Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Alpal
    Alpal Member Posts: 112
    edited May 2009

    Hi everyone! Hope all are having a wonderful holiday (for those of us in U.S.) weekend. Still busy packing, sorting, measuring, etc. Surfing the net for good buys on front porch furniture! I'm excited about this little bungalow with the heavenly porch. Buying a porch swing! Jo - hope you're having a glorious vacation. Lisa - bet you're not in Kansas anymore! Lassie - I really enjoyed Living Proof when it first came out. Don't want to give anything away, but what amazed and troubled me was the politics involved in finding funding, etc. for drug trials. Very disheatening. Nancy- I laughed out loud at your POM story. Bye for now.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2009

    not in Kansas any Effingham is that for a name??

    here is another shot from Utah...

  • amE2
    amE2 Member Posts: 90
    edited May 2009
    I woke up early today, excited over all I get to do before the clock strikes midnight.
    I have responsibilities to fulfill today.  I am important.
    My job is to choose what kind of day I am going to have.
    Today I can complain because the weather is rainy, OR...
    I can be thankful that the grass is getting watered for free.
    Today I can feel sad that I don't have more money, OR... I can be glad that my finances encourage me to plan my purchases wisely and guide me away from waste.
    Today I can grumble about my health, OR...
    I can rejoice that I am alive.

    Today I can lament over all that my parents didn't give me when I was growing up, OR...
    I can feel grateful that they allowed me to be born.
    Today I can cry because roses have thorns, OR...
    I can celebrate that thorns have roses.
    Today I can mourn my lack of friends, OR...
     I can excitedly embark upon a quest to discover new relationships.

    Today I can whine because I have to go to work, OR...
    I can shout for joy because I have a job to go to.

    Today I can complain because I have to go to school, OR...
    eagerly open my mind and fill it with new tidbits of knowledge.
    Today I can murmur dejectedly because I have to do housework, OR...
    I can feel honored because the Lord has provided shelter for my mind, body, and soul.
    Today stretches ahead of me, waiting to be shaped
    And here I am, the sculptor who gets to do the shaping.
    What today will be like is up to me.
    I get to choose what kind of day I will have!
    Have a GREAT DAY my friend
    maybe you have other plans.
  • Alpal
    Alpal Member Posts: 112
    edited May 2009

    Pam - I think that post epitomizes your attitude! Thanks. I need to read it every morning before my feet even hit the floor!

  • eccjan
    eccjan Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2009

    Wow-look at the number of hits to this link-baby-boomers-unite and support! I just celebrated my 10th anniversay since my dx in 1999 and after 21/2 years on tomoxafin and then 2 yrs on Aromasin, I have been juggling chemos of one form or another to keep the mets under control. I have not joined a forum before now either, but it is great to see so many others stepping up to support each other at this stage! @ 63 I have just had my 2nd treatment of Navelbine and am getting aquainted with the side-effects it brings to me. I am so thankful to have family, friends and a great support group of prayer partners to stand beside me as I have taken this journey....But-boy-it is still full of pot-holes and twists and turns! I have learned so much and still to try and research and learn the best ways to handle things...I am thankful for all of the sisters-whether your journey has been short or long-may you continue to do well!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2009

    Hi everyone..we are 2,000 miles from home and still on the road

    saw this today..

    and this

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,628
    edited May 2009

    SoCalLisa - today in Effingham you were 50 miles north of me.  Had I known what your itinerary was --- I could have run up and met you for lunch or something.  Wow !!!!  Who'd of thought.  Anyway...we do have some strange names around the little town of Posey, Ill...just a brief few miles west of us.  There is Woodlawn....nice there....Salem, Vandalia and one of my favorites because it's where I was raised --- Junction City.  Thing was....back then no one called it Junction City.  They called it Glenridge and that is how our mail was addressed.  Still, most of my life --- or at least after we got a t.v.....I always felt like Junction City sounded like Kitty would come running out of one of the three saloons that made up the town.  We also had a General Store, and our version of a one room school house.  Two hundred people...on a good day anyway.  I wouldn't trade it childhood, but when I was 18 I must tell you it certainly left a lot to be desired.  Sigh !!!!   We don't always see how special something really is....and most of what Glenridge/Junction City is now is trailer town.  A little sad...but I have lots of fantastic memories. 

    eccJan -so glad you found us.  It is nice ( well most of the time ) to have gone through and gotten through the earlier part of our life I think.  I know I feel much more in control and to work a whole lot less and be through the stress of raising children and keeping life going for us.  I, like all of the ladies here got blind-sided pretty much with having cancer because I certainly did not ever think I would.  There has been very little ( at least that I am aware ) in my family so I was whistling my way into great times...just dh and me and lots of time or so it seemed to do lots of fun things though we both still worked part time.  Well, life does happen while your busy with other things. 

    At least now I come to life ( this part of it ) with a bit of a different perspective...probably a better one.  My complacency is gone and replaced by an ability to look at lots of little things and see how wonderful they always  I do find a little in-tolerance too for um-appreciative people and for those who feel truth was never meant for them.

    Well all, I'm getting wordy you didn't expect that for a welcome.  We are glad you are here and hope you will stay a good long time.  I plan on being here until dirt disappears.  Pam is with me on this one...Rita too I bet....she is off on a driving trip like SoCalLisa and Jo.  We will see you again soon.



    p.s. always stunning pictures that make me wish I were there.  Keep them coming.

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited May 2009

    Hi Friends,

    Rita I had high chemo, No radiation.

    I forgot to tell you she got my diagnoses wrong, I is written I have stage 2 I have IDC stage 3,

    it says right breast, mine is left. She also told me I am depressed, I am very tired from being

    low on blood counts and iron. I just wish I understood why, How can she be a Phys Asst?

    Pam and everyone else Thanks for caring, I need to do something to stop this. Hugs Debbie

  • susan_CNY
    susan_CNY Member Posts: 64
    edited May 2009

    I guess I should be sharing that I did refuse tamox and the AIs and just had my 5 year anniversary to be rewarded with congrats you look great and your scars are so faded, wow! and  then it was now we need more views and wait to talk with rad onco with no eye  from this poor tech, cancer sucks

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited May 2009

    Lisa - your photos are remarkable! please keep them coming. I am enjoying your tour very much.

  • amE2
    amE2 Member Posts: 90
    edited May 2009

    Morning Ladies,

    I must go find out when the Indy is gonna run, my father was a mechanical enginer brought up in South Bend, Indiana and we spent every Memorial Day weekend watching the Indy run.  He was in the announcers booth for one of the races several years ago.   Good, good memories. 

    Allison I agree, and I do get up every morning and say something similar to what I posted and --- try to remember to thank Him/Her at night for another wonderful day on His pretty planet.  We do comparitively have a pretty planet.  

    eccjan --- welcome, what a nice bunch of ladies are on this site.  I just happened to pick it and boy --- what a good choice.  I am on another and --- it's not anywhere near as organized.  We really support one another here.  I am 64 so we are close in age.  Well, lol, I guess, come to think on it, we are all close in age here.  I think after 50 every one becomes close in age.  ;-)

    Lisa, that flower --- it is exquisite. What pretty colors.  More please  :-)

    Debbie, keep working on the problem and it will work out the best way for you, at least that is what I am praying for you. 

    Jackie, Yes, I am with you.  I think when I hit 110 I may not wait for dirt to disappear any longer.  I am on a "I hate housework" site on facebook, if dirt would disappear I wouldn't have to be on it anymore.  ;-)

    Have a great one ladies.




  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,628
    edited May 2009

    Susan -  I am distressed with your news, but at the same time seems like you have gone through a lot in your dx line and came through it.  I am just is one more thing and am thinking --- you'll get through whatever it is too. 

    As far as refusing tamox and AI's ----  can anyone ever be sure?  I do know that there are a certain number of people who will have a cancer - wherever - do tx for it, and they never get any more.  No one seems to actually know for the rest of us, all we can do is make the best decision we can and then as so many of the other ladies have said...don't look back.  We hope and pray it's enough. 

    What do I really believe....if I said most people would find it upsetting and great cause for dissension.  Lets just say in a very mild way....our trials do promote growth and lots and lots of learning.  What would you really learn in life if you had no trials and tribulations to overcome.  You would have no idea how strong you really are, or how much determination you actually had....and perhaps no idea of how deeply you cared for many, many things, and how many people care about you. Here's hoping that whatever is going on can be fairly easy to handle. 

    I'm sitting here hoping it does not rain too much more today but thinking....that would be too nice.  More for tomorrow too.  We are due to be up early for a drive to the Marion V.A. for Dh to have a test.  Marion is 70 miles south of a long way to go early but then hopefully the procedure is done early and we can get back home. 

    Hope you all have a good Memorial Day today.



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,628
    edited May 2009

    Pam - we were posting at the same time.  Housework is not my favorite thing either.  I have a secret though....probably over-all the biggest reason for sending most of my household to the auction floor is....if I don't use it--I don't want to have to clean it --  store it   --  take care of it.  I hate even thinking about the fact that this big IDEA struck back at the end of 2007.......just before I was diagnosed.  I had started gathering things and had them in cartons in one end of my living room.  They are still there....along with a lot of other things since I have gotten through all my txs, a vacation ( 33 years overdue ) a lot of cleaning ( which needs re-doing as I clear spaces ) and just the normal everyday stuff.  We actually thought we'd have a lot of stuff already at the auction warehouse....but the story of my life ---  nothing seems to happen when I think it will.  It will come and in some ways I can't wait. 

    I'm thrilled most of the time about my life and I don't get all racked up over my age --  not too much over my weight though it should come down.  Just does seem though that I am not able to accomplish the great cleaning feats that I once did.  Or maybe it is this --- I did not appreciate my ability to multi-task.  I didn't appreciate it because they and I didn't recognize that is what most women did....all the time.  I need a do-over on that part and I'm not going to get it. 

    In my first marriage of 10 years ( I knew it was possibly futile at 2 yrs. but kept trying ) I left Michigan with 2 babies and four suitcases.  Started over in California....had some family there.  They helped me into an apt. and I had all their cast-offs.  I used everything I for an extra towel set or two and some extra cooking pans. It was one of the greatest times in my life.  I had nothing ( certainly far from my home warehouse now ) and yet because I could clean in 1/2 hour and have things spotless, I had time to play with my children, read the books I loved and be ready to do anything my Mom suggested ----  like taking the kids to a park.  It was a carefree time and I felt like I really got to live and experience things w/o the clutter of things and more things.  I yearn to go back ( doubt you can ever do that completely  ) to a much simpler style of living.....because I want to make my life everyday....not take care of an accumulation of things every day. 

    There are some in my family who think it won't be long ( after I've cleared it all out ) that it will all be back.  I don't think so....for one thing..,I've had this idea for a long, long time now and I can get  very immovable when I want something....and having said that...I need to get up and get busy.  Again....hope you all have a great day.



  • amE2
    amE2 Member Posts: 90
    edited May 2009

    Hi Ladies again,

    It must be a holiday as I seem to have time on my hands.  LOL

    Jackie, thank you for " ...if I don't use it--I don't want to have to clean it --  store it   --  take care of it."  You might add to this "...if I want it I can't have it, I can only have it if I need it and it has a specific use.  I am going to add the first part, your part, to my "bag of living tricks."  Again, your philosophies of life and mine are so similar.  :-)

     Susan, I have a question but you don't have to answer it, I will understand if you don't.  You had cervical cancer first?  Is your present cancer BC or mets from the cervical?  The reason I am asking is that the Al's are specifically for BC as I have been told, so if you refused them I can understand why, but if it is actually considered BC then I would be interested in your reasoning. I was told that where ever the BC had gone in my body it is still considered BC and the Al's will treat it. Actually that is also what I learned in my Anatomy and Physiology classes for Health Info. Management.  I am still learning about this disease and how it acts and the reasoning  people use for their choices just so that sometime in the future if I have to make one of those choices (decisions) I will have background info.

    You have gone through a lot.  You seem to have a lot of inner strength.  I know when I first went to the Dr. I knew I had let this go way to long and that my prognosis was not going to be good.  I was surprised and pleased when they told me they couldn't cure me but they could give me time. I am of the belief that "what will be, will be" so if that has been your reasoning --- it would make sense to me. I hope you don't consider me to nosey. I don't mean to be.



  • eccjan
    eccjan Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2009

    Thanks for the warm welcome-you all seem so full of love and fun and encouragement-- was anxious to check back today! I really enjoyed your beautiful pictures and the inspirational "poem"-I will make a copy to post too! Looking forward to some traveling after school is out-even though I am on 50% early retirement and my husband is fully retired , we still wait till good old summer vacation for most trips. But as you said Lisa, life happens while you're busy with other things!

    I guess I am like many of you-working till medicare kicks in;)... I do love my work and need the goals to keep me going too...each new med. is a new challenge and adventure, but I have some other adventures in mind for my future and I trust the Lord's list is long too! Hope you are all having a relaxing, fun holiday!

    Hugs and prayers-


  • amE2
    amE2 Member Posts: 90
    edited May 2009


    I guess I am going to see the Indy 500 as a rerun.  It was yesterday.

    I knew Google was good for something.  My sister said to me just recently "Google it, I Google everything."  Live and learn. :-O

    ROFL.  That's what I get for doing nothing all day yesterday.  All's I did was read a book, didn't turn the TV on once, not even to see the news. If I had I woulda known, "I think," teehee, not sure anymore. Giggle,  Maybe my brain has become to dense to get the message.  LOL

    Hey, I have run across two people today that have lived 10 years with a Stage IV BC Dx.  I have no idea what is going to happen to me but it sure has given me lots of hope for just today.

    Hugs Ladies,


  • Alpal
    Alpal Member Posts: 112
    edited May 2009

    10 years?? Wow, how wonderful! Just hearing about it makes my day! Thanks for sharing. Jan - I forgot to welcome you. So glad you found us!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited May 2009

    Lisa...,you're in my homestate and I'm in Colorado Springs!   Did you take that picture of the building in Vandalia, at the old state capital?   We know we've seen it but we can't remember where it's at.   Enjoy your trip!  We did drive through we might have passed each other on the road!  Have fun!  We've been enjoying the Colorado sites and are headed for the Royal Gorge tomorrow and the Great Sand Dunes. 

    Well to the new gals.  I will get caught up when I have more time!


  • donsuzbee
    donsuzbee Member Posts: 43
    edited May 2009

    I was a camp counselor YEARSSSSSSSSS ago at a camp in Effingham, IL for 2 weeks. Loved it!


  • LiniWD
    LiniWD Member Posts: 9
    edited May 2009

    Hi Pam -

    The oncology practice that I go to switched to Florida Cancer Specialists back in January.  While it caused a lot of changes, I think it made the back office practices much more efficient.  Most of the nurses and all the doctors stayed the same, as well as the receptionists, etc.  Everything is much more computerized and it's really fun to watch my onc try to muddle through the computer to place orders (his nurse practitioner is always there to help!).

    My onc did say, that because Florida Cancer Specialists is so big, they have better access to the pharmaceutical companies.  Also, since FCS takes so many more insurances, they have gotten more crowded and have had to expand the chemo room so that now it looks like a factory. 

    As long as my onc stays my onc, I'll deal with the changes.  Hope your experiences have been mostly positive in Port Charlotte.


  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited May 2009

    Hey, JO, I finally found the older woman thread.  Yep, thats me too, of course a young older woman. LOL.  5 year survivor.  Have been off arimidex for a few weeks now, at first was kind of scared like it was a security blanket or something.  Am hoping the side effects go away.  The first year I took it I had hot flashes so bad the bed would have to be change. 

    Hello, ladies am so glad to meet all of you.  It will take me a while to get to know each one.  I know JO and Footie and Lisa of the magnificent pictures.

    Have a great evening

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2009

    Hey, you know me too!!!

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited May 2009

    "dammit dolls".... 'member me???????? LOL

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,628
    edited May 2009

    I remember those dolls....makes me sort of seasoned/weathered/getting on in time.

    Hi to everyone....long day of driving starting early in the a.m.  Still dark when we got up, and to Marion for Dh's test.  Then to get something to eat.  Dh was quite a hungry guy.  Then to Sams for some supplies....back home, and a few small errands, then had to take Mollie to the vet....and after that back here for a tool sale...then dinner.  Now back home adn a few more chores....this little note here and then it is jammies time.  I'm about done in....but we did accomplish a lot today so maybe I can go at a much slower pace tomorrow. 

    Hope you have all had a really good day.



  • amE2
    amE2 Member Posts: 90
    edited May 2009

    Evenin' Ladies,

    Welcome Spar2, it seems you know everyone except me. ;-)  I'm Pam. HI (wave going on here)

    Lynn, Yes I use Florida Cancer Specialists.  My Dr. is Dr. Lunin, Mary Scot is his PA.

    I like the Chemo Therapy room here, it is big yes, but has a whole wall that is glass at one end, with a garden on the other side of it, very pretty.  You can sit where it is cool or where it is warm in the sun.  Last time I sat in the cold part and they couldn't find a vein so next time I am sitting where it is warm.  That will be around the second week of June. I love their practice down here.  My surgeon wanted to send me up to Moffet, the only thing I know about Moffet is that people go up there at the end when they are desperate, he made me feel like I was about to die.  I asked Dr. Lunin about Moffet and he said, "your a long way from going up to Moffet.  That was a relief.  He keeps sending the surgeon, (which is Dr. Guarino, by the way), his reports so I am thinking --- sometime in the future? (shrug or not, ;-)

    Yep I am here in PC all the time.  I'd love to catch up with you for lunch next time you are in town, just let me know where and I will be there.  That would be fun.  Fisherman's Warf maybe?  I love it there.

    I have been trying to work on an online Govt. form to get more financial aid so I can finish school.  Far more frustrating then cancer, let me tell ya.  I downloaded a whole new Mozilla cause they said mine wasn't good enough, (I did it just like they said to) and they are still telling me it isn't a certified browser, I have all the bells and whistles BUT---------. GREAT BIG SIGH.

    So I am with you Jackie, I have reached my frustration level for the night and am going to put on my jammies and call it a day.  I spent half the day in the Drs. office with Rob trying to get his diabetes regulated and his hernia taken care of and an appointment for his heart.  Sigh.  Getting old is so much fun.  LOL

    Talk to you all tomorrow AFTER I do my FAFSA (Govt form) and kick out a couple of windows and knock down a door or two, and throw my computer out into our neighbors pool..  LOL " IF ONLY --- that I could."  LOL.




  • LiniWD
    LiniWD Member Posts: 9
    edited May 2009

    Pam -

    I agree with you about Moffett - to me it is a place either of last resort or for difficult/rare cancers.  I much prefer the more personal "service" of my onc's practice.  Don't get me wrong, my onc is affiliated with Moffett as well as St Joseph's hospital and, if needed, he would send me there.  However, right now I don't and that suits me fine.  I know people who swear by them - but I also know people who have been overtreated or written off.

    I have only been in PC once, several years ago.  Maybe Manny and I will get down there this summer - he has a little 2 seat convertible that he wants to take lots of 1-2 day trips in (he's insisting I learn to drive a shift so I can "enjoy" the car as well - he doesn't understand that I perfectly enjoy being a passenger while HE drives the shift!).

    Good luck in filling out your gov't forms!


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited May 2009

    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a good day, I went in to get an ok for the cancer center

    to restart my breathing class and they still have not done anything, I don't see any

    one doing anything for me there. God bless you all in your Fight to win. Hugs, Debbie  

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited May 2009

    Calling all the chooks, here chook, chook, chook. 

    I think this old chook is losing her mind or Arimidex is some kind of mind altering chemical. 

    I had a bone scan booked Friday week ago, for my 6 month check up, (1st since mets dx) to be reviewed at my 3 monthly Onc consultation last Thursday.  X-ray clinic rings to change app't time for following Monday.  About to leave home, which is only five minutes from clinic, I look in my handbag for referral from Onc.  Nothing!  Looked high, looked low, no go.

    While tossing all the drawers and papers around during the search, I kept wondering if I had had a referral in the first place.  What if I had imagined it all?  As hard as I tried, I couldn't figure out why I would ring the x-ray clinic to make an app't for a bone scan, for no reason other than it was a good idea at the time. I mean, who would?

     Had to ring the x-ray clinic to cancel app't.  Girl on other end goes to ask radiographer if he will inject contrast dye without referral.  DH yells, "Is this it?" while waving the occult sheet in front of my face.  Yep, that was it!  Stuck to the fridge by magnet, right above the bench where I keep my bag. DOH! 

    The best thing that day?  This radiographer can get a needle into my arm in one go, without leaving a bruise!  I am going to ask for him for all my scans etc., from now on. 

    The x-rays were not ready byThursday, and I had to cancel my Onc app't because the hospital was flooded out. Mind you, I still got up at 4am that day to check the weather, in case we could still go.

    Wednesday, I get dressed to go to my local Cancer support group meeting, held on the fourth Wed of each month.  I have been attending these meetings on and off, for the last 14, yes fourteen, years.  When I get there, no-one is there.  Uh Oh! my brain says, it must have been last week.  So I go shopping instead and, when I get home, glance (without my glasses on) at the calendar , 'Ahh, this is one of those five Wednesday months.'

     This morning I finally got my head into ironing mode (my brain has a real hard time remembering  the ironing) and actually switched it on, when the phone rang.  "Are you coming to the meeting today, Sheila?' the meeting convenor asked.

    "No Joyce, I was there last week."  Then spent ten minutes trying to explain to her, and myself,  how my sense of time/date got so out of whack.  I went to the meeting today (damm, now I'll have to do the ironing some other time,) but it looks as if I'll have to put all must-not-forget things into my cell phone and set the alarm to remind me where & when things are.

    I must say, these brain pharts don't do much for an old chooks self-esteem.   



  • Alpal
    Alpal Member Posts: 112
    edited May 2009
    Sheila - thanks so much! Now that we've covered that subject, I won't need to post similar stories about myself. I will relate the tale about my brand new New Balance shoes which my dgd helped me choose. Orange and white no less. On Sunday I started my new daily walking routine, but they seemed awfully uncomfortable. Particularly a funny hump  on the outside edges of both feet. Hmmm. Yep, I got home and inspected them closely. WRONG FEET!!! The funny hump was the arch support. Haven't done that since I was about 5 years old. I'm sure all of you are laughing WITH me, not AT me.
  • susan_CNY
    susan_CNY Member Posts: 64
    edited May 2009

    Jackie, thanks for your post, I am out of control mentally, being miserable to my family, don't want to share with my Mom, I have to take care of her, You are right , I have done this 3 times before, I will find the strength again. I feel so defeated.           . right now, Actually sat down and got drunk and threw up for the last 2 days, now that sure is stupid weak person.