Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited May 2009

    Go to fullsize image

    Waving at all of you, I do know a good many here.  Hi Pam.

    Sheila, I know its not really funny but I have be ROFL and can certainly relate. and Alpal that is really funny about your shoes too.  I mean what adult puts their shoes on the wrong feet.  You right though laughing with you.

    Susan, it ok, you are not a weak stupid person.  You are a very stressed person, as a stressed person  sometimes we are just not ourselves.  Just remember this too shall pass.  Are you on antidepressants, sometimes they really help.

    Hi, Patoo, it is always refreshing to see you happy smileing face.  I can see the Lord shining out of your eyes. and oh yea Lefty, love those dolls.  Am really gonna make some.  Hey, I may send some to susan.  that would relieve some stress.

    Oh I am curious about one thing Alpal, after you got the shoes on the right feet did they feel good then?  remember laughing with you. 

    Have a blessed day.

  • amE2
    amE2 Member Posts: 90
    edited May 2009

    Afternoon Ladies,

    Sheila,  oh thank you Sheila and Allison.  Robert keeps looking at me like --- "Where is your head at?"  I keep trying to tell him, I am sick, I am sick, I have a right to be scatter brained.  His expectations of me are wayyyyyy to high.  He just looks at me like he is the soul of patience and kindness.  Wham, upside the head.  LOL.  It's always such a joy when he goofs up cause then I make an eeesssuuuueee out of it.  LOL  (Someitmes it's fun getting even.)

    Susan, oh (((((Susan))))), I woulda gone and gotten drunk also, the Universe, or the Powers That Be seem to be raining on you right now.  It will change, it will get better, nothing goes down without coming back up.  You hang in there, one foot in front of the other.  One Day At A Time.

    Look at it this way, I don't drink at all, when I was wayyyyy younger (25-28) I drank wayyyy to much so now I don't drink at all.  Years ago, I would have been with you all the way.  My problem is if I get drunk not only would I spend two days tossing my cookies but I would probably take a plane trip to Outer Siberia in a black out after alienating every friend I have in some horrid fashion or another.  At least you did your drinking safe at home and only your head and stomach are paying the price. "This Too Shall Pass" Susan, life goes on and today you are still alive. Life is never perfect, yours may not be perfect right now but just think about how good it will feel when it is again.  My heart is going out to you, as yours will for me, when I have a down day.

    Lynn: I think I mixed you up with another person who visits PC every now and then, uses FCS and wanted to meet me for lunch.  She is on another Advanced BC site with me.  BUT, HEY :-) if you get down here in your hot little stick shift car let me know, we can go to Fisherman's Warf for lunch, it's right on Charlotte Harbor, very pretty and scenic.   I like being the passenger also, but Robert doesn't drive soooo I have to, no matter what the shifting component is,  lol,  sometimes --- ahem ---I'd like to watch the world go by also.

    Ladies, have a good one.



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,628
    edited May 2009

    Hi everyone...not too much time, but I did want to get in a little something.  Susan, I think I understand...sometimes you are just tired of being overwhelmed by life.  It's sort of like the desert period in the good book.  Nothing actually works, or fits, and the struggle and upheaval just wear your down.  You keep thinking you have this beat and it rears up again.  I ( likely all of us here ) have had those desert periods, and I hung on long enough to realize life would come right again and that I would go on......but --- now I just put out high hopes that it won't take you too long to get past this period and know that you will go on and triumph again. 

    Got to run....I'll be back later.



  • ddlatt
    ddlatt Member Posts: 39
    edited May 2009

    for us "older" women - how many of you have had genetic testing and were positive for BRCA?  what went into your decision-making about having an oopherectomy? (since the odds are extremely high for ovarian cancer if one tests positive for BRCA). my oncologists can't agree on whether or not i should have genetic testing. i'm 54, have been postmenopausal for 5 years. my mother and grandmother both died of breast cancer that spread to the bone. but one oncologist says that because i'm postmenopausal, there's no reason for an oopherectomy if i test positive, and therefore, no reason to be tested. i will meet with a genetic counselor and eventually decide, but wondered if anyone in this forum has had experience with this. thanks!

  • Cheyanne
    Cheyanne Member Posts: 33
    edited May 2009

    Hi everybody, I am here in Rockford IL at my daughter's house.  I have been here since Friday.  Just catching up on all my emails etc now.  My granddaughter's high school graduation is tomorrow.  I start back home on Saturday, will be making the trip in 3 days instead of my usual 2.  Although I have been feeling really good since I got here.  I made a 2-hour drive yesterday to go and visit my 90 year old aunt, whom I had not visited for 5 years.  She is now on continuous oxygen but is still in her own home.  I am actually feeling better than I felt for MONTHS before I was diagnosed in February.  All the pain and discomfort from my mastectomy is gone.  I brought my own pillows to make sure I could sleep comfortably, have not had a problem sleeping at all!  I have an appointment with the oncologist when I get home.  I really do not want to start taking Tamoxifen or Arimidex.  I don't want to start feeling bad again when I am feeling so good now.  My thought is why go looking for trouble. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,628
    edited May 2009

    I'm back again....had to run as Dh called to rell me a storm was possibly headed here and I needed to get out and get the feral cats fed and pick up my dog at the vets --- whew it's always something. 

    Anyhow....we really do have to make it through some of those hellish' periods and generally it does most always seem as if we are getting a double or even triple dose of the uglies and everything negative is landing at only our feet.....and most of our life is stealing our hope and good outlook and when oh when will I ever stop feeling cheated, and abused and left to rot alone....with no one to give a darn. 

    Thank goodness, we are able to move away from that and bring some order in the chaos of the exhausted and exhausting why me syndrome that just seems like it will never set us free.  We do find a light in the tunnel at last ---  and with time and healing energy....we get on a better life path and learn to go with the flow in positive ways.....I think we are being tried and tested, and I dearly hope we come away from it all a little better.....certainly with a strong will and major determination to make the **past** WRONG ABOUT ME BECAUSE I'M NO QUITTER...I'M A WINNER plain and simple.  Here's to happier, better, sounder, winning days for you ahead.  May they not take too long to reach your door. 

    Cheyanne, there is a good point to the fact that you are feeling good and so why go looking for trouble.  I think your not really looking for trouble....but perhaps a way to try and insure that you will have a long, long time to spend with grandchildren and maybe even a great grandchild or two. Having said may not have much for side effects from these drugs.  Some people don't and so many, many people use them.  I take Arimidex and have for 7 months now.  To me it is just a little more insurance that I'm doing what I can to protect myself from the possibility of recurrence.  I could still have one.....but my chances are a lot less if I'm using the drug.  No one is sure just which person might recur and why.  If that was known ----  then I'm sure a whole battery of women would not even have to consider an AI or anything else for aftercare. 

    No one can truly be sure what lies ahead --- but you buy health Insurance so you won't go broke if someone gets sick....and you buy house insurance and car insurance and you do all these things because it brings some peace of mind to you to know you have covered all these bases.  That is what the AI's are all about......something extra as a precaution ---- because like other kinds of insurance....for the most part it has been found to work and be of value.  No one has to take/buy any insurance.....but I'm betting very few people are sorry they did when something has happened.  Just something for you to think about.....

    I have found so far....that I don't have enough side effects nor are the few I do, near bothersome enough for me to even consider not taking the drug.  This is what I feel is right for me, but you may see it all as completely wrong for you.  It is up to each of us to make a choice about these things.  I will be happy for you no matter what you long as you are satisfied with your choice.  I'm wishing you well with it.

    I have chores calling me so I'll see you lovely ladies after a bit.  Work for me though I had not done a thing since last Thursday and Friday.  See you all later.



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,628
    edited May 2009

    oops....Aussie are too funny.  I love your sense of humor.  If you could bottle that'd have a whole lot of us standing in line willing to part with some cold hard cash to get a bunch of it.  And I say forget the's dull and boring and not a thing like you.....exciting, lively and fun.



  • donsuzbee
    donsuzbee Member Posts: 43
    edited May 2009

    IL Lady - when you said you understand Susan - I thought gee I didn't post how I was feeling. But Susan did it for me! I am so overwhelmed right now with not taking Aromisin, my LE AND getting older. I don't mind the getting older part, but I seem to be going out of this world one body part at a time. At least the dentist was able to save my rooth today. LOL!

    Susan B.

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited May 2009

    If any of you have not gone to a Look Good, Feel Better make up session, I encourage you to attend.  I am one of the make overs featured on the website:

    Third one down on the left is me.   See why my comment was " look good, feel WONDERFUL "  ??

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited May 2009
    leftyAKAnancy - wow! what a great incentive to go to the Look Good, Feel Better program. I am booked for it later in June when it comes to our town. The timing is really good - about half way through my chemo and just before some British cousins come to visit. This is quite a departure for me as I ordinarily wear little makeup  - the lessons will be all new for me!
  • LiniWD
    LiniWD Member Posts: 9
    edited May 2009

    Wow also, leftyAKAnancy -

    Those are very cool before and after pictures!  Hope you went out on the town after that!!


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited May 2009

    That was very nice to see how them made you look so wonderful.

    Patoo, How are you doing?

    Pam, You are a fighter.

    Rita,  I want to say, thankyou, I will fight.

    And to all the other wonderful young ladies here, Keep fighting, We can Win!

    Hugs, Debbie

  • NanaA
    NanaA Member Posts: 97
    edited May 2009

    I guess I need to tell a shoe story too.  About a month or so ago, I was getting dressed to leave for work and slid my feet into a pair of clogs on the floor of my closet without turning on the light.  When I got to work I found that my left foot was wearing  a navy clog and my right foot had a dark brown one on.  The two pairs were next to each other on the floor I got one of each and had to wear them all day at work.  I just blamed it on chemo brain, instead of not looking at my  feet before I left home.  Since I am the only female in  our building,I am sure the guys all just shook their heads if they  noticed.  My husband would probably not have noticed. At least they were comfortable!

    Hope this makes you laugh again.  Have a good week.  Annette 

  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited May 2009

    Hi to all you beautiful ladies:

    Hope things are going great for all of you. Is it me, or does it seem like after you've been taking the Arimidex for a couple of months, you seem to start forgetting things? I surely don't want to blame it on my age.


    The doctor's appointment went pretty good, the only thing is that the radiation oncologist said my next mamogram would be September 3, I was thinking I was going to get it in December, that's what the surgeon said, I just hope and pray it will be clear this time around.

    To All you ladies who have been praying for me!

    God Bless you each and everyone! Guess I have to go and cook some breakfast, we have to go back up North today. We did have a pretty good day Memorial day, it only rained for about two or three minutes, I think we had about 350 people in the park that day. The day goes faster when you're busy, but boy that last hour of work, I believe the clock just stops and doesn't want to moveLaughing

    I will be praying for each of you! By the way, Paul's graduation was great!

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited May 2009

    Lefy, wow all of the ladies looked so different and beautiful.  It was amazing.

    Goodmorning to all, hope everyone is having a good day.

    Motherof7, I will be praying for you a clear mammogram in Sept.  I just had one which was clear, also pet and bone scan which was clear so for now I am good.

    Nana, I am cracking up at your shoe story, Do we really get 10 years out of chemo brain, that means I got 5 more to go to get to blame it then I will have to say senior moment.

    Susan, the dentist saved your rooth, great big smile on my face thinking tooth or root.  This I think is my 3rd week off of arimidex and not taking nothing and it is kind of scary, no more security blankets.

    Hope all has a wonderful day.  Praying for all.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,628
    edited May 2009

    Hi Susan B - and sometimes it is overwhelming and you can just get sick of cancer and the fact that it steals so much of your life.  Of course, I'm not as up-beat as I usually am about all of this.  too many gray rainy days and like I said on the other thread ----  I'm hoping it quits soon so I don't have to look for a gray dreary rope to hang myself with till I'm blue/gray.  Not trying to be offensive here..... rain may make you grow but it's the sun that sparks the bloom that opens.  I'm definitely in need of sun so I can bloom again. 

    I do think the big C just gets top billing pretty much no matter what else you may have had to deal with before.  I know in part it's because for years few people recovered from with all the fear and dread....I think something got into our genes....and though most of us will walk away from made a stain of sorts that just hangs on and on.  We know that we are ok....but the tests still bring a panic reaction and every ache or pain we can't immediately identify is the **monster** coming back to try again.  Well, I wish I would have cheated at cards once, just once --- maybe next time I play I will. 

    Hope you are all doing ok.  I'll be leaving work soon and I'll be lots better.  See you later.



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2009

    IllinoisLady, that is so true.  Since my dx in Oct '08 I was wondering why I wasn't scared or upset - it just seemed like I should have gotten stressed or hollered, screamed, something.  But nothing -

    UNTIL - this week, one week out of rads.  I'm on arimidex but the last couple of days the realization has hit that I have to go every 3 months for the next few years, for blood work.  You are right about the 'panic reaction' to the "monster".  I'm feeling twinges in my bc breast and it's scary because now everything is going to make me think it's back.  (sigh)

  • amE2
    amE2 Member Posts: 90
    edited May 2009

    Morning Ladies.

    Well, I finished the Govt. App and already have the results and I am good to go for another school year.  Thank heavens as I am just about finished.  This will be my last year then I will finally have a degree in Psychology.  It has only taken me 20 years.  LOL  Who me? Slow?  LOL

    Patoo, I have to go in once a month for blood draws and probably will for quite a while to come and each time I go in it is to find out if my CA markers have gone up and the Arimidex isn't working anymore.  Heck I expected to be bald and one sick lady by now and I am still just chugging along,. for which I thank the powers that be on a continual basis. ;-)

    Nancy, what beautiful pictures and what hope is portrayed.  I can't use it yet because I still have my hair and am not what they call 'sick"  but boy will I keep the site in mind for if and when I do need it.

    Ladies, not to carry tales from another list as I highly disapprove of that but I did want to let you know that on my Advanced BC Survivors list there is a lady that went to the Boston Convention and she says it was a wealth of information and that the docs said there are several new drugs that are coming out soon to help us all.  I think the work they are doing is amazing.  I have no desire to suffer, I doubt that any of us do, but it would sure be nice if there were drugs coming up that made it easier for us to stay alive and enjoy life while we are at it. 

    Everyone that is traveling, enjoy and be careful.  Everyone else have a good day.  I intend to put a desk together today for my office.  I need it for school as I have nothing to write on, just my computer desk and there is no room.

    Time to go get busy.



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,628
    edited May 2009

    Hi everyone,

    Pam - that is truly exciting news.  What were the nature of the drugs....different chemo's or AI's.  We need anything that will help.....anything that will hold us till they finally do find a cure for this. 

    I'm with you about the desk.  My old computer desk is going to the auction house.  The much newer one my BIL donated to me is a really nice oak computer desk with lots of drawers and a slide out try for my printer etc.  I have lots of room on top as well.  Guess it was my lucky day when he decided to get rid of it.  In fact, I still don't have much in the drawers but have a drawer with hanging file pockets ( you can stick manila folders into those ) and I'm just waiting till I'm in a good mood to get the manila folders and start filing??? something. 

    Sunshine here today which is really helping my mood immensely.  Not only do I get quite cheerful but I have a lot more energy and ambition. 

    Hope you all are having a good day.



  • amE2
    amE2 Member Posts: 90
    edited May 2009

    Hi Jackie and everyone,

    Like I said I don't usually do this but I felt this was important enough to warrant a transfer of information.  This is exactly what she said:  "The doctors and panels of experts that spoke to us gave "hope and confidence" that new drugs are coming and assurance that a "cure" will come for this disease! A vaccine is being worked on for "recurrence," so that in the future there won't be such a thing! The information came so fast that I don't think anyone could keep up writing their notes." that came from the Advanced Breast Cancer website, Discussion Boards. If you write to me personally I will give you the link to the whole site.  I have to give credit where it is due.  The woman also said that "The conference will be on the Internet, it was recorded just for that purpose."  I haven't gone to look for it yet so you might want to.  She also said the doctors were very impressed with the knowledge that we ladies had about our disease.

    Well --- I should hope to tell ya, lol, after all it is just our lives that are at stake here.  ;-)

    OK, I guess that is about all I can share.  If anyone sees the conference online let us know as then we can ask for the link to it.



  • Alpal
    Alpal Member Posts: 112
    edited May 2009

    Hi everyone - hope you're all doing great. About the Boston conference. Several gals from the Stage IV forum attended the conference. LuAnn reported that a live video of the conference will be available at  I just checked and it doesn't seem to be there yet. The conference was May 18th so there's a good chance they haven't updated the website yet. We're actually moving a week from Monday (8th), so I'll be out of touch for a while. Going to lock this computer up so I can't spend any time on it. Just kidding, I'll check in daily, but try not to post. I could still use some help packing so if anyone is interested just let me know!  Rita, you could go to Lex to see the grandchildren and just drive on down. We're only 45 min away.Laughing See you later.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,628
    edited May 2009

    Hi little whitedoveex.....You are so right about the "Look Good Feel Better" seminars.  It is so good for everyone....and if your like me and had not used make-up in years, you will throughly enjoy re-learning what to do. may not think so, but you will get quite a lift when you see how "good" you can look while you have no hair and are pale from chemo.  I also ended up with nice a nice free wig from them.  Many people thought it was my own hair with a haircut as it had highlights in front just like I use to do my hair. 

    I'm glad to report that I do not need the wig anymore but I am still using make-up and see no reason to quit. 

    Stella....hugs to you and your are both fantastic women.



  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2009

    Now I am feeling "older", I am at my 45th College reunion this weekend

    lots of youngsters here too...and some older than dirtsters too...

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited May 2009

    Hi Ladies, I hope you are all hanging in there. Pam, I am hanging in there like you said,

    I have to retie the rope sometimes, SoCallLisa, You look alot younger, Patoo, I love to see

    your smile and love your book you sent me, can I call you sometime. Spar, I am so glad

    to see you here, Have missed seeing you on hugs and other lines. To all the others I forgot

    May you have a peaceful week. Hugs, Debbie

  • Gramof3
    Gramof3 Member Posts: 111
    edited May 2009

    SamedaynurseJan--I've missed you.  I don't think to check on the Illinois Ladies thread (since I'm across the MO River!)--please let us know what's up!

    Mikita--same thing--How are you doing??

    I know several of the Chooks are traveling, so maybe they'll fill us in when they return.

    Gotta run--more later!  Helen

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited May 2009

    Stella - way to go looking after your sister!  A couple of weeks ago I was feeling kind of low and would have just stayed in bed, but my older son was coming to town on the train and my grandson loves trains. So I rallied myself, got the little guy and we met his Uncle at the train. Then my daughter (mother to the little one) came over. I looked around the table at all of them and realized that the world has a lot of excellent parts - and felt so much better. I hope your sister gets a similar lift from your visit.

  • samedaynurseJan
    samedaynurseJan Member Posts: 162
    edited May 2009

    Hello Helen (Gramof3) from the *other* gram of nice of you to ask about me and say you missed me.

    We went on our long planned (pre bc) trip a few weeks back and had 10.5 days of amazing fun and 3.5 days of sheer torture.....we (and 300 others) got a water borne intestinal bacteria in Guatemala and spent those days in quarantine with fevers above 103, vomiting, stomach pain and relentless diarrhea and then somehow crawled out of our beds and flew back home to Chicago. I had to get my butt back to work on Monday and was really pretty wiped out from being so sick, Ive had all I can do , to do my shifts and get home for jammie time.....

    We have a couple of new surgeons at our facility who specialize in breast surgery so we are doing more initial and reconstructive surgery and I have taken over all of the teaching before, during and after as well as becoming the *support* makes me feel good to be able to help others face to face and to really mean it when I tell them I KNOW how they feel....getting this whole program up and running has taken some time that I had to find a way to squeeze in.

    I read the boards to keep caught up at least once every week but just havent felt like I had anything imortant to add.....I treasure and value each *friend* I have made here, each sister I have found, each shoulder that really does know how it feels when the tears just come for no reason and dont stop.....and that still happens. I have my first mammogram in ten days and I am already a little creeped out about it.....hopefully I will be ridiculously happy after its over.

    And of course I MUST find time to be grandma :)  My babies are leaving this Friday for Disney with my son and dil and I am busy making them *car bags* of fun things to do.....their mommy wont fly with the 3 of them, I picture it to be a bit like Vacation with Chevy Chase

    Love and my very best to each of you


  • amE2
    amE2 Member Posts: 90
    edited May 2009

    Afternoon Ladies,

    Stella what a great sister you are.  I think you are correct.  Making it a regular thing will make her know that at least once in a while she will feel good about life.  I also think it was smart of you to not focus on cancer, I would like to go out with friends and just focus on living.  Wish you were my sis, my sis and I have never really gotten along.  BUT she is taking care of my mom right now so I am grateful she is near my mom to take care of her.

    Lisa, I would have graduated from college just about 45 years ago also. So, instead I am going to graduate next fall sometime.  LOL, Well, at least I never gave up.  I started college at Kent State in Ohio in 1963 ( before the riots) -------- good heavens ages ago.  

    Jan, what an amazing thing to do and how rewarding it must be for you.  I belong to another organization and I give much of my time to the people in it that need help.  I know from experience how much we get back when we give.  It's sooooo rewarding.

    OK, ladies, hehe I am off to play UNO again tonight.  We are having Pizza.  I said, Pizza is good because you just have to order it in.  ;-)  The host tonight works all day, she doesn't need to come home and work at the oven all night also.

    I think my thinking is good, I am planning a long trip for next summer.  I told Robert I will save my money for it when I go back to work next year and if I don't make it to next summer he will just have all that money to spend on himself. (He is not interested in going along, he'd rather have the house to himself for a week or two.)  LOL  I am planning on going to San Francisco to visit a very old friend and then up to Oregon to visit my childhood friend that lives in the mountains in a Lean - To with an outhouse.  This outta be fun. :-O

    Have a great afternoon and evening ladies.

    Hugs, Pam

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited May 2009

    Hi Ladies, Just thought I stop by and wish you a wonderful day,

    Hello Stella, Lassie and Helen, God bless you and welcome to a very caring

    line, With alot of love shown. I just found it not too long ago and I love

    all the people here. I wish everyone a wonderful day, Hang it there, Hugs, Debbie

  • Gramof3
    Gramof3 Member Posts: 111
    edited May 2009

    Good Evening Chooks! 

    Can someone please give me some instructions on how to insert pictures into a post?  I think somewhere on a long ago post, there were directions given, but I can't remember and am too tired to read that far back. 

    O.K.  Jan is accounted for, but MzMiller is missing.  Also, haven't heard from Mikita. 

    Take care all.  Helen