Exchange City
Hey Weet -- Glad you are going to get a better size! Also, as a fellow uni, always glad to hear another happy customer.
Same good wishes to you too for 2010.
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Allison - You are the first to report that symptom. I would check it out w/ your PS.
Deborah - You are so there for all of us!!! Thanks so much!!
Julie - I am sorry, but I am not sure. Is the Jan 19 date for your exchange? I will put it in as an exchange, let me know if that is incorrect.
Shoshi - How are you doing my dear? Perhaps still in the hospital? I have been thinking of you!
Ladies - The prayers have been answered. The lesion in my mom's lung is not lung ca, it is either Tb or another AFB (acid fast bacilli) infection. While the infection is not cool, it is much better than the alternative. My mom is still in the rehab hospital post hip implant, but should be coming home (on antibiotics) in a few days. Thanks so much for all your kind notes and prayers. They came through for her!
Take care ladies!
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Jean!!!! That's such wonderful news! I'm sure the infection is still a drag, but the big "C" would have been worse, as you said. Relief and smiles for you!
Julie - Soul sister - my surgery is 1/20 and I too am nervous. Pocket revisions (big apparently, doctor wants to keep me overnight) too. I actually called a friend from my cell on the way home from work telling him the same - "just nervous". I had my pre-op at the hospital today and for whatever reason they have two accounts under my name. Thank goodness I was on the case cause the nurse taking my vitals was putting my "vital info" under one account, and the person taking a history had me under another. Sometimes it feels like I have to have eyes, ears alert for all things - so many mistakes are possible - and I keep coming to the same thing - do what I can to correct things (which I did) but then let go!!! And I LOVE Santa Fe!!!! OMG! I took a solo camping trip a few years back to the Southwest and fell in love. There is a cool coffee place there - painted in all sorts of funky colors, lofts to sit in - fab!
Geena (like Lilah, in the cold Northeast!)
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Jean: So glad to hear the better news about your mom! Hope she can beat this with ease and recovery quickly from the hip surgery.
Weet: Another fellow uni here and I also see a noticeable difference in my exchange side vs. the lifted side although still only about 4 weeks past surgery. I still wonder whether this will change once the implant settles or drops more. Glad your PS can acknowledge the difference but sorry that you have to go in again and go through the surgery and recovery again. Hope you have great results with the next exchange.
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My ps had me bring in clothing that I would like to fit into. I chose a 32D lace bra. She placed empty implants in my bra and gradually filled them with saline until she reached a size that looked right. I brought a form fitting top and I put that on over the bra with the saline filled implants and decided that was the right size. I just had Mentor Style 20, high profile, 475 cc's put in last Wednesday and love them. You may want to call your ps and see if they can do the same for you?
By the way, I am 5'0", 104 pounds and have a 26 inch ribcage.
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Jean - Glad your Mom is doing better and prayers for her continued recovery are headed her way.
Allison - My exchange did the same thing and I was not happy with the results. DH and PS thought they were just right and then DH noticed what I was complaining about and finally agreed that the implants needed exchanged, not that he admitted it to me but told PS when I was ready to go into surgery for the larger implants and nipples. The High Profiles were exchanged for Moderate Profile Plus with same projection and I am really happy with them as is DH. Moral of the story is Complain and don't settle for less than you want.
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Jean -- great news about your mom!
Blessed -- did your PS do the lift/reduction at same time as exchange?
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Jean,Oh what a huge relief! Funny how a diagnosis can be a good thing but am so glad you're mom will be fine. You had it right, exchange on Jan 19. Woo Hoo!
Geena, ah I wish you lived here. You, me, Santa Fe in two weeks, how great would that be!? You should come back sometime, there are some great places to camp. I'm so looking forward to camping again, our last trip was cancelled because of surgery. For some reason my BS felt it was more important for me to have a mastectomy than to spend the weekend camping, geez!
Pocket revision, really? I thought I was an odd man out having to have all this extra work done. I'm sorry for you, but it will be nice to have someone going through it at the same time. Sounds like Peggio had this done and it sounds like she did pretty well during recovery.
Dani, My husband made fun of me for doing exactly what you're PS did. Well, except that what I did was a little funny. I filled baggies with different cc's of water and put them in my dream bras then put the bra on. We'll see how accurate I was in a couple weeks, hard to say because while my expanders had not been filled at all yet, they did take up a good amount of space. Thought about turning the bra around so the boobs were on my back, with no expanders in the way but never did try that. I can't believe I'm actually admitting to this! LOL!
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LOL Julie -- thinking of that image of boobs on your back.
A nice idea, the water balloons in the bra cups Me, I'm just looking to have boobs that are round, have nipples, are roughly the same size, and smaller than the DD's I've lived with (and had a love-hate relationship with) all my adult life. I am loving the TE process from the POV of watching the little mound get bigger and more breast like. I am amazed that I don't even care that much about being such a freak (with one, at this point B cup sized mound and one DD droopy boob). I am sure it's because I know it's only temporary... though I did worry obsessively about all of it prior to my MX. Here's hoping I am equally sanguine after exchange.
And good look to you both -- Julie and Geena -- with your revision surgery! May it be as quick and painless as possible and deliver the best possible results.
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Lilah: Yes, my PS did a lift and added a small implant (150cc) to my good side at the same time as the exchange. I am not feeling satisfied with the results, the exchange side is smaller than the augmented side. I have looked at other pics of other uni's and I don't think mine looks as matched as others who have posted. Very discouraging for me! How are you feeling about your results? Did you post pictures? I thought about posting but now can't find my camera! I don't know what to ask my PS or how bold to be! Trying to get through this!
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I'm still expanding my right breast Blessed so have not yet had lift/reduction and exchange. That will come in March (I think). I will post pictures then, but have been taking pictures of the process as I go. What I have no is really mostly just before stuff, so nothing much to see yet.
I'm sorry you're not happy. I definitely agree with those who have posted before: complain! Tell him what you said here: that the exchange side is smaller. See what he can do (seems to me it's either a smaller implant on the good side or a larger one, if that is possible, on the exchange side). And if your PS is not helpful, get another one. I think it would be helpful for the knowledgeable folks here (like Deborah) to see pictures, as far as advising you further -- so find that camera!
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I wish I was confident enough to really question his work. I really like my PS and have told him my concerns and he didn't react one way or another (very laid back) and just said that we will see and that we can always do revisions later. Ugh!!! Not what I was wanting to hear. Wanted him to get it right the first time. Don't want to have to go back in for another surgery! Where is my camera when you really want it. I know you all would know if I am crazy in what I am seeing. Maybe I will have to try to borrow one from a friend since mind is MIA.
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Blessed - I respect totally how you are feeling right now but you are only 4 weeks past surgery and from what I've seen from other posters here, it takes two months for the real settling ("fluffing") to happen.... so my advice for what it is worth is: take a deep breath, enjoy life (and the fact that you don't have a TE in you anymore), relax a little and wait and see. It might even out and if it doesn't it sounds like your PS will be receptive to making revisions. I agree that another surgery is not what anyone wants... and maybe with some fluff time you won't need one. Also: wine -- drink wine
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Jean... that is so much better... wonderful for NO CANCER!
Ladies.. those of you who do not have a picture of yourself here... you should put one on,, it is nice to see a face to a post... .... But I know for some, it is a privacy thing... Just a thought...
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Laura -- Your wish is my command. And you are right. I do like seeing everyone's faces. So here is mine
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I will get my DH to take a picture of me then figure out how to post it.
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Laura: I like to see pictures of those posting too--it really is nice to "see" everyone.
Breastless: If you have any photos on your computer already you can use one of them.
Have a great night all!!
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Lilah! What a cutie you are!
You guys crack me up - wearing boobs on your back Julie? But I can understand the frustration that would take you there!!! LOL!. But I love, love, love Dani's idea - well - her PS told her to do this - and what a great PS to be so innovative about coming up with a desired cup size. Whatever works girls!
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Jean....what a huge relief about your mom's diagnosis. Isn't it amazing when you can feel so overjoyed about an "infection" when considering the alternative?
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As a certified "newbie" I love the idea about somewhere for us to get the basics! I have only recently been reading Exchange City, but already have learned so much!! Much more to learn though! I have been so focused on getting through chemo, and as Thurs, Jan 7th is my last one I am beginning to anticipate my exchange surgery so much. No date yet, of course, but I would love to join you all and celebrate and share with you. I am awake this earyly a.m. thanks to pre-chemo decadron, sitting in the living room so as not to wake DH and DS (13 yrs old and my baby, still!).
Regarding posting pics: I would love to post more personal info, but I live in a small community and work in a public facility and just have not reached that comfort level to do so, yet. Sadly, I also had a bad experience with someone in workplace I confided in and learned my confidence was not respected. I don't mind people knowing about my diagnosis, but for this person to totally disregard my privacy was very hurtful to me. Still praying over those hard feelings!!
I had rt mastectomy and tissue expander placed at surgery. Didn't get Dec fill because my skin was so tight. Does anyone have any ideas on how to help that process? I use Shea lotion and drink plenty of water, so....I'm out of ideas. Also, I will be having a lift on left breast...I am a 36C and would love to know what to expect with the lift as well. So far, my expander side is not as full as opposite. (I have to lift it up, of course, in order to assess that detail!!) I don't care about being big, I just want to be even. I have never been big and am okay with that, but I do like to have cleavage and ooomph for lack of better that what you all call projection?
Can't wait for class to begin!! Best wishes, and thanks so much for all of the hard-earned and freely-given, much-needed, advice!! Am I rambling? Yes, I think so.....
Edited to add: I had nipple-sparing surgery. Tumor was in lower, outer quadrant of right breast and no others seen, lymph nodes clear. Also, my annual mam was Dec 08 and with extremely dense breast tissue, was still Negative, started having breast pain in April 09 and monitored it for two period cycles, still breast pain PLUS very prominent veinous pattern over right nipple area. GYN, whom I had seen for 17 YEARS was not concerned and gave me prescription for stupid Indomethicin (sp?), which I couldn't take, and said come back in few weeks, months....sooooo, I contacted my Primary Care ARNP, who promptly set me up for a diagnostic mam and US. Technician would only US targeted area (where pain was), which of course was NOT where the tumor was. Thankfully, Radiologist recommended I have Breast MRI, which SAVED MY LIFE!!! I knew when I read that MRI Report that I had breast cancer, but went on to have US-guided core Biopsy. Still does not prepare a person for getting the phone call and hearing the words. I have been so Blessed with so many people doing the right thing, and in MY best interest. I know God has had me in His Hand, or I wouldn't know to this day. My next annual mammogram could have very well been negative, too, because after the Biopsy, Radiologist placed a clip and then did another Diagnostic Mammogram and tumor still did not show, even though the clip was obvious. If original US had been whole breast, I would have known even sooner, as it was done in June 09. And they think women don't need mammograms til age 50??? I think we need mammograms AND Ultrasounds, especially the younger women who have such dense breast tissue...and probably even MRI's, don't see that happening though. I am only 45 and am so thankful to have found out when I did and not months, or possibly even years down the road. Thank you, God!!!
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Blessed - I know how you feel about not wanting another surgery. At least your PS said revisions can be done. On my first post-op visit to my PS after my exchange I had some concerns and he never said to me that revisions can be done if something isn't right. Since my exchange on Nov. 4th things have started settling but now one side is larger than other even though the same size implant was used in both. It's not real noticeable to the average eye but I can tell! At my six week visit he told me that he can replace the smaller side with a bigger implant (maybe another 50 ccs) but I would have to wait a few months to have that done. I am not happy about another surgery but I don't want to be uneven either. I just want to be done with all of this! I like Lilah's idea - drink wine!
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Psalm121 What a great summary of all that you have been through. I am celebrating and saying a prayer for you on this graduation day from chemo. Thank you for the reminder to be vigilant in your healthcare. I think there is always an intuition about our health, and a gut feeling when something isn't right. Good for you for not accepting the "all is well" attitude from you first Doctors, it most likely saved your life.
Lilah is right, I think I will pop a cork tonight after work and toast the sisters here with a nice glass of wine. Besides Wine is much better than Whine.
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Psalm121: Welcome! Take as much time as you need with the fills - go slowly. You can always email me privately with your photos later on if we need clarification. Getting symmetry is going to be your chief goal and so let's see how you look once you have half of the recommended fill level. My cancer was also found only via MRI - and it was God intervening for me also - as I have an HMO and they would not approve an MRI. But I have a friend who is a Kaiser doctor and she sureptitiously ordered one, as I had told her I was considering a prophylactic bilateral mastectomy before I was 60 She said she wanted to completely rule out anything beforehand, since my mammogram three months earlier was negative. and so she finagled and it was approved and voila....cancer!
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Laura, I agree...the pictures are great, it took awhile but here I am with my newest Grandson at the Walk for BC last fall.
Thinking of Celine today and Terrij152 tomorrow...
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Lilah and Weet, It's great to see your faces.
Lilah, Balloons, ah, so much better than baggies--why didn't I use balloons, no corners more realistic shape! Maybe I'll try those on my back just for laughs. :-) I love you're attitude and wish I could let some of this go just a little. I have such a confused outlook, I'm afraid if I don't "obsess" then I won't have the info I need to make the best decision and then it will be too late to change my mind--but this is me and this is how I do everything. On the other hand, I know logically, that just having boobs that are round and match is really all I need, I should be happy with that. I admire that you can do that.
Psalm, No worries about the picture. It's nice to see eachother but some of us are in a place in life where sharing our stories openly with anybody feels okay and others are not, I don't think any of us fault you for that. Wow, what a story you have. My tumor didn't show on mammo either, it was found through ultra sound, so I agree, I think the argument for more mammos should also include ultra sound for younger women. You know my skin stretched really well and my doctor was shocked the first few times. In the beginning I used Aquaphor a lot and when the fills were painful I used Tiger Balm, similar texture. As you said, I think the point is moisture so keep up what you're doing and try to be patient (much easier said than done, I know).
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Weet - You must have had your children when you were about 10! You look MUCH too young to be a grandmother!
Dani - What a cool approach to getting the size you wanted. I am so pleased your exchange is behind you and you are LOVING it.
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Jean - Happy to hear about your MOM and still praying that she recovers quickly!
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Ugh -- I wrote (even for me) a long post and I think my internet connection messed up and now it's gone! I am desolate! I will try to recreate:
Psalm -- Welcome and no worries about a pic. I've been posting here for months and only now posted a photo. Laura inspired me but I had been thinking the past few weeks that it was time. So timing is everything. So take your time.
Deborah -- Aw thanks re: my pic! Now I feel good for having posted it Also a question for you, if I may: why were you thinking of a prophy BMX prior to finding out you had cancer? Does BC run in your family? (That must be it but had to ask)
Julie -- and I actually just thought you HAD written water balloons lol. And truly I am just like you an information junkie and for a long time I also felt that same fear that if I didn't know/find out everything I would make a bad choice. I am a control freak too and so having all the info is a form of control that is hard to let go of but in fact I have (for the moment anyway). I blame the anesthesia -- three times in one year. I woke up from the RMX December 9 and just felt so relieved to be alive and not in pain and basically I just decided to put my faith in my doctor and the choices I've made so far. There is always time for more obsessive worry later, I say! And no doubt once I have the exchange, I will start again lol. But thanks
Just back from seeing my PS who declared that the antibiotics are working and let me have a small fill (60 ccs). I'll go back a week from Monday for Fill #4. I'm up to 420cc's and I officially hate these TEs and can't wait to be done with them. Have aches from shoulder blade to under arm to under foob -- kinda feels like a vice or very tight bra. And I was so proud of my lack of aches Ah well.
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My ps was in Albany, Dr. Kennedy. Thanks for the kind words and so glad to hear about your Mom. I waited to say anything because we had a similar scare with my husband last year. His Cat scan looked like end stage lung cancer or TB. He had a biopsy and was diagnosed with Sarcoidosis instead. It is pretty bad and his lungs are covered in scar tissue and granulomas, and other organs are affected but it was not cancer. He is on some pretty strong meds right now to hopefully put it in remission. I knew that even though they may think cancer, it isn't always the case but didn't want to say anything because you just never know.
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Lilah - I am so with you on the vice or tight bra! I have that feeling 24/7. So weird to think you have to adjust a bra when not wearing one. The shoulder blade to under arm is what I am getting the massage to relieve. I took my Lortab for the 3 days of pain and did not wake up for the 2 am dose this morning. Today I spent the day drug free! I still have stretching to do, but at least it's not like the first 3 days after a fill.