Exchange City
Good Morning Kimberly! Did you ever get any sleep last nite? Glad you didn't pop a stitch during Shutter Island. You are healing so amazingly fast. I couldn't lift my arms to shave for awhile, and still have to do it in the mirror. and only bothered for ps apptmnt!!
Allie, love the bunnies image!!
Brenda, a fat deposit bank, now we're talking!!
Bobcat, why did you need 4X for tatoo? I had it done in 1. And my new ps mentioned a 2 part procedure, nip then tattoo. Good point to keep them light, I was thinking of changing the color now that I'm starting all over! LOL!
Kristinka, what fun to watch movies with your daughter!! My daughter helped me get thru this so much, even tho she's on opposite coast is still a major help! Keep progressing at your own pace!
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musiclovermom: thanks for the kind words. I'll let everyone know what my PS says on Friday.
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Katey - If there were a fat deposit bank - I would be RICH!
I did sleep last night and didn't get up until after 8am - slept really good too! All I needed was my Internet fix to let me to sleep!
Shutter Island was good! I think it's like the "I see dead people movie" - where once you know the ending you want to watch it again!
YES - I love my PS and would only shave for him! Even did my legs for the exchange!
Hey Kristen! How are you today? Still loving that bra? Hope you are able to get a little more comfortable each day!
Texas357 - good luck Friday!
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Kristen - I'm sooooooo happy you're feeling a bit better. I don't think there are rules about how long it takes to recover from these things. I remember barely being able to SEE my computer after surgery, but I was able to read that one of our fair lasses had gone to Lowes or something and shopped after her exchange - I remember thinking - "I am SOOOOO behind the curve" - then slept.
Kimberly - You sound so wonderful. I am enjoying YOUR joy about the implants!
Judy - Seriously? A year with TE's? That is nightmare material.
I'm so behind in my reading, gals. I've got snippets here and there but not involved the way I'd like to be. My sis is adopting a child from Kazakhstan and sent my computer a video - my poor little computer couldn't hack it and crashed. I just got it going last night, after much research. Anyway, I'm seeing the PS today and I'll get clearer on the status of these implants. Will report in later.
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Geena - Have a good Plastic appointment today! I will be thinking of you all day!
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Hello ladies
Kimberly - I also enjoy so much reading your posts and all your joy! You are a true inspiration, and have been making me feel good about my ugly TE's. How nice and encouraging for all of us! And it is wonderful that you got great results!
I have been trying to to keep high spirits and was doing really great until last week. - I did a pelvic ultrasound and they found a 2cm 'solid mass' in my right ovary. My Dr. said it does not look like much but we should remove it. I am freaking out because this is exactly what I heard about my breasts!
I am now struggling again with the question of removing everything or let the Dr. do his thing! He said I should remove only one and he'd only remove everything if 'something more' come up during surgery. Now my struggles over mastectomy seem so easy compared to this one. I've been reading about ovarian cancer and it is not a pretty picture....Sorry, I'm venting! Right now my mind completed shifted from my breasts to my ovaries.
Has anyone here had similar experience? I tried to find a thread on ooph/hyst but not much info on this.
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Oh, scared you must be! Let's pray that it's simply a cyst.....I just had a friend (not bc) who just had one removed and it was benign...... Are you tamox or anything that can wreak havoc with your body and cause gyn issues?0
I'm quite intrigued with the underarm shaving discussion....that's been a big problem for me. Since the bmx, my armpits are so caved in - esp on the side where the lymph nodes were removed - that it makes shaving nearly impossible. I currently use my mom's ancient electric razor while I stand in front of a magnifying mirror and kind of "roll up" the skin so I can reach it. I'm seriously going to ask my ps - when my recon is all done - if laser hair removal would be safe with the implants. Anybody else ever inquire about that? Seems like I saw a thread many months ago about that......
Can you believe they're forcasting SNOW again for us tomorrow - with a high of 35? Good much for lovely SOUTHERN weather!
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Erika: I had an ultrasound last week and I have a 1 cm ovarian mass/cyst. I am going to schedule an ooph. My blood was just drawn and submitted for genetic testing and the geneticist said that even if it came back negative, she would recommend I have my ovaries removed. But I have a strong family history of BC and one cousin with OC and so that factors greatly into this recommendation and my decision to do so.
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Hi Val, Thanks for your prayers! I will pray and let God decide for me right now because I'm tired of researching and researching! It seems that the more I dig the more stuff I find! I guess my body is fully starting on 'the other phase of life'!
I was debating if I should take tamoxifen or not , and went for a full check up prior to starting it next month, and the ultrasound was part of the check up...I really hope there is nothing more than just a cyst!
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How long did everyone have restrictions for after exchange? I'm three weeks out and itching to do more. Any advice? Thanks! Maggie
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Hi Deborah - This is encouraging! Thanks! Maybe mine will be just a cyst too. I guess I'm too sensitive because of my BC diagnosis and I think anything in my body is related to the big C!
I really think I should do ooph too but my Dr. said If I took both out I'll go into full blown surgical menopause and symptoms are much worse than the regular meno. I'll be 49 next month and in my family menopause happens at around 52. I don't know of family history of ovarian C but but mother and sister had bc.
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My PS said 2 weeks on the most severe restrictions, 4 weeks on heavy lifting/pulling/pushing. The paperwork I signed said 6 weeks but my PS said I'd healed fine after 4 and she encourage dme to start upper body exercises at that time.
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Thanks! When did you start driving? My friends have been great but I'd love to feel more independent.
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Erika and Deborah, I'm so sorry to hear you're going thru this. I had a cyst a few years ago, it turned out to be nothing, apparently are common around this wonderful age. Hoping that yours is b9.
Val, I did talk to a dermatologist about laser hair removal for my armpits, they are so mishapen from years of surgery and difficult to shave. Plus omg, I'm noticing a few hairs on my lip! Come on already!! She said it's definitely doable, works best for people with pale skin and dark hair, being blonde it might just take me a few more tries. I think electrolysis might be uncomfortable under there. I'll probably give it a try in a couple months.
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This is my first time posting to this forum. I am not sure where the picture forum is and I have tried finding it before but did not have any luck. Can you please point me in the right direction.
Also, I have not read many of the posts, but I am really confused about the expansion size and how it translates to the cup size. I had t/e's put in on December 14th. I have had 4 fills so far and will have my last fill on March 9th. I have Allergan t/e's that have been expanded so far with 240cc. It states on my card that they are 250cc t/e's. I am supposed to only get 1/2 a fill on my last appt. so I would have a total of 270cc's. I just went and tried on some bras over the weekend and was trying on "B" cup bras. I am confused how I can only have 240cc's and be a B cup when some of you are talking about 400+ or 500+ and being a B or a C cup. I want to be a B cup when I am done so I assume since that is what I was trying on this weekend that my implants will be about the same. I was barely an A cup before so I don't want to be too big and I think a B would be perfect. This is all very new to me. Like I mentioned, I will get my last fill on 3/9/10 and then my surgeon said she would like to wait at least 2 months before doing the exchange. I assume that is the norm. I would appreciate any information you can give me. To read all of the posts in this thread would take way too long.
Thank you.
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Deborah and Erika - I am thinking of you both. Hugs!!! - Jean
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Erika and Deborah: Here's to benign cysts!!
To those with caverns in their armpits: Are you planning to ask your PS for fat grafts in your pits? This is what I am planning to do. Why suffer if it can be fixed? I'll ask him tomorrow and let you know what he says!
Take care, sweet ladies.
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Maggie: I drove four days after the exchange. Once you are off narcotic pain meds - no reason you cannot drive! Just get a nice soft pillow to insert under the seatbelt.
scrapmom: Go to the Breast Implant Sizing 101 thread and provide the additional information and we can help you further.
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Hi Karen, and welcome. You've come to the right place to gain info on your reconstruction. To access the picture forum you have to be actively posting for a bit, maybe a week or so, then contact TimTam. To do this, go to 'member list' which you will find near the top of each page and find TimTam there. Send her a message that you would like to join and she will guide you through the process. She is very protective of the site and discourages casual lurking.
I don't totally understand how the TE size and the final implant size works either. But it has something to do with your ribcage size. If your doctor has you with small TEs, then I bet you are pretty tiny. Bra sizing has to do with the difference between how big around you are just under the arms and how big you are around the biggest portion of your breast. For instance, if you measure 32 inches around under your arms and 34 inches around your foobs (fake boobs) then you are a B cup. If you are 35 around the foobs you are a C cup. In other words you gain a cup size with each inch. This is just an average. My size actually measures a C but I bought B bras because I don't have enough projection to fill out the tips of a C cup. Like you, I was an A pre BC, so this feels very vavavoom to me; really fun. I can wear a bathing suit like never beforeI can't wait till summer.
My exchange was mid Dec so things are still changing and I hope dropping and fluffing some more. This is a long process so don't be discouraged. When you get on the picture forum you will be amazed and incouraged by all the success stories there. Of course, there are a few dissasters, but I think most are eventually fixed by revision surgeries.
Feel free to PM me if you want and good luck to you.
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Deborah -- so sorry to hear about the cyst and the upcoming ooph. How are you feeling about your nips? I hope I didn't make you feel you can't complain. You can fret all you want! (I only wrote what I wrote to try to give you comfort - but it has occurred to me that comfort comes in many different guises, including fretting!)
Erika -- also sorry to hear about your surgery. Have you had BRCA testing?
Brenda -- what a good idea: fat grafting in the pits!
Val -- my solution at the moment is: no shaving LOL. Sorry if that's TMI. Hair has just started growing there again.... but even so I'm basically in a place of not wanting to remove any hair!
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Maggie I was told not to drive for 7-10 days, and of course be off narcs. 6-8 weeks before resuming reg activities. 3 weeks sounds like a long time not to drive after exchange, it was 4 weeks for me with mx, thought I'd go crazy by the end! Call your PS and find out!
Brenda, I've been following some info about fat grafts. While it sounds great in some ways, I personally have 2 concerns, one another operation and additional scar, and what happens when implant needs to be changed?
Has anyone come across a good bra that is ultra soft on bottom? Because of soreness under breast I can only wear surgical, which has gotten so big as I have shrunk that it looks like I have wings on my shoulders!! I might just have to cut and resew this till stitching heals.
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Katey - I'm actually headed to my derm in about an hour, so will ask him. I'm not blonde, so maybe I'm a candidate.......being blonde might be fun, boobs, new hair color.....
Scrapmom - Welcome to EC! Whippetmom will help you on the Implant Sizing thread, but I wanted to pipe in, too. I also had 250cc TE's, filled to 245/255cc - and I got 425cc implants, which makes me a DD. A lot depends on the style of TE, your ribcage size, and your skin's ability to expand. I felt just like you for many months - couldn't possibly imagine how I could get to a decent size with my tiny TE's when everybody else had 400-600cc's......Feel free to PM me if you want more info. As for the pic site, that is a separate site that requires permission. You need to PM "Timtam" and explain your reason for wanting access (in a few words). It usually takes a few days, so be patient.
Erika - you might PM KEW about the ooph. She's the same age and had one, I think at the same time as her exchange. I'll bet she'd be happy to answer any questions.
Lilah - I've done the same thing on my left side since my revision, since I'm not supposed to lift my's not gonna be pretty when the time comes.... The European look might work for some, but with my armpits being exposed all the time (I teach aerobics and take pilates), I think it would be too much for my students/classmates to handle.....
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Katey - try the bra I told Kristinka about - Warner's "Elements of Bliss" bra - the one without any padding. It's the one my ps hands out when he first removes the surgical dressing after the exchange before he has you get fitted in the underwire. It's super soft all over and tagless, too.....
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Val -- LOL at the image I'm getting of you teaching aerobics and freaking your students out Fair enough. I am sure I will also resume shaving (I did shave between lumpectomies and MX, until the hair fell out). The hardest part is the not having any feeling there... yet you can feel the pressure (from underneath the skin I guess). I know I should use an electric razor (advised as it is to avoid knicks/cuts on the arm where nodes were removed) but in truth I used a regular one (one of those ladies ones with the aloe strip)... I wonder if we need to invest in a really good electric razor (not your mom's old one) with a pivoting head (surely such a one exists) to make movement in that area more effective.
For now though I remain on strike
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Val, have you thought of braiding! LOL! I'll head over to Penny's tomorrrow, went before surgery and was overwhelmed, not that I feel like trying on any now either! I did try the ice, think it just needs time.
Lilah, it was recomended to me to get an electric razor, I never did, tho pit is pretty numb I never cut myself. One thing to look forward to is you probably lost some sweat glands there, so you'll save a bit on deodorant!! It's the little things, right?
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Lilah: I think I liked my old, smooth, bald as a billiard boobs. I feel as though I now have little aliens sitting there, and I also feel as though the upper pole has been flattened a little as well, which adds to this squared off effect.
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Katey, I had to send my DH to Pennys to buy the Warners bras and he was overwhelmed by the choices. The one I like is Elements of Bliss Wireless Convertable but the simple Elements of Bliss Wireless (style 2003) look great, too. I think he only bought one in my size (36C), so I've got about 10 to return! I'm not sure he could find the one Val recommends (style1003).
Boy am I still woozy four days out from surgery. The last time I took a Percoset was 10 pm, but I'm still so sleepy. (Just had a 3 hour nap - better than the 5 hour nap I took yesterday!) The pain is better and I like how I look, I just wish I had more energy. Kimberly, it's time already to share some of your energy!!!
Cute how we all shave before we see the PS! Like we are proving to him/her that yes, we are doing fine.
OK, time for a cup of coffee to shake these cobwebs away,
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Hi Ladies!
Erika09 - OH those pelvic ultra sounds are not fun! I expected mine to be like when I was pregnant - WRONG - no one told me it was an internal one... Surprise! That was when I was told I was a polyp factory... I had to do all that stuff before I started Tamoxifen as a base line too. Trust in yourself. You will make the right choice for YOU. This is the best place to vent!
Val61 - I had the laser hair removal for facial hair years ago and was not that impressed with it... My issue was blonde facial hair and it really only works on the dark rooted hairs. BUT for arm pits it might be awesome! They advertise it on the radio here in Richmond VA.
Deborah - good luck on your genetic testing & ooph removal...
Maggie66 - I just had my exchange last Thursday night. My PS said not to lift anything for a month. No driving while on narcotics(if he only knew how much I drove on them while I was getting filled!) and not wear an under-wire bra for 3 weeks.
I think driving depends on how much work you have done during surgery. I was driving a stick shift car at 12 days post-op from my bi-lateral mastectomy and 2 days post-op from my exchange.
Katey - I invested in my own wax crock pot so I can wax my facial hair at home... I got tired of going to the salon and coming out with red patches on my face. I just wax at home now... The facial laser didn’t work for me. Plus it does not touch the hairs that are YET to grow... So the older you get, the more hair will start growing - it’s a vicious cycle!
Scrapmom40 - Welcome!
Brenda - Please let us know what he says!
Bobbi - I went bigger too!
Lilah - The only person I shaved for was my PS! I even did my legs for the exchange...
I hope I didn’t leave anyone out!Kimberly
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Kristen - I'll take some of that coffee - and a nap right now! I could drink coffee at 9 pm and sleep all night long! I have been taking 3 hour naps in between my adventures. I went out this afternoon and decided to come home for a nap after 2 hours... but I plunked down in front of the computer and skipped my nap...
Glad you are up and about! You see your PS in a few days don't you? Ask about the tiredness.