I need help.. Breast Cancer 3Day


My name is Robyn and I am a 1 1/2 year breast cancer survivor. I've decided to celebrate my cancer-free-ness by doing the Twin Cities Breast Cancer 3Day and I need help raising the $2300 minimum I need to be able to walk! 

This message board was a definitely "life line" for me when I was diagnosed. I had a million questions, fears etc....and always felt better after I came here and talked with other survivors and others going through exactly what I had gone through.

 I come back here every once in a while to "Pay it Forward"....lending advice to others who were just diagnosed, etc.  Its the right thing to do. Help others out since SO many helped me get through those months! 

 Anyway...if you can find in your hearts (and your pocketbooks) to make a small donation on my behalf, I would truly appreciate it!  It doesn't have to be a lot...every little bit helps!!  I will walk in honor of YOU or someone you know who has beaten breast cancer or unfortunately lost their battle with this awful disease!   Let's STOP this now....because everyone deserves a lifetime!

Here is my 3Day website:  http://www.the3day.org/site/TR/Walk/TwinCitiesEvent?px=3095707&pg=personal&fr_id=1302

Thank you and God Bless!



  • whoopsiedoodles
    whoopsiedoodles Posts: 224
    edited February 2009


    Hi there!  I do believe that your intent is honest, good and pure.  However, I would suggest getting approval of the moderators to post this, as it might be deemed against community guidelines. 

    There is a thread specifically for fundraisers, but this one is meant for bc.org donations. 
    Good luck!  I have been wanting to do this walk since my 2005 dx.  It looks amazing. 


  • miechelabaquita
    miechelabaquita Posts: 1
    edited February 2009

    hello girl i'm miechel ca me from philippines i'm a reasher iu just want to know  what did you do in order to survive?? And thank god for the extended life that you have...

  • artsee
    artsee Posts: 701
    edited February 2009

    Robyn..I agree with whoopsie, I don't think this is going tp fly.......check it out.