Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?
Hi there..
you are, My family is in a N. Home
anyway, tks to the sister who started this thread
and Ill keep checking back
hope we can get something going here
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JO-5 - you have an amazing memory - Arimidex hasn't slowed it down at all! Thanks for asking about me - yes I'm looking at Stage 2 revision repairs on March 16th.........IF the Infectious Disease doctor gives me the all-clear (I won't know until March 12th) - and if I have a good electrocardiogram (again I won't know until March 12th.) I don't care if they have to postpone this outpatient surgery - I waited this long, I can wait longer - as long as I don't have to worry about getting another MRSA infection. God bless all my sisters here!
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I take Fosamax once a week. I also take Calcium with Vitamin D and iron, Centrum multi-vitamins. I never wanted to have to take pills everyday, but looks like I will have to. The walking does help to fight off the fatigue. I have a neighbor who lives across the street, his name is George, he has cancer in his knees, but he won't go to the Dr. He doesn't have any children, and his wife died about 14 years ago, I stop by and visit with him each day just so he knows someone does care. I have been trying to talk him into going to the Dr. but so far I have convinced him to do so. He's 77 and says he's lived a good life. Please pray for him when you pray.
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Mother, what a kind neighbour you are. I hope George isn't in a lot of pain although I can't imagine he's not. It sounds like he's had enough of life? Poor soul. Sending prayers.
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Lefty: I thought you had to be 62 to collect ss from a spouse??
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Swimangel, man! What an ordeal! I'm praying already about March 12 and March 16.
Motherof7, praying for you also, that you won't become discouraged by your neighbor's choices. It's hard to watch, but he is entitled to his own decisions. I too wonder about his pain level. Perhaps that will drive him to seek help? Hope so!
Rebecca, when you go to doctor appointments with your mom, don't be afraid to ask if any recommendation is being made because of her age. Or to put it another way, ask, "If my mom was 20 years younger, would you recommend the same thing?" did have a study posted awhile back about older women not getting best treatment options because some doctors didn't offer them to older women, so unless you're sure her doctors are on board with this, do ask. And on the other hand of course, if she has other complicating conditions (heart problems, say) there may be good reasons why some treatments are not an option for her now. Rebecca, you and your mom are definitely due for some GOOD news this time!
Be well,
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Swimangel: Thanks for your story. I'm so sorry you had to go thru all of that.
I am aware of all of the bad possibilities. I've read some good stories and some horror stories. I know we're all prone to infection when there's surgery, along with lots of other bad situations.
My oncologist, this evening, tried to talk me out of the surgery. She says I should just do radiation and tamoxifen and leave the rest in God's hands. She told me lots of marriages break up when a woman goes thru with a mx. She said it wasn't just my decision but both mine and hubby's . Excuse me...... but I don't see it that way. If he loves me, he'll stick by me no matter what I choose. I feel it's happening to MY body, and it's MY decision. I stuck by him with his heart attack because I love him and I hope he'll do the same for me.
I hadn't thought about a home nurse, so thanks for the suggestion. I certainly will look into that. And mostly, thanks for your prayers. I'm on so many Church prayer lists around here. I feel certain that's the reason I have DCIS non-invasive bc. I'm blessed to have another chance and feel I'm making the right decision (for my sanity and peace of mind).
God bless us all!
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Yes, Jan - congrats on the weight loss! I'm just recycling the same 20 lbs over and over! Right now, it has decided to be belly fat! I can flap it like an apron,which would be funny, if it weren't my tummy!!
I lost that same 20 lbs. last summer during all of the was easy to stop eating. It felt like the only thing I could control back then. Drat. I rather liked being told how thin I looked.
If I could only have
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kept it off!! Gotta watch those fingers!
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mikita: It may have changed, but at the time I was age 60, I qualified for widows social security -- had to think what year that was --- 2006. Cannot have remarried and the oddest question was asked: " have you ever declared a vow of poverty" - I had to have them repeat it 3 times. I was married and had worked my own 40 quarters, besides being the widow. Go figure.
As one ages, metabolism slows down - some meds do not work the same in an "older" body as they do in a younger one. And some meds are not recommended for the same reasons. Write down any questions and if possible, make a copy and hand to the doctor so he/she can address each of them individually. Do NOT Be afraid to ask. If you get any guff about it, ask him/her who should you ask?
I got the idea of using address labels for my allergy list after typing out several copies and carrying scotch tape. MUCH easier with the labels. I recommend having a list on your fridge and on the back of your front door - in case an ambulance is ever needed. Name & phone # of doctor is good also.
My mom is 95, in a veteran's nursing home because she was in the NAVY during WWII, as was my Dad. I am the reason she had to leave the NAVY !! I am familiar with the caregiver routine, with both of them, and with my husband when he had cancer.
Keep posting and asking and telling AND have a great evening. HUGS, Nancy
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Good evening to everyone !!!!! So many posts to catch up one my age should be working ten hour shifts cause I miss too much EVERYWHERE
Today I cracked up at all the jelly of the only best things that came after my surgery in Dec and my treatment that followed was people actually telling me how incredibly thin I looked....NO ONE ever tells me I fight each creeping back pound.
Silly question for all of you......have any of you given up any of the things you used or like because you feared they contain estrogen ? For example.....I have heard of people who stopped using certain face creams.....dont eat yogurt anymore.....will only buy organic dairy products.....and on and on.....I was hoping, that moderation would be good and that my anti wrinkle cream *bigsmile* and my favorite yogurt wouldnt cause my bc to come to life......whatcha think ?
Snowbird.....we are almost neighbors.....Im originally from Chicago and now live in one of the western suburbs.....and spent many many summer vacations up near Rhinelander if that is anywhere near your summer home.
Nancy what are you doing for health insurance ? Yes.........I am obsessed with health insurance, never thought I would be counting the days to 65.....1520 of them....this *little* cancer is running near 1/4 million dollars....what would we do without insurance ? and where would we get it.......Paula, if I could, I would retire in a heartbeat.....priorities....certainly do change
JO I was looking forward to the diagnostic mammos with the instant results no matter how high the stress is.....but you always make me stop and took them 3 weeks to call me back in for films after my routine mammo....5 more days to decide on an ultrasound....3 days to stereotactic biopsy.....and then I ORCHESTRATED everything else myself to happen within 5 days. Im so sorry to hear bout your breast injury....will we never have to stop worrying about them.....
Hi Debbie (sydpen) great to hear that you are hanging tough and going to grow old and have belly fat along with the rest of us.....sorry that you were staged so high but all things are possible now....even seeing 90 ! We will all put you right into our prayers.....Im curious about the rest of your story too.
Rebecca I seriously dont think an age of 71 would have ANYTHING at all to do with treatment....its all about the tumor.....the pathology etc.....71 is nowhere near the end of the road
It was almost....almost springlike here today.....rain tomorrow, lots of it. Thanks to all of you for always being *here* when* I get home at night....
Be healthy, be happy
I am TRYING to figure out how to post a picture.....pathetic , this aging thing !
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Calcium is for bone health - osteopenia, osteoporosis - or that is why I take it. Ca = Calcium
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JO I sent you a PM cause I talk too much sometimes here ......*rolling eyes*
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wow, what a cool thread this is! I am a triple primary cancer survivor , cervical, colon and breast (in that order). At 51 when dx with the cc my docs kept saying you should do chemo at your age, I got annoyed finally and said to my husband, 1 more young doc tells me I am old I am going to go off, he said honey they are saying you are young ( so I was feeling pretty sassy) a year later I was dx with bc and came here, was really confusing to get old again so fast! lol so now I am a young 57 and love reading about others my age, thanks all of you, menopause stinks but there really is strength in numbers and sharing is comforting
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I take calcium 600mg with Vit D 400mg twice a day. If I add the multivitamin that I have now (One-a Day Womens), it has vit D also, 800 mg. That would be 1600mg. Not sure if that is too much, so I have been skipping the multivitamin. I may just switch to calcium pill that does not have vit D in it, and then add the multivitamin. But just wondering, how much vit D are you taking - anybody? Thanks!
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I take a supplement from GNC that contains 1000mg Calcium/500mg Magnesium and 800U of Vit D-3 and I take an additional 400U of Vit D separately as I live in a climate that holds little sunshine in the winter....a lot of women with bc are Vit D-3 deficient, I was one of them. If you are on Arimidex, the Magnesium is good to help keep bone and joint pains at bay.....this is what I was told by the Dr
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You made me feel so much better!
Mom had her appt today with the surgeon post op for the mastectomy. Apparently the tissue is ALL CLEAR (which is great news- but of course, probably due to the fact that she had a lumpectomy first).
For some reason the stupid pathologist thought it was a "simple mast" so there was no report on the nodes. Not really sure what he did with the nodes... but hopefully we will get a report next week when we meet with the Onc.
We also don't have the receptor status back either which is strange to me, but that's an HMO for ya!! (one in particular anyway).
Thanks again!!!
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Great news, reba, for your mom and clear tissue. Some of the pathology takes a few days, so it becomes another waiting game. Hugs.
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Jo-5: I finallly managed to get a picture on. I almost gave up too. It took forever. Everyone picture I tried at first wouldn't work because they were too big. I managed to re-size this picture, and then it worked. I am sure there are many people who will come along and can better explain how it is done. For me, it was trial and error.
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My FNP advised me to take 2000IU of Vit. D/day...I am only taking 1000IU but D is in my multi and other foods. I take Citracal which has Vit. D and magnesium..take 2 a day spaced apart.
I took the Vit. D blood test and my level was I'm fine.
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samedaynurseJan: Thanks for the tip on Magnesium. My multivitamin only has 50mg in it. I will check out the GNC supplement you mentioned!
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Is your belly fat from the Arimidex? I am suppose to go on that next Monday. I went to the AstraZenica sight and most of the ladies there said it made their bones hurt, and some said they couldn't hardly use their hands. This scares me. How about you ladies, how is the Arimidex affecting you? Would appreciate any comments. I really do believe in Jesus Christ, and I am praying for all of you.
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klp: I take caltrate with vit D the same way. It provides a total of 1200 mg calcium, 800 mg vit.D, and 80 mg. magnesium. If I add the multivitamin which I currently have, that would add 800 mg vit D (which I guess is ok, as that would be 1600mg. I just need to figure out how much I take in in food each day...) and 50mg magnesium. Total magnesium would be 130mg, well under the 500 mg others are taking. I am going to check out the GNC supplement. Want to do all I can to ward off any side effects that may be coming my way on arimidex!
By the way, no doc mentioned checking a blood level for vit D. How may of you have had this checked?
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Arsura....I had to ask my FNP for the paperwork to get the Vit. D blood test..I don't think it is something the docs automatically suggest. One just has to be proactive.
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JO-5: Thanks, but if the picture were clearer, you would know I am 51.0
klp: I think I will ask at my next visit. Thanks!
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Good idea, arsura...
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I have been on Arimidex for almost 3 months, and not noticing much of anything yet. Skin very dry, but then, I think not much different than usual for winter time. It may be too soon for some side efects to show up, but I am hoping for the best, and trying to take the vitamins, calcium, and exercising as is suggested.
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Hello everyone!
What a great topic this is and I have enjoyed everyone's posts very much! You all have shared some really helpful information! I will be 53 in May and am looking forward to turning 55 so I can get lots of discounts!
I love the suggestion of a forum for post-menopausal BC survivors. Only those of us who have been through meno understand the far-reaching effects, such as weight gain in places we didn't know we had fat cells, aches and pains, foggy brain, and anything related to being "seasoned". I think a lot of my discomforts are a result of menopause, rather than "just" breast cancer, such as the blob of chemo-related fat around my waist that doesn't want to budge all of a sudden!
Dealing with menopause is tough enough, but having breast cancer with it often presents a whole new set of issues and problems we need to discuss. And I am sure the younger set could also benefit from all the great wisdom on such a forum!
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Re fat: I found I gained weight with chemo.......could have eaten a bale of shavings and enjoyed it.......and the eating obsession has just continued with Arimidex. I suspect it's all normal post meno stuff just magnified by the fact we are on AI's. I remember when AI meant artificial insemination........sigh.