Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?
I was playing around and found this link about osteoporosis. It was quite detailed and might give some information to discuss with your doctor.
Edited by Mods to update link0 -
The only thing I can blame my weight gain on is eating too much and getting older0
JO, I can't seem to post where I'm from. Can't figure that one out.
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My 83 year old mom and I are going through the very frustrating time of waiting for the pathology report. She had a biopsy on Feb. 10 and we are still waiting. It went through 2 local labs and is now out of state at a 3rd lab. We are supposed to hear tomorrow but we have been put off many times already. Her surgeon is recommending more surgery to get a cleaner margin, a sentinel node biopsy, radiation no matter what, and either tamoxifen or arimidex. Obviously, I do not want her to have to go through any more than is necessary and am considering the quality of life after any procedures. She has osteoporosis and is very concerned about her back pain which she has had for years. It is also difficult for her to put her arms above her head so I am wondering whether she will even be able to do radiation. Overall, she is in very good health for her age and does not have any major complaints except the back pain. She has had problems with her joints in the past and is allergic to glucosamine. Her blood pressure and cholesterol are under control with medication. I am unable to get a 2nd opinion at a major cancer center until the end of March. Her surgeon wanted to operate prior to the report coming back but I told him we need to know the results before any more surgery. I am trying to make sense of all of the information I have so far.
I think what is scaring me is the sentinel node biopsy. I am very concerned that this will limit her range of motion further and possibly bring about lymphedema.
Any insight, thoughts, or prayers would be greatly appreciated!
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I had the SNB and 2 nodes were removed...I've had no problems at all. The more nodes removed the more probability of LE and decrease in range of motion.
I hope you can find a resolution of your worries about your mom..
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Jo...go to edit your profile, the page where it mentions public profile. Go down to the bottom of page to the "signature" line and just start typing in the info...
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Klp, how do you show where you are from by your avatar?
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I am "only" 63, 62 when diagnosed, but also am concerned with a quality/quantity of life debate. I had dose dense chemo before surgery, lump and sentinel node biopsy in December , and am taking Herceptin every 3 weeks. The chemo zapped the tumor and I had to go for a re excision to get a full 2 mm clear margins. The first only got 1 mm clear margins. I insisted on Deep Conscious Sedation versus full knock out anesthesia and my surgeon was very comfortable with it. My SNB was clear, so no further node surgery was necessary. I have a port, which I got after my first of 16 chemo treatments.
I have refused radiation for many reasons: I have 30% use of my dominant hand from previous reconstructive surgeries from a car wreck (NOT my fault), had a frozen shoulder when caring for my husband and mother, live alone, and IF I should have a recurrence, I am prepared for bi lateral mastectomy. It is not that I am trying to get off with an easy procedure, because this has not been easy, but is IS doable. Tuesday is 10 months since I was diagnosed and it seems like I have had to put medical at the top of my "To Do" list. I was diagnosed 3 weeks before my only son's wedding.
As much as I try not to obsess over this, it is hard not to look at the calendar and see "herceptin" or blood work, Mammo, or MUGA, or whatever other medical appointment I need for that particular month. But I am trying to keep a positive mood and I am good to myself when I have the energy and finances. Hugs and prayers, Nancy
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Hi everyone -
This is an interesting thread - I am 51, will turn 52 in two weeks, and am still getting my period! It's interesting to read about everyone's different perspectives from the "50 and over" group. I, too, am a member of AARP, single, no kids, recently ended a five year on and off relationship, and my mom and I live together - we are more like sisters and best friends than mother and daughter, and she has been my rock throughout this entire ordeal! If anyone is interested and starting chemo in March 2009, I have started a thread where I have insisted that AGE is NOT an issue! We have quite a diverse group there - several women in their sixties - and it is very upbeat and we discuss everything and anything. But it's great to find a thread where women in our age group can share our special and unique concerns.
Best wishes to all -
Maria (am I still allowed to visit even though I am pre-menopausal?
0 - mean how do you put in your state, country, whatever?? On "edit your profile" there is a place to show your location
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Yes klp. Thanks that's what I tried it. Here goes.
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LOLOL, well there you go. Thanks again.
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Sheesh, where is the thread for the computer challanged?
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Congrats Sharon!!!!! Now we all know where you live0
Hahahaha, well come on over.
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I don't have a passport..and I can't leave my doggie..thanks anyway0
Hi gals:
golly, I can not keep up with all the posts
but wanted to send special thoughts
for those with Moms in their eighties
They are so spirited and it is not easy
wishing them well and you too
re: N Home. yes I meant Nursing Home
back later
dont have a computer
so hit and miss
Hugs, Sierra
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I got mine.. period when in my fifties
was dx about 55 I believe..
or maybe more
9 yrs out now
nice you have your Mom
Mine is in a home
with some dementia and often
can not understand some of the things said
great thread here
I am in Toronto, Canada
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Hi Gals:
Another post here,
just wanted to ask if anyone here
lived in San Fran during the Hippy days
I did.. we could compare notes
send me a PM if you did
it was soooo much FUN!
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Klp, well we are a great pair then 'cause although I've left my dog in a kennel he's older now and I'm less inclined to plus I don't have a passport either. I couldn't afford the health ins. needed if I left my country.
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Hey Sharon guess we are stuck in our own countries..oh well. I did make it to Lake Louise and British Colombia eons ago..closest I've been.
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You say you have been on Arimidex for awhile. What kind of side effects do you have? I already have osteoporis, my Dr. says it will make my bones weak. I crushed the ball in my hip in Oct. 2008, had to have it replaced, my bone density test was really bad. I am a little afaird of the Arimidex. I also read where some women get a lot of belly fat. I am 65, I walk each day. I just want to know if any of you ladies have had any problems with the Arimidex? Also, in some of my reasearch, there is a Dr. at Wayne University who has developed a vaccine for the positive hormone receptors, she tried it out on mice and it worked. I just don't know if it has been tried on humans yet. I would be willing to try it out. I live right on the border of GA/FL. I go to the cancer center in Valdosta, GA. I would appreciate any info any of you have. You all will be in my prayers.
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Hey, everyone,
When I first posted the question about having a forum for "older" bc people on Feb. 7, I got exactly 2 responses, so I kinda gave up and went to some other forums and wasn't on the discussion groups much.
Today I logged on and found 150 more responses!!!
I love it!!!
So, Moderator(s), can we please have this as a forum, maybe called "Older People (or Women) with Breast Cancer???
I definitely think that if there's a forum for "Young Women with Breast Cancer," it is a little bit ageist (or something equally discriminatory) not to have a forum for us older ones. What do ya'll think??
I suggest that we just leave that as the title of the forum and let people self-select.
I haven't even read all these posts yet.
I finished radiation Jan. 7 and am back at work (I only work part-time anyway) and doing my pottery--we have a show coming up. I am taking tamoxifen (my onc. says that the protocol now is for 2 years of tam. and then an aromatase inhibitor.
Thanks for all your responses and you go girls!!!! Northstar
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I apologize for the lack of responce when you first posted Northstar. Obviously it is a good idea. Hugs.
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Hi Northstar...I responded right away and then you disappeared...thanks for starting this thread. It has really been fun and interesting.
Glad you returned to see what you started
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Hi everyone..I am 66 years young, but am too old to be a boomer..
I was diagnosed over eight years right breast
I had a lumpectomy, six months of chemo. another DX so mastectomy...then a year of
tamoxifen and then another biopsy in the other breast with ADH so another lumpectomey..then four years of
arimidex... I finished up with that almost three years ago...
My mother said she didn't feel old until I went on
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You are does make a difference...I would absolutely NOT do chemo again
It was a three year ordeal with all the side effects...
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Luckily my Oncotype DX score was very low so I never had chemo. I don't know how I would react if I was faced with chemo in the first place.
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Hi JO - and anyone else interested in posting their photo, or "avatar". It's very easy. Just click on "My Home" above. Then click on "View My Public Profile" then on the right, click on "Edit my profile". The first box you'll see under Public Profile Information is "upload your own avatar". Click on the "Browse" button then navigate through your hard drive to find a photo that isn't too large, click on it, then click on the "Open" button. Then scroll to the bottom of the page and click on "Save". Be sure the photo you chose isn't too large. You can edit a very large photo using different software. I simply open any photo with Microsoft Office Picture Manager - and then crop it and resize it to make it the smallest size possible (Email - small). I just changed my avatar to show the REAL me (goodbye to Signourney Weaver the "warrior woman"). Hope this information helps! And I hope the moderators give us our own forum - it'd make it easier to find different threads instead of having to read pages and pages in this one long thread - although I must say it's fun to read everyone's stories in one place (time-consuming, but fun!)
Oh - and another fun way to post pictures in the thread itself. While you're typing, right next to the yellow smiley emoticon there's an icon that looks like a tree. Click on that, then put in the url of any photo you like from the internet and click "insert". If you use photobucket or any other photo service it's easy to load your own pictures. Me - I like to post goofy emoticons!