remember the term "immediate" reconstruction is a very relative term.

    Teresa,  Whoo Hoo, a lot of prayer and good thoughts sent your way, now Wendy really needs the same good thoughts.

    Colleen, I have to look up these panties, they sound adorable and I like the idea of giving them as a gift.  

    Karen,  Shoulder?   


  • Bigapple09
    Bigapple09 Member Posts: 247
    edited December 2009

    Hi guys:

    So the implant had to come out, yes this was related to the heating pad burn, he said that the infections was pretty extensive, we are waiting for the cultures now.

    This time I spoke to the anesthesiologist and her nurse and told them all the trouble I had waking up last time and about the throwing up, so they adjusted the anesthesia and gave anti-emetics and I have to say I was up and rearing to go back to my room about 45 minutes after surgery, I ate some soup and drank and no tummy issues, just goes to show that talking to every single person in the OR can sometimes make a difference.

    In about three weeks they will give me a soft prosthetic, and in a few months start with expanders.Im trying to keep a good outlook, and hopefully can hide the uneven boobie thing with scarves for a while.

    I am so glad I did not wait to come in once it looked a little odd, even with the iv antibiotics, the redness went from one small spot to the whole breast and across the median and down my right arm, scary stuff these germs.

    I hope everyone stays well and drama free.You guys are awesome and really make me stronger.


  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited December 2009



    Wendy.. I am sorry honey.. grrrrrrrrrr.. I am mad for you! It is a set back... but you will still get the implant... just later. I am sorry... there are too many highs and lows in this journey..

    NAE... I just got home and settled from work... I agree with Deb and Sandy... give yourself time to heal.. ( 4-6 weeks) then begin massage. The massage help keep the implant from getting CC and from getting scar tissue build it place where there is no movement.. we want that implant to stay mobile in the pocket!

    Peace ladies... I feel so bad there are so many issue going on. This is a very busy time for me in my hair salon.. so if anyone wants to ask me anything.. PM me.. I will directly go to your question.

    Rads.... YES... some muscle spasms... this does not mean CC is coming.... Massage the rads breast 30 min a day... 4 weeks out of surgery.... :)

  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631
    edited December 2009

    OMG Big Apple that is terrible news!  Sending prayers for a speedy recovery (and not losing the implant).



  • KEW
    KEW Member Posts: 450
    edited December 2009

    Wendy--So sorry, but really I'm so grateful that you went in when you did, thinking of how sick you may have become is scary.  You seem to be taking in stride, remember, you can rant here if you need to.  Grateful, Grateful, Grateful, that you will be OK, but sorry you have to wait a little longer.

    Hugs and Love...

    Jan--Shoulder is getting better, I can pull my pants up without crying out, so that is an improvement.  The Tens unit made a big difference in pain.  I can't do anything weight bearing, but I'm sure I will be soon.  I swear I'm falling apart though, tomorrow I have to go have my glucose tested because when my onc did blood work last week (not fasting) my glucose was 172--really hoping I have not developed diabetes during all this.  It is one thing after another and luckily aside from the bc everything is ultimately OK.

    Ready for a laugh everyone?  During the night my down comforter ripped open.  I woke up with feathers everywhere all over my room in my hair, nose, I hope I didn't inhale any because how would that look on my next lung CT?  

    I have been on 50K units of vitamin D once a month for the last 3 months because my levels crashed.  It didn't change at all, so now I'm on 50K once a week for 8 weeks, and if levels are up, 2000iu/day.  I would really like to get it out of the 30 and closer to 80.

    Samiam---Congrats, it has been a long road for you.  I'm really happy for you! 

    I am SO READY for 2010!!!!

    Love you all!


  • Nedeza
    Nedeza Member Posts: 351
    edited December 2009

    Estepp ~

    Thanks for your FYI...every advice counts!!!

    Bigapple09 ~

    Oohh my!!  My prayers & thoughts are with you!!!! 


    I agree...can't wait to ring in 2010!!!  2009 has been a life changing experience...literally!  It has been a difficult year all around for everyone.

    Just came back from my dinner with my office...& IT WAS SO NICE to actually put on a bra & look "normal"...Laughing !  Now..back on with my sports bra!

    Take care sisters!!!!


  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631
    edited December 2009

    Wendy -- so sorry to hear that you had to lose the implant.  That SUCKS!  I also had my surgery at Memorial Sloan Kettering in NY.  They sent me to the Breast Center (around the corner from the hospital) to the Boutique where I got something called a "fluffy" - it's soft and fabric, lightweight... and is stuffed with something cottony that you can pull out to adjust size.  For me it's a good "prosthetic" while I am getting my fills (my first one will be Monday, btw, ladies -- I'm a little nervous!).  But when you mentioned dealing with the unevenness for a few weeks while you wait for your prosthetic (presumably something more than the "fluffy"), I thought of this for you.  When I went to the Boutique the woman there gave me one for free.  I have been using it since yesterday and you absolutely can't tell... plus it's so soft against my breast it feels nice (well, where there IS feeling).  Ask your PS about this (or his nurses -- it was actually my PS's nurse who told me about this).



  • Nedeza
    Nedeza Member Posts: 351
    edited December 2009

    Ladies ~

    Those with post long did you have to wait before working out again?  I am 3+ weeks post exchange & with all the holiday goodies & a bit of over indulging...I REALLY want to get back to the gym.  I know my PS does not want me to do any "bouncing" but with a good support sports bra I feel like it should be okay.  Hmm...any advice?


  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631
    edited December 2009

    Nedeza -- you really should go over this with your PS.  Aside from not bouncing, I was told never to do anything that would bulk up the pecs (for obvious reasons).  Walking is a good way to work out at this point -- to burn calories anyway.  Have you tried that?  (Not on a treadmill, which causes bouncing, but in the real world).  I was told walking was a good way to exercise.


  • Nedeza
    Nedeza Member Posts: 351
    edited December 2009

    Lilah ~

    I just want to do cardio...burn some calories.  I love the eliptical machines (w/o the arm movements for now)  but I guess good ole fashion walking outdoors is better!  Outdoor walking...hmm...what's that?? LOL!

    Take care...many hugs!


  • Hannahbearsmom
    Hannahbearsmom Member Posts: 266
    edited December 2009

    Wendy: I'm glad that you trusted your instincts to get the redness checked out early! I am so sorry that they had to remove your implant though. I'll be thinking of you.

    Colleen: I am definitely checking out those Hanky Panky's! Sounds like a cute idea!

    Karen:Good to hear that your shoulder is improving.The comforter issue sounds like something that would happen in my it was fun to clean up to, huh? I've been reading and hearing more about vitamin D and I have to remember to check with my onc when I see her in January about getting my levels checked.

    Texas:I am glad that your PS was able to give you a more comfortable implant and hope that you continue to feel well.

    Theresa:What a relief to hear that you were able to keep your implant in! Praying for no sign of infection in your cultures.

    Whippetmom:You are a wealth of knowledge and as I get further into the process I will probably be looking for input.

    Nedeza:I'm glad that you had a "normal" evening out--there will be many more to come I'm sure.

    I hope that all those who have had and are having surgeries this week will be experience smooth, painfree recoveries!

    I know that I am still a newbie here but I feel like a part of the group even after such a short timeSmile TCK

  • Delilahbear
    Delilahbear Member Posts: 206
    edited December 2009

    Hi to all of you Lovely Ladies

    I am sorry to hear of many of your ups and downs, and pray that the downs are surely soon to turn to ups.  I am pretty new to this site and wish I had found it at the beginning of my Journey.

    Anyhow, here I sit waiting until 11:00 EST to go to hospital for 1:30pm surgery for my implant exchange and nipple surgery.  Didn't sleep too much last night and now am more anxious about this surgery than any of the other ones.  I have not been happy with some of the saggy skin from the  Mentor HP 750s put in in Oct. so now will go to the largest moderate profile. PS and DH are not real pleased with my decision, but it is my body and the last time I want to undergo surgery for a long time.

    I will relate a bit of a funny story. I have an AS degree in Crime Scene Technology and found some latex "bullet holes" left from a mock murder scene we had to stage, photograph and present. When viewed from the back they look like aerola and nipple. Well, after tellling the PS I didn't like my implants 3 days after original implant surgery (I didn't know they would fluff at that point), I decided the next visit that the implants weren't so bad so taped the backwards bullet holes on when I went for follow up. PS actually cracked a smile and when the nurse and Gen. Surg. saw them, they about doubled over with laughter. Yesterday I went for all the marking and he sent me to the ladies room to look and see if what he drew for the nipple placement was acceptable to me. I looked and looked and then went out in the middle of the hallway and asked the nurse, Gen. Surg. (PS and GS are Ex's, but share practice, wierd, but one stop shopping) for their opinion. Anyhow I went back in room and told him that the markings seemed OK, but I would have to go home and try on my "bullet Holes".  They seem ok.  I guess I am worried that I am doing the correct thing in having the implants changed as everyone thinks they are great, but I just feel too hollow at the top of the breast area and with nothing over my sternum. I think the broader base will balance better. He also told me not to lose any more weight than 10% from where I am now which would be about 18 lbs. or the implants would really show.  I guess if I were  to lose another 18 on top of the 15 I have already lost, it would still be an improvement.

    Sorry for the long posting, I guess that I am just nervous. Will post tomorrow how everything goes, but I can't see the nips until next Tuesday. He has to suture something over them rather than tape as I am extremely sensitive to the adhesive on the banaid type tape. I will be having grafts from the groin area . . . OUCH!

    Nancy,  AKA Delilahbear

  • TXBadboob
    TXBadboob Member Posts: 109
    edited December 2009

    Just wanted to say I'm thinking of all of you brave women and my prayers are with the ones who are having problems.  I hope everyone's feeling better and doing well.

    Terri, how's it going?  Looking forward to hearing from you.

    KEW, I work in an ortho lab part time, and many of the Drs. we do work for use the TENS machine to find ideal bites for the TMJ patients.  They really help in TMJ pain. Interesting.  I see my onc next Tues, and I plan to ask her about my continuing arm pain.  I'm glad your pain is getting better.  Take it easy:)


  • my560sel
    my560sel Member Posts: 399
    edited December 2009
    Hello dear sisters......... Had my exchange surgery yesterday and all went well. Seems my PS put in Mentor smooth round moderate plus profile cohesive I implants 700 cc's. From what I can see ( I just have a square bandage across the incisions on each boob), I have that hamburger bun look but I'm not going to get too excited about as I know they have to drop and fluff. I don't see any divots or anything unusual but I guess I'm still swollen and they may appear once the swelling has gone down. Deborah, I didn't think he'd be able to get in 700cc's but I guess the curvature of my ribcage allowed for it. I know those TE's were pressing quite hard on my ribs and maybe they indented? I look a little wide but that could be from the swelling. DH thinks I look good but bless him, I don't think he would say anything to upset me right now. I could post photos but maybe it's a bit too soon since I still have the bandages on?

    Hey Deen, I did it !!!  Another step taken in this journey... 2010 can't get here fast enough! Thanks for asking and I hope all is well with you

    Wendy, My heart is breaking hearing about your setback but I'm glad that you caught it in time. Prayers and thoughts are with you

    Texas: Glad your issue resolved with smaller implants.


  • wabiwoman
    wabiwoman Member Posts: 151
    edited December 2009

    Hi beauties,

    Just doing my usual Fri/Sat/Sun check-in (the days I can breathe!).  Sooooo much going on as always.

    KEW - I must say I love the thought of you lightly covered in feathers!  I know I'm romanticizing the event, but you've been going through so much lately - I'm imagining it is God's/Higher Powers/Universe's way of reminding you that you are indeed in gentle hands. 

    Wendy - I'm sorry about the loss of your implant.  You seem to have a decent attitude about it.  I know I'm looking forward to my exchange in mid January and I can tell how much I keep thinking, "This will be IT.  It'll be OVER.  No more surgery."  And yet I know, based on my research and the stories of the women on this site, that this is often NOT the case.

    Deborah  - Keeper of the Breast Book of Wisdom - do I need to know if I am going to want nipples prior to my exchange surgery?  I know my doctor uses alloderm under the skin to form a nipple - but I'm looking at my radiated side and wondering how anything else could possibly fit in there without making room for it (i.e. planning for the nipples and putting in a smaller implant).  I DO want small implants - hoping for 300cc - my unradiated side is perfectly FLOPPY - but my radiated side is still so tight - capillaries breaking on the skin and everything...  I guess I'm wondering just how many decisions I'll have to make at my pre-op appointment on 1/8...  Thank you for any info, as always...



  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited December 2009

    Colleen:  Upon your recommendation - I ordered some "original" HP's.....those pink ribbon versions look a little too low rise for me.  I need to start with the BGP's and work my way into the low risers I guess....

    Geena:  Someone somewhere - here on EC or on another thread - brought up the subject of using Alloderm for the nipple formation.  I will have to research this.   Typically, you would not need to know if you want nipples prior to the exchange surgery, because it is always advisable to wait several months for everything to settle BEFORE getting the nipples - so that you can get the best possible placement.  However, if your PS uses Alloderm, this means he wants to do this at the time of the exchange.  I want to investigate this a little more.  I'll get back to you....


    Okay, I am back.  So perhaps he does not need to create the nipple at the same time as the exchange.  Based on what I have read: [highlighted text is key here] a flap will STILL need to be created.  Therefore, confirm with your PS that this is his technique and verify that you CAN wait at least two months for everything to settle before going back for nipple reconstruction. 

    Background: The objective of this study was to demonstrate the use of the authors' technique to improve long-term maintenance of nipple projection by using AlloDerm (LifeCell Corp., Branchburg, N.J.) as a central core in nipple reconstruction. Methods: The nipple reconstruction technique involved the use of a modified star dermal flap pattern measuring 5 cm in length and 1.0 to 1.5 cm in width, depending on the amount of desired projection to match the opposite nipple. Then, a 1.5 X 4.5-cm piece of AlloDerm was placed into the core of the newly reconstructed nipple and sutured closed. Conclusions: The authors' results demonstrate that the use of a modified star dermal flap pattern with the placement of an AlloDerm graft core is a safe, easily performed, and reproducible technique for improving the long-term maintenance of projection in reconstructed nipples.
