Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,591

    Good morning. Not sure why I opened up the blog and was not on the 'newest' entries, but I went back and read them. Sandy, hoping all goes well with your arm and Betrayal, you know I'm sitting here with high hopes for Monday. You have done so much to get prepared and to give yourself a huge chance for a great outcome which is very definitely what I'll be praying for on your behalf.

    Harley, it is great that your potassium is being monitored closely. Really important for you and much easier on your sense of inspiration. Glad you had a wonderful time in Lake Geneva. I always think of it as the Universe's way of sending gifts to us. I'm so hoping after your treatments that the 'gifts' just keep coming.

    Cindy, sounds like you needed to catch up on some z's but such a blessing that your niece is back in a walking boot. That museum trip sounds like it should prove quite an enjoyable experience and just the kind of lazy type relaxation you need after spending yesterday a bit wiped out from lack of sleep. Enjoy.

    We woke up to rain still going on. Night rain again. It is though keeping us cooler than we might otherwise be. I had planned a trip to the bank but I don't have to go. I also have a return to Walmart that will likely wait unless the rain suddenly decides to head out of here. Banks are only open till noon on Saturday, and I never use the outside teller much now. It was only a thing in my life while I was still working and that has been some time now.

    Hope you are all going to have a wonderful day whatever you do.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,855

    Wren, I am sure you will find something like them when you get there. Option for me to make one or two for you. But not now. I am finally going to be moving, but not far.

  • malleemiss251
    malleemiss251 Member Posts: 646

    Chris - wonderful blouses - they look gorgeous, and I bet they would be very comfortable to wear. I am envious of your talent.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,855

    Thank you. I come from a sewing family.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    My oncologist would like me to be on the lowest possible dose of Skyrizi, but there's really only the one dose. It's timed so that if I spread it out any further it would be out of my system

    I am still headache free, have started weaning down the decadron dose again so hope that doesn't change

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,724

    puffin, glad you rang in and hope that weaning off decadron doesn't mean return of headaches.

    Late entry today because I was focused on getting housework done before surgery. Had to teach DH how to use the new vacuum using both the rug head and the wood floor head. He will need re-enforcement but has the knack now. Took vacuum from this floor up to second floor to do rugs there and then dismantled the collection system for dumping and then cleaning. Washed all the parts and will add new filter. Made room in closet in kitchen area for new vacuum storage.

    Took paint samples for dining room and painted small squares on wall in dining room. Took photo and asked DSIL's opinion. Having problems with phone not wanting to take pictures so have a call in to DS to see if he can take a look at it. The lighter blue is the winner and it picks up this shade in the drapes and the rug. So that will have to wait until much later when I am able to empty china cabinet, etc. but its a future plan. It's a major project for me, not doing the painting, just taking the items out of the china cabinet. However, I can sort through and declutter, too.

    Ordered a long brush so DH can clean the walls in the garage prior to my DB painting the interior. This should keep him off a ladder and he can work on this on rainy days.

    Tomorrow I need to wash sheets and blanket since they insist you sleep on clean bedding after doing shower with skin prep solution. So a shower tomorrow night and then one on Monday morning. Poor Leo will be banished to my DD's old room for a month since they insist you not sleep with any animals. During the day he can roam the house at will but at night he prefers to be behind closed doors. I will miss him snuggling with me.

    Lovely day today, sunny, low 80's and supposed to be the last of the non-humid days. I spent most of it inside but will have plenty of time where I will be able to just relax as I recover so I am sure there will be more to come.

    Hope everyone had a great day.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    And the Lord sayeth, "here, hold my beer."

    I'm gonna be offline for awhile—early this morning we were awakened by the smell of smoke (the detectors didn't work, despite fresh batteries). I was in scrubs & rubber sandals, Bob was in his undies & barefoot. By the time he hung up with 911, the sirens were already blaring—we live 2 bl. from the fire station. 3 engines, all the neighbors were out (they were preparing for a yard sale that got rained out). House is still standing, everything intact except for the roof (they punched a hole to vent the smoke), the rear of the kitchen and the rear of the basement. But it's uninhabitable for an indeterminate length of time due to smoke smell. We packed up the cats and whatever we could manage and are in a suburban hotel for the next week & a half and then a long-stay suite hotel in River North till mid-July. After that, State Farm will look for a temporary house, townhouse or large apt. They estimate the repairs, de-odorizing, and repainting could take through December.

    It started in an outlet on the rear wall of the kitchen—it was old & ungrounded (was not replaced in the 1989 re-wire) , and the flames went down into the basement. The CFD put it out fairly quickly. So Bob & I and the kitties are holed up in a 2-bed room for the time being. They still smell of smoke, and the wipes I bought from Petsmart are not getting the stench out. They've just started grooming themselves, though they are eating, drinking, and excreting quite well. They are supremely bored—we did have to buy them a new cardboard scratcher (the ones we packed were smoky) and ball-track toy.

    Amazing how much you think you brought with you at a time like this, but how much more you have to buy—all my OTC meds (we grabbed the strongbox with the Rx stuff and put the Mounjaro into an insulated bag with ice packs), all my makeup, all but one pair of pants each (Bob couldn't find long enough ones at Target tonight—we'll try Costco tomorrow), and whatever the laundry service dropped off last night, still in plastic bags. We are going to have to buy stock in the makers of Febreze. I did bring my computer and all my iPads & chargers; Bob brought one computer but still has to go back tomorrow and grab the office computer and the new laptop he's never used. We spent a bundle at Petsmart & Target (and since the hotel has no restaurant, just breakfast, we dined at Outback tonight—first thing we ate all day). I went to bed at 3am Fri night and we were out in the street by 6am—so "exhausted" doesn't even begin to cover it. Bob got to bed at 11pm and I had to wake him. He's snoring away to beat the band right now.

    We move downtown the day after my excision surgery—and moving day is also the day of my mammogram. Lots of rescheduling, rearranging (mail, utilities, prescriptions, etc.) in order. State Farm, its restoration and temp housing contractors, and the Red Cross have been wonderful, as have our neighbors.

    Might check in once in a blue moon if I have a moment to spare. Oh, and our HK made it down to B'ham today—we were talking while she was pulling out of Louisville.

    Catch you later—in everyone's pockets (espec. Betrayal & Puffin) for upcoming med stuff.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 388

    Oh no Sandy - how awful! Glad you, Bob and the kitties are safe but it will indeed take months to get back to normal. Thinking of you (((Hugs))).

  • keywestfan
    keywestfan Member Posts: 367

    Wow Sandy!Wow! How wonderfully, so competently, you and Bob handled /are handling this extreme emergency, the fear, the overwhelming disruption. And how organized you are- to have your medications in a lockbox you can just grab without having to scour the bedroom, kitchen for them, to be able to grab the kitties, computers, chargers, to figure out the logistics of where to go. How wonderfully you are doing dealing with this trauma, one of the before/ afters that terrify us. Kudos!

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,349

    Oh Sandy, what a wake up call. Glad that you, Bob and the kitties are safe. So scary. And like Keywest said, your lockbox with medications sounds like a plan we should all think about.
    Glad you HK has made her trip safely too.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,724

    Sandy, so sorry to read about your fire and the need to evacuate. Been there, done that though ours wasn't a fire, only insulation and rain from the tree strike. I have to say State Farm was there for us though due to Covid something that was estimated to take 6 months took 3 plus years due to supply chain issues and poor coordination of contractors by the restoration company.

    My clothes were sent out to be cleaned as were the drapes in primary BR and living room and bedding from primary bedroom, mattress was trashed, etc. They have access to dry cleaners who deal exclusively with restoration work and they even cleaned my shoes. So you are in good hands as far as insurance companies. You may want to check out what the contractors are doing and keep in touch with the lead restoration manager so things are done to your liking. I did not want more than I was due, but I did not want them restoring to less than what I had had.

    Please be there when they send a team to "clear the house" because they throw out everything whether it was damaged or not. Plus it keeps you aware of what you have and will save you the trouble of looking for something months later only to find out it was tossed and needs to be on your claim. Take photos because although the damage was confined to the back of your house, there will be spillover damage to other rooms from water.

    Glad you are safe and have a plan for living for the next few months.

    Thank you for thinking of me while you are under such duress. I think both of us should opt out of the "here, hold my beer" club. Somedays I feel like that character in Lil' Abner who had the black cloud over his head.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,591

    When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and
    willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point in pretending
    that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not yet ready. The
    challenge will not wait. Life does not look back.

    Paulo Coelho

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,591

    Sandy, just wow. You are always pretty prepared with great 'everyday' solutions you almost never need. That is until you do. Marvelous job. It must have been a real overload on adrenaline with such an out of the blue un-expected event but you have carried it so well. I hope and pray things will work out and end up simpler if for no other reason than thank goodness you don't have to do this through a covid crisis.

    Still, it is daunting I know — all the detailed items that need some sort of arrangement now. Good that Betrayal had good advice on what to keep a 'check' on later and she is right —- pictures, pictures, pictures.

    Also VERY happy the kitties are safe. It will be an adventure living with them under your circumstances. My heart goes out. Just as you are in pockets so all of us will spend time in yours as well.

    Come when you can but know if infrequent you won't be so in our minds and hearts.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Sandy, fire is one of my worst fears! Thank goodness you, Bob and the cats are safe! You seem to be as well prepared for this as anyone could be. (((((HUGS))))

    When I was young, a good friend of mine had 5 sisters and a baby brother. One day while we were at school, a toaster started a fire at her home. Her mother had just put her brother down for a nap upstairs and the fire became intense quickly. When she discovered the fire, it was already out of control and she could not get back upstairs to the baby. By the time the fire department came and put a ladder up to his room, he was already dead. That day is etched in my memory for life. When people say "things can be replaced, but people can't be," it really is true!

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,724
    edited June 2024

    Busy day here. Doing bedding and towels so they are fresh after I take medicated shower tonight and then repeat in AM. We will have to leave here around 7:15 and hope to avoid the worst of rush hour.

    Finished cleaning of kitchen and made blueberry pancakes for breakfast. Made up a platter for DD and DSIL and another for us for a breakfast this week. Froze some for later use. Dinner tonight was lobster ravioli in vodka sauce and a tossed salad. DS had gotten the ravioli at Costco and I had frozen them. They were delicious as was the salad.

    DS just called. He's at Giant and wanted to know the ingredients of a dip I used to make using 3 ingredients and the microwave. Told him what to buy and that's their snack tonight.

    DD and DSIL are having to make the decision of when to euthanize their 14 year old dog. He has lymphoma and they found a large mass under his jaw today and he also has it in his spleen so I was trying to tell her that is a death she doesn't want to witness. I know how hard it is to make the decision having to put a dog down in 2022, my beloved Smudge in 2023, and losing my parakeet in 2024. Tried to get her to focus on the joy the dog has brought her. He started doing poorly today and with the change in his lumps, now is the time. It's just a difficult time because I won't be able to go to the vets with her due to my surgery tomorrow.

    I finally got the parts I needed yesterday to finish the lawn chair webbing. So two old chairs have been resurrected into shiny new looking ones. I just had 6 long strips to do but again had difficulty with getting the correct length for the strips and then getting the grommets in correctly. The grommets were the hard part because they have to be perfectly aligned when you hammer them. The last 2 strips were the easiest and it was like I had finally gotten the learning curve.

    Thank you to those who wished me well for tomorrow and I hope you will continue to do so because I need one procedure that goes without a hitch. Did not get a chance to walk up and down the driveway as planned but have been hitting the steps doing inhouse chores.

    It was a lovely sunny day with temps in the mid 70's, no breezes to note and humidity low. It is supposed to rain tonight and DH says it is starting to sprinkle now. Need to go pack my hospital bag for tomorrow. Hope you all had a wonderful day and hope that Harley and puffin are doing better.

    Chris, good luck on the move and hope it goes without a hitch.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,591

    Betrayal, I'm so sorry to hear that it has reached the time for your daughter's loving companion to be eased gently onto the Rainbow Bridge. You are right — it is difficult to be there, but I've always been except for the last little dog and I just wasn't in the right shape.

    We really do feel I think that despite the fact it needs to be done, we sometimes feel we have made a decision we would not want to be made for us. Matters not that animals really don't have much of a choice and we are putting an end to any suffering for them. I will keep her and the sweet companion in my heart and thoughts. Even though your daughter has no idea — she won't be alone. I'll be with her too.

    I pray too that all will go well on Monday for you, in fact better than you could hope. It is definitely time to have something go right and you have for sure done your part.

    In your pocket all the way.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,349

    Betrayal, best of luck tomorrow! I’m hoping with you, that it all goes off without a hitch.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Betrayal, here's to a successful surgery, gentle recovery and good drugs! Remember that prunes will be your best friends—take 2-3 after each dose of opioid or other constipating painkiller. So said about your DD & DSIL's dog. Heidi had the same rapid progression (jaw squamous tumor metastasizing to ab & thorax, Happy's was IBD that became lymphoma) but Happy was not quite 16 and Heidi had just turned 19. At that age, it's something to be dreaded but not unexpected. But a 1-yr-old dog is barely out of puppyhood—poor little thing is too young to suffer like that.

    We will be on top of the restoration every chance we get, despite the smoke stench every time we visit. Water damage was confined to the rear of the basement, but smoke of course rises. Everything we retrieved from there had to be Febrezed, and we still need air freshener in our hotel room. Even the car stinks from all the smoky stuff that was in it for hours—especially the cat carriers (we will just buy new ones—we've had them for a decade or more). Guess we'll buy one of those pine-tree air-freshener dangles the cabdrivers love. Giving my next-door neighbors a key so they can secure the attic windows if the restoration guys can't board them up from the outside—as well as picking up our mail & packages. The rear basement window beneath the deck is too trashed for anyone to be tempted to get in, and it had better be boarded to keep out critters. There are some valuables we will photograph and insist they be catalogued, as well as instruments, my pen collection & Bob's coins, photo albums, papers (such as tax returns) for the safe deposit box, for which we need to take the key (we took all the credit cards, passports and checkbooks). We took the most valuable jewelry too. I will write detailed instructions about what should be discarded. Bob took his other two laptops today. We need to go tomorrow evening to give our neighbor the key and await the laundry-service delivery (they're bringing a fresh new bag too). Not looking forward to the next move to downtown—not just corralling the kitties again but also all the replacement stuff we've accumulated and getting it into our cars. I will be unable to lift with my L arm because of the excision incision & sutures, so my de facto strength training will be lopsided. (Right now I can use the hotel gym & pool—bought shorts & a swimsuit). We have another hospital dinner (at a SW Side country club—a snap for Bob as he's driving from work, but for me to drive from Niles will be a 2-hr nightmare). I'd be inclined to blow it off but this may be his last chance as he may no longer be admitting patients to that hospital next year). Will go up to Waxberg's Walk Shoppe near here to pick up some orthopedic dress shoes, loafers, trainers & flats; then before Thurs. pick up a decent dress from Nordstrom or its Rack. Bought a new "pleather" purse today—bummed out about having to leave behind my Coach bags, AWAY suitcases and leather totes, but they can be cleaned (and I'll make sure of it).

    Meanwhile, I have to start watching MCLE videos and have my remaining 23 hours completed by the end of the month—though I can definitely get a hardship exemption.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,313

    Betrayal, thinking about you today and hoping your surgery goes well.

    Sandy, thinking about you, too, as you adjust to hardship in your daily life.

    I plan to go to town today and pay for a gym membership for three months. And some other errands.

    Best wishes to everyone else on your Monday.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,591

    My life is but a weaving 
    Between my God and me.
    I cannot choose the colors
    He weaveth steadily.

    Oft’ times He weaveth sorrow;
    And I in foolish pride
    Forget He sees the upper
    And I the underside.

    Not ’til the loom is silent
    And the shuttles cease to fly
    Will God unroll the canvas
    And reveal the reason why.

    The dark threads are as needful
    In the weaver’s skillful hand
    As the threads of gold and silver
    In the pattern He has planned

    He knows, He loves, He cares;
    Nothing this truth can dim.
    He gives the very best to those
    Who leave the choice to Him.

    unattributed (often attributed to
    Corrie ten Boom, who used it in a
    book and often quoted from it.)

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,591

    We really don't know why we seem to have "difficult' incidents in life and sometimes more so after retirement. I have often laughed with Dh about having to RETIRE because working got in the way of all the medical appts. Pride before a fall. I used to be so happy I was able to flit here and there and still help a lot of people with things they couldn't do anymore. Now I'm more inclined to be the one who needs help — so I'm definitely thinking of all those today with operations, recent having to abandon home, moving, or any other issue. Good thing we are retired and at least it makes that part of things a bit easier. Hmmm.

    The above poem is something I loved upon the first reading years ago and I still identify (maybe even more now) with it. We don't know why much of our life has to happen, but we will at some point.

    Who knows if we will have rain today or not, but no sun. I thought I heard some thunder just now, but it sounded far away. So, it's a wait and see day.

    I hope everyone has a good day, rain, shine or otherwise.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 309

    Betrayal - thinking of you today. Hope all goes well. You deserve an easy successful surgery!

    Sandy - we were out of our house for over 3 months after a fire. It's more than the fire location, it's vents, carpeting, paint, etc. My advice - keep all receipts in some sort of order. What you have already had to replace is a start. Our insurance also paid for all meals we had to eat out because we had no kitchen for several days. I second Betrayal, it's a challenge. I just hope your distrupted living arrangements don't last as long as hers. Don't forget chargers for all your stuff.

    Our fire started in our bedroom about 9:00 pm and I was already in p.j.'s. I still have to laugh at Ken's stories of opening up Kohl's to get me underwear and something to put on so we could meet the restoration team that day. I'm sure someone got a laugh about his trying to buy bras and panties. We also learned that some mail could not be forwarded (like bank statements) so when you catch your breath, ask about that.

    Plan for my knee is just a partial replacement. After the total on the right knee wasn't particularly succssful, I was really relieved. Thinking I will probably schedule it for early Sept. but my pain tolerance (or lack of) may move that up - right now the surgeon is scheduling 2-3 weeks out but that will really change when all the snowbirds come back so I definitely need to do it before Nov.

    Haley - holding you close too. I think this is chemo week again. Puffin, hope they have really figured out about the headaches.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Our next door neighbor is picking up our mail & packages. Our bank statements are all electronic now.

    Betrayal, hope all went well today!

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,855

    Sandy, that is awful!! At least you will be able to finally get that front staircase repaired. Will you be getting all the windows replaced with more weatherproof ones? On the downside, that is a whole bunch of things you will be having to do when you could be doing more enjoyable things.

    Betrayal, I will be praying for you all day, and for weeks to come. Just short of a year after my knee replacement! Remember to keep working on those exercises. Adhesions form quickly, and the exercises aren't just for strength. You could have put off the chair repair until after, but squelching down the anxiety in an activity such as that may also be advisable. Sad news about your daughter's dog. I think it is cancer that tends to take most of them down. A lot of the genes involved in developing wolves into many different kinds of dog, I guess, are also involved in cancer. I see the that wild dogs in the Chernobyl zone are becoming cancer resistant.

    MM, what a sad story.

    Busy this week, I guess all month. I have bunches of stuff out on the porch to go to the parish rummage sale, then two boxes to go out there after that stuff is gone. I took most everything down from the walls and patched the holes.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275
    edited June 2024

    Betrayal, hope all went well with your TKR.

    Taco, sorry to hear you too had to go through a "house fire" situation, albeit years ago. I have bone one bone in my right knee, but for whatever reason, have not been having issues with it. I had gel injections about three years ago. I hope all goes well with your partial replacement.

    Sandy, still thinking of you and Bob and crossing my fingers that everything runs as smoothly as it possibly can. I imagine, like most trauma in our lives, it really takes several days or longer to mentally process what you experienced! I am so sorry you had to go through that, but so thankful you and Bob did not get injured or worse!

    illinois, LOVE IT when you said you and dh said you had to retire because work interfered with all your doctor appointments! I literally LOL! It really is why I retired when I did, due to stress of third breast cancer dx and multiple surgeries.

    Harley, hope this week's chemo is gentle on you!

    Puffin, think of you so much, especially when I take Kelce outside in the morning and the birds are chirping and singing!

    Reader, feel free to correct me, I get confused with posts and who said what, but did you move from VA to NC or SC? I have a lot of friends who are choosing to retire in the Carolina's. My DSIL got his MBA at UNC. DD and DSIL lived in a campus apartment for the two years he was in school. DH and I loved visiting them in Chapel Hill. I really like the pace in NC, much slower than PA suburbs and super friendly people!

    Chris, wishing you a smooth moving experience! Moving is always a bit stressful, but the end result will be well worth it!

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,855

    I suspect there will be a huge "hitch" in moving, but will keep you posted.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,591

    Pardon one another so that later on you will not remember the injury. The recollection of an injury is in itself wrong. It adds to our anger, nurtures our sin, and hates what is good. It is a rusty arrow and poison for the soul.     -Francis of Paola

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,591

    Good Morning. So much going on for so many. Knocking on wood that I NEVER have to experience a fire. Have had the incidences with bad electrical sockets and mishaps there — the lamp cord that got crimped and burned inside the electric housing in the wall. The man who built our house (it was a single wide mobile home) actually built the house around the mobile home then took the mobile structure out in pieces. A very interesting way to do things. So, we have one interior wall we think is still actually mobile home. Mainly from the window placements there.

    In any case, the man who built the house was a fireman. He put outlets (he needed phones everywhere etc.) in multiples in most of the rooms so no matter where furniture was placed there would likely be an outlet showing. He also housed all the outlets in medal to hopefully stop electrical shorts which is exactly what happened to the lamp next to my bed. I just can't imagine but I do know even when your home is "saved" you have the smoke and water damages to the house and contents. It all sounds so daunting to have to deal with although like most things that we do — a lot of the time you have almost no other choice but to move forward until resolved.

    To that end, I'm thinking of you Chris. It is a big deal to move, even if it is not too far away. It is as you said a time for being able to perhaps more quickly, separate yourself from things you don't need or want, and which could be utilized by someone else.

    I hope it goes smoother than you hoped even if you do have a hitch which I'm hoping is not as difficult either. Seems like nothing is ever real smooth sailing, but you like so many of the women here seem good at picking yourself up and moving on and not letting something really stop you. You just find another way to get where you need to be. Fingers crossed.

    Harley, I'm hoping as well that your chemo goes okay. I well remember mine years ago now for the breast cancer. I did throw up for 6 months — whether it was a SE of the chemo or not. So, knowing at some point all my days would be difficult I gave myself the challenge of only having to get through the next ten minutes. I have no idea why it helped me, but I guess I figured almost anyone could do ten minutes and best not to think how many ten-minute segments in a day — just keep doing them. Hope I wasn't a downer saying that because it did get me through what started out being a long 6 months that actually went by fairly fast — as long as I only did ten minutes at a time and quit looking at a whole 24 hours at a time.

    Thinking as well of Betrayal and praying that all went well yesterday and that any issues are small and easy to adjudicate. It is always a little off-putting to allow others to take you and your health and try to correct it in some way. It has to be done usually but the fact is they do not have the same stake in it you do. So hoping and praying.

    Goes for you as well Puffin. You have faced so much and just kept marching forward and I'm hoping that can-do attitude along with all of us in your pocket carries you forward and gets you to the best place you can be. You are such an inspiration.

    Wishing good things for you as well petite. Everyone here as has something and in fact, at times, many things and you all just keep moving on. It is the best kind of medicine we likely could share with each other. The inspiration to find the way no matter what. You have done that too MM. So hats off to all and lots of hope for the best outcomes for everyone.

    Cloudy this morning. I keep wondering if rain will show up but so far it hasn't. We may have some showers this afternoon if the report is not wrong. Well, okay. Just hope we don't suddenly turn too warm and humid. Fingers crossed. I'll sure be thinking of Carole if that happens.

    See you all later.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,316

    Wow. So much going on.

    Chris, Love the photos - hair looks great and the tops are fabulous

    Wren, good to hear from you

    Betrayal, ((((hug))))

    Sandy, Oh no. Fires scare me.

    MM, sad story

    Jackie, Did I miss something? Did you have to put down a cat?

    For myself, it was mamo and ultrasound day. Hope they don't find anything.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 388

    Sandy - thinking of you as you deal with the remains of the fire. It’s amazing how many things I don’t give a second thought to until they aren’t there. In your pocket.

    Betrayal - thinking of you (((HUGS))).

    Petite - good thoughts that your ultrasound and mammogram are clear.

    Jackie - I’ve been fortunate to have minimal nausea with chemo. They load me up with Aloxi and steroids prior to chemo which gets me through the worst of it and I have compazine at home if needed. I am however, exhausted most of the time but yet I’m not sleeping well. My potassium levels are back in the normal range but PCP said to keep taking potassium. Meanwhile as expected my blood counts earlier today were really low which likely explains the exhaustion.

    Puffin - thinking of you.

    Taco - is a partial knee replacement a less taxing recovery?

    MM - always good to hear from you.

    My life is pretty quiet. Got bloodwork done this morning, then out to lunch with DH and a short walk followed by a nap. Chemo tomorrow and I presume a return trip to the infusion center on Thursday for a Neulasta injection. Expecting I will sleep most of the weekend.

    Take care!