Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Holding you in my heart, Puffin—glad your headaches have abated.

    Between the rainstorms right now. Blew off a chance to go to brunch (I can't eat like that any more anyway) and I will cook in tonight, seeing as how I need to cook some Pacific striper I defrosted. Bob still can supplement with Chinese leftovers, and I can make broccolini & tomato-basil salad. Hard to get stuff done, even drink enough water, as BangBang completely monopolizes me. At least we were able to get new hardware on my dresser so she can't pull the doors open and throw my underwear on the floor. But I can't leave the linen closet open even a tiny crack—came out of the shower to find a pile of freshly folded towels on the floor. She is fuming right now that Roxy is sleeping in "her" spot on the daybed. Only goes to show that not all littermates are bonded to each other. We're in for another round of storms between 7-8:30 and again tomorrow and Tuesday afternoons. This is getting old.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,856

    Yeah, Sandy. Been raining all day. The creek is flooded again. Two years ago they reshaped it for better flood control/prevention. Last year was obviously no proof that it would work (drought). The park was set aside as a floodplain. In 1978 there was a 4-inch rain which collapsed the dam. There is even a video of fish swimming past a door to the hospital on the lake. The released water backwashed into this neighborhood, flooding a bunch of houses. It will never do that again, but parks people are having a tough time maintaining the park walking paths. Last year they put new rocks and asphalt on the path. That is flooded yet again.

    Puffin, happy you got some relief from headaches. Hope things continue to improve.

    Sandy, being BangBang's mom sounds like a full-time job. But you are beginning to get ahead of her.

    I haven't been giving Tippy his evening pill, but he is having stinky pee again. So, I gotta give him an evening snack again. Kept forgetting it, until he forgot it. I am making treats for him now. A lot less expensive. 2 eggs, one can dogfood, one teaspoon baking powder, one cup chickpea flour, one cup wheat flour, enough more wheat flour to get it into consistency for rolling out (but I still use two sheets of parchment paper). Use a pizza cutter to score it into squares. Bake at 350 degrees for half an hour, let rest until morning. Break up and store.

    Gong to a bbq at friends' house. Need to get a fruit platter in the morning.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,726

    Today I reached over 7200 steps and it has been nearly a year since I was able to do that, so I am feeling good. I have been waking at 6:30 for the past 2 days and that is shades of when I worked so I am not pleased but I have been going out in the yard to get gardening chores done before it gets very hot. Today my goal was to get the plants on the patio waiting for planting in the ground so I planted: 2 ruby oak leaf hydrangeas, 1 azalea and mulched them.

    Then we moved on to the perennials including the lavender plants I bought yesterday. This was to go into the bed surrounding the large rock. I had some other bare spots there so sent DH back to Giant to get 2 more and another 12 pack of begonias that were reduced to $2.49/pack. He returns with 3 more lavenders and 2-12 packs. The begonias were divided between 2 pots for the front steps and the window boxes. I had 6 heucheras to plant in the rock bed plus the lavenders and then they were all mulched with mulch delivered by Home Depot today. I had also purchased wire cages to put around them to try to keep the deer off. Once all were planted and mulched, then I sprayed them with coyote urine. The poison ivy in another bed got sprayed liberally to kill it since DH is sensitive to it. I still have 2 more bags of mulch to add to the bed where I planted the ferns. I repotted the tomato plant I bought because it was root bound.

    So all the plants are off the patio except for the new hibiscus which will need to be added to a fenced in area because it is deer candy. I trimmed the rhododendron in the one fenced area since half of it had died off so I may have room for it in there. I have 2 dead bushes on the front lawn area so DH will have to deal with them.

    The dahlia bulbs I bought at Costco have all decided to grow by leaps and bounds as did the clematis roots I bought. The dahlias are in patio pots and the clematis will be trained to grow on the new privacy screens by the propane tanks.

    This morning I watched a clever chipmunk climb my hollyhock to try to reach the bird feeder. It was just heavy enough that once it reached the top, the shoot would fold over. I was surprised at how high they can leap for being so small. It really gave it good try but wasn't successful.

    DD and DSIL joined us for a picnic today since rain is predicted for tomorrow. We had the standard fare: hot dogs, cheeseburgers, potato salad and pickled cucumber salad. My DSIL loves my potato salad and had half his plate full when he sat down. We had to laugh about his portion. He treated us to DQ for dessert and that's the first I have had this year.

    Sandy had to laugh about Bang Bang's escapades with your undies and the towels. My one cat can override the magnetic closure (paws it open) on one closet door and hides in this closet.

    It was sunny and really warm when it heated up today. Working from 8-12 was tolerable but when we had to mulch the bed by the rock it was after 2 and really sticky. There was a nice breeze blowing so that helped offset the heat. We sat on the patio for about an hour birdwatching and just enjoying the evidence of our work. When we moved here there were no formal beds in the back yard except near the house and heavy overgrowth in the woods behind us. That has all changed for the better even though it has taken may years to get it its present state.

    Tomorrow's focus will be upstairs to take advantage of a rainy day. I have some sewing (mending really) to do for DD and DSIL. So a more leisurely day compared to the last 2.

    Hope everyone had a good day and that your Memorial Day brings back memories of your contributions or those of family members to ensure we have a democracy.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 309

    Just checking in. Not much happening here.

    We've decided that we are not going to try to travel this summer. I decided that I really didn't want to go to my grandniece's wedding in Charlotte. Haven't seen her in years and would know so few people there and her mom and grandmother would be distracted with lots of last minute stuff as the wedding couple won't be flying in from Denver until the last minute.

    Ken's health is sort of day by day and he was so sick after we went on our last trip that neither of us really want to chance it again. Told DD that she would have to get her life (or I should say her cat's life) organized to come here in the fall instead.

    Kids here go to school from early Aug. to late May too. Makes no sense to this midwestern gal but…"My Ella" made the honor roll again and did well enough in her last skating competition that she qualifies for a national competition. Don't know if they will decide to go or not but I'm excited for her.

    Betrayal, your yard sounds so lovely and relaxing. Hope you can enjoy all your hard work after the surgery. Puffin, MM and Harley, thinking of you too.

    Stay safe everyone. The weather almost everywhere sounds scary.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 389

    Carole - glad to hear you are safely ‘up north’. Hope you have a wonderful summer.

    Taco - good to hear from you. I’m sure you are very proud of Ella making the honor roll. The national skating competition sounds awesome.

    Puffin - hoping you are headache free. Keeping you in my thoughts.

    Betrayal - congratulations on making 7200 steps! Sounds like you are in good physical shape going into the TKR which is no small feat given what you have been through this year.

    Cindy - Cooperstown looks like lots of fun. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

    We drove 2 hours north to Wisconsin to visit family on Sunday and to celebrate a grandniece’s high school graduation. Great to see DB#1, niece, nephew & his wife plus two additional grandnieces and a grand nephew. My brother’s grandchildren are all in their late teens and twenties and as they have gotten older they are less available for family gatherings. It was a bit of a long day but I was so happy to see everyone.

    Weather here was gray and rainy. We were back home by dinner time and around 6:30pm the tornado sirens went off. We spent 30 minutes watching TV in the basement until the alarm was cancelled. I’m thinking the storms continued to roll due east and went north of Chicago.

    Sandy - hopefully you missed the worst of these storms?

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,315

    This weekend does not seem like a holiday. With graduations and not the best weather, some people must have opted not to come to the lake. It has been raining but seems to have stopped. I may go to Walmart's a little later if it clears up. DH had intended to play Men's Monday Golf League but the rain interfered.

    Jackie, what a special experience to see the mamma deer and fawn.

    I saw a picture of a yellow peony on Facebook this morning. Lovely blooms. Yellow can be such a cheerful color.

    Hope everyone is able to enjoy the day in some fashion.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,615

    It takes time and devotion to learn the language of color and lighting in
    the garden.  Your tastes are sure to change over time, reflecting your
    inner evolution.  Seeing the garden as a canvas for your celebration of
    Nature's palette is a wonderful expression of the soul's love of beauty
    and artistry.  Your own inner intuition, however, is often your best
    teacher, but don't forget that Mother Nature will always have a few
    surprises up Her sleeve as well.  Perhaps your greatest insight will be
    that this glorious exploration of light and color and their interrelationship
    is really meant to illuminate the many facets of your being and personality.

    Christopher and Tricia McDowell
    The Sanctuary Garden

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,615

    Good Morning. Some muted sun but I think more rain towards the evening hours. A real doozy last night. Lots of wind and rain, but I didn't feel any concern about tornadoes. SIL said this morning one was hovering around Wamac — one of the little communities here where you don't know when it stops being Centralia and becomes Wamac so intertwined are they. Same with Central City on the other side of us.

    SIL and daughter had been out somewhere and just as daughter Kate stepped into the kitchen she looked down and apparently a cicada had landed on her arm outside and she didn't know it. She is extreme about ALL bugs all the time so she screamed. I had things in my hand to carry into the other room. Not knowing, I panic and dropped everything thinking she needed me. Nope, just a cicada. The thing flew all around the kitchen making its noise, cats went crazy — a very hysterical scene. Never found the cicada — far as we know it is still in the kitchen, but I'm sure it didn't survive. They are still quite abundant outside. I do wonder how many will make it this year with the amt. of bad weather.

    Nothing special today since it is holiday. If we get restless and don't feel like working, we have our jigsaw puzzles to occupy us.

    Congratulations to Ella. She sounds so well-rounded with championship skating as well. Likely wise to limit traveling Taco. Most of what I've heard and read so far (but each area could be somewhat different) make it sound like it is going to be one of those fairly un-predictable years — more intense with whatever you get. Not at all good for someone who has a compromised system already.

    Harley — glad you didn't have to suffer more than some time in the basement over the storms. Like you, I hope Sandy's area did okay. How nice that you did get to visit some family although it is a bit wearing to have to drive a long way for it. Good to see family though. Better time right now as well likely since we worry for storms, but the heat is not intense.

    Sounds extra quiet where you are Carole. That could be nice for everyone who is there.

    Chris, I hope your neck of the woods is okay. Hopefully, it won't get too bad since previous efforts were taken to minimize issues for the homes where you are. Still, sad though about the park which sounds like such an otherwise enjoyable area.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,856

    The park is dual use, flood-plain and recreation. Would rather that than the alternative. Just have to know that if any part of the path is covered with water from flood, don't use it. There will be slick mud under the water. We used to live in a rural area of Johnson County Kansas where a nasty storm would block our way in and out.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,726

    Talked to DH about bushes I wanted trimmed yesterday and could see he was totally not interested in doing them. Slept in today so I got a late start and with rain in the prediction I ate breakfast and headed outdoors. I got all the bushes I had shown him trimmed to my satisfaction, piled the debris up for him to remove and spread one bag of mulch. There is one left and I dragged both to where I wanted to work, so the last is available for the dogwood that DD and DSIL said they would plant today. I marked where I want it and can supervise from the patio. The rain was predicted for around dinner time and as I am writing this it is pouring outside. They just arrived with plans to still plant the dogwood rain and all.

    harley, the final count was 7400 plus steps and I am beyond pleased how much the PT has helped me get in shape for this TKR. I was left so debilitated by the other surgery and 2 months of dealing with a draining wound that I never thought I would get back to my pre-surgery state. I hope it makes this recovery less of a challenge. Glad you were able to travel to see family.

    Taco, sorry you won't be able to travel this year but given Ken's health that's probably a good thing. Less stress for him. Ella deserves a big hug and congratulations on her scholastic achievement and her skating achievement. What a blessing that she has you as a cheerleader. Having someone that is not related but cares for you is part of that village concept and so vital to children's development.

    Illinoislady, I hate stink bugs and they somehow manage to get into the house where they drive the cats crazy with their kamikaze behavior. The story of the cicada had me laughing though. We get them in this area annually but not in the numbers that you are experiencing and can hear them "sing" all summer especially when it is going to be very hot. They are bug barometers.

    carole, glad you made it safely to your summer place and that the throngs have not descended yet which gives you some lone time.

    cindyny, loved the photos of Cooperstown. I live vicariously through your photos of places I have not been to.

    puffin, I hope you remain headache free and were able to enjoy the weekend. Hope you get answers or direction tomorrow.

    Chris, nice to see you had a BBQ to attend.

    Today I will try to get to the mending (which I actually hate doing because it is not creative) for DD and DSIL. Lord knows how they get some of the tears and seam burstings they have. DS took sewing in HS but not DD. She can sew a button on but that's about it. I do not have Chris's sewing abilities but many moons ago used to make some of my clothes and altering others. Bought a very good sewing machine before DD was born and it is still going strong. Also have a serger but have not used that in years. I used to make napkins, placemats and tablecloths as gifts and for personal use.

    Just had a tea break so it is back to work so I can take the rest of the afternoon off. Hope everyone has an enjoyable day

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Chris, I've never thought of the Black River Falls/Mauston area as flood-prone. (My late BFF used to have a cabin up there, where she used to shoot deer from her back porch and turn all the meat into hamburger for chilis & Sloppy Joes).

    We missed the worst of the storms (got two rounds, morning & evening). But it was so windy that it blew large amounts of honey locust pollen over the back deck—which Bob tracked into the house. Was difficult to vacuum up because it was so wet. Discovered he has no house slippers that fit him (the Mahabis I'd bought him are a half size too short now that his feet have grown due to age & weight). So will have to dash out between the showers to buy him some Crocs or OOFOs to keep by the front & back doors. Will also have to show him how to scoop the cat poop, and periodically tie off and empty the Litter Genie to take out to the alley trash bins.

    We need to make sure the basement is ready for storm refuge: the chairs are full of bags of litter, packs of paper towels, etc. But I discovered we do have two portable camp chairs down there, and hope to be able to extract them from their carry-bags in time. We don't have a TV down there, but can bring down our tablet & phones (always charged indoors) that have cellular internet lest the power go out and the wi-fi router is down. Sadly, the basement isn't as safe as it can be, as there are windows on all sides; and we have no "safe space" on the first floor, since the closets are along outer walls, and the bathroom has a glass-block window. Safest place there is at the top of the basement stairs and the narrow space between them & the bathroom (if we close the bathroom door)—but there's no door between it & the other, windowed rooms. We never thought of tornado refuge (and neither did the house inspector) when we bought the house in 1987—storms were much less severe then, with the main danger being basement sewer backup during "hundred-year floods," which seem to happen several times a year now.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    harley, your visit with family sounded awesome! It is such a gift to spend time with family. I cherish all the gatherings we have and seeing my nieces and nephews and their children. Sadly I lost touch with my oldest sister's Dh and children. My DS and BIL followed their children when they both moved their families to TX. After my sister passed away, I tried to keep up communication but sadly it became one sided and I finally let go. I refuse to use FaceBook or X. (Twitter) BCO is the only online group I am part of and I like it that way!

    Taco, sorry to hear about Ken, but so happy to read about Ella! Wow, so exciting for her!

    Cindy, I too liked your photos of Cooperstown! DH and I watched League of Their Own last night. When it first came out I was young and could relate to the "young players." Watching it now, the scenes of the players returning to Baseball Hall of Fame made me think "wow, just like the characters in the story, I am now old!" LOL

    Carole, sorry there was no golf for DH due to rain, but at least no severe storms.

    Sandy, Chris, Jackie, I am glad you all got through the severe weather ok.

    Puffin, continued thoughts of you! I hope you had a headache-free holiday weekend! (((hugs)))

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,856
    edited May 2024

    Sandy, it is a rule of thumb: wherever there is swampy land, there is flood danger. My bathroom has no windows, and it is in the core of the building.

    Yes, I have a new laptop. Got sick and tired of problems with the old one. He charged me $50 to get it set up. I have more external memory than internal memory, since it is a rehabbed one, but it is a step up from the mechanical disc drive (therefore he couldn't get by with just transferring the drive). And yes, I have been riding around with my recumbent trike.

    Made some hummus and served it with chips. Good conversation. A little bit to the right, but worthy of compromise.

    Yes, I will be back regularly now. I was dealing with some gnarly personal stuff, and did not want to vent publicly.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    The Chicago area has two distinct areas of cicada invasion: a few miles west of the lake, where they're numerous and noisy; and here along the city lakefront, where they're…nonexistent. Except, of course, at the dive bar around the corner, where there's one inside a bottle of Malort (a digestif *which makes Jägermeister and Fernet Branca taste like cola syrup). It's a limited edition. Can only improve the taste of Malort.

    *digestif: a bitter alcoholic beverage meant to be consumed after a large meal to prevent dyspepsia. Most effective when you wave the bottle in front of the stomach before said meal and threaten to take it.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,349

    This site is tossing me all over. It hasn’t been taking me back to where I begin reading. I was back a page when I opened it. Ugh. I read everything, I believe, but no notes.

    We had a great Memorial Day party at gf home, despite near constant rain. She has a covered deck - grill, tv, large table, and hot tub at the other end. Adults stayed up there. The kids were in her heated salt water pool, and up into the hot tub, on repeat until dinner. Rain didn’t bother them in the least.

    I ate too much. The salads were all delicious, but some had onions and peppers. Great for flavor, but not for my reflux. I took a Pepcid and slept pretty much sitting up - I’d guess until around 6 AM when I tossed that giant pillow off the bed.

    Then at 8 AM I heard a garbage truck. We’ve only been back 2 weeks with 1 previous garbage pick up. So I jumped out of bed as fast as I could and ran downstairs. Out I go to drag the bins to the curb. I look in the garbage bin and there’s nothing there. That’s because it was still in the house, I wasn’t fully awake. Back I go to grab it, and dragged both bins out. Within minutes I hear another truck - but not my company; soon another, not my company. I think my company woke me and I missed it entirely. Unsure if it was garbage or recycle truck. Hoping to have one bin picked up.

    Yesterday before the party I went to the cemetery to put down flags for family that served. For several years many of my uncles and even my dads grave had no flag put on it. So I try to buy 4-6 and take the family tour. To my surprise all but 1 uncle had a flag (1 out of 6; back then it seemed everyone served). I took pictures and sent to cousins etc letting them know flags were out on all but 1. Then a cousin replied - oh she should have let me know, her and her husband went out on Saturday and placed flags - none of them had flags. The uncle without one, she didn’t know where she was buried. HA! I’m good, I got all my prayers and visits in.

    Overcast again today, unsure what percent of rain is possible. It’s 71 right now. No real plans for today.

    If sounded like most of you avoided any harmful weather. Hoping we all do the same today.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,726

    cindyny, nice that you and your cousin honored your relatives this weekend.

    Today I had PT later than normal because it was originally scheduled for yesterday until the PT learned she was getting the day off for the holiday. So caught up on things around the house and went to appointment. Ran from there to Great Clips to get my hair trimmed and low and behold, I was the only one in the shop. So in and out within 15 minutes.

    Next stop was Sherwin Williams to pick up paint for DB to paint the interior of the garage. I was hoping he would get it done before my surgery but not happening. We will need to shift contents around to accommodate him and DH will bear the brunt of that since I will not be available. I also picked up 2 paint samples for possible dining room color since they are having a big sale now. DH would like me to keep it the same color but after 15 plus years with it, I'd like a change.

    So all errands were quickly accomplished and Walmart order arrived on time. Of course, they were out of the bread I eat so will ask DH to make Acme run for it.

    Thought cardiologist was today but she is actually tomorrow after PT. So I have Thursday free to do whatever last minute chores/cleaning/shopping I need to do. I am trying to get a real ID but want to use passport and I am waiting for new one. DH got his last week and mine was mailed the day after his so don't understand the delay. Hoping I can get it done this week if possible.

    Lovely day, sunny with temps in high 70's but no humidity and a nice breeze. Hope everyone has a great day.

    Thinking of all with medical issues and hoping they get answers or a plan today.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,615

    How true it is that, if we are cheerful and contented, all nature smiles, the air seems more balmy, the sky clearer, the earth has a brighter green. . . the flowers are more fragrant. . . and the sun, moon and stars all appear more beautiful, and seem to rejoice with us.

    Orison Swett Marden

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,615

    Good morning, late. It's afternoon. Don't know if we got our rain last night or not. Got up late this a.m. and the deck looked fairly dry so maybe not. Hope it holds off now. We are due to go to Marion tomorrow and I will go but with great reluctance. It is only for a meet up with the Palliative Care person. I was bugged and annoyed until I finally filled out the papers — and now I'm to come in every year. WHY??? I'm not changing anything. I rather doubt (although possible) that I'll ever be inclined to make a change — unless modern medicine suddenly gets outstandingly much different and better. So, part of the meeting is to let this lady know not to expect me next year.

    Worked on my list yesterday but so lazy today this (doing my blog and other email/Internet chores) is all I've gotten to and likely is all I'll get too. Much more to go but that's okay.

    Hope the passport arrives Betrayal. Sounds like you are getting things organized pretty well so you can relax and hopefully relax and heal and rehab quickly.

    Hope you are all having a good day.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,316

    Whew. It took me a while to read everything. I had a wonderful weekend with my niece and her friend. I went in the pool, but kept my head out of the water. When I see the eye doctor on Friday, I hope she will tell me to resume all my normal activities.

    Betrayal, what a bad experience with the unprofessional person

    Carol, that Elf is after me, as well

    Puffin, I am glad the headache is better ((((hugs)))))

    Jackie, sorry to hear about your fall, but glad your toe is better.

    I haven't heard anything from KeyWest for a while. Anyone know if she is ok?

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    Had my follow up appointment this morning with my derm regarding my psoriasis. Guess the Skyrizi is working, even with the stress of this brain tumor I haven't had a flare up. So will continue on it for now

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Chilly here by the lake with scattered showers. Had to get up early, but the city tree trimming crews woke me up an hour before that to remove the arboreal detritus of our recent storms. Noisy as hell.

    Saw my derm (actually, her new jr. attending) up in Lake Bluff this a.m. after shooting her a pic of a very small (abt. 3mm) lesion on my L upper arm. Had a "shave" biopsy of a tiny (3mm) growth on my L upper arm, which the derm thinks is likely squamous cell carcinoma (heeere we go again). If it is (or she didn't get clean margins) I have to go back for a punch excision and perhaps Mohs. Then topical chemo. Outside chance it's just an actinic keratosis ("cutaneous horn"), but it went from a mini-pimple to "3-D" in just 2 months, so best to catch it early. Can't shower till tomorrow afternoon, and have to use a special abx ointment because the last skin biopsy I had in 2016 (benign) led to a cutaneous MRSA infection. With my MGUS I'm mildly immunocompromised, so infections of all kinds need to be headed off at the pass.

    Too tired to cook tonight (went grocery shopping after picking up my fish order), and I'm not supposed to lift anything heavy for at least 24 hrs. (So postponed the laundry pickup till tomorrow night—Bob can help empty the hamper into the laundry bag and heave it down the stairs). Can't shower again till tomorrow aft. either, so will use some dry shampoo because I didn't have time to do my hair this a.m.

    Reeling from the news that Lori (Goldie) is on hospice. Haven't heard from Judy either lately. Will send her a PM. I worry, now that she's 90.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,316

    Sandy, I have just recovered from a Squamous on my arm. It was the side without 7 lymph nodes and I was so afraid my arm would blow up. It didn't, but took forever to heal. It did pour out clear fluid. (((hugs)))

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Thanks for the heads-up, Petite. Mine was on the non-BC side arm, not far from where I usually get vaccines. Not sure if it's related, but when I had PT in early March for intermittent numbness & tingling in the upper arm, the therapist massaged a "trigger point" in that exact location, after which the tiny pimple (almost like a gnat bite or tiny scab from a cat-claw "nick;" and it was in the months between losing Heidi and adopting my current two kitties) first appeared. No news is good news yet—the derm explained that the path report would take 2-3 days (possibly a week) to show up in my portal; if malignant, they'd call me, if benign it would just be a "new test result" in the portal. Today I can shower, change and renew the dressing (using the Mupiricin ointment instead of Vaseline 2x/day).

    Last night the kitties found a new way to vex me: BangBang figured out how to insert a paw to pull open the accordion doors of the foyer coat closet, and pull out stuff—and Roxy decided it'd be a great hiding place. Until I can find a hook-and-eye closure to "baby-proof" it, I propped a heavy Chewy box containing 20 lbs of litter in front of it so no amount of paw-tugging would work…till she figures out how to knock it over. I have trouble hydrating enough—I keep my Stanley cup next to the lounge chair where I watch TV and use my laptop, and she monopolizes me to the point where I have to knock her off my lap to be able to take a sip, wield the remote, or type more than a word or two. (Blessedly, she's asleep right now). I'm also afraid they might have fleas, though no idea how they got them (maybe through the window screen?).

  • keywestfan
    keywestfan Member Posts: 367

    Thank you Sandi, but no need to worry. I‘ve been remiss, loitering and lazy, but keep up on kitties and everyone’s life here. Which is not to say that 90 doesn’t have its challenges. Mine being my cruddy right hip, not completely offset by left hip replacement a rear and a half ago which was successful. Also PTSD from a bad fall some time back. Result of all this being I’ve become anxious about curbs and walking alone outside.PT says cane, so I’m trying to get accustomed to it but feel wobbly and my anxiety gene with a misfiring amygdala has been acting up. So, after refusing to go on an anti anxiety ssri for 40 years, I gave in 3 months ago. I think its just starting to work, but the onboarding caused heightened anxiety and fatigue.

    Had a wonderful small 90th at Mon Ami Gabi. If I could figure out how to get a photo here I would do it. This isn’t the one I wanted, but it’s the one I call “15 and 90.”

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Keywestfan, WOW! Great photo!!!! If that is what 90 looks like, I can't wait! You are gorgeous inside and out!

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 967

    Ditto Keywest! Lovely and happy belated 😊

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,349

    Keywest good to see your smile!

    Sandy, I’m a stalker on the drink forum, and only “knew” Goldie through that. She’s had everything thrown at her and has fought it bravely and head on. May she find peace. For you, hoping that your arm turns out B9. Side note, my sister had a tumor growth in her arm where she gets her vaccines; B9.

    Puffin, it’s good news your med is working on the psoriasis.

    I saw the endocrinologist today as a follow-up from last years thyroid biopsy. We’ve scheduled a dexa scan, an ultrasound of the thyroid and an appointment with the Dr - all in one day, 10/10. My portal had blood results which were all normal. But on the notes from the visit it stated “multinodular goiter” and “Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.” I dint remember anything about a goiter being mentioned, ever.

    We had beautiful weather today. Mid to low 70’s, full sun. I got a walk in with gf at the park this morning, about 3 miles.

    My grandniece is getting her ankle operated in tomorrow morning and wants me to go with her. The ligament isn’t tightening up since the bad sprain. If it’s not frayed, walking boot. If it is frayed, cast & crutches. Fingers crossed for the boot! Need to be there at 7:15. I’m calling for an early night tonight.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,726

    keywestfan, lovely photo and what a handsome young man to have on your arm. Good to hear from you.

    puffin, glad the Skyrizi is working for your psoriasis. What did your oncologist offer?

    chisandy, dawn dish detergent works really well to get rid of fleas on a dog so I imagine it would work on a cat. Be careful of the claws though. I did have one cat who loved to be bathed and then have his long hair blown dry. Think he liked the warmth of the hair dryer. Funny how they can open doors. My first cat would open the refrigerator door (by putting his claws into the gasket) and eat the lunch meat so I had an elastic clothes line that I hooked around the refrigerator to keep him out.

    cindyny, multinodular goiter is most likely why you had the thyroid bx last year. If your thyroid is enlarged, they deem it a goiter. Hoping your niece ends up with a boot rather than crutches. My DSIL notified me she took a misstep yesterday while walking the dog and ended up with an ankle sprain. She is on crutches and non-weight bearing for several days and is already going crazy. She is an energizer bunny so being confined is contrary to her nature.

    Had cardiologist visit and have been cleared for surgery. Much nicer to have discussion with your own physician rather than the one assigned in PAT who only reads EKG and doesn't meet with you. I had an appointment scheduled with her for July shortly after my Echo but she said she would call with results and to schedule for 6 months from now. No argument here.

    Illinoislady, hope your trip to Marion went well.

    Had PT and moved up to 5 lb weights on ankles for 2 exercises today. Do each exercise 30 times and then she decided my wall squats would be improved if I held a 7.5 lb kettle bell on my chest at clavicle level. Seems every exercise today was upgraded because exercise band used normally for lateral movements (external rotation) of knees and legs was left on for bridges. Ankle band for lateral and diagonal movement was an uptick, too. Left sore but happy I was able to meet her challenges. Only one session left before surgery and she feels I am in a good position for post-op and recovery.

    No gardening today because I had too many errands to run and was doing laundry as well. So steps suffer somewhat.

    Hope everyone had a good day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,615

    May you never miss a rainbow or a sunset because you are looking down.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,615

    Long day today so I'll check in tomorrow but have to say KeyWest — I'm in total agreement. If that's a 90 I'm going to be giving up dread for sure.

    See you all tomorrow.