Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    Just came through a period when it got almost as dark as dusk. Thought we were really going to get it, but the wind came and the dark got light and that might have been it. I sort of hope so as the guys have been putting off doing the yard. The ticks will love that tall grass.

    I bought a big roast to make for dinner today. SIL's brother just moved here so he might help with the yard too. Hopefully it will go well, and the weather will cooperate.

    Cindy, I am thinking of you and your friend as well. How painful for the family. A reminder that we don't know the time or place.

    MM. I see my living style at the moment as one that resembles a warehouse. For the last several yrs. I've resolved to de-clutter because I wish to go minimal in almost all areas. The issue is that I get off to a flying start and some medical incident seems to get totally in the way. I'm going to be starting at square one again soon. Why we do it (I'm shrugging my shoulders vigorously) who knows. Part of it was always time and part of it was just not figuring out the smoothest, easiest path. Maybe that is in part how it goes for a lot of people.

    I hope this yr. is your yr. to be able to accomplish simplifying your surroundings — and I hope the same for myself.

    Hope all have a good day.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    Believe me unless you have a personal organizer at your hand and mucho bucks to invest in one, it takes a good deal of time to both downsize and organize. The 3 year restoration meant we had to sort through the entire contents of the attic which contained items from when we moved in over 30 years ago. So lots of ignored items truly one of those out of sight, out of mind issues. It also meant we had to sort through items in each 0f the effected rooms: primary bed room, second, third and guest rooms; living room, and basement. So while we have sorted through and eliminated much of what we had by donating or tossing, we still have a way to go.

    We did master sorts for some items like my genealogy notes which I have accumulated over 40 years and although they are sorted into file bins, I would like to compress them to only keepsake items such as birth and death certificates, church records, etc or those items I had to purchase.

    I did a major hatchet job on my file cabinet and saved virtually nothing from my work days. I will not need it so why keep it? So it only contains items such as medical records, wills, etc and a few personal items I wanted to keep.

    Marie Kondo's system would never work for me (emptying a closet and looking at that pile would overwhelm me and I would quit then) so I have had to find a system that helps me debulk/organize at pace that is comfortable. I do look at closets and decide if I haven't worn something or it no longer fits, chances are it is of no further use to me but may be a treasure for someone else. I have a closet of summer clothing that will be addressed next. It contains clothes that possible no longer fit, pants that I can't wear now that I have to wear knee high support stockings and no, I am not fond of being an old lady with a gap between the bottom of the pant leg and the top of the knee high. So many of the shorter pants will be donated. Funny but I am short enough that if I buy regular capris rather than petites they are actually ankle length on me.

    I have organized the primary closet shelves and racks but they will get reviewed on a regular basis as well since it is easy to see the contents. My SIL has a buy 1, donate or toss 2 philosophy to keep her closet under control. I haven't bought or shopped much lately so it wouldn't work for me.

    I do try to have a place for each item and want it returned to the same spot. As far as the pantry, if you bin and label items or just label the shelves, it helps others to know where to return or place things. Or you put a basket for those who are organizationally challenged (or lazy) to place items in so you can put them back. Less stressful than trying to teach those who are resistant to organization.

    DGD's soccer team finally won a game yesterday. She was so pleased and finally seems to be able to know what to do to work as a team. She made several attempts at goal which went to the sides but was so pleased that she was able to get it within goal territory.

    Cindy, good trip to your summer digs. Enjoy the sights along the way. I always liked finding interesting roadside stops that were not planned. Our road trips were always loosely planned as "getting from point a to b" without being rigid or on a strict time schedule.

    My hummingbird is back. I was away yesterday so I didn't get to see if they noticed the feeder and the tree trim to expose it. Just saw it, so all's right with the world and in heaven. Have a good Sunday.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Posts: 2,051

    Sorry to hear about your neighbors son Cindy. What a shock that must have been. Glad you arrived safely home.

    Mavericksmom - decluttering is a big job. DH will go through our files every once in a while and shred some papers. I still have some things I’m hanging on to for a few more years. I can’t recall best practices, but use to be 7 years for financial files and nine for legal? Guess I should do some internet searches.

    Woke up with sciatica this morning. Did some stretching and exercises, heating pad and Tylenol to try to alleviate the pain. I guess all the walking we did, sitting on the plane, and driving home took it toll.

    Waiting for our thunderstorms this afternoon. DH is getting our deck pots ready. He usually buys flowers Mothers Day weekend. Have a nice Sunday.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Posts: 1,275

    Got word via my sister last night, that her son was at John Hopkins waiting for eye surgery for a detached retina. This morning I got an update, he never had the surgery because they saw a mass behind one eye. Tomorrow they will do a lot of tests and then hopefully know exactly what is going on and what the best approach is to treat it. He is only in mid 40's and has a young family. His wife's family lives close by so they have support from her family, in fact his wife's stepmom is a doctor at John Hopkins. My sister lives near me.

    Always something , right?

    So cool that some of you have humming birds.

    Betrayal, I do the same as you for cleaning out my closet. I actually like the idea of taking everything out of the closet, but due to trouble lifting since my shoulder replacements, it wouldn't make sense to do it that way.

    I too keep various size clothes. Assuming I can get back to a healthy diet and lose weight, I will get rid of some of the clothes. I hve them bagged and labeled "if not worn by DATE, get rid of them!

    My wrist hurts using the laptop, is that common? Maybe going to the laptop isn't such a good idea? Or maybe I need to invest in an adjustable table to set it on?

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Posts: 2,051
    edited May 2023

    Mavericksmom - unfortunately carpal tunnel is a common side effect of AI drugs. Even though I mostly use my iPad, I had trigger finger and my wrists bother me. I wear wrist guards on each wrist at night to help alleviate the pain. I did occupational therapy for my trigger finger and also had it injected. Good ergonomics will help too. You can purchase wrist guards on Amazon.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Posts: 4,660

    MM - sorry to hear about your nephew. Thanks for asking about me. Not feeling great today. Tired and just worn out. I had a skin reaction again from the Velcade and it was so itchy. Anti-itch cream did nothing. Tried Bactine and was a little better. Went to the store and bought a lidocaine ointment which is helping.

    Cindy - your road trip sounds like fun

    I have done a decent job in my crawl space and big closed under the basement stairs but its taken quite a bit of time. Still lots to do in the crawl space. I hope I feel good enough when I finish chemo to have a little time to work in the house.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Posts: 319

    I'm here but it was a struggle! I know I'm not very patient but….

    My English friend had a coronation party Sat. She'd taped the event and kept it running on her large screen TV. We all brought goodies and was great fun. She required that all women wear hats and men wear ties, if only with their tee shirts. All the women complied and most of the guys got into it. One man ordered a top hat and bow tie. His wife had the most gorgeous large black hat.

    Tomorrow Ken's making steak Diane to celebrate my birthday and our BFF's return to Michigan. Summer really is very low-keyed in our age restricted community. I still play golf until it gets over 100. I hope I can get inspired to some of the downsizing many of your are doing. When we moved 9 years ago, I took pictures of a few things that I felt sentimental about before I got rid of them. There was no space for my large dining room set with individually needlepointed seat covers but I have framed 4 of my favorite and it was then easy to let the set go.

    MM, Mary and Karen - holding you close.

    Puffin, did you get to take the cruise you had scheduled. I seemed to have missed that.

    Wishing everyone a good week.

  • joan811
    joan811 Posts: 1,982

    Hi from Long Island…I finally washed up 3 hummingbird feeders and hung them with a small volume of nectar. I did not want to fill as I don't see the birds yet and would have to waste it. I do hope our birds will return to my yard this year. They bring such joy with their antics. I have a great variety of backyard birds at the seed feeder this spring.

    I am enjoying reading back and catching up on posts, as I have been away from the thread for awhile.
    For those who have hummingbirds, is anyone in the northeastern region? I am not sure when to expect them
    but I know they seem to suddenly appear when it warms.
    After lots of dreary hard rains, this week end was picture perfect. I was able to get out to the ocean for a quick
    look and for a walk in our wildlife refuge. We have a lot of osprey nests and they are now tending to eggs.
    One adult must always be at the nest to defend against scavengers. The other will fly off to bring fish to the nest. They are large, beautiful birds with impressive wing spans. They tend to return to the same nest each year.

    We have had our yard debris removed and gardens edged and mulch added. The greening of the yard brings a welcomed look. The deer have eaten down the rhodedendron and we may not see blooms. All my floral plantings will be in deck boxes too high for the deer to chomp. We sprayed but they still dine on the shrubs after a rain. Foundation perennials are lavendar, cat mint, and Russian sage - all purples. Deer do not eat the fragrant shrubs.
    Here's to a good week ahead.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Posts: 4,660

    Taco - are we birthday twins? May 8th? My son is coming over for dinner. DH is going to grill steak. DD#1's birthday is the 3rd, mine the 8th and son the 12th and new grand baby to be is due the 24th, so one more May birthday.

    Saturday read all day (started and finished a book) and yesterday wrote a report for work and made my son peanut butter choc chip cookies for his birthday and I was spent! Didn't feel good much of the day. Hoping today is a better day and I feel good. These treatments are proving to be harder than anticipated. 6 done and 10 to go which feels like an eternity!!! I'm already worn out!

    4 more weeks of the school year!! Soon it will be counting the days!!

    Have a great Monday.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Posts: 1,275
    edited May 2023

    Happy Birthday taco and Karen! Wishing you both a fun and relaxing day!

    Joan, I am in northeast PA. I guess I should get our hummingbird feeder out! How wonderful to be near the ocean! I remember the osprey nests on the telephone poles at Island Beach State Park in NJ. Must be absolutely amazing to see them sitting on their eggs and later, feeding their young!

    Karen, I do hope you are feeling better today. So glad you only have four more weeks. My district goes to the 16th of June, DGD in NE has her last day the last week in May.

    The sun is out and that always makes my morning so much better! I won't be doing much, if any, de-cluttering today as I need to clean and do some wash. I am having company tomorrow and want the house to be nice and clean. The clutter will happily wait until Wednesday! LOL

    Carole, I agree, $6 for a cozy is a great price! I was given one as a gift years ago and I used it every day to make oatmeal in the microwave. I don't know why, but since the surgeries I can't stand to even look at oatmeal in the morning. I have been eating a bagel with a small amount of cream cheese, which is really not good for me, but is the only thing my stomach can handle in the morning. I might try just not eating for an hour or two after I wake up. Waking up nauseated has been the norm for me after surgery and having had two surgeries in five months, I guess I should have seen that coming.

    Wondering what everyone else has for breakfast.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Posts: 1,905

    I have dry cereal with soymilk, frozen mixed fruit, and a bit of brown sugar.

    They are going to do landscaping this year. We have a large collection of various violas growing in the rocks around the building which are going to be killed. I was going to go to Walmart and get some six-inch pots, but a neighbor has some larger ones that she puts on her geraniums in the winter. She has more than she needs, so I am going to be busy. Hopefully I can rescue the best of them for my neighbors.

    Lease renewal on Thursday and ortho appointment on Wednesday. I am adding ibuprofen to my meds, and using the walker when out and about on the property. And of course the bike when doing distances. Tippy is doing much better with his behavior walking (or running) alongside EGT (electric granny trike).

    Welcome back, Taco. Missed you!! And Happy birthday!!

    Karen, still thinking of you!!! Happy Birthday!!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,466

    Happy Birthday, Taco and Karen!

    Joan, reading your post was a pleasure. I remember from the past that you live near the ocean. You also taught in a college. Your granddaughters must be grown up.

    Taco, the coronation party sounds like a hoot. I admired Queen Elizabeth and watched some interesting documentaries about her life.

    Nothing much planned for today except Ed's Silver Sneakers class at the gym.

    As for breakfast, I always eat something to avoid a sugar low but am happy with a slice of toast spread with peanut butter and a dribble of honey. I also drink half a carton of chocolate Premium Protein. DH loves breakfast and makes himself a skillet dish with potato, colored pepper, onion, either bacon pieces or sausage and eggs. Or he cooks a serving of grits and tops it with two fried eggs. On the rare occasion, I will make pancakes for the two of us.

    We each make our own lunch on most days and I am responsible for dinner. We may or may not eat lunch together. I get hungry earlier than he does because he eats such a heavy breakfast.

    Happy Monday to all.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    Joan, I live in the southern suburbs of Philadelphia and our hummingbird usually returns close to Mother's day. It actually buzzed my bay window on Saturday and now the feeder is out, it has been using it very frequently.

    Happy birthday to those celebrating. We will celebrate our 48th wedding anniversary on the 10th.

    Taco, that party sounds like a lot of fun. Did she serve a British tea or tea sandwiches?

    Sorry to hear about the neighbor's son's untimely death. No mother wants their children to die before them. My heart goes out to her.

    Karen, glad the school year end is in sight. Peanut butter chocolate chip cookies sound so good. I don't think I have ever had them. Given I love peanut butter and chocolate, I would love them.

    MM, your family celebration sounds like it was a good time as well. Hope whatever is going on with your nephew turns out to be a minor issue. Scary when you are facing the unknown.

    It has been a beautiful weekend with sun and nice days. I wish I felt better so I could have done more gardening. Today is going to be beautiful as well.

    I had GI issues yesterday that are persisting into today and am going to reach out to the GI doc. This is an intermittent ongoing issue since I had that bowel resection and involves a lot of physical discomfort related to bloating and pain. Never know what is going to trigger it, but when you are eating anti-gas tabs like they are TicTacs, with no relief, it is not fun.

    Interesting reading what you have for breakfast. So much variety in tastes and foods. Today was toast with applesauce on it, a cup of tea plus a small Two Good yogurt.

    Hope everyone ahs an enjoyable day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    Being aware of your true self is the best way to free yourself from the controlling, manipulative behavior of others. You don’t need the right car, the right shoes, the right girlfriend to be complete. All you really need is to be yourself. Your spirit is the real you. Let it guide you. Be still. Listen to your spirit say, “I am, and I am enough.” In the silence, you’ll hear God.    -Melody Beattie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    So good to see the entries this morning. I too, wish Taco and Karen a very happy birthday. Certainly, something to celebrate — means you still have contributions to make in this world and SHOULD go on. So let them be wonderful.

    I'm reminded with the talk of hummingbirds how precious Spring is and that I actually consider it the true start of my New Year, rather than in our sometimes cold and blustery January. itis especially so this morning with the huge storms we had through the night. SIL said this early morning — around 6 or 6:30 when he was sitting out in the screen room with the morning looking perfect if muted — it suddenly got dark as night (the little solar lights came on outside) and then poured for several minutes.

    The trees are filled out pretty well and the little tree bushes that leaf out first all have their white blossoms. Even with the muted light outside, it is so impressive looking from the window. Spring always lifts my spirits and makes me want to celebrate and certainly inspires me to want to get things done that have enjoyed a fallow period during the cold and snowy lead-up to Spring.

    Creatures of habit here for breakfast. It is either Malt-O-Meal, Oatmeal, or low-salt Granola w/raisins, cranberries and walnut, or sometimes an egg sandwich. Once in a while when we are tired of those things we just have two pieces of toast with butter and honey or peanut butter and honey or butter and Lemon Curd Jelly.

    I really prefer Cream of Wheat, but Malt-O-Meal has no salt. I am stuck between choices of things I consider too fat or something else in order to avoid the salt. So, I look for things that cut the more salt in hopes that I can bide time while finding some other better choice.

    Betrayal, in case I forget (easy as falling off a log for me) Happy Anniversary on the 10th. Dh and I will celebrate #48 later on in July this yr. I hope you have a perfect day and a great time whatever you do.

    Lunch around here is usually a chicken sandwich or tuna fish and if we are tired of sandwich lunches it is quite often crackers (only salt on one side) and Aged Swiss cheese which only has 35 grams of salt to a slice. I also put a little dollop of Sweet Hot Mustard on mine. Dh prefers very mild Horseradish sauce. He says the horseradish in my mustard is way too spicy for him. I could eat it by the spoonful — save for the salt it has which means I have to be more careful than I otherwise would be.

    Joan, it is always great delight to see you here. I hope your hummingbirds show up soon. They are still so amazing to watch. We had a hummingbird feeder already here when we moved into this house. In fact, there were several bird feeding stations. We abandoned them all but mainly since we had cats that were in and out and other cats that would sometimes wander our yard. Didn't seem fair to the birds as there are plenty of people who feed birds around here — do why invite them to be menaced here for sure.

    I hope you all are going to have a wonderful Monday.

  • wren44
    wren44 Posts: 7,980

    Our breakfast was pratha and sprouted yellow peas. It's common in India. Otherwise we have oatmeal or toast and eggs. DD and SIL have traveled all over Asia and she loves exotic foods. SIL is Asian, so he enjoys having Asian food.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Posts: 2,051

    Happy Birthday Taco and Karen! I hope you have a wonderful day.

    Joan - I’m in Virginia, in the Shenandoah Valley. We’ve had lots of hummingbirds visiting the feeder already. We really enjoy watching the hummingbirds.

    I eat either have a protein shake and banana or cottage cheese and a banana for breakfast. I was having issues with afternoon fatigue and my PCP suggested changing my morning cereal to something with protein. Seems to be working as I’m not as tired in the afternoon. I always have yogurt, rice pudding and a banana for lunch. I’m a real creature of habit when it comes to my meals.

    Sorry you’re not feeling well Betrayal. Hope your GI doctor can provide some answers.

    I hope you’re feeling better today Karen and that your rash has improved.

    Mavericksmom - I hope your nephew is better.

    Beautiful day here today. DH and I took a walk around the neighborhood. Lots of flowers in bloom. Spring is my favorite time of year. Our lone rose bush has bloomed and our fire engine red azaleas look good again this year.

    Have a healthy and stress free day.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Posts: 1,366

    Happy Birthday Karen and Taco! And happy anniversary on the 10th, Betrayal.

    We’ve made it to Knoxville safe and sound. We did a side trip to Kennesaw Mountain National park. Partner purchased the life time pass on our way down to Florida when we stopped at Wilson’s Creek in Missouri, so the National Parks are free for us to use with the pass. We did a driving tour, but there are trails all through this park. Let’s just say it pointed out how out of shape I am. Steep steep drive to the top of the mountain and folks of all ages, shapes and sizes were hiking up to the top. A lot of side trails where we saw hiking poles in use, long pants to avoid ticks, and full hiking gear. It was a beautiful day and worth the stop. If I lived there I’d have to set a goal to hike that main drive to the top, but know it could take me weeks and weeks to accomplish.

    Breakfast for me has changed over time. When I worked it was a yogurt topped off with granola to add fiber. Then once retired I’d get up, eat my yogurt and go to the gym. Well inch worms, or any other strenuous activity where I was bent over caused my Greek yogurt to want to come back up. It never did, but was super uncomfortable. Then I switched to Cliff Bars, 250 calories, filling, and never tried to come back up. That was probably 10 years ago and I’ve stuck with it. My favorite breakfast meal is French toast and 2 eggs over easy, which if we’re out for breakfast I’ll get and then minimize lunch. On the road at these hotels that provide free breakfasts my partner loves it, he’ll eat a lot. My stomach doesn’t tolerate that, I’d end up with GI issues. Cliff bars are packed in my suitcase!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463

    Happy Birthday, Taco & Karen and happy (advance) anniversary, Betrayal! And gorgeous rainbows, Mav. (Hoping your nephew's eye mass turns out to have been nothing more than a slight hemorrhage from the detachment).

    I had my knees replaced a year apart—my ortho wouldn't do bilaterals on anyone obese or over 55, as the rehab is just too arduous and the lifestyle practicalities during recovery thereafter much trickier. He said it's better to have one strong leg to stand on—especially if driving is necessary and it's the left knee being replaced. Bob gets semiannual cortisone shots, which he says help a lot. I can squat quite deeply now, even a decade later, but the metal prostheses hurt when I try to kneel, especially on a bare floor.

    I generally don't eat breakfast (at least not in the morning) except when I'm traveling and my schedule requires I be on the go (either on the road or attending a session) early. I eat a high-protein brunch (today I had a Jimmy Dean "Egg-wich," which is a chicken sausage patty & cheese between two small omelets; then a slice of German protein bread—only 4 gm carbs but 7 gm fiber, which had to be a label misprint—spread with taramosalata). I used to carry Atkins bars with me (keep a couple in my emergency "go bag" in the car) for when I didn't want to hit the hotel breakfast buffets. Clif, Rx or Kind bars are too sugary for my own good. And the only way I can stomach Premier Protein is spiked with a couple of espresso shots and maybe some sugar-free chocolate syrup.

    Joan, I was looking to buy the summer's first bottle of rosé, and I noticed our Whole Foods actually has one from Long Island (the winery & vineyard is in Mattituck). I didn't want to spend $25 on it, though. I might reconsider when the weather warms up & dries out again.

    Got an estimate from the landscaper & designer for the front yard & walkway: $5700 to remove the old plantings (but that white cedar stays), put in some rosebushes & plum trees as well as new bulbs & ferns, re-sod the lawn & "parkways" (where the city trees are, between sidewalk & curb), replace the sidewalk & sagging front path concrete and install some brick pavers to level the path to the front stairs. (Needs leveling so rain and snowmelt water won't pool & freeze). Bob will have a fit—"curb appeal" means nothing to him, though he likes what we've done with the deck & backyard since he spends so much time out there relaxing. Maybe I can strike a compromise, with the sidewalk & pavers and maybe some more modest plantings.

    Heidi seems to be filling out a bit. Speaking of which, Her Majesty wants her evening meal so she doesn't get her anti-thyroid ear gel on an empty stomach. Gotta go.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Posts: 4,660

    Thanks for the birthday wishes. All in all it was a nice day except the start where I clipped the passenger front side of my car getting out of the garage - cut it too close. Amazing to see the damage to the car when I was going maybe 1 mph! My son came over for dinner and I talked to both my girls and SIL. And of course they spoiled me as they always do.

    I had a skin reaction (atypical) to the Velcade again this week, so they aren't going to give it to me on Friday. I don't see the hematologist til the 19th, but his nurse will check in on me Friday. I don't know if its just one week off the Velcade or switching to something different or what.

    Weight was down again yesterday - didn't loose any today but didn't gain any either. I cry when I get on the scale. I haven't weighed this little since early high school - maybe 10th grade - I only remember what i weighed going into 9th grade and when I graduated - or at least It think I know what it was. Really worried. I hope the dietician will have some ideas to put some weight back on. I see her Monday. My hematologist had to change the referral to include CKD so my medicare advantage will cover the visit. I am way too thin. It scares me for the SCT - I see the transplant doctor tomorrow so I'll see what she has to say.

    Supposed to be near 80 today - but they've turned the AC on in school so I freeze!

    Have a great Tuesday.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Posts: 1,275

    Karen, skin reactions are no fun! I have gone through my share of those, like slow torture! As for weight, I swear I just look at food and gain weight, so no advice there. I REALLY wish I could share some of my extra pounds with you! I hear you about the temperatures. I never dressed for the weather when working in the school. Some rooms would be like saunas and others like freezers. Some teachers moved their classes to the library on rare occasions when their rooms were either too hot or too cold. You would think they could manage temperatures better, but apparently they can't.

    Sandy, I like your ideas for curb appeal! Actually, not at all surprised by the cost. We need to get out driveway done in the next few years. I want to change to concrete vs asphalt. But, we have a very limited budget and many needs that come before that, like adjustable bed for DH and a new roof.

    DH and I are going out to lunch with my sisters and their husbands to a quaint town inn. Looking forward to it. In the 60's today, but supposed to go up into the 80's by Thursday, I think.

    No word on my nephew or my husband's tests. I wouldn't be surprised if the doctor office calls today for my DH, hopefully NOT while we are having lunch. He said he will turn his phone off while we eat. Not counting on that.

    I think marrying someone so much older is coming back to bite me now. I don't believe there is a perfect couple or marriage, but I do wish my DH was much younger than he is as being around him tends to either be boring or aggravating! He is NOT one for conversation unless it begins with : I remember when….

    I am crossing my fingers that the conversation at lunch will stay away from health woes and politics, but fear both will come up. I am prepared to change the subject…. a lot! LOL

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Posts: 1,905

    Yesterday was chilly and rainy for most of the day. I did not turn on the heat. Tippy got chilled, I mean he was shaking like a leaf in a tornado. I told him to come up beside me, and realized how bad it was and put the heating pad on him. He finally settled down.

    The interpersonal BS around here is getting taken care of, so I should be beginning to feel more comfortable.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    Sandy, thank you for the response on TKR. I know I need to get this done because of the discomfort I am experiencing. The left is the worse and the right has had it with trying to keep the left going. So question is which do I do first?

    The cost for your landscaping project, given the scope, seems very reasonable. Pavers are not cheap and laying them takes a lot of materials and effort. Could you get a second estimate for price comparison? I have no regrets about what we did or the cost. It needed to be done. Given that it is most likely the only time you will do it, what would the cost be over the next 20 years?

    MM: enjoy your lunch. Good luck with controlling the direction of the conversation.

    Between tender belly, return of back pain that had been controlled for over a year and the knees, I am a mass of hurt. Not a good week so far but can only hope it gets better. Need to find TENS machine for back pain. Cortisone should kick in soon for knees and I am making myself walk. Abdomen feels like someone ran over it with cleats on. Still waiting to hear from GI doc. It is hard for me to take it easy but I am being forced to do so by all the ills. Spent yesterday sitting on the couch watching Acorn TV.

    It's supposed to hit the high 60's so it should be a nice day and I may sit on the porch for a while. Still waiting for the patio furniture to be returned from the refinisher and hoping we get it back soon. We do have one table and chairs still here but need to uncover it now that better weather has rolled in.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

  • petite1
    petite1 Posts: 2,346

    Good morning. I had a wonderful min-vacation with my niece. The weather was nice in St. Augustine and we walked miles. We ate too much and I had a weight increase, so my PCP was happy. It will probably drop back to normal as quickly as I gained. I have been feeling pretty good, but had a meltdown last night. The grief journey has been more difficult than the BC journey for me. My grief counselor gives homework reading to do. This weeks reading had to do with feeling better and the the sudden rush of the grief wave washing over. That is exactly what happened. I feel like crap this morning. My nose is clogged up and my eyes puffy. I am still in my robe and have not gone for my walk. I guess I should get out. The temperature is already 75 degrees.

    MM, my SIL is doing PT and that seems to be helping more than diet. She is on some type of diet, but I am not sure were she got it. She and my DB are large people. They love to eat. He had lost over 50 pounds on Keto, but I think he gained some back. Thanks for asking and your help😊

    On Dogs, most of my neighbors have dogs, but all are pretty well behaved. The folks I sometimes walk with have Doodles. One neighbor has 2 standard poodles. They have gone back north. All of them pickup the droppings. I am glad for that, it would make my very grumpy to walk in it.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    Success is in the way you walk the paths of life each day; it’s in the little things you do, and in the things you say. Success is not in getting rich, or rising high to fame. It’s not alone in winning goals, which all people hope to claim. Success is being big of heart, and clean and broad in mind; it’s being faithful to your friends, and to the stranger, kind. It’s in the children whom you love, and all they learn from you; success depends on character, and everything you do.    - unattributed

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,466

    Betrayal, I'm sorry you're having so much pain. You're such an active person. It has to be difficult not being able to do things you want to get done.

    Petite, I can imagine how difficult it is to adjust to losing a life partner. I admire you for your efforts to go on with your life. Are you still carrying on your business?

    MM, wishing you the best outcome as you make decisions about knee replacement.

    Karen, I'm glad your kids spoiled you for your birthday.

    Sandy, the landscaping improvements sound very attractive and worth the expense. Nothing is cheap these days. I paid $350, which seemed exorbitant, to have some yard work done, including a lot of heavy pruning and removal of the clippings.

    DH parked our cargo trailer nearer to the house and started loading it. He also loaded up the back of his pickup truck with the setup for our farmers market booth and with bins of his bowls made over the winter. Sunday, May 21 will be here in the blink of an eye and we will be on our way north to MN. I always hate leaving certain comforts of home, like my dishwasher and washer and dryer, but there are MN pleasures to look forward to. I especially like the slower pace and lighter traffic.

    Wishing everyone a good Tuesday.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    I so relate to all the post entries this morning. I'm trying to make pain someone to learn to have around, but it is a challenge. It is just something I'm not used too — I resist pain and say I don't believe in it. In some ways I find it even worse that it is a side effect of medication. Oh well!!! I'll keep looking for a happy medium.

    As to diet, I'm with the gal who taught my old nutrition class. I think, like others before her she did not like to use the work diet. Just the implications of your being wrong in something you do/eat. She would rather use something like making a life-style change. That is moderating (mindful eating choices) with exercise (enough to erase calories) while boosting over-all health and strength.

    I do think with the ups and downs of what has been learned that so much emphasis is on diet that just the word alone can cause a sense of your somehow being out of control. I am not disciplined enough for food diaries and I find somethings ridiculous. Like my oatmeal box says that 1/2 cup is the standard amt. for one serving — to which I'm already saying - you got to be kidding. I don't eat just a half a cup of anything.

    I have no solution for this issue either which I definitely think is somewhat harder on Seniors. We are most likely to have lived long enough to have issues with sugar or salt, or other items that are routine in foods so have to make even more adjustments or huge eliminations.

    Can't just eat sugar to gain wt. either. So, I guess all I have is to try and eat enough to make you feel full while making whatever dietary adjustment fits your health issues. I have gained wt. but it is in the wrong places because my wedding ring still falls off my finger. Sigh. I do know part of this is the no-salt diet and part is lack of exercise. I'm so looking forward to being off arm restrictions and working on a personal exercise program that will help I hope and not only help distribute wt. but give me good balance and other benefits as well.

    Hope everyone has a great day.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Posts: 1,905
    edited May 2023

    Betrayal, they usually do the worse one first, so that you will have more cartilage to stand on during rehab. You will also need to go to PT for pre-hab, to get your knee and leg ready.

    I like the comparison on the belly. In a sense, he did run over it with cleats. For mine, he did not take fat out of the belly, he said that it was "poor quality fat"— probably more skin and fat, between the babies and weight gains and losses. It came from around the hip bones.

    TENS is also good for knee pain. Two sets of electrodes, one set above on the right and below on the left, the other below on the right and above on the left (sides of the knees).

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Posts: 2,051

    Karen - glad you had a fun birthday, despite the car woes. Hope you’re feeling better today.

    Sorry about your knee and GI issues Betrayal. Hope you’re able to see doctors soon to get some answers. I have a TENS 7000 unit I purchased from Amazon. They have a good selection. I buy the pads from Amazon as well.

    Hope you enjoyed your lunch today Mavericksmom. And I hope you get DH tests results soon. Any news about your nephew?

    Glad you enjoyed your vacation with your niece Petite. Sending you a virtual hug today. 

    Do you leave much behind in your winter home Carole? 

    Mary - I’m with Tippy about being warm. I’m always wearing layers and in the evening, frequently wrap myself in a fleece blanket to keep warm. 

    Sandy - sounds like you’ve got a big yard project coming up. We did one several years ago. Azaleas on one side of the house, hydrangeas in the back and day lilies on the other side. We had two green giant arborvita planted on one side of the yard and two crepe myrtles on the other side. The flower beds have rocks instead of mulch to help keep the weeds down. The builder landscaped the front, so we left that part alone for now. 

    Have you recovered from your surgery Illinois? Any additional followup?

    I tried a new medication for my dry mouth today. Ended up with an awful stomach ache. I’ve been drink lots of fluids to try and flush the drug from my system. I sent a note off to my doctor about what to do next. I’m not going to take any more, since I’ve been pretty uncomfortable most of the afternoon. 

    Hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the day.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Posts: 1,905

    Current gossip is that they will be doing the landscaping a little bit at a time, so as to not take out a loan to get it all done at once.

    Tippy is a black dog, and he loves to lay on the sidewalk, basking in the sun.

    I cleaned up the pee stains in front of the door. The machine still had clean solution left, so I gave the rest of the living room a once-over. Smells much better. One particularly bad spot might have been a puke and eat situation (sorry about the disgust— but real).